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21004350 No.21004350 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your /lit/ gf, bro

>> No.21004377


>> No.21004393

This has already been posted a trillion times but I still laugh each and every one.
> I Loved it.
>> He enjoyed it

>> No.21004405
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>> No.21004409

I think men are so confused and disgusted by women’s behavior because it contradicts what they’ve been brainwashed to believe. They don’t want to confront the fact that society has lied to them and suppressed their natural behavioral tendencies. Women can be exactly what they are, but men have become domesticated.

>> No.21004426


>> No.21004432

Definitely true in my case. Father didn't bother to teach me anything about women so my idea was based on mom's dishonest bs and gynocentric simping in mainstream media. Needless to say, I couldn't believe how filthy and evil women are once I started dating and having sex in my late teens.

>> No.21004436
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Is there anything I can take that will turn me into a homosexual?

>> No.21004452
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Hello everyone. I have an announcement to make. I hate women.

>> No.21004453
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>> No.21004460

it's true, women are living their best life as 400% actualized and manifested hyperwomen right now, they are basically living the female equivalent of anime becoming real for a weeb, this entire world currently exists to service their most perverse inner desires, but men feel hemmed in and unnatural in everything they do and don't know why they're miserable

men are basically depressed zoo animals now and women are the fat fucks staring over the railing at them, licking an oversized rainbow lolly and just staring vacantly at the catatonic emaciated lions

>> No.21004472
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What did Lana mean by this

>You can be the boss, daddy
>You can be the boss
>Bad to the bone, sick as a dog
>You know that I like, like you a lot
>Don't let it stop

>I need you, I need you, babe
>Like I never needed anyone
>You're wrong but you're so much fun
>You say you treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen
>You're not that nice

>But you taste like the Fourth of July
>Malt liquor on your breath, my, my

>> No.21004474


>> No.21004485

Schwarzer is such a fucking cunt in this

>> No.21004487
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>> No.21004510

What book is this?

>> No.21004511
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Millions of young girls are posting these lyrics on their Instagram stories, confusing all the innocent boys. They don’t know whether to think the girl has daddy issues, or if he needs to start seriously considering imitating the bad boy in the erotic stories that girls universally read and love. But they know that if they tried, it would just be fake, because they are conditioned to be something else

>> No.21004518

Oxygen Thief.

>> No.21004529

Any time you see shit like this just remember
>women are massive liars
>women are bad liars because they don't lie to others for machiavellian reasons but as a side effect of lying to themselves first, so they get entangled in lies that become copes that become debilitating delusions that rule over them
>anything a woman says, triple it (if it's bad) or cut it in half (if it's good)
>translation: she put a down payment on a shitbox house that is either bad because she's dumb and immature, or only good because her parents helped her
>women are too immature to manage money, women couldn't even efficiently acquire a financial advisor without a man helping them (telling them those exist, helping them find one, helping them find a GOOD one)
>women have no risk aversion because men always fix things for them and they have permanent "just world fallacy"-vision
>translation: woman will not take care of house, nor maximize its profit by flipping it, nor avert risks like moving before property value in area drops
>women have no future sense, they literally think they will be young and beautiful forever until they just aren't one day
>women are so delusional they think "the wall" is at 55
>women have no sense of reality or how the world works or history or things like economic downturns or bubbles or booms or fads
>translation: women will literally think they're going to be an onlyfans whore or titty streamer until they're 90, and are incapable of understanding a concept like profit plateaus/bottlenecks and diversification (without male help)
>women weave webs of delusion around themselves to avoid facing anything sad
>women are terrified of aging but never learn to cope with its inevitability
>translation: women with money will blow all their money on surgeries that make them look like a freak, and fast living that ironically ages them faster but distracts them from the pain
>while never preparing for the inevitable by learning other skills or understanding that this is a temporary windfall and they should reinvest it in something that can carry them when it runs out

Any successful woman you see is either a front for a business actually run by a man (aka her pimp), in which case he's taking 90% of the real money and distracting her with cheap glitz, or she's too immature to know what to do with her fortune anyway. men assume wealth begets wealth because men know what to do with wealth, a woman with money is like a child with money.

>> No.21004571


>> No.21004580

Massive rage cope. You're raging that at 22 this woman can retire, and all she did is exactly what you do in your mom's basement every 8-12 hours.

>> No.21004588

Boring reply, respond with substance and prove me wrong. What I said stands, women can't manage a business or money because they're too immature and frivolous. When they get accidentally rich like this, they are partly lying and partly too incompetent to capitalize on it anyway.

>> No.21004593

Shut up, Butterfly. Don't you realize how embarrassing it is to simp and lust after these whores when you're old enough to be their mother?

>> No.21004635

What's wrong with TikTok?

>> No.21004640

>What's wrong with TikTok?
Fucking gen alpha wigger. Let me guess you say the word "mandem".

>> No.21004660

You seem mad for something that doesn't affect you.

>> No.21004671

We cant blame Lana for that, she's just the only one honest enough to say it

>> No.21004719

How does it feel to date white women who talk like niggers?

>> No.21004722

China buttnet

Now dance piggy

>> No.21004734

He's a zoomer, he doesn't date women, he matches with them on tinder and talks to them over the phone for 2 years and occasionally venmos them money

>> No.21004750
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Women have been managing money and assets since ancient times you uneducated subhuman parasite

>> No.21004759
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All modern men in western countries are like neutered dogs. Pornography is in part to blame - if you can release your sexual urges at any time with no consequence, it's the same as having no sexual urges.
Women, on the other hand, can't easily dispel their urges as men can. This is part of the reason why men struggle to understand women in the 21st century. Consider a "woman moment". If women moments exist, shouldn't men moments also exist? Men moments do indeed exist, but most men in the current era won't experience them as much as men in previous years. Men used to be much more angry, violent, aggressive, irritable, and domineering. If you've been on no-fap you've likely experience a real man moment - a moment of sudden irrationality similar to a woman moment, but rather than acting helpless and hysterical to get attention, you instead probably punched a hole into the drywall, went 40 miles per hour above the speed limit, started yelling, or got into a fight. Most men simply do not know what it's like to act retarded and irrational like women because men and women moments are caused by sexual urges that cannot be released. Men in the past did not have easy access to porn and masturbation was shunned. Even men with wives had to go months at a time without sex because they had a lot more children back then. These sexual urges are responsible for much of the drive and action that men in the past had.

Men and women moments are part of a mating ritual, in a sense. Male sexuality, when it hasn't been neutered and inverted by years of porn use, is inherently predatory and barely controllable. Female sexuality, on the other hand, is passive. Think about it ergonomically - it's much easier for a man to rape a woman through force than vice versa. Men are built to rape, women are built to be raped. A woman moment is a way of signaling that a woman is ready to be raped because she's acting retarded and helpless, and a man who is a beast because of he has gone awhile without busting will see such helpless woman and fuck her.
The reason why so many women love aggressive sex and have rape fantasies is because rape has been the natural means of human reproduction for millions of years. Some of you may have noticed that women in the past seemed less retarded, manipulative, and helpless than they did now. Women were much more sane in the pre-modern era even if wild men didn't go around raping them because their husbands mating pressed and dumped several loads into their womb every night after getting drunk and beating them. They weren't in a constant state of having a woman moment because men back then could sexually satisfy them. There was no pent-up sexual urges making them retarded and insane

Porn doesn't just neuter men, it actively inverts their sexuality. Porn is a passive activity contrary to men's aggressive sexuality. Men no longer do the fucking, they watch the fucking. Men are women in the 21st century. (cont.)

>> No.21004762
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>in some ancient societies, widows could continue managing their estates and property after their husband died
>therefore, modern women are not generally frivolous and stupid

>> No.21004785

what about Catherine the Great?

>> No.21004793

>5% down, 50 year mortgage at 8% interest on a tacky exurban house

>> No.21004821

Why are you seething?

>> No.21004827

He already told you, because you are a foolish retard who does stupid things with retarded people.

>> No.21004837

Oh okay

>> No.21004859
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Pornographic fantasies also tends to put men into a a situation where they are the object of desire. The way men love is naturally possessive, and natural male sexuality is focused much more on the "want'. Female sexuality is supposed to be the receptor of such possession and want. Women want to be wanted, they want to be the object of desire that men pursue. When a man watches too much pornography where women chase after the man, it corrupts the natural state of male sexuality. Suddenly the man becomes concerned with wanting to be the object of desire to women. This makes their sexuality much more passive. Men aren't supposed to sit on the couch while some girl who thinks they're the most handsomest man ever gives them a blowjob. Men are supposed to bend the girl over the couch and fuck her senseless. It is unnatural for men to be the receptors of sex and desire. Men should fuck, and women should get fucked.

Previously I mentioned that man moments are irrational, this may seem contradictory to the typical image of man being rational. Consider incel rage. Incel rage is a true man moment, when sexual frustration becomes unbearable and a man becomes emotional and violent. Incel rage is shunned by a vast majority of men nowadays because those men have never felt incel rage, they are incapable of empathizing with such raw display of emotion because those men have turned themselves into passive zoo animals through pornography. They are "rational" simply because they are tamed animals. They do not know true rationality as the men of antiquity did. Those men did not have access to pornography, they frequently had man moments, but still built civilization because they had mastered rationality. Rationality is not the absence of strong emotion, but rather that mastery of strong emotion, the ability to put reason above your man moments. The next time you see some porn-addicted coomer make fun of incel rage or a hysterical woman moment making someone lose their rationality, consider that he had never had to master rationality himself.

Men having man moments is also important for society as a whole rather than just healthy sexual relationships because of the prior mastery of rationality it makes men have. Such mastery of rationality is what builds philosophy. There is some sort of hyperrationality that can come from a combination of having a man moment along with the mastery of rationality. There is a reason why many great philosophers were incels or abstained from sex and masturbation. Philosophy is one giant man moment tempered with rationality. It is what zero pussy does to a mf, and I mean that in the best way possible. Only when a man is unbearably blue-balled does he bother to question the nature of reality itself. If Kant was a coomer or had a wife he never would've written Critique of Pure Reason. (cont.)

>> No.21004900

Good post bro. If you fix up your punctuation and syntax, you'll be an interesting writer.

>> No.21004905

a very plebeian dream that is

>> No.21004935


Schopenhauer's realization of the will to life could only come from a man who has experienced the unfulfilling desire that comes from being an incel. Not to mention the creative energy that pent up sexual desires give to men. "Libido" is sometimes known as creative energy. The ancient Greeks were known for their many lewd statues. Post-renaissance artwork has many a sultry women. This is perhaps the most obvious expression of libido as creative energy. But men moment can also contribute to artwork. The rage and aggression that arises, or the crushing despair of inceldom, or hyperrationality can all contribute creative drives. Van Gogh would never have been a great artist if he was a chronic masturbator or got laid. Ted Kaczynski never would've wrote his manifesto and did his bombing spree if he had a wife. I've never would've wasted 30 minutes of my life writing two posts that reach character limit and another that reaches half of that if I masturbated recently.

Western culture and philosophy has been stagnant for the past 20-30 years, which coincides with the same time that internet pornography became readily available. Internet pornography has tamed men, and for the worse. We no longer have irritable men coming home to satisfy their wives by beating and raping them after a long day at work. We no longer have aggressive men spearheading revolutions and expeditions and conquests. We no longer have incels publishing groundbreaking philosophy, nor do we have despairing artists using their libido to create great works.

Neutered dogs don't bark or fight or play. They don't do anything dogs are supposed to do. They simply lie down all day and do nothing.

>> No.21004943

The notes have to be satire right?

>> No.21004946
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Women are braindead. This is the kind of "literature" they're amazed by.

>> No.21004954

It always makes me crack up when they try to claim sexism still exists

>> No.21004963

In medieval society when men ventured off to gain honour or would voyage to distant lands, the women were in charge of the household and had to manage assets and money without their husband. The other guy is right. You're a retard.

>> No.21004965


>Black Sheep follows Bria, a bad ass serial killer who hunts down cults while also working on her doctorate.

>> No.21004968

Women are pseuds.

>> No.21004969
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But where did the assets and money come from?

>> No.21004970

You definitely don't interact with any women in real life, so I'm curious as to how you encountered such women.
>inb4 these were women on twitter
Women on twitter don't exist in real life.

>> No.21004976

The wife's family typically lmao. So from the wife.

>> No.21004981

Considering I've been married for 10 years, have 1 son, have a successful business and am far richer than you as well as have a loving sister and mother I think I'm more qualified to speak on women (especially modern women) more than you are sweetie. This was a deliberate sexist comment.

>> No.21004984

>I've interacted with three women my entire life
Not the boast you thought it was mate.

>> No.21004986


>> No.21004989

Running your whore wife's Onlyfans account isn't a business.

>> No.21004993
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Les Quinze Joies de Mariage and other medieval texts. What the fuck do you think a dowry is lmao?

>> No.21004995

OK sweetie. Can you learn to stop typing and keep your hands on a cock instead? See a woman like you doesn't understand the form of a debate, an argument or even a casual discussion, you take it as an affront on your character, your sex. Meanwhile, you're making hand over fist in some random crypto company and all you had to do was wear a skimpy dress.
Keep your hands on the cock sweetheart.

>> No.21004997
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This post is so lame I am actually siding with the w*man here

>> No.21004998

>I'm losing the argument so I'm just going to spew random shit
Lol such a retard ape move.

>> No.21005003

And that's the game. Thanks for playing

>> No.21005016

Good posts but take your meds incel

>> No.21005017

>Pornography is in part to blame - if you can release your sexual urges at any time with no consequence, it's the same as having no sexual urges
You think people didn't jerk off in the past? They just relied more on their imagination

>> No.21005020

I’d have pegged it satire if it wasn’t tiktokshit.

>> No.21005031

It’s sad how easy it is to spot the McCuckers-Rooney troon seething in every thread about women

>> No.21005032

Why do we have so many incels?

>> No.21005035

nice, compelling

>> No.21005041

People did certainly jerk off in the past but it wasn't as easy. Pornographic stimulus makes it much easier to get off, and people in the past likely had less physical privacy because of smaller, more crowded homes. Masturbation was not seen as something "healthy" like it is now, rather it was actively shunned. It was a bad habit and a sin. Even then masturbating to one's imagination is different than masturbating to porn. I can't really describe it at the moment but just try it and see if you want to coom. It's like the body knows you coomed to your imagination rather than real visual stimulus.

>> No.21005056

>I can't really describe it at the moment but just try it and see if you want to coom. It's like the body knows you coomed to your imagination rather than real visual stimulus.
My man I haven't watched porn in two years now and rely on my imagination alone when I jerk off, I can't say I've noticed a difference

>> No.21005061


>> No.21005073

>dating and having sex
>in my late teens
t. Chad

>> No.21005091

I used to think like this, but really it's just another case of wealth disparity. The top 3% of women are making a killing on OF. The remaining 97% are wasting away (figuratively of course, given the modern female is rather rotund) working at KFC, late night shift, front counter, copping abuse from the drunks, maybe get an office job, maybe just pack frozen goods my whole life, waitstaff, listen to the boss man, ooh yes massa me clean up real good, gonna marry a nice good proper abusive man, ooh wee yessir, pump out some kids, change the diaper, sandwiches for lunch, clean your teeth, do your homework, a glass of wine and a nice romance to settle me down at 11pm, check in on the socials, everyone's so happy (why not me?) Do they know I'm miserable? Better do something fun so people don't get the wrong idea. In debt, car troubles, house is falling apart, landlord raised the rent, addicted to cigarettes, can't form a connection anymore, friends all hate me (I think), I never used to be fat, I didn't think life would keep going... They all seem so miserable. What you see on the internet is a farce, don't buy into it.


>> No.21005102

This house is in an exurb that it’s entirely undesirable in every single attribute of real estate. These neighborhoods are breeding grounds for mental illness and isolation, the houses are 6500sqft, just look at that horrible fucking garage. I’d lull myself if I had to live in a place like this. She’s too dumb to know that the reason these houses are less than twenty years old is because they’re not built in a town. They’re useless, worthless

>> No.21005106

Twelve years ago it was still a normal highschool experience, half the guys I socialized with back then were fucking regularly at 18. The dating meta started shifting towards grotesque hypergamy only in early 2010´s.

>> No.21005114

When I was in highschool even a lot of the losers were having sex with the other losers. I feel bad for zoomzooms though idk what its really like for them, if its actually as bad as the internet makes it seem

>> No.21005148

stop trolling the poor retard he'll probably believe it.

>> No.21005170

saw a post by a random normie that confirmed his biases and generalized. Can't get more classic than this.

>> No.21005178

hadn't left his room in years and yet knows all about modern gender dynamics.

>> No.21005180
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>there are women who go on 4chan on a saturday night just to browse a board they don't like and scroll through threads they don't like so they can respond "Incel" "Fuck you incel" "You incels ain't even been laid" until they pass out from their trader joe's red wine

>> No.21005224

Not just w*men but hylics generally speaking. You can tell who they are just from the fact that they gaslight common sense.

>> No.21005232

We deserve each other tbqh

>> No.21005235

Please try a little harder to blend in.

>> No.21005261

They’re all fat and mad chad won’t fuck them so it all evens out karmically.

>> No.21005307

if any women are reading this thread please date me

>> No.21005352

Could you give a moment in this current time frame (2010-now) that denotes sexism still exists?

>> No.21005394

Daily reminder for the incels seething at this image that the median OF content creator earns something like $150 a month. For it to be competitive with any entry level minimum wage job you need to be top <10%, let alone being able to live off it as your main income and buy a house from it.

>> No.21005410
File: 415 KB, 942x726, tumblr_o5jez8qH5l1use6ffo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dios mio... la goblina americana...

>> No.21005415
File: 60 KB, 500x500, artworks-000172634235-wiohab-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the gamestop "roger that" guy on the left and then a fuckin tranny on the right

>> No.21005423


>troweling on plastic shit like it's fooling anyone

>> No.21005428

I refuse to believe all women are like this THERE HAS TO BE SOME GOOD ONES AND I WILL FIND ONE AND MARRY HER.

>> No.21005443

While it's possible, the far likelier scenario is that you'll get gaslit and commited to a regular hoe and only find out she's just like all the others once it's too late. Women are extremely homogenic and conformist by nature.

>> No.21005449

Yeah, but roger that's of age. We're talking about rogering him right?

>> No.21005452


>> No.21005476

what exactly do you mean like all the others? a cock sucking vapid whore? Surely that isnt the regular women in her late 20's... I dont want to believe it ill find a nice Christian girl at my church.

>> No.21005480

You got BTFO dude. Get over it.

>> No.21005488

>christian church girl
>not a vapid cock sucking whore
Kek, you haven't partied much in highschool/college, have you? You're probably right that she doesn't do it anymore in her late 20's, but you can be nearly certain there's wild slutty history some years back...

>> No.21005508

You are right i didnt party at all in college or high school or ever... but yeah. Why does the slutty past shit matter so much bros... It shouldnt matter but it still gives you the ((ick)). If i was asked 3 years ago i wouldnt care about a girls past but really i do care its a little off putting.. Im exhausted worrying about it, just resign it to god and ill try to be a good caring person to the best of my ability and hopefully i find a nice girl to be with or die alone.

>> No.21005540

Even if you force yourself to ignore her sexual history, you can be certain she won't forget it. Woman will never respect a man with lower bodycount than hers, no matter what she says.

>> No.21005590


>> No.21005627

shes cute and she was never ugly... lol

>> No.21005852


>> No.21006814

You're a faggot if you don't understand what he means. A quick crank imagining Debbie sucking on your rod is a much different experience to watching twenty minutes of anal gapes, and you can tangibly feel the difference after both sessions - not least in your spirit.

>> No.21006822

Oh great, another thinly veiled racist thread.

>> No.21006856

I like you. Sincerely

This one was a little different - there was some sexism thrown in too, for that little extra emotional response

>> No.21007005

>Mentally, not physically
>On the inside
what did she mean by this? help lit-bros

>> No.21007043

It's referring to gastritis

>> No.21007060

i was in highschool in 2011-2014 and never fucked, when i started highschool i tried to be as social as possible, talking with girls taking their phone numbers going to drinks with them. Normies soon showed me my place in pecking order tho, and when i was finishing HS i was lonely loser, spending most of my breaks alone listening to music and staring into wall. Now i am 26 and probably too autistic to ever attract anyone

>> No.21007084

holy mother of cope

>> No.21007091

What book is this

>> No.21007189

Anyone with "the Great" in their name shouldn't be used as an example of an average person.

>> No.21007206

You wouldn't understand, women are complicated and mysterious

>> No.21007490

meaning the wife's father

>> No.21008057

>if you watch porn you don't need women anymore and you're not going to have anger outbursts
is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.21008273

Fucking cope, women are more intelligent than men, this is not a good thing either because they are literally cold machines made to seek the best genes, suck the best alpha cock available, gather the most money and resources and bring death to the world we live in

>> No.21008292

They literally have smaller brains than men and 95% of them are in the midwit IQ zone of their race. Being soulless breeding machines doesn’t make them smarter, it just means you have no reason to ever interact with a woman if you don’t want sex.

>> No.21008308

>soulless breeding machines
I hate women

>> No.21008315

Yeah. Just don’t expect women to be something they are not and adjust your own behavior instead.

>> No.21008324

>women are more intelligent than men

>> No.21008338

>The curtains were blue.
>underlined and circled; "They were BLUE!!!" scribbled on the side
Is this the power of female literary analysis?

>> No.21008351

Bigger brain doesn't mean smarter animal. Crows have tiny brains but they're smarter than the average nigger. Niggers also have bigger brains than whites yet their IQ is like one or two standard deviations lower than the average for whites.

>> No.21008432
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>on the inside
>he enjoyed it
>figurative language

>> No.21008498

Women are more merciless than men*

>> No.21009089

you are retarded and pornography occupies such a large part of your brain that you cannot fathom people masturbating without it

>> No.21009107

This is true. Women unironically think you should be put to death for drunk driving and shit like this. This is also why they are all hyper conformists, well behaved students and rarely commit crimes and shit. They have no mercy and dont expect that other people would have it either, it being a foreign concept to them.

>> No.21009118

If you want to be a neutered animal, go ahead

>> No.21009121

so much happier with my illiterate gf bros

>> No.21009148

You should stop masturbating regardless

>> No.21009183


>Women as a class are merciless and cunning. They cannot tolerate even a slight offense. For their own pleasure they can do anything irreligious, and therefore they do not fear killing even a faithful husband or brother.