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22268596 No.22268596 [Reply] [Original]


Why does Nietzsche's works sound like an angry annoying ex-girlfriend?

>> No.22268679

No matter how much you hate being a surplus male in an egalitarian society it will not make Christianity real.

>> No.22268874

I love being a slave and I love christ

>> No.22268894

I love being in despair and I love nihilism

>> No.22268932

Wagner was inspired by Jesus Christ to create the greatest work of art to ever exist. Anyone who listens to the whole work in one sitting will instantly convert to Christianity.


>> No.22268938

today I learned christianity's decline is because of adhd

>> No.22269081

damn anon that's a good one. stealing

>> No.22269214

How am I a surplus male when 99% of zoomer males are waste of space faggots

>> No.22269227

lmao you're surplus because the agricultural revolutions lead to population booms and most of that new population was used to grow food or press ganged into some military force.

The overwhelming majority of all men on earth are surplus and Women are superior when it comes to modern working culture (paper pushing) you don't need many men anymore.

>> No.22269232


There are not enough men harvesting produce in America leading to farmers desperately leaning into drone technology. This is, of course, with the fact that a spic invades America for every white NEET fucking over his country by not working.

>> No.22269240

I already was a Christian, but the instant I heard the finale to Parsifal, I knew. There's no other way to describe it. I don't know how Wagner did it, or what kind of inspiration struck him, but I will never forget that music and melody until I die.

>> No.22269244
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>> No.22269263

Holy cringe, this is the guy /it/ fawns over ?

>> No.22269285

Woman are inferior at everything

>> No.22269316

Regardless of what you think, you are viewed as surplus males by the society you are seething at and it will, one way or another, dispose of you if you make a stink about it. The same innovations in technology that let farmers use less manpower have also empowered women socio-economically, and no one is seriously interested in uninventing them. One of the solutions touted to the impending climate crisis is to reduce global fertility, and this is most easily achieved by providing women with education and training to do literally any jobs other than those involving households and children. In other words, even more men must become redundant and have their jobs "taken" by women, which again will impact the least labor intensive and most technologically augmented jobs held by men. And even then, Christianity will still not be real, nor will it be able to harness these surplus men to a particular cause, as it has long since been superseded by more efficient ideology

>> No.22269325

best post on /lit/ right now

>> No.22269342

naw but a lot of men think they are superior to women at working

You're stronger than the average woman and that's about it.

testosterone isn't a blessing to your boss unless you are supposed to move heavy shit around.
You get it lol

It's amazing to me that so many "high IQ right wing men" simply don't get how post ag rev society is organized

>> No.22269423

That is good and all, but there is a reason why women work less hours on average.

>> No.22269438

the first sane poster i have ever come across on /lit/. finally someone with a brain on here.

>> No.22269454

> honey can you pick up the kids tonight?
> no going out drinking with the boys after work

>> No.22269455

Uppity spoiled civilizational brat.

Enjoy getting raped and clubbed to death when the system you're whoring yourself out to inevitably collapses.

>> No.22269508

It's because of period pains, incel.

>> No.22269611
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>One of the solutions touted to the impending climate crisis is to reduce global fertility, and this is most easily achieved by providing women with education and training to do literally any jobs other than those involving households and children.
This is not a viable long-term strategy. The long-term result of this plan is that the women who are the most competent workers and with weak instincts to reproduce will be purged from the gene pool. You're creating selection pressure for women with a strong innate instinct to have as many babies as possible and are resistant to working.


>> No.22269643

Women are stupid tho and most scientists are still male.
>paper pushing are women jobs

Aside from big4 companies you'll still find tons of men that are working in generic white collar paper pusher jobs.

Retards like you are acting as if 99 % of men are construction workers or tradies, which isn't true.

What a dumb series of posts, only someone terminally online could spout shit like this.

>> No.22269928
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>> No.22269959

Nietzsche's philosophy is the biggest cope to deal with perceived meaninglessness I have ever seen

Which is why his admirers (who actually admire more of a caricature of him they made in their own minds) resist the idea of meaning - it'd force them to give up the fantasy, to give up the cope, and nobody wants to lose the blank check they gave themselves

>> No.22269968

Oh no no no, christcucks bros, our response?

>> No.22270001

You won't do shit, and no, praying for the rapture still isn't doing shit.
Many of those male scientists are helping to create asexual technological innovations to reduce the value of men to employers. You can we'wuz all you like about you and them both being males but we are talking about a very narrow group of people, easily outnumbered by the white collar, glorified clerical worker types. They are not part of some uniform ideologically male-ist force that opposes the spread of women into their economical niches either. And as I said the blue collar jobs which are the most labor intensive are at the least risk of being opened to women. Being an AI operator, which will pay more than being a plumber, but less than being a software developer, is going to be a mostly female job.
It would seem to make sense that the least motherly women being selected against in the long run means more motherly women in the future, but our society is more interested in breeding capital than people, so when these women who had 2.1 kids instead of 0 inevitably encourage their daughters to go into debt to get a good education and get a good job they will be undoing nature's efforts as we've long been undoing nature's efforts on any number of things. What you're calling an instinct to reproduce I would suggest is really more of a cultural demand, which operates alongside additional factors depressing fertility which are more readily obvious such as reduced T levels in men, the education of women, microplastics, etc. Now, in some parts of the world the fertility rates are higher, and these less developed places will inevitably send people to the more developed but less fertile places. But here's the thing, assuming your pseudo-darwinian mommy gene exists, the sorts of women willing to leave their high fertility homes to do higher status work in a foreign country are themselves selecting against the mommy gene. So fertility should increase in the developing countries and only get a slight bump elsewhere, but again here I think culture has the most power, the artificial anti-life pressures which have made having children in a Western country into a form of economic self-sabotage avoided by "rational" actors because of the extreme expensive of producing a "successful" adult, this puts nature to shame. We've even controlled for the horniness that should have caused babies to born—pornography accessible on every smartphone. So the instinct to reproduce, or more properly the drives which should lead to reproduction if expressed, properly, these are still around but are being managed to serve the life cycle of money more than man.

>> No.22270012

Two questions:
1) Do you think the cumulative sum of these trends is dysgenic in the long-term?
2) How will society manage a huge surplus of men? As of now, it hasn't tried to fix that problem through targeted abortion. Even with pacification measures, it is still a massive liability, as all but the weakest men are stronger than the strongest women.

>> No.22270048

>1) Do you think the cumulative sum of these trends is dysgenic in the long-term?
It is certainly a strange thing to do to ourselves and to the planet. When an animal has enough resources it reproduces and so from a selfish perspective is wasting those resources, but from an ecological perspective the animal reaching that position is important to the equilibrium and therefore it must provide a future generation to continue the work it does as a conduit. Human societies with more than enough, with the most resources even, are the least fertile. It is as if we are becoming too expensive of a form of life. Expensive, augmented humanity would have to be dysgenic from the perspective of an efficiently-reproductive and more natural or baseline humanity.
>2) How will society manage a huge surplus of men?
This an ancient question, but the problem for future policymakers is going to be that it will be the worst it has ever been. However, they also have more tools than ever before to manage the stresses of this population. It's a kind of arms race. Facebook's Metaverse, when it was still making a buzz in the news, was castigated for being full of cybersex, which is of course non-reproductive in its satisfaction of urges and avoids the problem of men with nothing to do becoming destabilizingly anti-social.
You may wonder: but what if I care about the future of ______ despite all the obstacles, financial incentives, and entropic dysgenic forces? You can in fact still convert your resources into reproduction, but it will be an ordeal and a true sacrifice for which you have no guaranteed return. You would have to spit upon all your programming, along with someone who feels the same way. Instead of breeding money you'd have to be willing to set it on fire on a regular basis.

>> No.22270067

Christianity is real and shitzsche was wrong about everything

>> No.22270069

>Makes an abstract argument and thinks it can literally explain how society is structured and governed
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.22270103

If Neetzsche is wrong why is christcuckery dead and nobody believes in god?

>> No.22270259

>not enough
One thing America has enough of is food

>> No.22270276

Surplus male problem is solved by:
increasing horizonal violence (two guys at a bar fighting)
increasing vertical violence (Tigger happy cops)
Easy access to extremely powerful narcotics.
Defeatist PYSWAR on young men
Literal Wars
Intentional Famines

Basically what's going on right now Anon.


>> No.22270624

If biological sex is real, why is everybody trooning out?

>> No.22270669

He was right about everything, which is why people like you are even still around

>> No.22271273

brutal. christ chuds on suicide watch

>> No.22273059

one thing i learned from this thread is that nietzsche's fanboys are feminist. that explains why they are so annoying.

>> No.22273087

They don't even know what they are. They will post Nietzsche's misogynist quotes in other threads.

>> No.22273098

say one "positive" about the opposite sex and get labeled an adherent of an entire sociopolitical ideology/world view

Face it anon in a post ag rev, post tech rev,post sex rev world women are better workers than men. You are surplus and will probably be the last of you bloodline.

>> No.22273104

What makes women superior at paper pushing? Spain legislated menstrual leaves. Women are looking for dumb excuses to avoid working more so than men (I don't blame them). I can't wait for fibromyalgia and long covid leaves.

>> No.22273106

>0 days since christcuck seethes over the existence of trannies unprompted.

>> No.22273153

You mean Jesus is a liat

>> No.22273178

women work for less
they consume more
easy to please and shut up
less likely to strike
less likely to form unions

I'd hire women over a man any day for any job that didn't require spatial awareness and strong back.

I love how saying women are better workers spins up men lol but they always cope with but but career ending pregnancy or women have periods lol hehe

let your hatred of women create a huge Blindspot in your world view.. GRIM!

>> No.22273194

>they consume more
>easy to please and shut up
>less likely to strike
>less likely to form unions
Misogynistic lies.

>> No.22273325 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, arthur-schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer broke Nietzsche. It resulted in Nietzsche going totally insane because he could never refute BUDDHISThauer the ALL-KNOWING. Schopenhauer ended philosophical debate.
>Kill yourself then pessimistic retard

>> No.22273331
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>> No.22273440

Schopenhauer is a brutal black pill, definitely was for me, but a couple years later and I’m still studying Nietzsche and I couldn’t disagree more. It takes time but there is really light at the end of it all.

>> No.22273511
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Hey friend I have to slaughter your post. Hope you have a good day!
>you are viewed as surplus males by the society you are seething at and it will, one way or another, dispose of you if you make a stink about it.
Surplus just means "should be dead" and of course the demon slaves want humanity dead! They hate themselves and others. Otherwise, create an empirically centered definition for "surplus human" which we can all assent to. Oh we can't? Wowza.
>The same innovations in technology that let farmers use less manpower have also empowered women socio-economically, and no one is seriously interested in uninventing them.
Technology is more efficient. Great.
>One of the solutions touted to the impending climate crisis
> to reduce global fertility, and this is most easily achieved by providing women with education and training to do literally any jobs other than those involving households and children.
No. It's by providing them birth control, condoms, and abortions to compel them to mortally sin so they treat their own children like how your argument views strangers.
> "And even then, Christianity will still not be real,
This is entirely unrelated and your whole argument is "feel bad and reject God," but how is women being managers in HR related to Jesus Christ? It's not other than spiritually or for this post demonically.
>nor will it be able to harness these surplus men to a particular cause,
"Surplus" people don't exist.
>s it has long since been superseded by more efficient ideology
Define "efficient"

>> No.22273527

>Being an AI operator, which will pay more than being a plumber, but less than being a software developer, is going to be a mostly female job.
Again you're just arguing to create despaie via trendy buzzwords to make people feel like that it either relates to (kt doesn't), invalidates (it really doesn't), or really that any of your comments are anything other than sociological "predictions" (read: buzzword low qualoty fear mongering).

>> No.22273532

>the artificial anti-life pressures
>surplus male
I'll wait.

>> No.22273583

None of this makes Christ real.

>> No.22273691

>None of this makes Christ real.
Obviously it does not nor do the originally quoted posts even related to Jesus Christ unless you say general morale is related to Him via the generic virtue of Hope or by its lack via despair manifest in its current technologically accelerated sociological form in which case you conceded and admitted Jesus Christ.

>> No.22273703

>Hey friend I have to slaughter your post
Didn't happen. Christian apologists aren't what they used to be. I doubt you've even read any of your OG's. And like OO you've assuredly never read Nietzsche either. I don't care about "demon slaves" but refer to the people who believe in such things as an excuse for their uselessness.

>> No.22273707

The depression of fertility rates and the presence of a large number of under-utilized and unwanted males are both obvious problems and pretending to believe in Christianity out of resentment for the situation does not solve them.

>> No.22273756

>Didn't happen.
>Christian apologists aren't what they used to be.
>I doubt you've even read any of your OG's.
>And like OO you've assuredly never read Nietzsche either.
>I don't care about "demon slaves" but refer to the people who believe in such things as an excuse for their uselessness.
>under-utilized and unwanted males are both obvious problems
They have self-denied their own participation moslty and only you view them or label them as "unwanted" because by doing so it appears that you are "above" them despite the fact you believe of the NPC cliches such as AI replacementism, climate "crisis," and the starting assumption of modernists who deny the soul, God, and transcendence. Your post is just anti-humanism veiled in confident redditism.

>> No.22273763

how do I into wagner. just sit and listen to this whole little show?

>> No.22273770

For the casual reader who is curious why the anti-human anon is so needlessly cruel the words "surplus" and "unwanted" are actually just terms for gentile. Dang it feels good to have God's full covenant from the Holy Roman and Apostolic Catholic Church.

>> No.22273772

Yeah the post I made earlier responding to OP's non-comprehension of Nietzsche was an insult, I freely admit it. And it seems I nailed the exact reason he is seething about Nietzsche or you wouldn't be here "defending" Christianity by blubbering about the evil demons oppressing you and reddit. You are a caricature of Nietzsche's presentation of Christianity. You are going to have to deal with the problems I have mentioned with regard to society if you are actually interested in them, otherwise you can keep doing this extremely online christlarp posturing where you take solance in denouncing "modernity" on a Japanese cartoon porn forum.

>> No.22273778

You have neither such imaginary protections nor are you as a gentile yourself coherent in any way for being an anti-semite who worships a rabbi as god.

>> No.22273791

>I freely admit it.
Not good
> And it seems I nailed the exact reason he is seething about Nietzsche or you wouldn't be here "defending" Christianity by blubbering about the evil demons oppressing you and reddit.
You mean coming up with a roundaboht method of saying "incel?" Is this sex-obsessionism via the fornication-ridden and porn-addicted supposed to be a theological argument or just calling someone ugly and short?
>You are a caricature of Nietzsche's presentation of Christianity.
Nah I don't have slave morality but good try.
>You are going to have to deal with the problems I have mentioned with regard to society if you are actually interested in them,
I fully agree. Mass monogamy, legislating birth control, and banning abortion (no exceptions) fixes this elegantly.
>otherwise you can keep doing this extremely online christlarp posturing where you take solance in denouncing "modernity" on a Japanese cartoon porn forum.
This is just saying that I'm Christian and post on 4chan in a mean way.

>> No.22273799

>nor are you as a gentile yourself coherent in any way for being an anti-semite
I am waiting for that glorious word "wrong" and not the slanderous term "anti-semite." The fact of the matter is that Jews chosenness is not an elevation but a specification by God and the clear fact that I could correctly identify your heresy through prose alone shows the very ironclad validity of my metaphysics.

>> No.22273843

>doesn't have slave morality
>"believes" in "the very ironclad validity of my metaphysics"
where are your claws little lamb?

>> No.22273848

Slave morality relies on implicit pity and sub-metaphysics.
>where are your claws little lamb?
I don't need, nor want, them.

>> No.22273853

Oh you are most certainly a sub, you're the Joseph in any relationship

>> No.22273859

Speaking from experience, sexualizing spirituality is very common for someone with childhood sexual trauma. Be careful.

>> No.22273879

You are the one who brought up sex, don't dish what you can't take. My earliest point in this thread was that someone who converts to Christianity because he feels aggrieved by his social station has absolutely no grounds to critique Nietzsche and this has become especially salient through this thread, with the Christian representative resorting to the labeling of "demons" "heretics" and "metaphysics" to defend himself against the charge that he is a resentful little imp. If you are so devout you should accept your verbal matrydom as a sign of your piety, not resort to Freudian insinuation against your opponent. Or perhaps I am right and should augment my barbs with some of ol' Siggy myself—let us suppose the self-imposed inner trauma of a lack of expressed sexuality is driving your belief in having your absent father be in control of those you lack control over;

>> No.22273885

God is real. He will take care of the people who have bad lives and nothing else going for them. He does this because he wants us closer to him. All you need to do is avoid sin to be happy. That is the only objective in life.

>> No.22273886
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>> No.22273900

Women only have any freedom at the sufferance of men. There was never any "Woman's Revolution", everything they got was granted to them by men. And all the jobs that keep society working are done by men. 99% of paper-pushing jobs are bullshit jobs- they're pointless. When the Competence Crisis reaches its peak and society starts turning into Mexico, women will lose all their jobs and go back to what they always were because they can't do any of the actual real work necessary to keep a society together and men will be too busy trying to survive to be nice to them.

That's all there is to it.

>> No.22273918

>some distant pastoral apocalypse will put me back in charge where I so rightfully belong among the elect
sure but until then what are you doing with your life?

>> No.22274071


>> No.22274209

most men are meant to occupy the perimeter of society, exploring the frontiers of culture and the limits of technology
globalization has reduced the perimeter of society relative to its volume such that there arent as many men needed to maintain it as before. Men can either feminize or risk being cast out.
But the good news is sometimes a group of outcasts stumble upon a new culture or technology that sat outside the attention of society, and they are relatively protected should that society face apocolypse

>> No.22274243

The only protections against an improbable societal collapse, i.e. a return from social humanity to an animal environment, are to have a secure food supply which does not rely on distant socialized humans and to not live within a large population of such humans. Since you don't do either you'd be dead without food on store shelves, fuel in your tank, and power in your home. Praying for the end to come and wipe out your social adversaries, is, of course, very Christian of you.

>> No.22274341

>You are the one who brought up sex, don't dish what you can't take
>Oh you are most certainly a sub, you're the Joseph in any relationship
I won't read the rest because the first sentence was not, as far as I can tell, manifestly true in intent or on the surface.

>> No.22274398

Right here, and unprompted, you became anxious about whether or not you were being called an incel and accused everyone else of being obsessed with sex. You do know that your father fucked your mother, right? If you don't want to have sex that's fine, but your constructing of a pseudo-intellectual, "metaphysical" religion of spite around that lifestyle is very transparent. There's little reason for you to even stick around with such a sickly outlook on life. I do indeed recommend you get some fresh air, perhaps even grasp flora.

>> No.22274733

>became anxious about whether or not you were being called an incel
I aill only read your posts in so far as they do not contain a lie and I had to stop here.

>> No.22274922

>>innate religious upbringing
lol retard

>> No.22275018
File: 61 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there a femdomcuck in this thread?

>> No.22275029

I don't think I've ever seen a person so aggressively mischaracterize someone else in order to defend some dumb ideology.

>> No.22275038 [DELETED] 

>Nah I don't have slave morality but good try.
My man, you are a feminist, that is basic slave-morality.

>> No.22275046

None of this explains how he is a "surplus male"
are you, like, dim or something?

>> No.22275047

>nooooo!! you can't criticize the religion of sex!!

>> No.22275058

There is no light to be found in Nietzsche. He was a nihilist and the "ubermensch" is vague science fiction. Carlyle was better anyone, no wonder Nietzsche seethed at him.

>> No.22275282

Did you not read the OP?
cope, sneed, etc

>> No.22275494

I believe anon would not characterize himself as but actually is a Jewish supremacist. Lies and hatred is the defense of the theologically racist. Jesus is Yahweh. Eat Him.

>> No.22275505

I felt exactly the same thing. I saw christian beauty in Parsifal. Listening to it on LSD was the most profound experience of my life.

>> No.22275549

this board is filled with /lit/eral retards

>> No.22275685

>The chronic masturbator talking about slave morality

>> No.22275691

no one will hire me

>> No.22275699

So we should encourage male suicide?

>> No.22275748

That's not Bach's contrapunctus 14
I am the God of music too as much as I am free will

>> No.22275862

You joke but this probably a bigger factor than you'd think.

>> No.22275871

>All you need to do is avoid sin to be happy. That is the only objective in life.

What sin did Jesus do that caused him to weep in John 11:35?

>> No.22275902

>I never read anything by Nietzsche
The real question is, why do you sound like reddit tourist via /pol/?

>> No.22275937

Retarded and doesn't understand Nietzsche or Christianity-pilled.

>> No.22276250

>surplus male
>has she heard of taxes and every job where you put yourself in harms way

women yet again prove themselves eternal children

next time you need an oil rig staffed dont come crying to me you slag

>> No.22276273

word salad nonsense

seething cunt who picked career over what every instinct tells her to do

software developers will be AI and you'll be childless

>> No.22276470

you do not keep the lights on, the shelves stocked, or the nuclear subs prowling

>> No.22276968

Is there a philosopher that's like Nietzsche but a bit less edgy? I like kindness, empathy, love and friendship but N would say all that shit is cope faggotry right? It's really depressing just turn literally everything into power struggles.

>> No.22276970
File: 148 KB, 784x1390, 8FE40030-BB11-46B8-BA94-172C782D1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

>> No.22276976

No. He wouldn't say those things. It's always more complex than people typically give it credit for. He just questions the surface level, and ascribes it to deeper more complex drives. Nietzsche doesn't advocate for being some complete shitty cunt or anything like that. If you're new and interested I recommend checking out the sticky and starting with the Greeks.

>> No.22276978

Have you ever worked on a rig?

The entire drill pipe assembly and mating process is heavily mechanized. give some taller girls hgh and roids and they could handle the manual labor.

but I think by admitted that only harsh labor intensive jobs exclude woman that men are simply drones,strong backs.


>> No.22277016

>What sin did Jesus do that caused him to weep in John 11:35?
He was remembering the things he foresaw and recalled the absolute state of this board in 2023.

>> No.22277029

Kill yourselves faggots, nobody likes you.

>> No.22277051

>Religioustards be like "we form the backbone of societies moral compass, without us there would be anarchy"
Then you look at heavily religious societies and realise they're literal cavemen killing each other over petty squabbles on the daily.

>> No.22277413
File: 21 KB, 230x346, At Our Wits' End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think the cumulative sum of these trends is dysgenic in the long-term?
Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional at this point.


>> No.22277423

Regarding your claims about fertility being artificially suppressed, I'll post this from the article I linked previously:

>Scenario #3 also has breeders eventually reaching demographic saturation, but the difference from #2 consists in the "continuous introduction of novel cultural traits [that allow] for the possibility of sustained low fertility," on the assumption that "the cultural changes associated with the fertility transition are not singular historical events, but rather the beginning of a rapid and ongoing increase in cultural diversity."

>So, basically, more and more of this. Every single generation.

>I am pretty skeptical about #3.

>First, it is far from obvious that future ideological or technological trends will necessarily be loaded against natality; to the contrary, as Randall Parker has argued, things such as life extension, gene selection for better babies, and further automation of domestic chores could expand people's capacity and willingness to have more children.

>Second, as I argued in my article on The Age of Malthusian Industrialism, if there is no major breakthrough that increases intellectual capacity during the 21st century - for instance, IQ augmentation via genetic editing, or machine superintelligence - then they may become impossible in principle due to dysgenics, as the world descends into a long dark age of idiocracy. In an extended period of technological stagnation, it seems reasonable to assume that cultural innovation will also stagnate. At any rate, there isn't any good reason to believe that most of the cultural shifts that do happen will be in the direction of further fertility restriction.

>> No.22277446
File: 235 KB, 619x687, female choice selection pressures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women who had 2.1 kids instead of 0 inevitably encourage their daughters to go into debt to get a good education and get a good job they will be undoing nature's efforts
You act like fertility-lowering things like education are somehow magically impervious to selection pressures. What's actually the case is that these things are just additional selection pressures to which there are resistant individuals. Even if SOME women with children will have their children not reproduce due to the education system, that doesn't mean all of them will. For instance, if education is correlated with lower fertility, this will select for people who are resistant to education. For instance, people who are less obedient or not pay attention in class may be less likely to internalize whatever they are taught. The sorts of people who are the most likely to not go to college and/or drop out of high school will be the people who will reproduce the most.

>> No.22277455
File: 58 KB, 703x693, amish fertility.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also fail to take into account the fact that there are high fertility populations like the Amish, Hutterites, Hasidic Jews, etc. that actively insulate themselves from modern society. Would these groups not be resistant to the fertility-lowering forces you mentioned? If there's a conspiracy to lower fertility rates, why are these high fertility populations allowed to exist?


>> No.22277478
File: 760 KB, 1280x2096, leftists don't breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sorts of women willing to leave their high fertility homes to do higher status work in a foreign country are themselves selecting against the mommy gene.
All this means is that immigrant populations will have lower fertility than their counterparts in the countries they came from. This wouldn't affect fertility among the native population in the countries they immigrate to.

>the artificial anti-life pressures which have made having children in a Western country into a form of economic self-sabotage avoided by "rational" actors because of the extreme expensive of producing a "successful" adult
I don't see how poverty is supposed to somehow negate the breeder transition. You don't need to be "successful" in a modern sense in order to survive and reproduce, which is all that matters in an evolutionary sense. People have lived in extreme poverty throughout all of history, and yet they still reproduced. Africans today still live in extreme poverty, and yet they have some of the highest fertility rates in the world. So saying that natality is economic self-sabotage doesn't seem like a valid argument against the breeder transition.

>We've even controlled for the horniness that should have caused babies to born—pornography accessible on every smartphone.
Porn is yet another selection pressure. First of all, since women are the limiting factor of reproduction, you only need a small number of men to do the reproducing and impregnate the women, while the rest of the men will watch porn. Second of all, some people have religious beliefs that make them anti-pornography, which could make them less susceptible to the fertility-lowering effects of porn.

>> No.22277581
File: 39 KB, 490x350, 1667928335555590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sorts of people who are the most likely to not go to college and/or drop out of high school will be the people who will reproduce the most.
Oh... great....

>> No.22277620

>saying that natality is economic self-sabotage doesn't seem like a valid argument against the breeder transition.
It is expensive to have a successful Western child so successful Western people limit the number of children they have, with few exceptions. Did you really spend 4 posts arguing this wasn't the case and isn't impacting fertility?

>> No.22278282

Nietzsche and Wagner go way back

>> No.22278295

Not Christian myself, but Parsifal is sublime.

>> No.22278329

>give some taller girls hgh and roids
In other words, they can't handle the labor

>> No.22278360

>marxist or christian
Should become a game for Nietzsche seethe threads

>> No.22278369

Both reduce to slave morality, ye will know them by their copes.

>> No.22278611

But I want to read instead

>> No.22278814

i like when the first post is the best post

>> No.22279450

I don't think the ubermensch is science fiction, I think with our technology progressing and getting better. We could probably make the world less hellish than it already is.

>> No.22279459

>"ubermensch" is vague science fiction
Explain Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

>> No.22279494

This is true. It is the peak of humanity. Sublime. Only can be explained by Christ and his divinity

>> No.22279502

>they cat fight
>they want vacations every week
>they want special days of the year to celebrate

>> No.22279504

Where is your great work, little larper?

>> No.22279608

Idiocracy was too optimistic.


>> No.22279611

>marxist or christian
Same shit, different smell

>> No.22279657
File: 118 KB, 1265x816, gwas-fertility-personality-correlations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misinterpreted my previous posts pretty severely. Sure, it's true that "successful" people tend to limit their fertility. But the thing is, you don't need to be "successful" in order to reproduce. Someone who is uneducated and works at McDonald's or Walmart can still get pregnant. What you're actually doing is selecting for people who don't care about being economically successful and don't care about producing economically successful children. We can expect these "People of Walmart" to become a larger share of the population as time goes on.


>Over time, the physiological and personality traits correlated with higher fertility will also become more prevalent in the population. This suggests our r-selected descendants will develop more of a propensity to:

>Earlier menopause
>Much earlier age of first intercourse
>Much higher incidence of twins
>Slightly more underweight babies
>Much less education
>More smoking
>More neuroticism; less autism; not much change in other indicators of personality
>Shorter, fatter, higher waist-hip ratios

>> No.22279747

>We can expect these "People of Walmart" to become a larger share of the population as time goes on.
And Christianity is staunchly in favor of it too

>> No.22280009

Damn, you killed him.

>> No.22280077
File: 45 KB, 749x577, Fz_hfdqaAAAmEOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unreal. Brutal, even.

>> No.22281018

That's gotta hurt.

>> No.22281138

that there are people who take Nietzsche seriously on this board makes me pessimistic as to the age mean

>> No.22281242
