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21439788 No.21439788 [Reply] [Original]

What's some literature about your girlfriend having fucked 16 guys before you?

Crime and Punishment was pretty good, but he was a murderer so I guess it trumps being a prostitute.

>> No.21439789

have you become her 17th yet?

>> No.21439791


>> No.21439793

>200 years ago this would've been unheard of
>in 2022 this is so commonplace that normies will call you an incel for pointing it out

>> No.21439810

>>200 years ago
Go back further and the Ancient Romans would have said have sex incel to you for caring.

>> No.21439817

And the ancient romans are gone
Good riddance to a boring people

>> No.21439827

Yes, and she was open with me about it, she didn't consider it wrong, which fucks me up. I'm looking for ways to cope beyond killing a pawn broker.

>> No.21439840
File: 38 KB, 872x315, Blowout_soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the "average citizen," of countries that were created by, and only ever thrived under, self-sacrificing white people with high interethnic solidarity, strong families, and low rates of cultural degeneracy, is now:
>a serial whore unmarried childless woman on multiple pills who thinks the world has always existed this way
>an aging boomer with a childish worldview inherited from interracial propaganda commercials and cuckold husband sitcoms (either a libertarian or a nanny state socialist)
>a hispanic with 75-85 IQ (to make this concrete, they cannot understand counterfactuals like "If you hadn't done this, you wouldn't be here")
>a perpetually aggrieved black with multiple criminal charges and releases, whose family has not been regularly employed for three generations, or as John McWhorter described the effects of the Cloward-Piven strategy, a member of "generations of black people for whom working for a living is an abstraction")
>an establishment elite class of former WASPs and Jews who have seen themselves as a breakaway civilization for a century and who think of "ordinary people" the way you think of third world favela dwellers
>a secondary establishment elite of imported petit bourgeois immigrants (south and east asians mainly, but also east europeans), people who became "big fish in small ponds" in their home countries by robbing their countrymen and then decided to go be small fish in a big pond in LA or New York
>a manic and hysterical coastal elite liberal who will literally kill and die to enforce this week's mainstream news talking point
>a completely depoliticized white lower class man (all economists agree that real wages stopped growing in the early 1970s)
>a childishly hyperpoliticized neurotic white lower class woman (effectively a coastal elite colonial enforcer living in poor and rural white areas to prevent local solidarity from developing, reporting back to her masters daily and receiving new orders via the internet)

Reminder that the same elite that engineered the COVID response, twenty years in advance because they are aware minor pandemics of the nature of COVID are semi-predictable and are thus good opportunities for rolling out social engineering programs, is banking on ALL of the above extremely dysfunctional people forming a homogeneous class of docile citizens, infinitely "managable" by administrative and financial soft power, comparable to what China is trying to accomplish with its own citizens

Reminder that they thought this would have happened by now and COVID (or something like it) was supposed to be their big coup moment, but it has produced only chaos

Reminder that instead of reacting to the increasing chaos in the system by reevaluating, they are doubling down on their own plans

>> No.21439852

Maybe china is the good guys after all
Western world doesn't deserve to exist anymore

>> No.21439872

>an establishment elite class of former WASPs and Jews who have seen themselves as a breakaway civilization for a century and who think of "ordinary people" the way you think of third world favela dwellers
This is literally me

>> No.21439873

No, fuck off chinese critter. China will collapse under its own impossibility.

>> No.21439890

>China has an effective centralized one-party state which is more or less meritocratic and ideologically unified.
I don’t know about that one, kiddo.

>> No.21439897

I don’t have a girlfriend

>> No.21439904

Heh, best not try reasoning with this one.

>> No.21439911

Neither do I. Let's have sex togather. I'm a twink btw

>> No.21439917

You’re a pussy lol. Your jealousy and insecurity is gonna show like a bitch, it’s already over.

>> No.21439932

I know, I'm not hiding that, I'm trying to overcome it. Your insult meant nothing.

>> No.21439941

It would be pretty unheard of even 70 years ago

>> No.21439947

Just ditch her when you get tired of her. I hope you are not in love with a whore, right?

>> No.21439948

You'd be fine marrying someone who fucked 16 other guys before you?

>> No.21439962

And btw, if you compare some random whore to Sonječka, you might be retarded

>> No.21439992
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16 guys? Wow that's harsh, I would keep making money and keep working out while looking for a better woman on the side, but I wouldn't leave her now. When you find a cute girl who wasn't plowed away by many other man tell your current gf that you are leaving her because you keep imaging all 16 guys fucking her every night. That's what I did, I was dating a girl who said she fucked like a 100 guys, she was really hot but that always bothered me then I found a really cute girl that only slept with 2 guys, one day I straight up called my current gf a public toilet and dumped her, she stalked me for a while and even sent me pictures of her cutting herself, but I didn't feel bad, because fuck whores.

>> No.21440006

How old is she? If above mid 30s, it's over. Dump the hoe. You never get over it. You'll listen about other's guys gf's bodycounts and get violent impulses.
Letzter Mensch

>> No.21440013

If not*/If below

>> No.21440033

I don’t ask and don’t tell. Get a std checkup beforehand is all that really matters.
>using last man as an insult
>implying it has anything to do with purity anyway
Absolute pseud.

>> No.21440036

You still chose to date despite knowing that information.

>> No.21440060

If she's a nympho and puts out 24/7, keep her as she will satisfy; better she likes it than she doesn't. If she's fridged, shit at sex, and never puts out, run! She would then only have sex for insecurity reasons and would be best avoided. People who have a high body count but don't actually enjoy sex are fucking poison. Read Houellebecq.

>> No.21440059

But are you or have you ever been married or in love? It's easy to shrug that off and not be "jealous or insecure" if you don't really care about the relationship or expect it to last.

>> No.21440072
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I have had sex with 51 women and I regret almost all of them

>> No.21440078

>Everyone else is part of these few caricatured, evil or incompetent groups. Meanwhile, our group, which is full of hard working, righteous individuals who simultaneously make society run and generate all its wealth, are strong and stalwart, and yet are horribly oppressed by those who are beneath us, sees things as they are, the truth.

>an establishment elite class of former WASPs and Jews who have seen themselves as a breakaway civilization for a century and who think of "ordinary people" the way you think of third world favela dwellers

I have a good idea of how you picture favela dwellers given the points about low IQ Hispanics and Black people who don't understand "working for a living."

What I don't get is why you seem to think the above group is unjustified in their thinking. The IQ gap between the subset of high earners who attend elite universities and the middle class, even if you limit this group to just the White middle class, is larger than the gap between Whites and Hispanics or Whites and Blacks. They certainly exhibit higher levels of self control as well; just compare the obesity rates of the elite and the average middle class American.

It seems to me like people have a real problem with applying the 80/20 rule (80% for the work in an organization is done by 20% of the people) to explain why groups they aren't a member of are bad, but then see themselves as exempt from this rule when complaining about how predatory elites don't respect their group enough.

>> No.21440083

What does it change. How does it matter or affect anything.

>> No.21440090

Good post lol

>> No.21440094
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>People didn't have sex 200 years ago.
People have had significantly fewer partners each generation since the Baby Boomers.

We don't really have a good idea how many partners people had before the modern era, but genetic evidence suggests women giving birth to children who were not their husbands was not extremely uncommon by any means. Extramarital affairs were the norm for elites at many points throughout history, and while we know less about how commoners lived, there is plenty to suggests they weren't fully monogamous (e.g., every culture having to make myriad laws about adultery and prostitution). Cult prostitutes existed in many cultures, declining at various periods.

People idealize a past that didn't exist.

>> No.21440096

Gross, she's a whore. If you're okay sticking it into a cumrag, hang around and have fun I guess but don't become emotionally attached - she won't either. Women with that kind of sexual history have latent borderline personality disorder at the very least.

>> No.21440097

All those SJW subreddits, plus 4Chan if you're not the 17th. Or the Marquis de Sade.
Republican Romans would have cancelled you for not killing her or leaving her (if from poor family).

>> No.21440103

I didn't know that beforehand, she didn't look like the type. Everything else about her is great. I've been with some girls myself, but I don't come close to double digits. It shouldn't be of any consequence, I don't regret asking but I hate knowing that I can't change it.

>> No.21440106

Changes my capacity to fall in love when I see the types of men she's had sex with. If she's someone I'm going to actually be in love with I can't know that some absolute retard or numerous retards had sex with her. It also changes a few things
>you won't be her first for anything
>you will likely have to interact, at some point in your life, with guys she's had sex with, which is unpleasant and demeaning

>> No.21440109

Lol. Difference between me and you guys is I’m actually a congruent person. I probably will never get married and don’t see it as anything necessary.

If you guys care so much about this idea of purity why not go to your local church starting this Sunday, or your local Mosque? Get involved in the community and meet someone who believes the same thing you do. You guys want to have your cake and eat it too. You don’t want to actually be inoculated into such a culture that believes in such things. You just want to bitch and moan about liberal culture, but boy you sure do love the freedom it entails. Just like this retard dares throw a Nietzsche term at me, not realizing that he’s simping for a value that’s been drilled into his head by a certain religious culture. I’m not saying it’s bad to have this standard, if that’s what you want then fine. But you don’t want to actually do what’s necessary to find those types of women.

Yes I’ve been in love and I don’t ask about their history these days. It’s not any of my business and I don’t want to know anyway., I can’t even get past the first date with most women because I find most so incompatible off the bat. If I could find my ideal woman who was compatible with me on a deep level and she had just slept with a few more people I wouldn’t care at all.

>> No.21440112
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What a total jew you are

>> No.21440116

I promise you modern college women aren't counting one-night stands as "sex partners".

>> No.21440118
File: 35 KB, 639x495, 1637526807126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The innocence is now gone. What makes sex passionate and intimate in her mind is now just some menial task that carries with it nothing but physical friction. Her love for him will not be the most it can be and unconsciously she will always know that she can leave or do better just like she did 16 times before.

>> No.21440122

>You just want to bitch and moan about liberal culture, but boy you sure do love the freedom it entails.
What freedom is that?

>> No.21440123

Black HISTORY, RBG… MLK!!?!? Holy FUCK these liberals are out of control!!

>> No.21440125

What's the difference? A woman with one kid in town makes way more difference than any amount of past sex.

There are many more relevant things to consider. No one thinks "jeez, my wife nags me constantly, is boring and has no interesting hobbies, and is lazy, but at least she didn't sleep with some dude 8 years ago like my other fiance did. I liked her more but not am I glad I got out of that one, being nagged and bored to death is worth it to know my wife slept with 4 guys instead of 14."

>> No.21440128

List every book

>> No.21440131

Good copout

>> No.21440137

Writing children's books about these topic is kinda out of control

>> No.21440141

>a woman with a kid is worse
Okay I don't want that either
>there are many more relevant things to consider
Maybe there are, but all things being equal.

>> No.21440143

>there are other relevant things therefor this thing isn't relevant
what a solid argument lol

>> No.21440144

All kids in any culture ever are indoctrinated into such culture. You were indoctrinated as a kid and so was I. This is true for everyone. This is literally “we live in a society” tier.
The civil rights movement is an important part of American History, please stop drinking the /pol/ kool-aid.

>> No.21440146

What makes you think that the one which has slept with 14 guys is going to be a better wife then the one which slept with 4?

>> No.21440149

Well, would you rather she was one of those pig farmers who kill transient laborers and feed them to their pigs?

>> No.21440154

List every book you kike

>> No.21440160

You have to be especially cruel as a parent to make your children read books about Ruth Bader Ginsberg or the Civil Rights movement. They can learn about civil rights in middle school history class.

>> No.21440161

>change your gender through medical malpractice... FOR KIDS!
Jews, everyone

>> No.21440166

Nothing. But that's the point, it isn't all that relevant.

All things are rarely, if ever equal though.

>> No.21440174
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>> No.21440177

It's very relevant.

>> No.21440178

Yeah I’m sure parents are forcing their kids to read those books. If they were a bunch of books about how they’ll burn in hell if they sin with a cute lil cross on the front you’d probably be calling it based and wholesome.

>> No.21440179

Break up with her. I dated a girl that fucked something like 13 or 14 guys before me. I still dated her because she loved me a lot in the earlier months. She cheated on me with a broker in his 40s during a paid-for company dinner. I developed a panic disorder a few weeks after and suffered for months, and am still affected a year later. Women who’ve been with over 15 men have a 90% divorce rate in marriage. It’s not worth your time, just get rid of her. If you don’t, you can’t say you weren’t warned

>> No.21440182

Ya imagine

>> No.21440188

It is relevant. The most valuable thing about a woman is her body and purity (feminine trait)

>> No.21440195
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Reminder everyone arguing about wether women sleeping around is good or evil are both beta buxx, you'll never be a woman's ideal.
Chads get the virgin tradwife while tradlarpers end up settling for the "born again virgin" roastie
Read whatever by houellebecq

>> No.21440201

>They're heckin corrupt and bad because…they just are ok!! Deus volt XD
Go back to /pol/

>> No.21440206

Freud writes about stunted sexual development, sounds like you would relate to that

>> No.21440207

They are. They all are. If they weren't, things would be a lot different. And it's very obvious.

>> No.21440213

I’d strangle you to death if you were in front of me right now

>> No.21440217

It is. If you honestly believe what you are saying, good for you. But I don't think I could love a woman like that, I would resent her

>> No.21440222

>Don't like women being whores? Read some Freud buddy
How do you think Freud viewed promiscuity and inability to settle down with a single family?

Sorry but you can't run from the universal judgement of all mankind: being a whore is one of the most shameful, reprehensible things a woman can do. NOBODY wants their daughter or mother to be a whore and nobody ever will. It is an awful thing to be.

>> No.21440226

Are you the cuck Californian in the polyamorous relationship

>> No.21440230

Which is why no one seems to have this problem outside of 4chan right ;^)

>> No.21440237

I’ve asked all my normie friends what the threshold would be for their wife’s past and the answer is usually around 3 people. Are you a femoid

>> No.21440239

They likely do under the surface and won't acknowledge it. On reddit the line is "I want my girlfriend to be EXPERIENCED bro." You should check that website out

>> No.21440242
File: 170 KB, 360x346, CA8EA9CA-ABBE-4AF1-95AB-671903660120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a libshit space invader could be this ignorant to reality

>> No.21440256

Nothing brings me as much pleasure as getting a woman to fall deeply in love with me, and then ruthlessly judging her for her sexual past and just absolutely destroying all confidence she had in herself

>> No.21440258

I can literally smell your diseased flappy roastbeef through the screen

>> No.21440259

Yeah except 90% of the planet, the majority of Europeans and Americans, and also a majority of the minority of ultramodernist Europeans/Americans who claim to promote promiscuity while constantly engaging in "slut shaming" and/or having ulterior motives for motives ("based sluts am I right") in the first place.

Ever heard how "liberated" women talk about their whore friends privately when that friend is the group's 2 minute hate target of the day? Disrespect of whores is instinctive for both men and women because it's part of biologically hard-coded sexual selection rituals (women are scarce selectors, men have to earn/deserve sex).

Making it IDEOLOGICALLY acceptable has only made it all the more potent as an insult, because everybody loves whispering in private about the girl stupid enough to drink the ideological kool-aid and whore around. Again, nobody wants their mother or daughter to be a whore. Nobody. It's built in.

>> No.21440274

They do. Three of my roommates complained about women being whores, two dudes(one black) said they didn't mind fucking whores but would never want to be with them long term. I'm sure as >>21440239 says even redditors just suppress their feelings to maintain their social approval.

>> No.21440277

This. We must be a conservative incel. He can't handle a real woman. When she cheats on him he will deserve it. She deserves a real man who doesn't give a fuck about dumb shit like body count.

>> No.21440281

Nice headcanon

>> No.21440286

Don't forget the collective turn of mass culture against "thots" and the mainstreaming of misogyny and incel culture in recent years. It's only going to get worse, as the zoomers are bifurcating into a race of OF-subscribing simps and a race of incels with nothing in between.

Which way zoomer man?

>> No.21440291

Says the libshit space invader stuck in disneyworld in her brain

>> No.21440295

Nice downvote

If you didn't care you wouldn't respond. If you cared and had a real response, you would respond with it. Instead you only downvoted. Logically, that only leaves one option. You are mad but know I'm right. Sorry your whole worldview is based on shallow normie propaganda.

>> No.21440297

Literally everything you just said is completely made up.

>> No.21440303


>> No.21440325

I never said anything about caring, I’m calling it made up nonsense because that’s what it is. He makes up a random number figure and then spouts off a bunch of made up bullshit to support his bullshit number. Only a complete midwit would think anything in that post was a legitimate argument.
>your view is propaganda but my puritan view with nothing but pathos to back it up is totally not and the TRUTH

>> No.21440326

I pity americans so much. In any normal society kids should be indoctrinated to hate faggotry, not embrace it.

>> No.21440329

Not really, no

>> No.21440332

That would be based and wholesome though.

>> No.21440334

His post was a legitimate argument. You're maybe not a guy but if you were you'd understand.

>> No.21440339

>wrong wrong wrong you're wrong everything you said is wrong
No, you're wrong. Everything he said is right. If you respond to this with no YOU are wrong, you are literally retarded. Learn to use this website or go back to one where you can click a button to say you disagree with something, it's faster.

>> No.21440345

>what does it matter if i marry a whore or a decent woman

>> No.21440347

>Go back further and the Ancient Romans would have said have sex incel to you for caring.
The Hollywood brainwashing is real

>> No.21440358

very good

>> No.21440366

What about if you can rationalize her sleeping around? She had like 5-6 guys, had a boyfriend and then whored out during corona. She didn't think it would matter, I guess for some people it really doesn't. I wish to be like them because this girl really likes me and I like her.

>> No.21440367

Faggots exist, get over it. Your kid could be a faggot or any other close family member. It happens and nobody can control it.

>> No.21440373

See >>21440179

>> No.21440384

>Your kid could be a faggot
Nah. That only happens to molested kids. And if I had a faggot kid I'd beat the shit out of him and throw him out. I'm not American.

>> No.21440385

My kid could not be

>> No.21440396

You're talking about whores, slaves, and urban capite censi / proletarians (landless riffraff living in slum conditions).
>From the start of the Roman Republic, there was a high emphasis placed on a woman's virginity. Pudicitia (chastity) was a goddess of feminine purity, and was worshipped by Roman women. Only those who were virgins were allowed to enter the temple.[43]
>While it was expected that women should only have sexual relations with their husbands, it was common for a man to have many sexual partners throughout his life.[43] After marriage, women were scrutinized in the household to prevent any adulterous behavior. For example, Julius Caesar's second wife, Pompeia, attempted to have private relations with Publius Clodius. Julius Caesar's mother, Aurelia, who monitored Pompeia's actions, prevented their private meetings. The mere possibility of Pompeia committing adultery caused Caesar to divorce her.[44]
>Frugality, parsimony, and austerity were characteristics of the virtuous matron.[108]
>A daughter was expected to be deferential toward her father and to remain loyal to him, even if it meant having to disagree with her husband's actions.[
> Even in an urban setting, wool was often a symbol of a wife's duties, and equipment for spinning might appear on the funeral monument of a woman to show that she was a good and honorable matron.[109] Even women of the upper classes were expected to be able to spin and weave in virtuous emulation of their rustic ancestors — a practice ostentatiously observed by Livia.
>A concubine was defined by Roman law as a woman living in a permanent monogamous relationship with a man not her husband.[84]

>> No.21440398

Based savage thirdie.
They could! And there is nothing wrong with two people of the same sex being in love.

>> No.21440402

Nice. Got any good stories?

>> No.21440413

I hate women

>> No.21440423
File: 3.00 MB, 630x780, America.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call him a third world savage but they're better people than Americans

>> No.21440426

She's just a whore though. Things will probably go well the first few months, then she'll cheat on you, and you'll be depressed because you staked your happiness on a whore.

>> No.21440428

Okay, all you proved is that Romans were incels too. Congratulations?

>> No.21440432

Chudus Ceasar

>> No.21440436

Whore island just keeps getting smaller and smaller, its only remaining inhabitants are now you and reddit basedboys who want to fuck you. At what point do you realize the island is shit?

>> No.21440447

Imagine wanting to cuck Caesar. Women are sluts and owe me sex.

>> No.21440457

Why are americans like this, bros?

>> No.21440510

I guess I'll have to take my chances then. Everything that's rational about me tells me you're right, and yet I feel love for this girl. I'd rather I get hurt than hurt her. I have been hurt by women enough to know I don't want to be evil. It's pretty gay, I know.

>> No.21440521


>> No.21440525

Everyone here has masturbated 100+ times, get off your high horses.

>> No.21440528

She will be loyal to you if you are the most chad and alpha of the guys shes fucked. The more people she's banged the less chances there are that you will be that guy, but it can happen. Ofcourse im not advocating for thot behaviour but what i said is true

>> No.21440530

What did he mean by this?

>> No.21440534

Give the cum horse a break, he wasn't meant to sustain this kind of marathon

>> No.21440537

Your kid could be molested without you knowing. Women are evil yeah but men are literally devil. Keep your kid away from coaches and older man

>> No.21440545
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Gays don't exist outside of white countries

>> No.21440555

Are you middle eastern perhaps? Oh boy. If you knew how bad it actually is..

>> No.21440560
File: 38 KB, 460x454, 1660658268291530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from india

>> No.21440561

Please. Please read >>21440179 again.
You do not understand

>> No.21440580

one of the few sane post ITT

>> No.21440588

I really feel for you and I hope you find someone that earns your trust again. However, my first girlfriend "cheated" on me (she went out with some other guy but was too pussy to fuck him) and she was a virgin. My third girlfriend was also a virgin and straight out of the blue one day told me we can't talk anymore and blocked me from everywhere. With this girl, at least I would expect it and hopefully she would have the decency to tell me when she's bored of me. I just feel like she wants to make me happy, at least for now.

>> No.21440597

What movie?

>> No.21440614


>> No.21440631

>I'd rather I get hurt than her
Watch that video where all the wives say they'd prefer their husbands die then they, right before it plays the husbands saying they'd die for their wives.

>> No.21440636

I think that's kinda cute

>> No.21440640

Then you're sociopathic or the greatest woman simp to live.

>> No.21440643

Movie adaptation of whatever by houellebecq

>> No.21440648


>> No.21440665

Shut up femcel

>> No.21440667

very good post sir. And a grim Merry Christmas

>> No.21440674

Thank you anon

>> No.21440676

>you're talking about [the vast majority of the population]
>I'm talking about [a small, elite upper caste of nobles]
very insightful thanks!!

>> No.21440678
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No problem

>> No.21440688
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>16 guys

That's actually on the low end nowadays.

>> No.21440702

>a few hundred thousand people in rome during the latest phase of the empire when it was a decadent shitheap filled with 60% slaves and avoided by all normal people
>out of 60-150 million people in the empire
>rome was a slave-supplied whorehouse and sex dungeon where you could rape little boys and girls for very little money
>liberal: "Based populist utopia, let's go back"

>> No.21440723

One day I asked her the number and she said "I don't know, 10 maybe". Women tend to push numbers down so I became paranoid and soon after we broke up. She even looked like the shy introverted type. You must not care about it, cause if you do the relationship is doomed to fail

>> No.21440733

Shy introverted types are the biggest whores
never go for those as they have even more mental illness than the Stacy whores

>> No.21440740

basado and true

>> No.21440748

16 isn't the problem. Problem is there were probably a lot more.
Read/reread Martin Eden, she's not on your level bruh

>> No.21440757
File: 243 KB, 680x709, high trust low time preference makes the world go round.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone else is part of these few caricatured, evil or incompetent groups. Meanwhile, our group, which is full of hard working, righteous individuals who simultaneously make society run and generate all its wealth, are strong and stalwart, and yet are horribly oppressed by those who are beneath us, sees things as they are, the truth.

>> No.21440764

Like flies to an ointment.

>> No.21440767
File: 192 KB, 1440x1316, edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in califronia and that is 1/3 of the average these women get to. I hate everything. The sexual revolution/birth control was a mistake

>> No.21440772

Shes correct though, the asian American experience is being fucked by white cock

>> No.21440775

As someone who attended an elite university, the establishment class is simply a caricature of the old aristocracy. They go to University to read the "Western Canon", which consists of six or seven paragraphs selected out of 100 different books to give the veneer of breadth. They hire a personal trainer to manage what food they eat and how they exercise in order to have perfect bodies. They hire financial analysts to invest their money for them. They don't exist in any real sense, they simply pay for the appearance of superiority and then pay to isolate themselves from any situations that require thinking-on-the-spot or demonstrating actual leadership qualities. Obesity rates come from being too poor to eat actual food, so the masses are fed with cornstarch and food colouring; education is a purely pay-to-play system of gatekeeping that functions not by training people for careers, but by making sure that average people are excluded from competing for high status jobs. It's all a LARP, like those hollow chipboard apartment buildings in North Korea that only exist for the benefit of tourists.

They don't even produce anything anymore. There is no semi-heroic industrialist class, there no labour aristocracy of producers, it's a bunch of rich people trading numbers on a screen, watching arrows go up and down, and investing in housing so they can extract 50+% of the income of actual producers.

>> No.21440779
File: 628 KB, 760x836, steined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeh brother

>> No.21440787

>Less than 5 books mentioned in this thread

>> No.21440795

In the real world, Bill Gates is fucking 14 year olds every weekend in his private jet, and Jeffry Epstein's thousands of whores are now married to handsomed blue collar simps who have no idea how different the world of highschool girls is from that of highschool guys.

>> No.21440803

Jeremy meeks was a criminal who got a multimillionaire wife by being good looking

>> No.21440808

I had similar experiences and agree. The upper class is a schizophrenic shithouse. This is actually a very good thing if you think about it. It turns out that excellence (which is morally ambivalent) is a function of the excellence of the group as a whole, and not a function of heredity. If the opposite were true, the first elite ever to attain a real stranglehold over the collective it governed/managed would have become permanent, because the resources accruing to it from its amoral mastery would have caused it to become even more excellent, in an endless recursion that made any revolution impossible. Systems almost like this have happened, like in pre-modern Korea with the "old bones" system, but they were stagnant and horrific - they could only attain equilibrium by reducing both the aristocracy and the serfs to a bare minimum of dynamism.

It turns out that circulation of the elites is a necessity, thus any given oligarchy can only be temporary, thus periodic revolutionary "watering of the tree of freedom" is inevitable. I'll take that over some arbitrary financial elite turning the entire world into their private plantation.

>> No.21440854

I don't understand that image. What is that orange thing?

>> No.21440860

>5 books mentioned in a /lit/ thread
that's a record.

>> No.21440868

Emily Grey?

>> No.21440876

men are fucking bitchbabies. why do you even give a shit? does her pussy taste like dick now or something?

>> No.21440877

Edit of an original benign image where the inclusion of the orange or whatever it was made sense, I imagine the joke was that her husband eats it all while she bravely has sex with their migrant boarder and gives him half

>> No.21440887
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>> No.21440889
File: 671 KB, 1568x2048, Facundo_Quiroga_por_García_del_Molino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fear is that the West is increasingly moving towards a stagnant-- but stable-- system. It seems like the increasing in credentialism, social justice movements, and outsourcing of manufacturing to third world countries so a dwindling middle class can play financier are all signs demonstrating that the West is moving towards "a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate", in the words of Tocqueville.

Recently I've been reading Facundo: Barberism and Civilization, and it's striking how similar the history of Argentinian Caudillos is to my home country's (Canada) tension between Imperialist Corporations (Mixed race and autocratic) and Parliamentary Democracy (Anglo-Jewish-Freemasonic elites creating complicated systems of indirect control and calling it freedom). It seems like Sarmiento's "Civilization" is just shorthand for European imperialistic control, that untimely revolves around the whims of a dozen or so Anglo-Jewish merchant banker families. "Barbarism" on the other hand, the metizo/metis/mullatto strong men who form cults of personality and rise in the world through acts of courage and brutality, seem to me the truest manifestation of ἀριστοκρατία , living breathing avatars of the Spenglarian race-ideal manifsting in history.

>> No.21440894

Jeremy Meeks was a kept man who traded one prison for another. There's nothing envious or admirable about his position.

>> No.21440899

seethe harder

>> No.21440915

if you eat her pussy, you're just licking the plate off another niggas dick

>> No.21440969

I don't disagree with your main point. Human ability mostly follows a Gaussian distribution. Human wealth is on a power law distribution due to returns on capital.

But when someone makes such a huge deal about 0.5-1.1 standard deviations in IQ, it's worth pointing out that a larger gap exists between "useless elites," and "the righteous ones."

Also, healthy food isn't more expensive. It's about having the self control not to eat shit.

The absolute cheapest food isn't McDonalds or boxed processed by a long shot. 20lbs of rice is $5. 20lbs of flour is even cheaper. Beans and lentils are less than a dollar a pound. Bulk frozen veg is often more nutritious than "fresh" because it is ripened on the vine and flash frozen rather than being ripened with ethylene gas on route to the store. You can have a plenty nutritious diet on almost no money. The problem is that people want ready to eat food that is loaded with sugar, salt, and fat.

My meal prep costs almost nothing. I have an initial (optional) outlay for oil and spices that is expensive, but then everything else is super cheap. Bulk lentils, wheat berries, oats, and beans, plus frozen vegetables and some I get fresh (mostly tubers). I have a bunch of recipes I cycle through. Cooking this stuff takes time, but the actual amount of time I spend actively doing anything is tiny, it's mostly just letting water boil.

Sure, straight vegetable oil is cheaper than rice and beans per calorie, but no one eats that. Rice and beans is cheaper than what most poor people eat.

>> No.21440982

Why do you care when a man cries?

>> No.21440987

I don't have the /lit/ to express how tired I am of 4chan at this point

>> No.21440993

The entire world bends to you because you have pussy to sell, and you want us not to be discerning customers? We gave you feminism and you turned into hedonistic parasites and we were even cool with that, just keep the pussy fresh and high quality.

>> No.21441014

>The entire world bends to you because you have pussy to sell
men. you mean men. you're talking about yourself.

every man in this thread would have a body count in the 100s if they were able to. but you're not because you're too ugly and unlikable. instead of crying on 4chan and becoming even bigger unlikable incels, use this time to go work out. maybe you can get your numbers up.

>> No.21441022

You presume a world of gender equality and legally protected individualism that was created and granted to you by men. Until you are strong enough to create that world and impose it on me, I will do two things: acquiesce in offering it to you out of fairness to see if you use it wisely, and then impose a moral regime on you because you can't be trusted with legal and political equality. You've already failed the fairness test, now we're just waiting for the second part to kick in.

>> No.21441033

yawn, my pussy's drying up.
you're not going to do shit but cry on 4chan because that's all you ever do.

>> No.21441035

You sound like you're addicted to porn

>> No.21441044
File: 34 KB, 326x326, christchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whore is a whore. Your value as a woman is less because of that. Now fix your ways, hole.
>inb4 men are whores too
Doesn't matter, doesn't apply to men. And no I won't explain why. You have been adequately warned.

>> No.21441053

>posts using avatars of little anime girls
you're not a man.

>> No.21441055
File: 96 KB, 640x640, C6F737A3-53D7-453D-925D-5A595D07FCEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21441057

Oh it's a tranny, gross, sorry what I should have said is kill yourself.

Porn should be banned and pornographers executed.

>> No.21441078

I'm sure you feel that way, coomer

>> No.21441105

Its always interesting to see how cucked and dysgenic the modern man is.

>> No.21441111

Freud believed that a baby boy is sexually attracted to his mother

>> No.21441151

I support islamic immigration because they rape and kill white women

>> No.21441156

“Wanna give a bitch my heart but I can’t though
I can’t fall in love with a stank ho
Lil’ bitch I fell in love with the bank ho”

-21 Savage

>> No.21441186

Break up with that whore. Go to the gym and improve yourself. And then go find an 18 year old virgin (or younger if your country or specific circumstances allow it).

>> No.21441194

There is no virgin women anymore
You are delusional

>> No.21441196

go bag to fit faggot