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/lit/ - Literature

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22403136 No.22403136 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about the Frankfurt School?

>> No.22403145

soijak... easy on the purple drank...

>> No.22403171

Have you actually sat down and read Walter Benjamin? Or Lukacs. And I don't mean "History and Class Consciousness."

>> No.22403190

>tfw nothing grape-flavored tastes like actual grapes

>> No.22403192
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>> No.22403195

Wine is actually made from grapes, it's not just "grape-flavored."

>> No.22403238
File: 104 KB, 740x895, 1664284080370828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough

>> No.22403239

Entry Level:

Minima Moralia for Adorno explains to you "why everything is shit"

Dialectic of Enlightment for "This enlightenment shit is kinda wack"

Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving, classic text of Marxist humanism with great psychosocial insights. Starts at the personal psychological dynamics which leftists at the time did not like at all.


Benjamin's The work of art in the Age of mechanical reproduction, still relevant.

Benjamin's critique of Violence. Here Benjamin tackles Carl Schmitt

Marcuse "One Dimensional Man", a pretty foundational text of Marxist critique of Freudian analysis. Way overblown and kinda blowhard imo.


Adorno's "Negative Dialectics", a bizzare thought experiment in trying to rescue Hegel by making putting him under his own standards. I can't really make heads or tails about it but its interesting.

Benjamin's "Arcades Project" : The culminating work of an entire lifetime, almost a journey into another brilliant persons life. Also his musings on weed.

These are the books I liked and read, if you want a book that ties it all together in the form of an intellectual history , read Martin Jay's "Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukács to Habermas".

>> No.22403344
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>> No.22403345

Um, this is MY heckin' ridge albeit.

>> No.22403346

Filtered. Never had concord grapes I see.

>> No.22403347

What do you mean then?

>> No.22403505


>> No.22403679

>another all encompassing vague boogeyman term that's behind everything and is the reason why society (but mostly the modern west) is bad and is the source of all evil and it could be different if people weren't such sheeple and somehow my obvious adolescent realizations and ideals are worth people's time and money

>> No.22403680
File: 31 KB, 298x455, Judaism in Music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22403760
File: 244 KB, 1342x982, adornohorkheimerhabermasbyjeremyjshapiro0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread got me thinking how effective mythbuilding actually is.
Think of some larger than life figure or group, a political leader, musician, actor, subculture, etc. and realize that most of what you know about them is highly distorted by a mythology that has been constructed around them.
/pol/ loves to characterize the Frankfurt School as these dark wizard Jews diabolically planning to subvert Western civilization with Critical Theory. In reality, try to picture these old boring German academics writing away at their little desks in their Frankfurt University offices and you'll get a much more accurate picture. These Jews are a lot less impressive once you take the /pol/ glasses off

>> No.22403802

>This thread got me thinking
>/pol/ loves to characterize the Frankfurt School as these dark wizard Jews diabolically planning to subvert Western civilization with Critical Theory.
no one itt has claimed this tho. most of the replies are about grapes. i seriously dont know why anyone at all would waste their time with them.

>> No.22403924

Honneth's Freedom's Right is quite good but mostly because it is summarizing Hegel.

>> No.22404496

Email Axel Honneth and ask him. He works at the University of Frankfurt and studies the Frankfurt School's intellectual history, he would have a recommendation if anyone would. His email is ah2952@columbia.edu

>> No.22404515

The glass if overfilled
This looks like a sparkling wine glass yet there is no fizzing going on

Verdict: the cat is a fucking pleb.