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20237534 No.20237534 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /lit/ consensus on folding down the corner of a page to bookmark it?

Is it acceptable or a sin?

>> No.20237539

If anyone has strong opinions on this they're probably a lonely autist. Do whatever the fuck you want, nerd - it's your book.

>> No.20237541
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The only people who think this is okay are pedos and trannies.

Just rip off a piece of the ibuprofen box by the side of your bed and use that like everyone else.

>> No.20237544

I do it on books I read to gain information from but otherwise have no personal attachment to.

I don't do it on books I have a respect for.

So I fold them on business books or on any book that has a strictly practical purpose like me learning the language.

But I dont fold them on the Holy Bible and such.

>> No.20237550

I unironically tear pages out of the bible to wipe up coffee rings. I don't do that with the Koran though, because that really is the true and final word of Allah (swt).

>> No.20237557

i do it to remind myself to look up stuff the next day not as a book mark

>> No.20237563

Can confirm, mohammad said so

>> No.20237573

>I do it on books I read to gain information from but otherwise have no personal attachment to.

>> No.20237742

I just tear off every page I read and eat it.

>> No.20237756

I just remember the page I was on

>> No.20238376

t. only reads one book at a time

>> No.20238402

>I dont fold them on the Holy Bible
Why? there are a million of these books, and it's not like you diminish or scorn the word of God by doing this, lmao.

>> No.20238441

But that one is your copy. You don't own a million bibles. Retard.

>> No.20238447

some people are retarded. simple as.

>> No.20238456

I have several copies, faggot, and lots of them I got for free. Seethe and cope.

>> No.20238468

I prefer using ketchup.

>> No.20238487

I use pages of the Koran as toilet paper.

>> No.20238548

I don't mind when books have traces of life and stuff on them. I like an old dusty book. Bent spines. Dog eared pages. Brown papery discolouration. It's nice and cosy.

>> No.20238648

You can get a bible for free by visiting any church anywhere and asking for one.

>> No.20238670

G-guys, I folded the corner of my ereader and now it's not working...

>> No.20238880

got a really fancy one, greek, latin and spanish, wouldn't do that to it

>> No.20238899

Bending and ruining pages of books is highly suggested.

>> No.20238911

Forgiveable. Much worse are the people who write inside the book - I don't mean inside textbooks where it's expected, but people writing sums or shopping lists or some shit on the endpapers, just because it's a handy piece of paper.

>> No.20238938

>tears out pages of a book considered holy
you're note a muslim

>> No.20238950

I read through tinfoil hat trash sometimes and I have to correct, addend or make other notes regarding sources. Hacks tend to be lazy.

>> No.20239114

I just cum on the page last read. It's important to mark your territory

>> No.20239142

what about tearing off, chewing up and swallowing each page after you finish it?

>> No.20239163

Two sometimes actually, but why would you read multiple books at the same time? You're dividing your attention between different books. It's okay if one book is fiction an the other is nonfiction, or another is a poetry anthology you're grazing, but I wouldn't go any further than that

>> No.20239166

I take autistic levels of care of my books in general but then will have no problem tossing them in the trash if I feel like cutting down on my physical collection desu

>> No.20239167

Same. I just took out a well used library book and it's interesting that where I stop there seems to be plenty of folded pages. Like people generally read the same amount.

>> No.20239229

I just rip the pages out that I think are important.

>> No.20239392

I don't dog ear as a book mark but I do dog ear pages that stand out to me that I might want to re-read someday.

>> No.20239422

I bought a used book online and it has lots of creases on the cover. Later saw another copy of the same edition in better condition and bought that too. Feeling like an autist now for owning two copies of the exact same edition and I haven't even read the book yet.

>> No.20239828

I'm a bit of a folder myself.

>> No.20241057

i like to remember which of the two pages I was left off on.

>> No.20241063


>> No.20241074

The proper way is to glue together every page that you've read. That way you'll know exactly where you are and it will motivate you to keep moving forward.

>> No.20241078

The feeling of finishing a book and turning it into a single unreadable glue block on your shelf is also incomparable. To know you conquered the book to such an extent that no one can ever read it again.

>> No.20241086
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I just tear all my bookmarks or random pieces of paper over and over again

>> No.20241191

>t. Ezekiel

>> No.20241268


>> No.20241402
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>> No.20241447
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>finish the current page
>rip it out and swallow it
simple as

>> No.20241562

fr. only friend that judges me for highlighting and writing notes is a sperg.

>> No.20241604

paperbacks and library books only

>> No.20241609

Depends on margin size
>black, white... why not grey?

>> No.20241635
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Check out the doodles in this 1908 textbook

>> No.20241641
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>> No.20241643


>> No.20241654
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>> No.20241656

I do it on paperbacks to kind of track my journey with the book.
Frequent dog ears=hard to read/frequently took breaks
Larger gaps between dog ears show I was engaged and enjoyed large sessions reading the book.
All my hard covers have their own bookmarks

>> No.20241658

Cringe larger. The bible is also considered goly by actual Muslims as it documents the old prophets

>> No.20241662


>> No.20241666

Only allowed on a mass market paperback and then only under certain circumstances

>> No.20241667
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>> No.20241671

This Edward M. Kohtz seems to be something of a massive faggot

>> No.20241673

>library books

>> No.20241689
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I bank turns into your mother

>> No.20241704

man you mad my day

>> No.20241705
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