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22503721 No.22503721 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this degenerate adultery-promoting book considered one of the greatest novels of all time?

>> No.22503725

anna karenina isn't even portrayed sympathetically in the book, idiot.

you sound underage and mad you got assigned this book

>> No.22503731

The way the guy goes back to Kitty eventually is pathetic. Anna and the other guy being doomed for their actions doesn't make up for the emotional obliteration Kitty subjects him to at the ball. Sad world.

>> No.22503739

>Anna completely ruins her life and kills herself because it's too much to bear

>> No.22504297

Cant cope with reality?

You’ll never be happy if you can’t forgive people

>> No.22504347

Ironically this is true. But being happy is gay

>> No.22504412

Every book that is actually good people don’t mind when it gets assigned.

>> No.22504465

“Literally me“ is a million times more powerful than nuance.

I‘m assuming this to be the applicable principle although I‘ve never read AK.

>> No.22504647

Do you fags even read the books you complain about

>> No.22504840

But she is, and Tolstoy described his hope for Anna as being truly pitiable. Throughout the book we see her struggle through a loveless marriage, a difficult acceptance of the meaning of adultery if it allows her happiness, the loss of her beloved son from her life, and even the cruel realization that her daughter by Vronsky can't replace her firstborn even though she loves Vronsky more than Alexi Karenin. She's very pitiable, and it's not like what she did is rare in Russia. Hell the book starts with Oblonsky nearly being thrown out on the street for banging the governess. The absence of pity comes from the character reactions to her going public with the affair, which is a big no-no in Russian society, and it leads directly to her many sicknesses and breakdowns. But the reader still feels pity because Anna is pitiful. We can't hold her to the standard of Kitty and Levin for example because Kitty and Levin are in love. Anna and Karenin were never in love. So we have a woman in a loveless marriage who chooses to go for love, attempts to have a hand in her son's life and wellbeing, is denied that by her husband, and to the end of her life is shamed by society for following its own rules. That's very pitiable to me.

>> No.22504915

It was her decision to go with Vronsky so I can't feel pity for her because it was the consequences of her own actions.

>> No.22505200

You got filtered. Go read Dostoeyevsky and his misery porn.

>> No.22505215

Speak for yourself

>> No.22505235

>Cant cope with reality?
What reality? Fucking subhuman.

>> No.22505242

in this case Dosto promoted killing people in Crime and Punishment
how did he get away with it, bros?

>> No.22505251

kys whore defender

>> No.22505285
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>it's another anon decided to read a book, went to /lit/ wiki and said to himself "hmm I must pick the best regarded one", read classic a Russian novel but could not understand a story about people who are not like himself episode
i am so tired of these re-runs

>> No.22505303

Tolstoy confirmed as the official author of the simp movement?

>> No.22505351

The book promotes cuckoldry, as most heavily christian influenced books do, but It's funny to think how Anna succeeds in convincing Dolly to forgive her brother for his affairs, but she cannot forgive herself, and while she descends into the abbyss with each new chapter, her idiot brother fails upwards while continuing to be a reprobate with no shame. Anna is absolutely a tragic character and to one you should feel pitty as the novel progresses.

>> No.22505434

The book doesn't promote cuckoldry though. Anna's death is a direct consequence of her infidelity.
I think the consequences only add to the pity. She knew what she was getting into when she left Karenin for Vronsky and she still went through with it because she believed in her love for Vronsky more than her willingness to live in polite society. It's a very understandable and human thought process, and one of Tolstoy's achievements in the book is the incredible exploration of human behavior from all facets as a result of (and centered around) Anna's choices.

>> No.22505457

When I said cuckoldy I meant Levin and Kitty's relationship, Levin's 'forgiveness' is what actually brings them together and she first rejects him for being not to her liking, she doesn't even give a reason as to why she rejected him. Her love for him is also entirely based on Levin's unsubstancial trust that she somehow understand his inner world, which the actual book shows us no proof of.

>> No.22505912

Wow way to spoil the 100 and something year old book anon, it sounds like he's more displaying the unspoken misery and consequences of one's decision to ascend from that misery, I pity her but also can see what faults she had, she said her husband was a machine but in truth he was the least machinelike in their relations, her love turned to spite

>> No.22505941

Might as well accuse the bible of promoting Satan.

>> No.22506239

Kitty refused Levin because she was silly and naive as a debutante and when you're silly and naive and being hit on by a notoriously handsome cavalry officer, no shit you're gonna reject the socially awkward, hyper-romantic land-owner who you've completely friend zoned

>> No.22507126
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What's the deal with thinking that every book is promoting something?
A novel can simply be a novel, a story about other people.

>> No.22507162

There definitely is a moral to AK. OP just got it wrong because he hasn't even finished the book yet.

>> No.22507420

And that's where the cuckoldry comes, Kitty doesn't actually show in anyway she appreciates Levin or has found some new sort of love for him. She doesn't come to a conclusion on her own, or even realize that Vronsky is a womanizer, she simply gets rejected herself. There is no choice for Kitty, as after realizing Levin is still obsessed with her she simply takes his lifeboat to save herself from humiliation. Blinded by his love Levin tramples his own pride to save hers, without her showing any real affection.