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File: 17 KB, 823x204, 4chan_g_86347624 - Anon reads outside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20170032 No.20170032 [Reply] [Original]

How do you typically read when you're not at home?
Do you carry a book or e-reader in a bag or do you read on your phone?
If the former, when do you do when you don't need a bag for anything else? Do you go out with a bag just for the book? Do you hold it in your hand?

Pic semi-related I guess.

>> No.20170072

i take my bag with my pretty much everywhere i go anyway so i just keep my book in there

>> No.20170079

what book is in the purse right now, femanom?

>> No.20170096

the complete poems of emily dickinson. but i'm not a girl

>> No.20170108

If it’s nice out, I’ll pace out in front of my apartment while reading

>> No.20170147
File: 219 KB, 900x582, 2012-02-06-Matter-Of-Fatly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in an apartment and every now and then I'll get out my camper chair and sit out in front and read, when the weather's good. All my section 8 neighbors look at me like I have three heads or I'm waiting for someone to sell me drugs.

At the cafe I'll just carry one or two books with me in my hand, did the same thing at the beer garden when I still drank. Or if I'm reading something on my kindle I'll just bring that.

On walks (sometimes I read while walking) I either take one paperback or my kindle. I try to pick a paperback small enough to fit in my back pocket in case I need my hands.

Sometimes at restaurants I'll bring my tablet and read on that, like when I was obsessed with reading Honzuki no Gekokujou in japanese, I'd read on my tablet with a kanji dictionary pulled up. Obviously not at very nice restaurants.

At very nice restaurants I read primarily on my kindle, because paper books look kind of low class in my opinion and I don't want to get them dirty. Kindle just kinda looks like I'm on my phone (although I don't own one, fuck spy devices).

Anyway OP if you want to look classy wear something with big enough pockets to fit a paperback or your e-reader and read on that. And if you can learn to read and walk at the same time you can increase your consumption of text drastically.

>> No.20170379

I skip school and go to the woods and read there. Today I was freezing so bad I had to take a bus home sooner than expected and I spent rest of the day reading at a local cemetery, it was still freezing but I found a perfect spot where the sun always shines so I was just barely comfortable which in my opinion is the best state to read in. I also pissed 3 times on some hungarian surname grave.

>> No.20170463
File: 193 KB, 1638x1001, 1645070695797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I can only read outside most of times, it's more distracting inside my house for me

>> No.20170500

Paperbacks, usually that Oxford World Classics or Penguin size. I carry it on my backpack.
I just almost always carry a bag. There I keep my raincoat and other useful stuff. If I'm going to the theater or a concert I assume I won't be reading anything anyway.

>> No.20170545

yeah i bring a bag if it's going to be easier to carry the book in. this isn't a big deal; it's just a bag.
i usually am reading 2 books at once, one of which is a manageable size to carry around and read on the subway etc

>> No.20170655

before kung flu i'd commute to work by train, 1hr to and 1hr from. that when i would read and if it was an easy or a slow day at work i would read during the lunch break as well in the days off from the gym. during kung flu i fully WFH so obviously it was way easier and much more time. starting next week ill start to go 3 days into office each week so i'll get back to my reading routine on the train. i just take the book with me in my gym bag, i carried it daily since that's where i kept my food, other useful trinkets and 3 days a week the gym clothes. it is a nice and comfy routine.

>> No.20170665

Honestly, the fact that this was posted, along with the image in OP, confirms that you are autistic. I remember reading a post by an autist who swears by getting bullied every time he is outside. Said he was British.

>> No.20170852


Reading outside unless it's course material is seen as weird and cringe. You have to have a lot going for you like really good looks to get away with doing something like that

>> No.20171520

Read da books on me phone

>> No.20171528

I love reading in quiet coffeeshops. Get a bookbag :)

>> No.20171545


I would love to carry around a man bag. You set the trend, kindred anon

>> No.20171627

I like quiet places, not being at home is great because it also makes it almost impossible to fall for distractions.

I carry the book I'm reading in my backpack, I have to take a 1 hour bus ride to uni everyday and it's almost always empty, nice and quiet, so I just sit down and read for the hour.

I'd love to carry my ereader but I live in the second world so it's not safe to hold something that looks like a tablet in broad daylight.

>> No.20171822

Whenever I go to a doctor's appointment or something else with a long wait time, I'll usually carry a book with me in my hand unless it's raining. Apparently this is bizarre behavior nowadays as I've had multiple nurses act like I'm lugging around a brick of cocaine. "What is that? A book? Never see that anymore."

It can be a good conversation starter, though. One time this cute Latina on the train started asking me about this fantasy book I was reading with a cool-looking girl on the cover. We talked for about 10-15 minutes and were flirting a bit. Then I realized she was in high school and I rushed off the train at the wrong stop as if the cops were waiting in the next car to storm in and say, "Surprise, mother fucker."

>> No.20171882

I read in the park, there's this big park not to far from my home that can be really crowded depending on the day and hour, so i usually go around 11am and stay there 2-3 hours.
Haven't seen anyone else reading there, mostly just couples kissing on benches and parents taking a walk with their kids.
I carry a backpack with the book and some snacks, don't really like holding it in my hand, also i feel safer with a backpack for some reason.

>> No.20171887

16 is legal in many states. Should have eaten her ass.

>> No.20172630

I have a long lunch break at work so I usually take a walk along the nearby river while reading. People from the neighbourhood have started to recognize me and I hear them all the time saying stuff like
>here comes the professor
>yo there's the poet
>maybe he always comes here because he is in love with you
Anyway to answer your question I just carry the book by hand. No bags or anything. Got a kindle for Christmas and I gotta say it is much more practical and less conspicuous, but I still prefer paperbacks

>> No.20172698

> if you want to look classy
You will never look classy.

>> No.20173013

>cute Latina
worth it desu

>> No.20173565
File: 45 KB, 640x641, the most powerful nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i usually am reading 2 books at once
Like, simultaneously?

>> No.20173575

I put it in my pocket duh

>> No.20173601
File: 429 KB, 597x712, 1635640937909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just always have my kindle on me.

>> No.20173605

>Do you go out with a bag just for the book?
I have a backpack, and I never leave the house without it.

>> No.20175369

What kind of book fits into a pocket?
Or what kind of pocket fits a book?