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20565850 No.20565850 [Reply] [Original]

>tell me you're a midwit tradlarper without telling me you're a midwit tradlarper

>> No.20565852

Nobody knows who they are.

>> No.20565881

I've never read any of these authors' books.
As a side note, what's your obsession with tradlarping? The people of the modern age are rootless, and there is no way to form roots without first larping. Everyone larps until it becomes genuine. Fake it 'til you make it as they say.

>> No.20565885

>Schmitt, Heidegger
Farfetched, both are very ”modern” thinkers, and destroying the philosophical tradition in order to unearth factical life doesn’t seem very ”trad” to me

>> No.20565897

My obsession with larping in general is that I find it highly inauthentic to not practice what you preach. As far as I'm concerned, you're more than welcome to subscribe to any worldview you like, as long as you yourself live by it.

If you don't, you're a fraud, and nobody cares about frauds

>> No.20566001

Remove Heidegger, add Spergler

>> No.20566004

you seem lost. maybe redd1t is better 4 u?

>> No.20566007

What's your highly authentic worldview?

>> No.20566012

Doing what you believe in

>> No.20566083

Why are you butthurt anon? Who made you seethe and cope that much that you had to make a special thread about authors you never read?
Is your basedbrain confused as for why people would read Schmitt? Why people would read Heidegger? Have you actually picked up a book or did you just skim over the Wikipedia page, seen that they are LE Opposite color on the reddit political compas and decided that they are LE bad?

Thank you for telling me that you're a midwit litlarper without telling me you're a midwit litrarper

>> No.20566089

OP struck a huge nerve

>> No.20566116

Guenon predicted this.

>> No.20566119

It's not possible to live a traditional lifestyle in a modern society. Sure, it's possible to move onto land far from the city, but how long until urbanites pass laws restricting your ownership of animals or rezone your land? How long until taxes are so high a corporate job becomes necessary and the illusion of traditionalism disappears?
My grandparents were farmers and found out the hard way that it's impossible to escape the effects of modernism on a traditional lifestyle. Just four streets away from me a man is being forced to sell his entire flock and farm because the city wants to build a subdivision on his land.

>> No.20566145
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Iv been following him for days, maybe weeks, months even.
Every Heidegger thread, every time Schmitt is mentioned. Someone posts Guenon or Evola, and there he is. His call, "tradlarper", can be found. Female shoes, but a male gait, yes, this is it.
Every time he replies that Heidegger only wrote something about Dasein. That Schmitt was just a nazi apologetic. That Evola was retarded and doesn't understand metaphysics (he indeed was a retard who didn't understand metaphysics, but for a different reason).
Every time I call him out, and every time he escapes.
Now, I have him in my sight, he won't escape this time

>> No.20566155

God be with you and good hunting.

>> No.20566157
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Alright bros so since existentialism failed and because it was built on flawed premises anyways where do we go from here? We know that the traditionalist, born in an age of capital and democracy, cannot be authentically traditional. What's next?

>> No.20566173

Just call everything a larp is quite literally not an argument.

>> No.20566189

How did evola not understand metaphysics?
ive never read him

>> No.20566191

You can be authentic in any society, time or culture
Thing is that you need to define yourself not according to other but to yourself, literally "choose your values" as Nietzsche said, exit "das Man" like Heidegger said, "strip naked before God" as Kierkegaard wrote.
It doesn't matter what you do, each life is unique and there is no set patter or set or rules and values that will make your life worth living (something the Stoics didn't realize), all it takes is that you realize that the world around you is inauthentic, that you are lost in this world. Once you find yourself as being lost, now you need to find yourself, stip your identity from from the expectations of other, look at the body and situation God gave you, and just do what you enjoy doing any moment of your life.

>> No.20566199

K and how do you know youre truly doing something that is not externally conditioned, rather than acting on subconscious impulses that are still the product of external conditioning?

>> No.20566214

>K and how do you know youre truly doing something that is not externally conditioned, rather than acting on subconscious impulses that are still the product of external conditioning?
Conscience, anxiety, and despair
You are constantly moving on the horizon of authentic and inauthentic life, every time you move towards authenticity you will eventually settle for a level of despair and conformity that is acceptable to you. The goal is to be moving, to not be inert.

>> No.20566225

That's a dagger reserved for egoists.
You can't be authentic in a modern society unless all of your motives and actions are thoughtless and driven purely by the pleasure of thr moment. Buy tbe funkopops, watch the new movie, support the current thing.
If you really are saying "do what you want to do," then no one is larping. Everyone is doing exactly what it is they want to do- if their ideal is to be a person who cooms and listens to gang rap while preaching God and traditionalism, they're still doing exactly the thing that they want to do. They are realizing their own motivations and acting on their own desires.

>> No.20566229
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Marxism-Leninism,subvert modernity

>> No.20566233

afaik he saw metaphysics as spiritual beings, like ghosts, and not meta-physics as in the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of physis, beings and Being. You can believe in ghost and spiritual beings like Angels, but that's not metaphysics.

>> No.20566251

That’s why I said existentialism failed, it isn’t a real answer. People that are traditionalists want to attain to truths and values that are permanent, transcendant, and outside of themselves. Nietzsche and friends were all coping with the death of mass belief in permanent values and knowledge. An individual making shit up ex nihilo, without cultural, metaphysical, religious sanction is the very stuff of LARPing, the real meaning of that term.

>> No.20566259
File: 414 KB, 564x796, Søren_Kierkegaard_(1813-1855)_-_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't be authentic in a modern society unless all of your motives and actions are thoughtless and driven purely by the pleasure of the moment.

The human body is unique and divided, is it composed from the eternal and the temporal, from the spiritual and the eartlhy, from the body and the spirit and mind; it is composed of the religious, ethical and aesthetic. Just like the human body so its life is composed of several antithetical stages that often conflict with each other. An esthete is one who lives for his aesthetic, guided by his senses and bodily lust, longing constantly for new pleasures, passing from experience to experience in attempts to satisfy the needs of his spirit. The esthete deals only with his personal position in the world, and since aesthetic pleasure are short-lived, the esthete does not have a solid framework from which to make coherent, consistent choices that would help him build his "I", his soul, his authentic self. Such a life, as Kierekgaard writes, is lost in the details, not in the absolute. It is impossible, therefore, to take care of oneself; one uninterrupted life in the moment, after which no one and nothing remains. But even a corrupt life can lead to a person maturing, even if mentally they are still children. The main importance in the aesthetic life is the overcoming boredom and indifference, of which only death is worse, and thus can help someone realize his level despair. Every drug eventually looses its effect, the hedonistic threadmill is real.

>> No.20566262

Actually both are true

>> No.20566268

So this guy is some sort of nazbol? Can i get a QRD

>> No.20566274

Schmitt is good the rest are ones I barely care about

>> No.20566281

I read Evola a long time ago and i honestly dont recall him ever talking about metaphysics in that way. Might have to reread him for that

>> No.20566287

>An individual making shit up ex nihilo, without cultural, metaphysical, religious sanction is the very stuff of LARPing, the real meaning of that term.
Thats French existentialism and Nietzsche, Heidegger and Kierkegaard recognise the geworfenheit/how God made you, your thrown and inescapable situation (from stuff like your parents, bad genes, the time you were born. etc.) Thats the only base you can build a meaningful life on, since everything else is a cope or Larp. Guenon larped as a Muslim, a tradition completely foreign to him and he always felt like a stranger for sure. Evola larped as a long-forgotten caste of warrior-aristocrats, something outside his time, and Im sure that he, in his old age, frail and without teeth, thought the same as Guenon.

>> No.20566300
File: 55 KB, 645x556, kantorowicz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schmitt is great when you look at who he influenced, his political theology is fundamentally flawed but that allowed Kant-orowicz to build an actual analysis of medieval political theology (which then influenced Foucault, but he didn't understand him as far as I care)

>> No.20566311

I existentialism I'm shaky on, decent moral solutions, bad ideological backing

>> No.20566320

Heidegger is coo shut up

>> No.20566324

Existentialism really should be seen as a form of therapy and not a instant solution, being concerned about your authenticity is already a big leap from not being concerned about your shitty life at all
Imagine growing old and dying without realizing that you had a life to live

>> No.20566325

Wouldn’t that just mean that traditionalism is impossible then? If you’re submitting to your thrownness or whatever and finding authenticity in that that means you’re submitting to liberal capitalism

>> No.20566406

>Wouldn’t that just mean that traditionalism is impossible then? If you’re submitting to your thrownness or whatever and finding authenticity in that that means you’re submitting to liberal capitalism
I believe that Heidegger would agree with the notion that you can be traditional inside your time.
For example, let's look at Jesus as someone who was authentic. In his work he didn't deny the customs or laws of the Jewish people, of of the Roman Empire. Another example could be Alexander the Great, who was ready to invade Persia but first went to ask the oracles at Delphi for guidance. He dragged her out until she screamed something on the line "Let me go! You can't be stopped" which was enough for Alexander. He could have easily gone against the traditions of his time since it wasn't necessary for his beings as a warrior and conqueror, but he still went to see the oracles.
Despite our freedom to do as we want we are still cultural beings and determination will rely on the way the world is, including the way das Man, ie our „current year“ configures it for us. Even when I have become authentic and the object of my concern is not in others, I am not separated from others because my actions and concerns will involve understanding the capabilities of others as well as my own capabilities. Authentic Dasein is set up and acts always depending on the possibilities inherent in its current situation in the world.
In the second half of Being and Time Heidegger concludes though the analysis of being-towards-death that for authenticity determination is the key factor. In the anticipatory determination the ontological being-towards-death is therefore no longer just mortal in the ontic, everyday sense of the moment of biological dying, but instead, being-towards-death now involves reconfiguring your life after this realization, after realzing that our actions and choices have no transcendent foundation or justification. This is the goundlessnes that the orange lad talks in that video. Heidegger wants to point out here that there is no authority to act other than one's own will, just like Nietzsche, and the authentic anticipation of death leads the Dasein to give up duties, obligations, rules, values, which he no longer considers binding and valuable. But what Heidegger also says is that authenticity is not just a psychological result of a private subject choosing his inner attitude towards the world and himself, but authenticity is an effort to bring about true change in society and the world.
So, for Heidegger in Weimar Germany that meant joining the NSDAP. For me and you, I honestly dont know.
If you are religious, like Kierkegaard, reading the holy books is the only true tradition somoene should follow, but to be religious it needs to be effortless.

>> No.20566422

im not reading this

>> No.20566426

eh suit yourself, you're on a board about reading after all

>> No.20566434

Bruh i aint readin all that

>> No.20566435
File: 13 KB, 657x527, Apustaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant read

>> No.20566447
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I tried to make it interesting

>> No.20566457

Ok I lied I did read all of it

>> No.20566468

The two Latins are retards, Heidegger is irrelevant, and Schmitt is fine.

>> No.20566472 [SPOILER] 
File: 196 KB, 1080x1350, 1652989765647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

>> No.20566525

Heidegger is a phil 101 subject and Guenon is important in mainstream comparative religion, should be replaced with Spengler and de Maistre.

>> No.20566542
File: 76 KB, 264x377, Jacques_derrida_pardonner_limpardonnable_et_limprescriptible_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heidegger is irrelevant
He kinda shaped modern continental philosophy, and with Rorty more and more analytics are studying him.
>and Schmitt is fine.
Sadly its mostly commies writing about him

>> No.20566589

Jesus did criticize the Jews and their practices. He's the original "Le RETVRN larper"
At that time in history Jews practiced their own manmade creation and not what Jesus decribed as the actual (biblical) Law. He argued for a return to traditional piety.

>> No.20566617

What do you believe in? Detail your worldview larper

>> No.20566650

>you can be traditional inside your time.
Le tradition of listening to celebrities, watching the Kardashians and playing le MMOs. Return to le BASED tradition!

>> No.20566668

The criticism "LARP" is toothless because people do become what they pretend to be.

>> No.20566697

Kantorowicz's King's Two Bodies is a must read for me, but I'm spending time with the Greeks again. Books like Fustel de Coulanges' Ancient City gives a good notion of ancient political theology. Hence I'm surveying political theology more or less chronologically. Perhaps I will move to Dumézil on Rome, but I'm very eager to read Kantorowicz on medieval political theology. I think that knowing about the medieval age would help, that's why I thought about reading Marc Bloch's book on it first. What do you think? And do you think that reading Schmitt before Kantorowicz helps to get the points the latter makes?

>> No.20566700

Philosophy is not relevant to real life.

>> No.20566732

>tradlarper is so busy justifying his inane behaviour he ends up inadvertedly arguing in favour of trannies

>> No.20566752

>Philosophy is not relevant to real life
Lmao, imagine living in a post-french revolution, post Soviet Union, post-modern world and think that philosophy is irrelevant

>> No.20566769

>postmodern world
no such thing; metanarratives have not been defeated in any sense

>> No.20566771

It's closer to something like willing to escape one's own time and circumstances. The affinity you're seeing is something closer to something like attempting to manhandle the demiurge with Marx & friends or the progressives. Troons are just sexual fetishists, completely irrelevant and a joke

>> No.20566784

Is Derrida worth the read?

>> No.20566789

>no such thing; metanarratives have not been defeated in any sense
I see, trannies, polyamory and faggots have been a core stepping stone of western tradition for centuries

>> No.20566801

Homosexuality, promiscuity, and transsexualism all predate postmodern philosophy and the increased mainstream acceptance of these things has nothing to do with dense French texts.

>> No.20566816

Yeah, and the Soviet Union had nothing to do with dense German texts

>> No.20566845


>> No.20566861

In order to be externally conditioned would require that the external conditions contain a meaning in themselves, but since everything is nothing to me, there is no external condition outside the one I give. Who would be their measure? As to whether this is truthful or not, I seek no higher justification because that in itself would be my condition and my slavery.

>> No.20566869

Ontology is a sub-category of metaphysics, so Evola's technically using the term correctly.

>> No.20566889

that's really a pathetic excuse considering your attempts to escape the present ended up in you posting on an anime forum

>> No.20567091

why are you even here

>> No.20567098

why can you not engage seriously and strawman? is it because you're mentally pozzed? spiteful?

>> No.20567222

Heidegger is not a tradfag, he pretty much created the post-humanist movement which is the exact opposite of the traditionalist cope

>> No.20567248

you're getting there…

>> No.20567382

leftists aren't actually interested in discussion, big surprise eh?

>> No.20567390

not an argument

>> No.20567436


>> No.20567469

Guenon essentially refuted everyone.

>> No.20567625

Of course, but you don't need to read more than grammatology to get his point.

>> No.20567634

this is a larp

>> No.20568132

nope, not surprising, but what confuses me is why they would come here in the first place because they just don't even read books

>> No.20568206

History is going to define our era as the era of climate change and identity politics. That's going to be the part of our contribution to the cosmos that's recorded.

>> No.20568232

>climate change is... LE BAD

>> No.20568234

Read Dugin

>> No.20568275

Get your head out of your ass. I said it'll define the history of our time, nothing about what it is inherently. Not everything is an affront to your shitty politics. The fact that the cultural war concerning climate change lives rent free in your head proves my point.

>> No.20568276

we know from Traditional knowledge that there are global climate catastrophes when cycles of time change, we are in such a period, and the global elites are probably aware of this, and are just using it as an excuse to seize more power.

>> No.20568286

Literally who tf cares dawg

>> No.20568289

>climate change is... LE IMPORTANT

>> No.20568300

people who aren't spiritual africans

>> No.20568308

What is certain is that Guenon was far and away the superior thinker compared to Evola.

>> No.20568315

how does one determine the relative value of one piece of garbage to another?

>> No.20568320

Guenon wasn't really a thinker

>> No.20568321

Gooin' on deez nuts iykwim

>> No.20568324

a relevant question for ur negroid parents

>> No.20568328

I come from a pure lineage.

>> No.20568337

But I actually am muslim..

>> No.20568348

no you don't nigger

>> No.20568350

that's a shame

>> No.20568357

>t. Shaytan

>> No.20568364

what Heidegger has to do with all this

>> No.20568410


>> No.20568421

le epic INTJs

>> No.20568426

Larper, post timestamped Koran and prayer mat within 10 minutes.

>> No.20568430

How is Traditionalism perceived as "INTJ" in your mind?? In what way does Ni Te Fi Se encapsulate the traditionalist view???

>> No.20568437

>profane retard implies i am a nigger
lel shut up nigger

>> No.20568443

Even David Wood has a Qur'an and probably has a prayer mat. Instead I will tell you what no LARPer knows: the underlying theme of Surat Al-Kahfi is time travel.

>> No.20568448

you will never be white

>> No.20568460

I'm Scottish and blond and my clan was colonized by Vikings 1100 years ago, you're a profane brown turd.

>> No.20568467

ur a celtoid lmao

>> No.20568500

Deez nutz

>> No.20568501
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>brown retard thinks it can decide what is white

>> No.20568506

A typical lettertard BTFO by JVNGIAN CHAD

>> No.20568513

MBTI is Jung but retarded

>> No.20568517

>celtoids accusing nordics of being brown

>> No.20568526

You aren't a nordic, you're a LARPing shitskin or a tranny. Prove me wrong.

>> No.20568536
File: 9 KB, 291x300, Fjord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink fjord water every morning.

>> No.20568540

contemporary jungianism: Dude, like we are all one, dude, like have you ever tried DMT?
JVNGIAN ANALYTICAL TYPOLOGY: I jsut found the meaning of life through esoteric functional analysis and I didn't even need hallucinogenics to aid me.

>> No.20568545

too bad you have brown hands and are profane. go back to africa, dog.

>> No.20568556

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.20568580

you don't belong in white countries, brown turd.

>> No.20568591

>endless seething because I called tradfaggots garbage

>> No.20568606

it just proves you're spiritually not white, some shade of brown, maybe a semite

>> No.20568633

>follows an Italian who deliberately got hit in an air raid and was obsessed with Indians
>rages against others as nonwhite

>> No.20568667

Heidegger is not trad, please read before posting

>> No.20568709

That's not really an argument, and he was more obsessed with Hermeticism.

>> No.20568745

seethe Evoloid

>> No.20568751

you will never be white, you will never be a woman, you will always be an inferior brown turd.

>> No.20568761
File: 126 KB, 500x516, sVwbFig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a massive influx of non whites on this board.

>> No.20568768

>thread about "trad" authors
>devolves into /pol/cels calling eachother brown
Every fucking time.

>> No.20568771

Missing Unabomber

>> No.20568772

Not really. Go to the hand thread and see that this is a white board, but as always the self-hating whites are disproportionately loud. There are probably also a couple of seething kikes in the mix, but they're fewer than you'd think.

>> No.20568778

Unabomber is a neo-luddite (anti-technology), not a "trad".

>> No.20568780


>> No.20568785

Heidegger's a reactionary modernist.
He's not deconstructing the tradition to make room for the genesis of a new philosophy or a new interpretation of being. He's deconstructing the tradition to seize hold of the original concept of being.

>> No.20568843

Intelligent people have trouble reading Heidegger (let alone midwits).

>> No.20569051


>> No.20569109

>n his work he didn't deny the customs or laws of the Jewish people
Stopped reading there. Have you ever read the Gospels? The parable of the old cloth? The old wineskin?

>> No.20569126
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another productive discussion on literature.com

>> No.20569136
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>tell me you're an apathetic projecting larper with no views whatsoever whose personality consists of baiting people online to pass the time without telling me that you're an apathetic projecting larper with no views whatsoever whose personality consists of baiting people online to pass the time

>> No.20569163

This post just made me realize how little everyone here knows, even about my favourite meme authors. All of this posturing... And for what?

>> No.20569201
File: 35 KB, 1457x299, tellme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me you're a midwit without telling me you're a midwit

>> No.20569215

Only Guénon is trad from that image, Evola was influenced by modern german philosophy and the other two fags were modern philosophers so not trad.

>> No.20569218
File: 134 KB, 1026x1339, Coomaraswamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evola, Gueunon, Schmidt, Heidawatshisname
>Nigga get on my level pic related.

>> No.20569221

There are plenty of traditionalists who practice what they preach, and when anti-traditionalists are confronted with this, they still cry “LARP”.

>> No.20569225

No, exceptional people who found the movements that grant normal people roots DO believe in all the shit they spew—that's what makes them exceptions.

No one has any roots in the modern world because modernity destroys roots faster than they can creep into the soil. Advocating a 'grounding' movement is the equivalent of incrementalists in the Pre-Soviet marxist period: a fundamental misunderstanding of the principles that they're attempting to apply. We're on a one way track to armageddon, all our efforts should be focused on that, whatever it might turn out to be; trad-larping is nothing more than a distraction that doesn't even provide the comfort that historic roots would traditionally have given; it would like trying to be a patriarch without having a family.

>> No.20569231

Use paragraphs, retard. If I see a single huge block of text which isn't properly spaced I assume it was written by a retard/esl who doesn't properly understand the topic.

Repost it and just use

a lot more


>> No.20569241
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>tell me you're an apathetic projecting larper with no views whatsoever whose personality consists of baiting people online to pass the time without telling me that you're an apathetic projecting larper with no views whatsoever whose personality consists of baiting people online to pass the time

>> No.20569269
File: 27 KB, 1008x333, tellme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me you're a fag without telling me you're a fag

>> No.20569278
File: 13 KB, 469x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me that you're a desperate projecting loser without telling me that you're a desperate projecting loser

>> No.20569354

Yes and that is exactly not ”trad” in the sense of Evola and Guenon who thinks that tradition and truth is perennial

Heidegger can be compared to T S Eliot

>> No.20569358

The philosophical tradition is counter-tradition. Tell me you haven't read Guenon without telling me.

>> No.20569524

Thank you kindly for your effortposting, please disregard the illiterate niggers.

>> No.20569582

>But what Heidegger also says is that authenticity is not just a psychological result of a private subject choosing his inner attitude towards the world and himself, but authenticity is an effort to bring about true change in society and the world.
You're not "authentic" unless you're trying to change the society? That's a rubbish take, and sounds more like political recruitment than serious philosophy.
>you have to fight in the culture war!

>> No.20569631

>for Heidegger in Weimar Germany that meant joining the NSDAP
But what was the purpose of those making the NSDAP? Why not create his own?
I swear, sometimes I think things would be easier if we were all just platonists.

>> No.20569643

This too. When is it ok to just accept society as it is? Would a hypothetical society whose system has assured its survival need to change in any way other than in the improvement of its functions and purpose?

>> No.20569696

No it isn't, Ontology is Metaphysics per se.

>> No.20569743


>> No.20570157

pretty sure schmitt is actually quite popular among leftists

>> No.20570248

Correct. I think it has to do with it being summer.

That doesn't prove anything at all, are you an idiot? if you're brown you are much less likely to reveal it on a website where whites are praised and nonwhites are shit on. White people are much more likely to post their hand, browns are much less likely to.

>> No.20570253


can you take your r3ddit cliche bullshit back to the midwit hive where you discovered it?

>> No.20570893

More like midwits who misread heidegger thought they were following his philosophy. It happens all the time see commies

>> No.20570896

>tell me you're X without telling me you're X
Dude please just suck on a tailpipe instead of bothering anybody with reddittranny memes.

>> No.20571023

you tradfags are fucking gay cause at the end of the day you cannot part with your bread and circuses cause you're just dopamine junkies

degenerate this, tranny homo that, nigger here leftist there

practice what you preach and disconnect your computer or shut the fuck up

>> No.20571097

I believe that thats one of his flaws, since from the root Dasein is being-in-the-world, so it would always end up with the need of an authentic change in the world
>and sounds more like political recruitment than serious philosophy
The humanitarian Marxists like Herbert Marcuse or Gajo Petrovich indeed saw it as political recruitment, but then it was for their own party which they saw as the only correct one

>> No.20571142


>> No.20571175

This is the only website I browse fren

>> No.20571209

tradlarpers are Catholic larper though so those philosophers makes no sense

>> No.20572588
