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/lit/ - Literature

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21728009 No.21728009 [Reply] [Original]

You should dedicate your life to learn all of those 4 fields. Specializing in only one of them is useless, it's better to learn all 4 generally than to specialize in only one. It's the only way to learn the truth of this world.

>> No.21728018

>Philosophy, Philosophy, Philosophy, Philosophy

>> No.21728025

>Yeah just learn all of science bro, all of it. I heckin love science

>> No.21728031

By science I mean physics and chemistry. The rest is optional.

>> No.21728060

> specializing
> lists four of the most-encompassing fields of all time
you can specialise in tiny subfields of subfields within all the domains you listed. What you're proposing is just general education

>> No.21728067

Ok, Ill just take that to heart from some anon who posts pictures of anime girls on 4chan. Also shit thread.

>> No.21728069

That's pretty much what I do but I'm also a midwit. If I were smart, I would probably only do math.

>> No.21728074

I've learnt my share of math, science, programming aand shit. I read novels mostly. I'm not ready for philosophy. How'd i do anon

>> No.21728096 [SPOILER] 

>It's the only way to learn the truth of this world.

>> No.21728100

>By science I mean physics and chemistry

>> No.21728141
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Genuinely reaffirming that other anons ITT see the pants-on-head faggotry of OP.

I'm very biased but, of the four, philosophy is the best subject for everyone on Earth to study. I doubt that Mr. Ubungu in Macoroon will gain much from reading Shakespeare or Schiller. I have the greatest certainty that he would benefit from studying Plato. You can read the Early Moderns without understanding the geopolitical realities at the time and still get right to the heart of what it means to be human. To greater or lesser degrees, all philosophy is an inquiry into humanity.

It is good to study the natural sciences and mathematics, no doubt, but it is not for everyone. Literature is even more confining, as few authors rise above their cultural trappings and speak a truly universal message.

>> No.21728216
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>dammit I just can't make this calculation work, my hypothesis is ruined!
>i know, i'll just make up a number that solves my equation and then gaslight the rest of humanity into thinking it's real, ho ho delightfully devillish

>> No.21728300

Why do you think you're not ready for philosophy?

>> No.21728309

Studying math is not worth it. Trust me.

>> No.21728312

i second this

>> No.21728326

Philosophy is a subset of literature though?

>> No.21728343

Oh yea like being a red mage in early game Final Fantasy. I would say studying biology is also as important as the rest

>> No.21728459

Physics is a meme, chemistry is good
Geology is patrician

>> No.21728470

I'm afraid I haven't experienced enough to understand it. I've had a simple, introverted life in upper middle class neighborhoods, then I spent 4 years at the university and got a remote job.

>> No.21728542

On your own you can only learn some undergrad physics on a superficial level, maybe go relatively deep into one topic. Beyond that it's more of a social endeavor, otherwise you won't have the motivation to go through all the boring stuff.
As for chemistry you won't go any far at all unless you set your own lab, but good luck getting the precursors without feds coming after you.
As for mathematics, it's possible to go quite far on your own, but beyond a certain point it's really hard to motivate yourself going further if you're not in a mathematical community.

>> No.21728549

Just start with Plato. You're more ready than most people here.

>> No.21728745

Start by reading the History of Philosophy by Copleston. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.21728750

excuse me that's physics you're confusing us with

>> No.21728755

no. both mathematics and philosophy are subsets of a wider logical form

>> No.21728785

that's analytical philosophy, continental philosophy has nothing to do with logic

>> No.21728827

Thanks for the recs bros

>> No.21728829
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Literally just read this (or its equivalent if English isn't your first language) and don't sweat the Phaedo if it doesn't click with you. Ignore every pleb telling you to start with secondary or tertiary sources. Plato is more than capable of explaining himself (or, at least, of provoking interesting questions in unclear passages). I meant what I said above: everyone can benefit from reading Plato.

The first three dialogues are short and straightfoward enough, the Meno is short and kick-started millennia of epistemological debate that is still ongoing to this very day, and the Phaedo (taken with other like dialogues) has a strong case for being credited with the invention of humanity. Depending on which one(s) you like, it is very easy to seek out the relevant dialogues and then the relevant philosophers/fields.

>> No.21728837

>Ignore every pleb telling you to start with secondary or tertiary sources

>> No.21729052

>physics is a meme
>chemistry, which is applied physics, is good
this site is so fucking stupid man

>> No.21729069

You can read Plato without secondary sources, but you probably won't gain as much from it as you could otherwise.
When Plato was alive, people would discuss his writing among themselves and were even able to ask the man himself for clarification, I don't see why a modern reader should only be allowed to read his books without any other material.

>> No.21729406

>the Phaedo (taken with other like dialogues) has a strong case for being credited with the invention of humanity

>> No.21729575


>> No.21729711

That's the wrong way to spell biology, my duderino

>> No.21730184

I went through the most prestigious grad program (in 'Murica) for Platonic studies. I've probably read triple the scholarship on Plato than both of you combined, and while some of it is brilliant, some of the esteemed heavyweights are retarded — Vlastos springs to mind.

You are missing the point: for someone who new to philosophy, it's not important to dissect Plato and discern every nuance, it's about merely encountering him. You cannot do so through a third party. If that anon really thinks Plato is worthwhile, which he might or might not, I'm sure that he will seek the literature on his own. Notice I said, "Ignore every pleb telling you to *start*" with such scholarship, not to ignore it completely. Case in point:

I'll try to come back and explain if I have time, but if I don't, check out Pierre Hadot's "What is Ancient Philosophy?": especially chapter 4, "The Definition of 'Philosopher' in Plato's Symposium." The key idea is that humans had little to no appreciation of their internal life as individuals — paraphrasing Hadot, capital-I Individuals in the sense that Kierkegaard meant — before Plato. IIRC, Bloom makes a similar case for Shakespeare (Hamlet and Falstaff), but it really began with Plato's conception of being a "lover of wisdom," importantly one who lacks wisdom, with an immortal soul.

>> No.21731625

I'm the anon you're replying to. I just got this off libgen. Thank you. It's less than 200 pages, I'll have a go at it over the weekend

>> No.21731940

Hope you have fun! Let us know how it goes next week if you see (or make) a relevant thread.

>> No.21731946

>It is good to study the natural sciences and mathematics, no doubt, but it is not for everyone.
You’re correct, it’s reserved for the intelligent. Philosophy is mental masturbation that virtually anyone can engage in. This is indeed a shit thread.

>> No.21732059

You should start with grammar, logic, and rhetoric before moving on to arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.

>> No.21732189

I want to focus on philosophy and mathematics, but I'm not competent enough to educate myself.

>> No.21732562
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and how does anime fit into this

>> No.21732908

That’s what books are for my friend. Don’t give up: you can do it.

>> No.21732934

Mathematics is the study of things that everyone agrees on. Philosophy is art of finding creative ways to disagree with others.

>> No.21734312
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>Mathematics is the study of things that everyone agrees on
>he doesn't know

>> No.21734353

When I said everyone, I meant reasonable people.

>> No.21734383

I never said he should only read secondary sources, if course he should also read Plato himself.

>> No.21734447

Ah yes. Kronecker, Poincaré, Hilbert*, Wittgenstein, Aristotle are not reasonable people, but the demented Jew who thought he was a messiah chosen by God ('Absolute Infinity') to spread the truth about the 'hierarchy of infinities' and then spent the last two decades of his life in a sanatorium was. I mean anything else would be pretty inconvenient right? The foundational crisis? Some old solved shit nobody remembers, nevermind the fact that ZF set-theory takes a tangible infinity as axiomatic. Shut up and trust the reasonable people.

>> No.21734473

physics bad
simplified physics good
if you ever tried to learn chemistry on a deeper level you would see how eventually it just becomes physics

>> No.21734639

Bros I attempted sister Miriam trivium does that cover philosophy?

>> No.21734705

post more anime girls smoking, white boy

>> No.21734732
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>tranime OP
>telling other people about taste or giving them advice on how to live their lives

>> No.21734829
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>> No.21734987
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>cat person

>> No.21735407
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Ignore OP and heed my words. From what I have gathered knowledge about the universe and truth requires a lifetime of hard work.

Liberal education (trivium+quadrivium)
Grammar, logic and rethoric. Physical culture is also higly necessary for development. At this stage a student learns how to think, learn and speak well. He should also grow physically through training and study nutrition, fitness and anatomy.
>Mastery of space
This stage is concerned with arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy. This is application of numbers in time and space.

There are much higher stages but I can't say much since I am still working on my foundation.

>> No.21736231


>> No.21736649


>> No.21737874
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Told you so.