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22065392 No.22065392 [Reply] [Original]

>start with the greek
okay but what book?

>> No.22065400

The Apology

>> No.22065401

Iliad obviously you fucking dumbass

>> No.22065425

Oedipus the King

>> No.22065447

do what this anon said. or read Works and Days, since that is also a really really old text (and is also much shorter than the Iliad, which definitely helps if you are retarded). I'd say that reading either of those books would give you a sense for the Greek life-view

>> No.22065466
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This chart is a good, if over-extensive guide.

Edith Hamilton's Mythology is a really, really good starter. Then read Strauss' book followed with the Iliad/Odyssey (I prefer Fitzgerald's translation, Fagles is lacking the intensity of the original.

Then I would actually read Xenophon's Memorabilia (Bonnette translation) for your introduction to Socrates before reading Plato. Extremely interesting and enjoyable read

>> No.22065477

Genuinely read every single surviving text in chronological order up until Herodotus.

>> No.22065508

You havent even read the original you pseud stop pretending

>> No.22065515


>> No.22065606

read the fucking sticky

>> No.22066626

Read the sticky you fucking moron

>> No.22066682

>Edith Hamilton's Mythology is a really, really good starter. Then read Strauss' book
These are for homos. Especially the first, which is written by someone incapable of understanding the core meanings of most of the tales.

Just read the texts themselves and you'll get it if you're not stupid.

>> No.22066697


>> No.22066710


>> No.22066730

Robert Graves’ The Greek Myths

>> No.22066733

Homeric hymns, Hesiod, Homer, Heraclitus, Herodotus. Branch out from there.

>> No.22066736

The OP literally knows so little about Greek myth or history as to ask a Nepalese clay shooting board on what to read first.

A classic like Hamilton's Mythology is standard introduction to the subject in High School classes.