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21046775 No.21046775 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book to understand how women could possibly like sweaty beasts like men? It blows my mind really, flowers like them.
I wonder if all women are secretly disgusted by men and only marry them and stuff for social pressure

>> No.21046781

not your blog tranny "lesbian"

>> No.21046782

come over to my place and i'll show you how ;)

>> No.21046783

Actually women like to see men sweat

>> No.21046788

>I wonder if all women are secretly disgusted

Yes they are. Women find 80% of men unattractive

>> No.21046796

yet most men end up in a relationship. what does that tell you?

>> No.21046817

Kek, have you ever had sex with a woman? There’s a sweating, farting, queefing breeding sow under that anxiously maintained glamour. Vagina smells like a dead rat in dank cellar if it’s unwashed for couple of days.

>> No.21046952

>anxiously maintained glamour
most women are more secure than most men

>> No.21046966

>yet most men end up in a relationship

30% of young college age men don't

>> No.21047013

70% is "most of them"

>> No.21047023


>> No.21047061

Women grow to be attracted to men they love, men grow to love women they're attracted to.

>> No.21047070

Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.21047219

Have you ever fucked a woman? They all feel helpless and in over their heads at the base of their self-perception, and want someone to provide the solid ground to their existence that they can never seem to provide themselves. Literally everything about their behavior is a bluff, everything they do is just leading up to the moment when you call the bluff and "conquer" them. The feeling of conquering them is basically the sexual equivalent of yelling at a misbehaving child or dog in a deep voice that instantly makes the child or dog melt into submission and obedience. Take that feeling of you being unquestionably in command, and add a primal instinctive "this is right" to it on both sides, and you have conventional passionate sex (sex that hasn't become mutual masturbation or the woman doing it as a favor out of sheer habit). A naked woman is just a guilty dog your dick is currently shouting at. It's a very one-note dynamic but it's suffused throughout their entire sexuality. That's why all their favorite literature is about aloof pirate kings who pay little attention to them and yet somehow dominate and possess them anyway.

What's happening in sex is just a biological function predicated on a simple psychological "hook," one that is supposed to be relatively frequently discharged so that it doesn't develop into neuroses. The dynamic of mutual teasing, with seemingly insoluble mutual incomprehension, that culminates in a brief moment of "yet somehow, we complete each other," is the hook that is supposed to keep us coming back together. The woman teases herself with the build-up of shit-testing the man and then finally submitting, because unconsciously she is bored of being "too much to be had" and wants to be had already. But she can never become rationally conscious of this and simply give it away deliberately, because she wants to be the thing "too good to be had, yet being had," not the "perhaps somewhat good thing, yet still trivial enough to be given away, apparently." All women unconsciously see themselves as all-important, qualitatively transcendent beings, too good for the entire universe, at the center of the universe, paradoxically inside the universe and above it. The only way to solve this paradox is for the one equally paradoxical man to come and conquer them "anyway," basically the story of the immovable object meeting the unstoppable force.

In practice, women settle for decent men and then come to see them under the aspect of the unstoppable force. That's why once you've tricked them into loving you, they really do love you even though you're a dumb bald manlet with man boobs and a curly penis. They just channel the "My hero! My unstoppable force!" desire-energy into "Aww, he's so... passionate about his Warhammer collection! There's my passionate man!," and they channel their desire to be the ultimate object of desire, being "taken" by the ultimate desiring object, into acting out your nonsensical fetishes for you.

>> No.21047227

A woman will pop balloons for you if you really make her think "Wow, he really finds ME infinitely sexy while I pop these balloons, I really am the infinitely sexy being after all," but conversely if you are mechanically talented at normie sex (overrated and has low skill cap) but subtly indicate to her that you're not insuperably attracted to her, and you're just going through the motions, she won't be able to actualize her side of the sexual bargain and will lose interest. I've known beautiful women who were obsessed with their manlet prince because he was a simp for them in just the right way, like remembering shit they said to buy them perfect gifts later, but got bored of demigod Chad because Chad suggested a threesome, and it planted in their minds that they weren't the center of Chad's universe. No woman wants to be one of many in a harem.

This also why hookup culture slowly drives women insane, it fails to overcome the paradox of infinite desire vs. infinitely unobtainability the way actual relationships do, and instead relies on an optical illusion that doesn't ultimately satisfy. Giving sex away to an unusually powerful or handsome man is effectively an attempt at brute-forcing the "I must be extremely desirable!" desire in women by way of "Just look at how handsome/famous/rich/important the men who fuck me are!," but women know they are fundamentally disposable in such an arrangement. They are trying to heap up enough quantitative similarity to the unstoppable force to asymptotically approach the qualitative feeling of being infinitely special, but their instincts know better, 0.999... will never = 1. Hooking up is like eating a gourmet shit sandwich that is perfect in every way except having shit in the middle. No matter how much you delude yourself you still end every bite in disappointment and a mouth full of shit. A sandwich is a total experience and can't be "pretty good until the shit part." It's either all shit or no shit.

I'm not glorifying any of this to try to come off as an alpha male, I personally find it boring. Figuring it out was the moment I realized sex is not all that great, and most of what normies and especially incels think they want from sex comes down to mutual misunderstanding between the genders, and in large part to the feminization of modern men. Men aren't supposed to be sex-crazed, it's inherently feminine to spend your life thinking about the other gender all the time. Women do that, they start fantasizing and roleplaying before they even hit puberty, about marriage and what hairdo they'll be sporting in their Molly Bloom yes I say Yes moment, with future Heathcliff on the perfect windswept knoll. Men are supposed to be above sex yet controllable through sex, not sex all the time like women. The paradox of male sexuality is the animal always underlying the impressive feats of rationality and cracking its facade of control, not the horny animal that runs around rutting everywhere 24/7.

>> No.21047234

The "sweaty beast" women love isn't the retard horny jail escapee, using his underdeveloped rational consciousness to beg or simp for scraps of pussy, it's the highly conscious and highly accomplished and therefore aloof independent rational man, who can yet be reduced to an animal by one woman (the woman fantasizing about taming him).

The ritualized courtship behaviors surrounding sex have been commodified, and women are its main consumers, so men have been forced to do unpaid labor producing the commodity by conforming to women's increasingly neurotic fantasies, which are all bad substitutes for what they really want, which only makes them more neurotic, which increases the pressure on men, in an endless cycle. Men crack under the pressure, fissuring their own madonna/whore (gf as soothing accepting mommy + gf as animal sex fertility goddess) complex completely instead of realizing it in a functional relationship, so that instead of a paradoxical madonna/whore archetype concealed in their unconscious, they just go around projecting tyrant-nurturer mommy AND depraved ass-eating whore archetypes distinctly yet indistinctly onto all women, not as a true synthesis or sublation, just as a contradictory simultaneity, like salt and sugar mixed together.

The tradwife phenomenon is a similar inversion in which the yearning to go back to a healthy mutual incomprehension between men and women is instead filtered through the modern divided yet simultaneous salt-and-sugar perspective, which overthinks the duality of man/woman and tries to capture it in a commodity (pornographic) form. But getting caught up in such dead alienated forms, which only stimulate the underlying primal drives strategically, i.e. just enough to compel further participation in the forms by further desire for them as commodity, is the whole problem that needs solving in the first place. I'm a gay married virgin btw.

>> No.21047242

Women are so perfect and delicate, bros. How could they like smelly beastly men? The only time I understand their attraction for men is K-pop stars, because they are very pretty.

>> No.21047270

i have no clue tbqh. women are retarded
my gf tells me she isnt attracted to me and prefers women but is in love with my personality
she said if i had a womens body i would be perfect

>> No.21047286


>> No.21047317

have you ever had sex with a woman?

>> No.21047385

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