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22650946 No.22650946 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, /lit/.
Were you ever a Nietzsche fanboy?

>> No.22651049

Yeah but I was a teenager when I read him tbf.

>> No.22651104

I am right now

>> No.22651139

me too, omnly people who think he was a nazi think his stuff is trash
his crituqe of abusiveness, pity and slave morality along with his amori fachi and jot of becoming are some of the greatest concepts jn non diallectical philospohy

people who hate him either dont know nwhatb they talk about, never knew him (fair enougb exusce) or simply were filltered

>> No.22651172
File: 154 KB, 532x629, Wagner head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe they are just correct.

>> No.22651189

Not yet.

>> No.22651194

Yes, when I was 19. Its a phase most of us go through after our first humanities class which covers him.

>> No.22651204

reminder that wagner broke up his friendship with him just because he critismed him like 2 times for being uber antisemetic

>> No.22651268

I still am. The reason we're in this modern mess is because people reject his ideas as bad.

>> No.22651281

Are any Nietzsche fanboys here older than 20? I find it hard to believe that someone would like his works as an adult.

>> No.22651286

nah, was always too lazy to even start reading his books.

>> No.22651300

Nietzsche was the one who broke up with Wagner, ostensibly for humiliating him by talking to his doctor about his excessive masturbation.

>> No.22651314
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>> No.22651329

No matter how much you hate being a surplus male in an egalitarian society it will not make Christianity real.

>> No.22651376
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, lol nietzsche the masturbator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm sure Wagneranon can throw in some quotes if he stumbles into the thread too.

>> No.22651388

the citation was that nietzsche broke up with him over this and not the antisemitism (and also his music fucking sucking)
the claim you made was so weird and stupid that i actually believed it was real, no way you would make it up, but it doesnt prove anything, your picture (which neither has the books name, or source for the info) is just proof that wagner did say this

>> No.22651501

>anglos getting triggered at Nietzsche

I guess the dude must have been doing something right

>> No.22651593

Are you congested or something bro? Do you need a sudafed?

>> No.22651641

>and also his music fucking sucking
>"Wagner's later musical style introduced new ideas in harmony, melodic process (leitmotif) and operatic structure. Notably from Tristan und Isolde onwards, he explored the limits of the traditional tonal system, which gave keys and chords their identity, pointing the way to atonality in the 20th century. Some music historians date the beginning of modern classical music to the first notes of Tristan, which include the so-called Tristan chord."
>Ich wüßte nicht, auf welchem Wege ich je des reinsten sonnenhellen Glücks theilhaftig geworden wäre als durch Wagner's Musik: und dies obwohl sie durchaus nicht immer von Glück redet, sondern von den furchtbaren und unheimlichen unterirdischen Kräften des Menschentreibens, von dem Leiden in allem Glücke und von der Endlichkeit unseres Glücks; es muß also in der Art, wie sie redet, das Glück liegen, das sie ausströmt." So lesen wir in einer nachgelassenen Aufzeichnung Nietzsches vom Sommer 1875. ,Glück": fünfmal kommt diese Vokabel in ein und demselben Satz vor.
Ok pal sure

>> No.22651887

He was one of the first philosophers I read, he helped put me off philosophy entirely. If it's not political or economic philosophy, what is the point?

>> No.22651890

Imagine being that much of a pleb

>> No.22652019

Where do people get these totally fictional stories from? Wagner was always accommodating to Nietzsche's changing views, despite how they pained him, but Nietzsche insisted on isolating himself from Wagner. Nietzsche CHOSE to be Wagner's enemy.

>I gather from your brief allusions that our old friend Nietzsche has been holding himself aloof from you as well. There is no doubt that very striking changes have taken place in him; but anyone who observed him and his psychic spasms years ago could almost be justified in saying that a long-dreaded and not entirely unpredictable catastrophe had now overtaken him. I have retained sufficient friendship for him not to read his book – which I glanced through as I was cutting the pages – and can only wish and hope that he will thank me for it some day.
- Letter to Franz Overbeck 5/24/78

>How could I ever forget this friend of mine [Nietzsche] who was driven from me so forcefully? Although I constantly had the feeling that, at the time of his association with me, Nietzsche’s life was ruled by a mental spasm, and although it was bound to strike me as odd that this spasm could have produced so spiritually radiant and heart-warming a fire as was manifest in him to the astonishment of all, and although, finally, the ultimate decision which he reached in the inner development of his life filled me with the utmost horror when I saw how intolerable a pressure that spasm was finally causing him – I must no doubt also admit that in the case of so powerful a psychic process it is simply not possible to argue along moral lines and that one’s only response can be a shocked silence.
- Letter to Franz Overbeck 10/19/79

>> No.22653620

>I must no doubt also admit that in the case of so powerful a psychic process it is simply not possible to argue along moral lines and that one’s only response can be a shocked silence.
Kek, it's always funny how Nietzsche fans conveniently ignore all the facts that would suggest he was not a blazing intellectual "anti-christ" and instead a deeply unwell individual, whose sufferings, beyond his illness, were entirely self-inflicted.

>> No.22653641
File: 115 KB, 750x750, 46c14b52966543f9bc3f2abea38ad5f067a9202a-2048x2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're sickly and unwell you dream of domination and mastery. Nietzsche's philsophy is born from this.

When you feel healthy you gain an elevated compassion for all living things.

>> No.22653854

The fact that no one has seriously given a response critique him by his rules proves he's ultimately right

>> No.22653963

not entirely was more of a Randtard if anything until I ended up losing my job because of a handsy nog who couldn't stop flirting with other men's women on the worksite. my economics then shifted a tad leftward and I became a race realist after that. nowadays I'm more into thinkers like Rudolf Otto and Meister Eckhart and am wholly uninterested in material concerns. this existence is temporary.

>> No.22653965

I'm actually beginning to read Wagner as we speak.

>> No.22653970

society and institutions are creators of egalitarianism, in the state of nature, without those in temporal existence, hierarchies will inevitably reform. whether or not you believe Christianity or non-abrahamic Theism is real is matter of personal sentiment.

>> No.22653978

his idea of resentment is way off.

>> No.22653980

It’s called psychological vision and it’s a trait common to the German philosophical tradition. Anglos and their petty materialism need not respond.

>> No.22653990

I had a seventy year old professor that was a Nietzsche fan boy.
He even ranted about how people who criticize him for being a proto-fascist just like "le don't understand him"
I usually don't care for criticism that accuses an author of being juvenile but Nietzsche really just is a adolescent thinker.
We live in a society, the philosopher.
I think William James said it best about Nietzsche that his writing has the feel of listening to the shrieking of a dying rat lol

>> No.22653995

there's no state of nature so long as mankind draws breath

>> No.22654034

Is hating Nietzsche some kind of contrarian thing? Seems like status signalling for limp wristed faggots.

>> No.22654051

yes there's a large subset of people here pretending to be Christian to spite an elite liberal atheist non-culture and they have learned that Nietzsche critiqued Christianity (but obviously don't understand why) so he is now something they counter-signal against

>> No.22654055

>Is hating Nietzsche some kind of contrarian thing?
>every difference of opinion is actually just a shallow trend
Says more about you desu

>> No.22654061

He’s one of my favorite writers but I don’t base my life, opinions and beliefs on him and hang in his every word. It’s the spirit that he is conveying that is important to me. DESU I almost always avoid Nietzsche threads as both the pro and the anti anons are unbearable, often ill informed, and threads are generally flamewars for some reason

>> No.22654081

Not really what I meant. Probably should have clarified man existing prior to formation of institutions. I don’t think that primates had any organization aside from pure instinct like all other lower beasts, provided evolution is true. But it’s probably not.

>> No.22654082

Its the reverse, you dotnigger. Nietzsche was trying to be a modern Socrates. He was deeply resentful and wrote to aspire to master himself and his weakness.

>> No.22654098

Good grief.

>> No.22654104

NPC level inference.

>> No.22654106

You should read more Buddhist lit—compassion isn't some sory of weepy softy thing where everyone holds hands, it's about being a physician

>> No.22654127


>> No.22654154

Yeah Christians totally haven't rejected Nietzsche since forever. People totally don't reject things that contradict their beliefs.

>> No.22654157
File: 420 KB, 512x768, Blaze But Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

philosophizing enlightenment "logic and rational" types hate him because he rightly calls them all fucking nerds for over intellectualizing shit and thinking that they can outsmart getting punched in the face. Traditional schools hate him (except for based monocle man) because he rightly says that at a certain point it is just impossible to make any sort of definitive claim on a metaphysical reality and in a ironically very Buddhist way, says that most of it, like the enlightenment guys, is just opinion and that they're not really in touch with reality. - Going on to say that becoming a proper "enlightened" one takes strength and courage.....Power you could say, a will to power.

tl;dr bookfags hate him because he's telling them that their opinions don't mean shit if they're too pussy to get punched and don't lift any weights, because what makes you think you can climb the mountains of knowledge if you can't even do a fucking pull up? Also drink some water.

>> No.22654158
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The purpose of Buddhism is to save people from life, not from its evils. Much less cure their evils like a physicuck

>> No.22654161

The problem is that Christianity is right, Nietzsche not

>> No.22654172

Nietzsche is entirely correct about Christian nihilism and ressentiment otherwise you'd have Christianity survive today among westerners as something more than politically driven spite.

>> No.22654177

>being healthy is for cucks
ok retard enjoy your spiritual diabetes

>> No.22654185

>I can speak for every member of a religion

>> No.22654190

ok so the amish are sincere but they live in the 1700s, what is your point?

>> No.22654207

I thought Genealogy of Morals was a good historicist text and kind of a power trip but yeah I’ve grown to feel the same.

>> No.22654260

I just like him you know?

>> No.22654322

>unironically using the present-year argument

>> No.22654344

Is hating Christianity some kind of contrarian thing? Seems like status signalling for limp wristed faggots.

>> No.22654521


Low T.

>> No.22654533

Was Neetch ever fully embraced by the neckbeards? I generally lump fans of him, Stirner, and Redbeard into a category of people who like to say they can take whatever they want and yet are people who get their asses kicked in when they try.

>> No.22654542
File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i was more drawn to Schopenhauer, im still a bit of a pessimist, but ive sort of moved on. Only later on that i learn neitzche took shoppys ideas and was more like mmmmm pain good

>> No.22654543

Nope. Tried to read Zarathustra and gave up 5 pages in.

>> No.22654548

My heart always was and will forever be devoted to Kierkegaard.

>> No.22654582

Was Neetch ever fully rejected by the neckbeards? I generally lump haters of him, Stirner, and Redbeard into a category of people who like to say they can protect whatever they want and yet are people who get their asses kicked in when they try.

>> No.22654588

You are always welcome to go try. You are still posting here for a reason though.

>> No.22654975

Schopenhauer literally says that pain is positive and pleasure negative.

>> No.22654984

>You are healthy when you feel good