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20839488 No.20839488 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly don't understand what you can get from other books that you can't get from this. I'm not even a judgy thumper.

>> No.20839537
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Well, for one thing, a full-throated defense of incest.

From Genesis 19:
[30] And Lot [...] dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
[31] And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
[32] Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
[33] And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[34] And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our Father.
[35] And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[36] Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.

>> No.20839546
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The bible is probably the biggest waste of time. You could read anything in the world, and you choose to waste your time on scripture. Shit that was modified and edited to the whims of whatever king sucked off the pope the most. You may as join your leader on the cross.

>> No.20839553

What can I as a born hindu possibly get from this that I can't get elsewhere

>> No.20839558

Anyone who's read it knows it's a pretty poor book.

>> No.20839572

Well your religion is pagan and satanic first off. Not even a Christian btw.

>> No.20839589

I wish there was a /rel/ containment board.

>> No.20839590

Why don't you stop posting this and tell us what you think about the Bible instead?

>> No.20839597

this but 4channel. what's the point of books when you've got unlimited Redpills here?

>> No.20839599

Plus Moses’s dad fucked his own dad’s mother. Didn’t know that til I read Exodus last night. Lots of it going on when you read those genealogies.

>> No.20839601

just read Job.

>> No.20839633
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Abraham's wife Sarah is his half-sister.
From Genesis 20.12: And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
The Bible certainly enjoys its incest.

>> No.20839641

Hasn't read the Gospels/10

>> No.20839642

That's a good example of what I mean. I've seen semi-doomer, semi-coper Camus peddled here and full-doomer Cioran, but you can get your fix of that from Job and Ecclesiastes if that's what does it for you.

>> No.20839648

What's your favorite story? What do you think Jesus says about the Covenant between the Hebrews and YHWH?

>> No.20839654

As if hindus give a shit about satan beyond what millions of other demons they have.

>> No.20839695

I like the one where the angry, jealous god freaks out because his creations got too close to the tree of knowledge. I mean, who needs knowledge, lol?

>> No.20839710

Like I said, it's a waste of time to read. So why would I bother with it?

>> No.20839714

It's actually the tree of life which they were prevented from eating by being cast from the garden of Eden. They had already eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was their sin.

>> No.20839735

not a lot of zingers from the New Testament

>> No.20839765

This whole talk about incest is pointless, because the Bible never commends it. Not everything described in the Bible is a good thing, take Cain's murder of Abel for instance. Just because something is described in the Bible doesn't mean that it commends that action.

>> No.20839769

>modified and edited to the whims of whatever king
do you have any examples of this?

>> No.20839772

Put in in context you moron. It follows the stories of sodom and Gomorrah. Plus they were cut off from the rest of society. Plus it was a meant as a slur on the moabites that they came into existence through this act.

>> No.20839773

Cain doesn't seem to get punished for it -- no one could hurt him, lest what they did be avenged sevenfold. And next he got a wife, bore children, and built a city.
Lot's daughters don't seem to get punished for getting their dad blackout-drunk and having sex with him.

>> No.20839779

Why slur the Moabites?
Just trying to understand this book that motivates generations of people to kill strangers.

>> No.20839785

why read a book about jewish mythology?

>> No.20839788

We don't worship satan. That's a christian concept. So is paganism

>> No.20839792

Jesus literally says straight up that the sons of Israel are not inheriting the kingdom of god, its not jewish mythology, its an antisemetic manifesto

>> No.20839798

He was cast out, had an inhuman wife and his offspring were an abomination to this earth.

>Lot's daughters don't seem to get punished
Well we are left to figure out what happened next with them. I am assuming they realized afterward just how delusional they were in that time, because obviously they weren't the only people left, and had to deal with the consequences. Certainly the Bible never says anything good about that. And in fact incest as a whole is condemned by the time of Moses. It's just not good.

>> No.20839799

>king james version
literally right there in title, christcuck.

>> No.20839814

King James was only involved in funding the project. The translation of 1611 was largely based on the already-existing Geneva Bible of 1560 and the Bishop's Bible which was the old official version. All three of these translations are very close to each other, and Tyndale with his original translation had a big influence on their similarities.

>> No.20839821

>spaghetti is gross
>has never had spaghetti

>> No.20839830

i asked you to provide examples of how it was modified, anon, "having king james version" in the name of the translation does not show how it was modified to suit a specific need, which is what you claimed

are atheists really this dumb? lol

>> No.20839842

>his offspring were an abomination to this earth
Well, all of humanity apparently was, or the Flood wouldn't have been necessary.
Not much is said about Seth's progeny, though.
>I am assuming
I see, so now you're assuming the authority to write the Bible yourself, instead of reading what it says.

>> No.20839849

We literally don't have examples.
They were destroyed.
The First Council of Nicaea was unsettlingly thorough.
The Bible became a tool of the Roman Empire in 325, and we'll never know what it looked like before that.

>> No.20839855

so what you are saying is we have only your word and are supposed to accept your original claim at face value

>> No.20839888

KJV is for posers.
>look at me, I'm reading a book in antique pre-Shakespearean English, that makes me so mystical and esoteric!

Just read a translation in modern up-to-date English, you might even understand something.

>> No.20839930

I thought I was a fan of KJV, but those trips man!

>> No.20839935

Description isn't prescription

>> No.20839945

>I see, so now you're assuming the authority to write the Bible yourself, instead of reading what it says.
Why would you want to do that?

>> No.20839983

the tanakh is not jewish mythology?
salvation does not come to the jew first and then the gentile?

>> No.20839995

No, you have history.
Look up "First Council of Nicaea" yourself.

>> No.20840008

>modern up-to-date English
I'm presently reading the New Oxford Annotated Bible in RSV with Expanded Apocrypha, 4th version.
A PDF of it is on archive.org .

>> No.20840041

then give the examples

>> No.20840044

K sorry I said that thing about religion k shut up go away

>> No.20840068

>Please do lots of research for me because I'm too lazy
Learn to do things for yourself, slacker.
Or don't. See if I care.
Continue to labor under delusions of being informed.
I don't really care.
It makes you less relevant, and easier to control.

>> No.20840083

>snarky dismissive replies
Why are Hindoo LARPers like this?

>> No.20840097

jej thats what i thought; you are completely talking out your ass.
>the cool thing is w-we literally dont have examples!...actually now that youve called me out, there are now examples, we have "the history".. no i wont elaborate on that vague platitude by showing these examples I am already aware of but simultaneously would require me to do back breaking loads of research in order to point to

i will pray for you

>> No.20840109

Its the truth. Its also ironic that it was the previous anon (you?) that snarkly dismissed hinduism as satan worship. I've only presented facts. Satan doesn't exist outside a christian framework.

>> No.20840111

Other books have decent prose

>> No.20840147

>I honestly don't understand what you can get from other books that you can't get from this.
What a dumb fucking take. The Bible doesn't contain every story ever written!

>> No.20840159

You can’t get the truth from it.

>> No.20840173

Ugh. Page 6 of The New Oxford Annotated Bible With Apocrypha, 4th edition, states that a series of editors or redactors combined the various versions of the Bible, and that there's no way to know what the text looked like before the edits/redactions took place.
You can start there, since you refuse to make any effort.
But remember...I don't care what you do.
It's in my interest for you to labor under delusions.
It makes you weaker, and easier to lead into darkness.

>> No.20840200

It's fucking boring. There's a reason the church constructed a class of incels that spent their entire lives reading it so other people didn't have to. Go re-read Kings and then come back and try to fucking tell me it's legitimately worth anyone's time.
As far as holy texts go in terms of readability, I place the bible behind the quran and buddhist dharma, because neither of them seemed too keen to waste your fucking time, especially the buddhists. It's ahead of the bhagavad gita, though, which stands to this day as the worst fucking religious text I've ever read. Two and a half pages of Krshna telling Sanjaya "Dude lmao kill your friends it's fine because the body can be destroyed but the soul can not because the soul is eternal and cannot be destroyed like the body can because the body is not eternal like the soul is which is an eternal thing that cannot be divided."
>I'm not even a judgy thumper.
I doubt it.

>> No.20840860
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Christ is King.

If you can't take nothing from The Bible it's because you are spiritually dead like the average Chinese or just you are a little retarded.

>> No.20840869

and now we've come full circle and im expected to believe your statement at face value because you got ahead of yourself and made a scathing claim that is not actually backed up by anything.

>> No.20841505

>honestly don't understand what you can get from other books that you can't get from this.
Have you tried reading other books?

>> No.20841644


>> No.20841646

t. hasn't read it

>> No.20841701

- Number of the beast changed from 616 to 666
- Story of the adulterous woman ("Let him who is without sin cast the first stone") wasn't present in the most ancient manuscripts we have
- Only verse explicitly mentioning the Trinity is in 1 John, and the verse wasn't in the original
- Scholars knew for centuries that the Latin Vulgate was a garbage translation of the original Greek but were forbidden from publishing better versions under threat of being burned at the stake

>> No.20841720
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the bible gets fun when you read it with Jewish commentary from the Zohar, Talmud etc. where you learn about Eve being raped by the Serpent, Noah being raped and castrated by his son, that Jesus is actually an incarnation of Samael (Satan), and just about every second verse being interpreted as meaning that the Jews are to enslave and destroy the Gentiles.

>> No.20841773

>616 to 666
Both are gematria for Nero, don't see how this change is evidence of some 1500 year monarchal conspiracy.
>Story of the... wasn't present in the most ancient manuscripts
So are a lot of other verses, this is the case with the Old Testament as well. Compare the Septuagint and Masoretic Text, and now compare them both to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Oh man, spooky, it's almost like they didn't have perfect ways to archive and replicate texts like we do with printing and digitally, so over the course of hundreds of years sometimes there are changes.
>Only verse explicitly mentioning the Trinity
Have you ever thought to yourself that the Trinity being called what it is is a name that was come up with to define the relationship between the persons within it?
The relationship is explicitly shown in all the gospels. Look at the baptism of Jesus and tell me what you think of the Son coming out of the water, the Spirit descending upon him, and the Father speaking from Heaven.
>Scholars... threat of being burned at the stake
Papists, am I right?

>> No.20841784

i had to put it down. all sorts of weird stuff in it:
>7 day creation. why is god confined to days? wouldn't god be outside of our conception of time? why did god need to rest? very human-like god
>nonsensical and absurd noah story
>900 year old people
>jews lie and get away with it but if a gentile lies god punishes him. unfair god.
>many many genocides against non jews. cruel god.
>Number and Leviticus are ultra autistic. god COMMANDS you to built a tent with these EXACT measurements and these EXACT colored textiles, etc. with GOLD and SILVER and GEMS.. what the fuck? what kind of weird god is this? seems like quite a greedy god
and that's where i stopped. i can't take abrahamic religions seriously anymore.

>> No.20841793

>story of the adulterous woman not present in the most ancient manuscripts

James Snapp has disproven this:

>> No.20841796

No offense, anon, but how old are you?

>> No.20841797

Here's a definitive list of books you need.
>Odyssey and Iliad
>Divine Comedy
>Canterbury Tales
>Joyce's bibliography
>Henry James's bibliography
Anything else is dead weight in your shelf

>> No.20841805

why does your holy book contain genocides?

>> No.20841812

This but the Iliad and Odyssey instead

>> No.20841813 [DELETED] 

You don't understand what happened in the Council of Nicea

>> No.20841838

You don't understand what happened in the Council of Nicaea

>> No.20841929

Good writing, for one — as in excellent use of the medium of language, as an artform, in and of itself.
>but the KJV!
The KJV is the religious equivalent of a AAA Hollywood redux of a classic film. When you say that you like the KJV, what you're actually saying is that you enjoy a translated remake of the original. You could take the Harry Potter series and rewrite it in the best possible language. It wouldn't really be Harry Potter, would it? It'd still be the same, old, poorly written children's book underneath the new paint. The original Bible was most likely complete trash. If you want to tell me that a group of Aramaic goat herders were ACKSHYUALLY fantastic titans of poetry, you can suck all two inches of my shriveled white cock and swallow the fuckin gravy. What you have with the Bible, in all actuality, is just a polished fan fiction. It's not the actual Bible. Custody of the actual, most ancient document has been spotty at best. You have no way of knowing whether or not the Bible you clutch in your grimy little dick-skinners is actually the word of Jesus (where's his body, again?) or has been perverted in the multiple, hundred-plus year stretches in which the oldest — and crucially, not-even-Aramaic — documents lost their chain of custody. The absolute state of Bible fans.

>> No.20841933


>> No.20841934
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Read Ellul.

>> No.20841936

Good prose
Sensical plot
Well developed characters
Less cringe moralising
Doesn't use superstition as a crutch

>> No.20841937

Are you fucking joking?

>> No.20841940

>Doesn't use superstition as a crutch
I'll start using my own ego. This will work really well with a well documented body of evidence from all of human history proving that out. Right?

>> No.20841944

Just make sure you don't make skydaddy mad!

>> No.20841946

Please just post "I haven't read the Bible because I'm Brittish and need to think I'm better than Americans." Next time because it's faster.

>> No.20841949

not an argument. your god is evil.

>> No.20841950

Correct. You should heed your own unwisdom.

>> No.20841954

It's only human ego until someone blames Jesus for it

>> No.20841961

Dignification via Christ does not mean one is dignfied but in the continual process of dignification. I'm glad you have a lay and pop surface level understanding of Christianity which has misled you to promulgate your own mediocre deceptions but please at bare minimjl read the Gospels and some Catechisms before you lambast yourself with the subpar lies you believe.

>> No.20841988

>salvation does not come to the jew first and then the gentile?
This is said because the Israelites had scripture, prophecy and prophets above and beyond the gentiles. It was to them that the Gospel was preached first, and then to the gentiles, especially when the Jews rejected and killed Christ, but if we read the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, we will see that the incoming of the Gentiles fully into God’s Covenant was always part of the divine plan of reconciliation for humanity. This is especially clear in the Psalms, in Isaiah, and even as early as Genesis, not to mention the Minor Prophets. This is not to say there did not exist prophets among the Gentiles, however—Job, Balaam and others were not of Israel, and of course, and countless others who we do not know of. Among the Gentiles there were hints of prophetic insight from time-to-time. Zoroaster might have been one of them, Virgil’s Eclogue 4 features Christ, as do the Sibylline Oracles and even parts of Plato.

The OT is not Jewish mythology, it is the history of the early ages of man (pre-Flood, etc), and later on the history of God’s covenant people, their struggles to follow God, and the unfolding of God’s divine plan to reconcile the world to himself through his anointed one, the Christ / Messiah. The OT contains history, proverbs, prophecies and songs of praise. To reduce it to a single genre is beyond ignorant.

>> No.20842035

If he was British he would have said "Oi moite yew hahvin a cheeky loigh theah gov'nah?"

>> No.20842234

anyone who makes sincerely makes a statement like this is a boring and fundamentally incurious person. yes the bible is amazing and deals with the great themes of humanity, but it's also a product of a time and place. there are works that deal with the same themes from different places and eras that are equally valuable. the great human questions we ask ourselves can't be answered by just one book, no matter how incredible it is

>> No.20842298
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I think the bottomline is that the Bible is the foundation for a lot of western thought, encapsulated in literature and philosophy. You'd be damned if you couldn't find at least a subtle biblical reference in most significant texts. Even Nietzsche, as vitriolic in his opposition of Christianity, makes references in his writings apart from the actual critiques he has. Even if you don't believe in God or care about Christianity, it'd be wise for one to read the most significant passages from biblical scripture in order to inform themselves on the texts that subsequently influenced western creativity and thought for the next millennia and a half.

>> No.20842407

There are some useful and interesting sections of the Bible, but they are few and far between and it's mostly shit. The Bhagavad Gita or the Havamal are much better pound for pound.
Also, Christianity is a jewish psyop to weaken gentiles for jewish conquest. This invalidates the good parts of the Bible.
>Satan doesn't exist outside a christian framework.
but the Christian is too retarded to see outside of his (jewish created) mental prison.

>> No.20842439

>Only verse explicitly mentioning the Trinity is in 1 John, and the verse wasn't in the original
The verse is in the original and you'd have to deny the entire Bible to deny the Trinity, not just one verse.

The other stuff you're talking about that they say changed didn't change, modern scholars are just being disingenuous and they don't actually know as much as the people that put together the textus receptus. "Higher criticism" is simply about assuming the Bible must be wrong and then looking for ways to make the case. When one idea fails they look for another one, they can never accept the truth which is that all of it is true.

>> No.20842449

Assumption of Mary.
Biblical or non-Biblical?


>> No.20842488
File: 274 KB, 1170x913, 4D14E94B-4E4A-4D8A-AF67-A21E1CC9604F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practitioners of Hinduism will forever have a debased conception of God so long as they continue to worship idols, cows and creeping things. Any knowledge of God a Hindu might legitimately have is ruined and obscured by idolatry and polytheistic worship. The Hindu scriptures, whether we are talking of the Vedas, the Upanishads, or the Puranas, offer no historical foundation or truth for these religions. It is an accretion of rank and blatant mythology and mystical navel-gazing. There are no prophecies or anything by which we may judge these claims. Jesus fulfills previous prophecy, unlike Hindu ‘gods’. Hinduism easily slides into relativism as well, which is antithetical to truth, in claiming that all religions can lead one to God. The fruits of Hinduism expose it. There are Hindus which continue to practice human sacrifice, and it took Christians to stop them from burning innocent women on funeral pyres. The Law Code of Manu is also barbaric and supports pedophilia. It’s no surprise that Hindu gurus who come to the West are sex-pests so often. Most of the religion comes from fallen angels.

>> No.20842523

>The fruits of Hinduism expose it.
Not a hindu, but couldn't the same be said of Christianity? Its fruits are:
>jewish controlled world
>mixing of all races (from the soul equality inherent in christianity), and so destruction of what God has made. People are playing god.
>mass atheism and communism - movements that grew out of judeo-christianity and are basically the next, secular stage of it (they retain christian moral, and sometimes even go harder on them than christians)

>> No.20842550

>Only verse explicitly mentioning the Trinity is in 1 John, and the verse wasn't in the original
Low-tier criticism. It has been known from an early date that the verse in 1 John was only present in Western manuscripts of the Bible. People wrote about the Trinity and supported it for centuries without this verse. This verse is actually irrelevant for the Trinity, because Christians can (as they have for two millennia) point to John 1, Psalm 33:6—which has a direct mention of the Word (Dabar / Logos) and the Spirit (Ruach / Pneuma) being involved in creation, as we can also see with divine Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs, the Wisdom of Solomon and the Wisdom of Sirach. Trinitarian doctrines have also been supported by the theophanies of the Angel of the Lord in the OT, which is often directly called ‘God’. Angel means nothing more than ‘Messenger’ in Hebrew and Greek in its original sense, too. This fits with the divine Logos / Word that it has been identified as even in the time of St. Justin Martyr and the other Apostolic Fathers. We also know that the Word of God appeared in pre-Christian targum texts written in Aramaic that were read aloud in synagogues in the Second Temple Period. The Word of God is known as the Memra in these texts, and appears wherever God manifests himself or acts in an anthropomorphic fashion in the Bible. It is these same theophanies that the non-Christian philosopher Philo identifies with the Logos / Word in his philosophizing on the Hebrew Scriptures. Scholars such as Alan Segal have written entire books on the concept of the ‘two powers’ so-called ‘heresy’ in early rabbinic reports, which dealt with multiple persons within the Godhead, whether among Christians or other groups, showing that the intepretations of the Scriptures in this way have a very long history behind them. Other scholars like John Ronning have written entire works on the links between the Gospel of John’s theology and the Jewish targum texts. Finally, we know that at the end of the Gospel of Matthew that Christ tells the Apostles to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—there’s the Trinity. If your contention is that there’s no Cappadocian theology in the Bible, you’re just retarded, because that is a 4th century development, but even before then in Tertullian and other early Christians we can see other explanations of the Trinity that are not that different, even if they are imperfect.

Also, Christianity isn’t sola scriptura. That is a heresy which started five hundred years ago. It doesn’t matter if it’s not in the Bible, but it is either way.

>> No.20842561
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The Old Testament covers a very large period of time, including the time before there were Hebrews much less Jews in the biblical meaning of the word. From a chronological angle, the first eleven chapters of Genesis covers roughly the same amount of historical time as does the rest of Genesis through Malachi. This comprises a special revelation from God which is supposed to go along with general revelation of creation. As the apostle Paul said (Acts 17:25-28) that God gives breath and life to all things, and has set the boundaries of their habitation, "That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us."

God foreknew that His word would have to spread to the farthest descendant of humanity (Acts 2:39, KJV), so contained within the Old Testament are numerous foreshadowings of the coming time, wherein the Savior will be present, which are made clearly visible through comparing what it says with what is revealed in the New Testament. In this sense, the New Testament reveals the true original meaning behind so many of the unexplained things found in the Old Testament. And this again reveals that it was meant for everyone to know. It contains general truisms, not limited to a single people group. The rejection by the Jews of the Messiah was another sin against God that was used by Him to accomplish great things. We also learn that the real Israel is Christ; the statements about Israel and the chosen people refers prophetically to the Son of God, and consequently those who are believers in Christ. It doesn't refer to some other group. But you, the reader, won't figure this out unless you actually read it yourself, which is the only real way to understand it.

>> No.20842605

> It is an accretion of rank and blatant mythology and mystical navel-gazing.

Yes, because that is selfish human nature been an animal. Hierarchical, often based on simply brute force, especially than, even now. So is "naval-gazing" - self-indulgent or excessive contemplation of oneself or a single issue, at the expense of a wider view, prioritizing self before others.

> Hinduism easily slides into relativism as well, which is antithetical to truth, in claiming that all religions can lead one to God. The fruits of Hinduism expose it.

Relativism is antithetical to truth? Well look who's well domesticated, differentiated stock here. It's just plainly wrong. The truth is at were things are most indifferent. Difference is just a reaction to that. The fact that it leads to "one god" is a simple truth, because indeed the god is one and it is you.

>There are Hindus which continue to practice human sacrifice, and it took Christians to stop them from burning innocent women on funeral pyres. The Law Code of Manu is also barbaric and supports pedophilia. It’s no surprise that Hindu gurus who come to the West are sex-pests so often.

Yes, and here is human nature strikes again. Well, in truth Christianity did achieve something, or rather forced something, a sacrifice of one self in favor of others, the opposite of hinduism. Granted, since the Hinduism is indifferent, it allows for both, whike Christianity is not. It's only a choice of individual to "choose a god to worship and how to do it", but since, again, human nature is such a sweet fruit, one can't simply help to take a path of least resistance.. almost like any living creature.

>Most of the religion comes from fallen angels.

Or rather angels that a certain God had banished personally in his own project. Noun is still there, eternal, you're the one who's choosing a verb.

>> No.20842611

>This verse is actually irrelevant for the Trinity
That would be going too far. Way too far. Paul says in 2 Timothy that all Scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That means every part of Scripture is there for a reason.

The reason why people didn't use it in apologetics against the Sabellians was because they were already abusing John 10:30, which is essentially an equivalent statement. John 10:30 says, "I and my Father are one." And if you recall, 1 John 5:7 says, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." You can see how similar these two statements are, I imagine.

The actual verse that I go to that refers directly to the Trinity as a mystery is Colossians 2:2. Here it says, "to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;" (Col. 2:2)

Here we see the three persons of the Godhead are referred to unequivocally as a divine mystery according to Paul.

>> No.20842641

>jewish controlled world
Christians have known since the early Church that the Antichrist will be a Jew from the tribe of Dan, and that the Jews will follow the Antichrist, who will sit himself in the Third Temple and declare himself to be ‘God’. This is no surprise, because the Jews have rejected their Messiah, and have embraced every form of evil since this time, and as you well know, can be linked to many movements and groups that are directly opposed to God and his commandments. This world is under the dominion of Satan, and will never be our final destination. Christians are taught from the Bible and from the history of the Church to go even to the point of death in resisting the Beast.

>mixing of all races
Having a non-White wife isn’t ‘playing God’, lol. Races are merely different groups of people adapted to different environmental conditions over time. Appearance can differ, temperment can differ, even intelligence, but they are all humans. We must point out here that Hinduism believes that people even share the same inherent nature with rats, maggots and insects, and can reincarnate as them. The Bhagavad Gita teaches that the truly enlightened sage will see them with equal vision. This same thing appears in Pythagoreanism, Orphism, Jainism, etc. Christianity does not muddle the natures of animals and humans. I will agree that elite social engineers are pushing it. Left to our own devices, we naturally gravitate towards kin.

>mass atheism and communism
Genetic fallacy. Atheism of course developed among Vedic society first, in the Carvaka / Lokayata schools. These were full-blown hedonistic materialists who viewed ‘kama’ or pleasure as the highest goal in life. Diagoras of Melos is another pre-Christian atheist. Mass atheism resulted from the Enlightenment and the Reformation. The Enlightenment, just like the Renaissance, is founded on a return to the classical (pagan) sources. Peter Gay wrote an entire book on this. Freemasons in the French Revolution were behind some of the first and biggest outbreaks of anti-Christian violence in the name of deism and rationalism, even founding pagan cults with pseudo-goddesses of ‘Liberté’ and other personifications of revolutionary values. Darwinism is another feature of the Masonic agenda which is rooted in Hinduism and pagan mythology that has created many atheists.

The idea of ‘progress’ comes from Lurianic Kabbalah, a form of Jewish gnosticism, believing that the world is in need of Tikkun Olam, or repair through following the Mitzvot and bringing about the Rabbinical Jewish Messiah (the Antichrist), complete with a worldly understanding of the Kingdom. Heresies of Postmillennialism coming from Calvinism are also a problem. Heretical Christianity has indeed influenced the revival of paganism, but it cannot be solely imputed to it. The paganism of the future is not about Zeus, it is about UFOs, psychodelics, evolution, materialism, scientism and the occult.

>> No.20842738

Being scared of being weak is basically the best position for men who are cowards in the very depths of their souls.

>> No.20842745

>This world is under the dominion of Satan, and will never be our final destination. Christians are taught from the Bible and from the history of the Church to go even to the point of death in resisting the Beast.
Suicide to individually "resist" the beast? Doesn't the beast want you dead? Why not kill the beast and make a beast-free world for future generations? Christianity is cucked.
>Hinduism believes that people even share the same inherent nature with rats, maggots and insects, and can reincarnate as them.
I don't know that "sharing the same inherent nature" in the Hindu sense = being equal in the christian sense (but I'm not a Hindu). To my mind, cows, niggers, and whites all share an inherent nature as a mammal and all probably have souls. However, niggers and whites are superior to cows and whites are superior to niggers. I don't see how reincarnation negates hierarchy or difference, or would compel one to never kill animals for food or invite lesser humans into his society. The Hindu sects that practice extreme egalitarianism are more cucked than christians and I don't see where they're really getting their ideas. If God made carnivores like tigers, aren't they made to eat ruminants like antelopes?
aren't these jews and shabbos goy? or at the very least, the lodges have been subverted by jews to push for jewish ends.
>Tikkun Olam ... and bringing about the Rabbinical Jewish Messiah (the Antichrist)
Isn't this what Christianity wants, or at least accomplishes from a judeo-gnostic lens? Watch Adam Green of Know More News on odysee. The messiah ben Joseph (Jesus) came for the gentiles and convinces them to follow the Noahide laws (basically Christianity + Zionism) and bring about the Christian end times, setting the stage for the brutal messiah ben David to come and wipe out all the bad goys that won't willingly become noahide slaves. I don't want anything to do with that and we should thoroughly resist it. This includes rejecting Christianity.
>The paganism of the future is not about Zeus, it is about UFOs, psychodelics, evolution, materialism, scientism and the occult.
Which AFAIK are all jew-led movements, just like Christianity. Going back to Zeus would be based. He overthrew Saturn (god of the jews) and doesn't afraid of anything.
>if you want X, you must secretly be not-X
dumb argument

>> No.20842765

>conflating bravery with worldly strength

>> No.20842784

Zoomers weren't taught of the concept of God. That's not a factor to them. And well Jesus dying might not be as tragic since they're always killing each other.

>> No.20842785

>He overthrew Saturn
pardon the mistake, I think that's Jupiter. Regardless, Greek religion was a better means for the flourishing of white society.
>if you let your enemies kill you, you win
What's your argument for not wanting white Europeans to be strong anyhow? Why fixate on that as the one point you reply to?

>> No.20842787

>quoting all sorts of Talmud interpretations of the Bible to show what Christians ‘really’ believe
Nice try, Shlomo, the Talmud was put together over one hundred and fifty years after Christ when the wrath of God had already descended upon the Jews, and it was given its final redaction in 600 AD. Basic shit, my friend.

>> No.20842793

zoomers are always killing each other? What do you mean?

>> No.20842804

Well you gang shootings, school shootings, shooting themselves

>> No.20842806

>What's your argument for not wanting white Europeans to be strong anyhow? Why fixate on that as the one point you reply to?
Because you do not use spiritual strength to overcome the weakness of this world. Strength is not potential violence but the potential to martyr.

>> No.20842856

martyrdom is good, but abandoning the world to jews is evil. Martyring yourself to a cause that helps your enemies is bad (Christianity helps jews). This is basic stuff!

>> No.20842876

Caring more about hating Jews than what is the Truth is pretty much your point and it's dispicable. I, nor do any other Christian, serve Jews.

>> No.20842906

Christianity isn’t about serving Jews. Since /pol/ has rotted your brain, you don’t know the first thing about the Bible. The idea of a Jew or an Israelite as some sort of supremacist tribe is TALMUDIC and has nothing to do with Christianity. Just read the OT—the idea that ‘Jew’ was ever an exclusively racial category is stupid, and we see even the ancestry of Jesus has non-Jews by birth within it such as Rahab, Ruth, etc. Moses had a non-Israelite wife, namely Zipporah, and Esther 8:17 testifies that many people became “Jews” in the aftermath of the events of the book. Even Acts testifies to the existence of large numbers of Gentiles who followed the God of Israel in the 1st century, but who had not become full Jews due to things such as circumcision requirements. The New Covenant, needless to say, abolished these onerous requirements.

You should have listed to St. Paul…
>Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. (Titus 1:14)

Imagine going to hell because Jews make you hate God. Isaiah 52:5 (LXX):
>Thus saith the Lord, On account of you my name is continually blasphemed among the Gentiles

>> No.20842938

What in Christianity is truthful?
What is Christianity about to you?
>The idea of a Jew or an Israelite as some sort of supremacist tribe is TALMUDIC and has nothing to do with Christianity. Just read the OT
Why all the tribal warfare? What's with not mixing fabrics? That parable about the striped sheep? The exception makes the rule in terms of those few non-jews married into jewry.
>Not giving heed to Jewish fables
but Saul was himself making jewish fables (?)

>> No.20842971

>What in Christianity is truthful?
Aaaaaaaaaand you've just proven you haven't read the Gospels.

>> No.20842986

>can't make even the most basic case for his faith
C'mon, it's a softball.

>> No.20843007

Why would I make a case to someone who criticizes their own ignorance of a subject? That's like punching a wall and complaining to a doctor that they didn't mend your hand.

>> No.20843050

Well I hate to say it but it was used to pacify slaves initially... Well maybe we just ought to be pacified anyways. Can't have it all all the time... Yep

>> No.20843068

Sorry about that I got that wrong. I think it was popular with slaves though. Well never mind.

>> No.20843070

Genuine question here:
What is the christian explanation for God seemingly ignoring basically all of asia?
Isn't it weird that he didn"t send a messiah or prophets to china and india to spread his word, considering that's where most of the world's population lies?
Only explanation I imagine that could be given to this is that god knows that somehow un the very long future all of asia converts to christianism, but it seems improbable, considering not even european colonization managed to spread it there in big numbers. Hell, Islam has been so far more succesful in asia than christianity.

>> No.20843083

There are spectators you could help convert. You also don't know how sincere I am. I've spent the past 3 years on and off researching Christianity after a relative died. My ultimate conclusion right now is that it's a weapon of psychological warfare against gentiles. I'm willing to hear any arguments or supporting evidence/books to the contrary though. Specifically, if you have anything deboonking the mythicist view of Christ or what Adam Green and Christopher Jon Bjerknes have researched about Christianity, I'd be interested.
They'll probably say they're degen pagans that rejected god and deserve to burn in hellfire.
Neither here nor there, but Wasn't there a war in Japan (or maybe it was China) where someone claimed to be the brother of Jesus? This proves at least some Christian influence in the region.

>> No.20843091

What about god's prescription of mutilating genitals, explicitly, several times?

>> No.20843097

>but Wasn't there a war in Japan (or maybe it was China) where someone claimed to be the brother of Jesus
Yes, it was in china, but the pseudoreligion the dude preached had very little resemblance with christianity and the dude was basically a warlord, which would go against the whole thing of the Messiah not being supposed to be a military leader that would strike down the enemies of israel, as the jews thought.

>> No.20843104

St Peter did away with the practice.
But well people tend to like the old testament more.
Catholics do not circumcise their children.

>> No.20843112

When Christ comes back He will wage war, but in the meantime Christians are supposed to give place unto God for wrath.

"Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
- Romans 12:17-19

"And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day."
- 2 Thess. 1:7-10

>> No.20843126

No Christianity was probably not a weapon of psychological warfare. The whole new testament was about how the rabbis were bad and ended up killing Jesus and he ended calling them the synagogue of Satan. Not a good look for the Jews.

>> No.20843141

Is St Peter above God?

>> No.20843152

He was the first pope.
He told his followers to sell their property give it to him and he'd redistribute it among everyone in the group.

>> No.20843163

What an absolute unit

>> No.20843170
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>He was the first pope.
That seems to be Sylvester actually, at least as far as the Roman ones go.
>He told his followers to sell their property give it to him and he'd redistribute it among everyone in the group.
Not true according to Acts. People giving their property was voluntary, not a commandment.

"But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God."
(Acts 5)

>> No.20843191

When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. 6 Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him.

7 About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 8 Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?”

“Yes,” she said, “that is the price.”

>> No.20843245

kabbalists say that their persecutors will become their advocates, and we can see this in the history of the church. It first persecuted jews and now is zionist and supports them.
>When Christ comes back He will wage war
fits the jewish/kabbalistic idea of dual messiahs. The peaceful messiah ben Joseph was Christ's first coming, and the messiah ben David is when he comes back to kill all gentiles that aren't noahide slaves.

>> No.20843265

Okay so by the time people become noahadide slaves or whatever there'll be robots. So what would the supposed noahadide slaves do anyways? If this was some millennial plot well it took you a long time lol

>> No.20843286
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Christcucks are ultimate cringe

>> No.20843313

>letting your race die is fine because robots lol
>plans take long time, so must not be real. I will ignore jewish writings from ancient to modern times laying out their plans and the modern results of their plans.
we're basically slaves already. We've no control of media, politics/law, finance, the general direction of society, etc. Our races are being mixed and destroyed. Children are being molested and mentally raped so they turn into kabbalistic tranny freaks.
I say we should fight all this, gain power again, and dethrown jews from all aspects of life (politics, religion, media, etc.). Christians say to just let yourself and your race die and be martyred. Christianity is a death cult.

>> No.20843450

That does actually sound a lot more fun, but I'm still not going to go at it again. I've got better things to do with my life than to listen to the pretentious ramblings of an otherwise inconsequential tribe that insisted they were responsible for everyone else's achievements.

>> No.20843458
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Anon, christians have power over who their daughters get to have sex with In theory.

>> No.20843467

Why would I follow some fag who wants to start gay, meaningless wars? Unlike pretty much every single one of you faggots, I've actually seen war. Two different faces of it, in fact. War fucking sucks.

>> No.20843679

>muh evil
>judging christianity based on morality that came from christianity itself (slave morality)
lmao, the absolute state of "anti-christians" today.
Read Nietzsche. First "On the genealogy of morals", and then "The Antichrist". If you're anything near an enlightened man you'll have a fucking epiphany

>> No.20843714


>> No.20843721

lmfao you're retarded

>> No.20843808

"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war."
- Revelation 19:11

>Unlike pretty much every single one of you faggots, I've actually seen war.
But it's not a righteous war.

>> No.20844813
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>Why slur the Moabites?
>Just trying to understand
Not fully convinced you are. Next you'll ask who the Israelites are.

>> No.20845262

>this much cope to justify crypto Ishtar worship
If Mary became a multi simultaneous future Jedi force ghost at the foot of the cross then someone would have thought to mention it and give her more than a passing mention in Acts and no peeps from Paul to "venerate" and pray to her.

>> No.20845374

Please respond substantially to my concerns.