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23109139 No.23109139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>talk with girl
>topic shifts to pessimistic philosophers
>she starts rambling about capitalism to be the prime reason for the bleak times and widespread depression and in turn existence of such philosophy
bruh do all womeme read the same exact thing or something? what do they think it was like two-thousand years ago, that people got along fine and greed didn't exist? have they never read a single paragraph of historical information about the Communist China or Soviet Russia and how lack of capitalism looked like?

I just don't understand why the idea that life might be an inherently ugly thing does not pass the filters of the normie mind. it must always be something else, it can never be the fact that life itself is not an enjoyable thing.

>> No.23109145

Believe it or not, the economic system your country uses has a big effect on your life. It's not crazy to bring it up in a philosophical conversation.

>> No.23109148
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>talk with girl

>> No.23109149

Girl that i like read Dhoppenhauer

>> No.23109150


>> No.23109162

communism appeals to weak people, and women are essentially crippled men. they sublimate their body insecurity into an all-father figure: the State.

>> No.23109165

have you never read about great depression america and britain and contrasted them with how germany and italy were then?

>> No.23109174

>people disagree with me
>are we working with different information so came to different conclusions?

>> No.23109175

Yeah big plot hole haha espect considering international banking wasn't even there yet

>> No.23109181

anon, i...

>> No.23109250


Why didn't he just use BetterHelp™ to get access to a licensed therapist?

>> No.23109291

>WAHHHH muh commies appeal to the weak im so much better for....
larp more fag

>> No.23109305

I'm sorry, did my post hurt you?

>> No.23109318

The real question is why do channers get filtered so hard by discussions of capital. In the same way normies’ brains shut down and malfunction and cause them pain when they hear words like “nigger” or “the Jews,” the same thing happens to rightards when they hear “capitalism.”
Obviously capitalism is the main driving force behind most social changes today. It’s an all-consuming force that destroys distinctions between nations and peoples to pave the way for a free flow of goods and labor across the world. Everyone can tell their psychological needs are not being met, and it’s ironic that a maladjusted young male who posts of 4channel.org would say something like “it’s always been like this, is capitalism in the room with us right now?”

>> No.23109338

>The hyperpower global empire with a $23 trillion GDP and $700 billion military budget and third-largest square mileage of territory in the world should make the government smaller and let everyone live and let live
Serious political opinion btw

>> No.23109341

you do realize the shit that you are reading and bombarding me with was written by a man who were on experimental chemicals while he was writing it right

>> No.23109352

What are you talking about? Marx?
The shit that I’m bombarding you with was written by me and came from my own thoughts. I’m not on experimental chemicals while writing it so pick another deflection.

>> No.23109359

you seem pretty weak lmao

>> No.23109363

>what do they think it was like two-thousand years ago, that people got along fine and greed didn't exist?
Unironically yes, modern women are the heirs to Rousseau. Combine Disney movies with how women tend to be more agreeable, and they begin to think that the only thing that keeps people from being nice, happy and kumbaya are oppressive socially constructed institutions.
Can't blame them too much though, I think women just don't intuitively understand that the world is an inherently brutal place the way men do.
>Verification not required

>> No.23109371


>> No.23109372

Read some Mark Fisher to her and you might get a very morose blowjob.

>> No.23109383

I never understood why first worlders who never had to work in their life and whose family only exists due capitalism support communism when you have nations like Venezuela, North Korea or Cuba that became shitholes thanks to communism.

>> No.23109384

as a Vietnamese, I can't understand why young westerners simp for socialism/communism so much. I get
that capitalism is bad but communism has been a disaster everytime it has been tried. At least try creating a new system or something.

>> No.23109385

I'm not deflecting anything, you are regurgitating tired ideas I've heard same a million times before. "discussions of capital" leads to nowhere because the alternative is starvation.

>it’s always been like this
yeah, do you think otherwise? I wanna know beforehand whether I am interacting with a poltard, if so I will promptly check out of this conversation.

>> No.23109399

Women have dumb utopian fantasies because their inner child never dies. The thought of violence makes them upset so they don’t consider it. That isn’t why they choose to hate “capitalism” though. Capitalism is an abstraction that is put in front of people for them to project their problems on, and it’s one that happens to be currently in vogue with a vague feeling of rebelliousness to it. Even though it’s been proven time and time again that the forces of capital can easily subvert any liberal “anti-capitalist” trend and direct it back towards its own interests. The fact that it’s faux-rebellious, ineffective, and inoffensive is why it’s popular with women. Not because it’s utopian.

>> No.23109409

>"discussions of capital" leads to nowhere because the alternative is starvation.
How convenient lol. I guess we just have to accept this schizophrenic new society we live in with all its predatory technology and social engineering because all discussions of capital lead to communism.
>yeah, do you think otherwise?
If I lived 100 years ago my country would not be importing 10 million Ecuadorian peasants in 4 years because the elite is worried about the economy shrinking. Kids at age 12 wouldn’t have instant access to horse porn on their phones. Yeah, I think capitalism has changed things. Guess I’m just a poltard.

>> No.23109414

Yeah, OP - it sucks when a girl is profoundly more intelligent than you. Maybe you just have to try talking to stupid girls...like *really* stupid girls. Have you tried churches?

>> No.23109429

you sound like you have a political fight to fight instead of coming up with new ways of smashing capitalism. of course that is if you don't find it convenient to brush aside such a concept because you think the importation of 200 million Africans is inevitable side effect of capitalism.

>horse porn
the cloak for state censorship to seep into free communication channels is "hate speech", get it with the times.

>> No.23109434

no I think I am fed up listening to religious nonsense for a while.

>> No.23109462

I’m not a communist, I don’t think “smashing” capitalism is the answer. You’re the one who said “you can’t criticize capitalism ever because then it’ll be another holodomor!” The point is that “true communism” and “true capitalism” are both meaningless abstractions. It’s best to critique society without falling into this retarded dogmatic trap that makes you believe everyone who sees that the system is obviously not working is the bad guy. And yeah, I think most of our problems today are happening because people are getting rich off them. There’s probably solutions to that other than “let’s let the stupid poor people direct the society.” But none of this will mean anything to you if you’re a libertarian because you’re just as dogmatic, close-minded, and full of utopian fantasies as communists.

>> No.23109473

good luck at fixing the society and all the fucked up incentives that lead to these problems by having nuanced conversations.

>> No.23109533

who are you quoting?

>> No.23109550

>It’s an all-consuming force that destroys distinctions between nations and peoples to pave the way for a free flow of goods and labor across the world
and that's supposed to be a bad thing?
>Everyone can tell their psychological needs are not being met, and it’s ironic that a maladjusted young male who posts of 4channel.org would say something like “it’s always been like this, is capitalism in the room with us right now?”
just make better arguments if you want them to agree with you. mentally ill people don't owe you shit.

>> No.23109554

sounds like someone got btfo
>captcha: MKYS

>> No.23109597

>does not pass the filters of the normie mind
It doesn’t pass because it’s retarded. Life is bad for whom? If I think life is good then it is. Your personal opinion means nothing except to other people who already agree with you. Also, only capitalists benefit from capitalism in the end.

>> No.23109605

>Also, only capitalists benefit from capitalism in the end.
>Your personal opinion means nothing except to other people who already agree with you

>> No.23109607


>> No.23109613
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>only capitalists benefit from capitalism in the end
breathtakingly low-IQ statement right there

>> No.23109618

Real capitalism has never been tried.

>> No.23109621

Why don't you dumb tards buy some high dividend stocks instead of complaining about capitalism all the time.

You have the means to buy a fractional share of the means of production on your cell phone. Shares often cost a few dollars, find some dinosaur company that makes tooth paste and bread, or some company that makes natural gas.

Why are you so stupid that you somehow understand how capital works and you can't save $10 a week to put into it?

You can't afford a home? Then buy blackrock/vanguard stock and they'll do the cutthroat capitalism for you while you get 15% gains every year.

I swear you ding dongs act like they won't let you buy the means of production

>> No.23109625

I think you need to use the word retard very sparsely.

>> No.23109635
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It's the death of religion, i.e a belief in something better and greater than ourselves, only we need a replacement so the communist paradise on Earth has replaced the Christian paradise of Heaven. This is why communism kills millions of people, not necessarily because they're evil but because they believe it's their moral imperative.

>> No.23109650
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presumably cold war nostalgia where western socialists were mostly cringe inducing anti-american retards. the thing is USG never actually identified with the wasp capitalist image it used to get national america to fight for it, it merely views the whole world as undifferented material where "irrational" national, ethnic, and religious identities should be discarded for a pure managerial transnational financial world empire.
the alternative is fascism but 20th century dictator ghosts haunt you so you can't look into what those regimes empirically accomplished.

>> No.23109696

>t. SIMPleton

>> No.23109702
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>you so you can't look into what those regimes empirically accomplished
It's genuinely depressing if you look up what can be done in Africa when there are no niggers around. Rhodesia was a futuristic paradise.

>> No.23109732

>what those regimes empirically accomplished
lose wars?

>> No.23109751
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>when every world superpower has to team up to beat a nation the size of Texas
>and they're still so terrified of you that any time there's even a hint of resurgence it makes international headlines

>> No.23109770

OP is the simp for talking to a girl.

>> No.23109784

>>when every world superpower
the nazi army was defeated mainly by the URSS
>>and they're still so terrified of you
because jews like to panic about the 6 gazillion. sane people understand that neo-nazis are not a serious threat to the international order.
also your pic made me cringe

>> No.23109795
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They were basically utopian societies.

>> No.23109834 [DELETED] 

>lichem Krieg und vernichtender Niederlage meinte über die Hälfte der befragten Zeitzeugen, der Nationalsozialismus sei eine gute Idee
gewesen, die aber schlecht umgesetzt worden sei.

>> No.23109837

>lichem Krieg und vernichtender Niederlage meinte über die Hälfte der befragten Zeitzeugen, der Nationalsozialismus sei eine gute Idee gewesen, die aber schlecht umgesetzt worden sei.

>> No.23109843
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you sound like a faggot, so if you cringed it must be based

>> No.23110043
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Can someone tell me this?
Why does the right wing include: neo-cons, nationalists, and libertarians
And why does the left wing include: neo-libs, socialists, and communists

When all six of those political leanings are basically on their own axis completely?

It makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills because the neo-cons and neo-libs are just centrist spiritually-apathetic turbo capitalists who agree on everything except economically unimportant social issues?

I blame the federal reserve and global banks personally. Genuinely the rest of the psyops and all that bullshit wouldn't matter if we got rid of the federal reserve and stopped working with global banks.

>> No.23110165

>The neo-cons and neo-libs are just centrist spiritually-apathetic turbo capitalists who agree on everything except economically unimportant social issues
Anon, they’re all like this. Communists sided with Trudeau when he teamed up with the banks and credit card companies to put down the trucker revolt. Right wingers complain about “woke capital” but would have no problem with “based capital” if they could get it.
I really believe that 90% of the us/them distinction just comes from minor differences in disposition. I think the main driving force between both sides of the COVID measures issue was that one group of people just instinctively didn’t like wearing stupid masks, and the other group of people liked it. And everything else was downstream from that.

>> No.23110201

Yes, I think the entire world being turned into a grey urban landscape with a mystery meat population and no culture other than consumerism and vulgarity is a bad thing. I thought that was self-explanatory.
Here’s how I see it. The world is changing rapidly, and the rate of change is increasing as well. This change is happening under a neoliberal, globalized capitalist order. And everywhere you look, people are increasingly unhappy. You can go on here and say the problem is Jews, or the decline of religion, or the enlightenment, etc. And all of that is true to some extent. But I don’t see how you can absolve capitalism of any blame, much less defend it, when it’s presiding over this transformation and obviously accelerating it. I think most people itt are stuck in the same utterly meaningless “capitalism vs. communism” debate that boomers have been suckered into for the last 50 years while their country was being turned into Brazil.

>> No.23110208

OP is a faggot
Post proof or larp

>> No.23110216

Only posters itt who have read a book