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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 1280x800, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23121923 No.23121923 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who finds NEETchud insufferable?

Usually it's more interesting to read people _talking about Nietzsche_ than to read Nietzsche itself. His "I sniff my own farts" writing style is unbearable.

>> No.23121927

Nietzsche himself*

>> No.23121931

Kill yourself.

>> No.23121934

You first.

>> No.23121943

>Am i the only one who finds NEETchud insufferable?
Kill yourself already.

>> No.23121947

>ESL retard doesn't grasp irony
You first. Livestream it. Eternal return. You scared? Why

>> No.23121951

have sex

>> No.23121953

You are a retard.
No one that understands nietzsche talks like you do.
So kill yourself retard.
No place for weaklings like you here.

>> No.23121955

I have never read Nietzsche, so I can't comment on him.
But his fanboys are cringe.

>> No.23121958

Like I said, I'm not afraid. You are. Sad. You won't even kill yourself and prove you aren't afraid.

>> No.23121959

Then why are you commenting on him, and his so called "fanbase" you absolute retard.

>> No.23121963

Don't you have a forum where you can speak to people in YOUR Language.

>> No.23121964

Im also not afraid, idiot.
You are the one that's truly afraid.
You have looked at the abiss way to much.

>> No.23121965


>> No.23121967

Why should i need, that weakling?
The stronger will can do whatever he wants, without hearing what the weaklings say.

>> No.23121969

You're definitely weak in English grammar, XD

>> No.23121971

If you truly had a point legitimate against me, you wouldn't fixate on grammar so much.

>> No.23121973

He sounds like Tercio Viejo. lmao

>> No.23121975


>> No.23121978

I'm not commenting on him. I'm saying his fanbase is cringe

>> No.23121981

You expect me to listen to a weakling such as you?
Who do you think you are?

>> No.23121982

I dont care about your opinion on his fanbase retard.

>> No.23121983

okay we get it, you got the ick. You dont need to create threads about it

>> No.23121984

chaval calmate, hay varios tipos en forocoches, no es un ataque y la verdad es q la mayoridad alla son mas inteligente que la gente aqui

>> No.23121985

I actually don't particularly care about philosophy as a genre in general and find listening to people speak about it like listening to people talk about reality tv.

>> No.23121986

I didn't ask.

>> No.23121991

>than to read Nietzsche itself. His "I sniff my own farts" writing style is unbearable.
A man who constantly asks you to not take his words as gospel and makes fun of himself, is hardly an author you could accuse of "sniffing his own farts". You got filtered, that's all.

>> No.23121995

I also didn't ask, for your idiotic opinion on his fanbase yet you retardidly posted it.

>> No.23121998

Nah, he's an overblown and manic version of Carlyle/Stirner with real gothic/germanic emo overtones.

>> No.23122000
File: 46 KB, 430x379, 4968218-2000765529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn diddly done did it.

>> No.23122003

>Nah, he's an overblown and manic version of Carlyle/Stirner with real gothic/germanic emo overtones.
You literally do not understand Nietzsche.

>> No.23122005

You are the one that's overblown your brain.

>> No.23122006

If you truly had a legitimate point against me, you wouldn't fixate on grammar so much.

>> No.23122010
File: 28 KB, 577x451, 48928432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so true! XD

>> No.23122013

>If you truly had a legitimate point against me, you wouldn't fixate on grammar so much.
I'm just making fun of you, retard.

>> No.23122017

>no argument
A classic.

>> No.23122020

The weaklings can never make fun of me.

>> No.23122025
File: 703 KB, 800x1069, AnthonyFantano2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, similar to you stating "Nuh UH!" like a halfwit. Congratulations!

>> No.23122028

>reac pics

>> No.23122029

It's a fact though.
You literally didn't get Nietzsche.
Your brain is to retarded for that.

>> No.23122031

cool story, bro.

>> No.23122037

I didn't respond to you, imbecilic ESL. try getting your language rating to B2 before thinking you can write in "english."
As it is you have the language and thought level of a seven year old child.

>> No.23122039

>cool story, bro.
You are indeed a retard.

>> No.23122047
File: 58 KB, 888x499, Londo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't respond to you, imbecilic ESL. try getting your language rating to B2 before thinking you can write in "english."
You can't even read German and want to talk about Nietzsche, lmao.

>> No.23122051

Kill yourself, wagie

>> No.23122052

>coping and sneeding this hard over being a retard who should have paid more attention in english class
mexican or spanish?

>> No.23122056

>Rajeesh seething about English grammar again
Say it ain’t so

>> No.23122062

Judging on your desperate grasping of straws, I'm gonna guess self-hating indian in bongland

>> No.23122063

Does it matter? I'm whatever strawman you want me to be, but you're definitely a Pöbel-Schwind-hunde. Here's a Nietzsche pun you Angloids will never get.

>> No.23122064

Hello, Rajeesh
>You're definitely weak in English grammar, XD
>grammar, XD

>> No.23122067

>educated ESL takes over the barely literate ESL's place in replies
newfaggot alert. did you just get off browsing reddit?

>> No.23122071

>zoomer from bongland (probably indian zherselves) doesn't recognize ironic emoticons
post hand.

>> No.23122072

Whinging about another person’s grammar is peak reddit numale postint. At least be a man with testosterone and explain what you “found” incorrect. If not, stop derailing threads, you fucking loser

>> No.23122074
File: 16 KB, 500x500, Idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invocation of newfaggotry and le reddit

>> No.23122075

So this is the power of philosophy readers.

>> No.23122076

Sad that you “unironically” think I was pointing out your numale emoticon and not the misplaced comma

>> No.23122078
File: 40 KB, 639x472, 452527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending reddit
I knew it. you're a fucking faggot. kill yourself

>> No.23122080

Where's the hand, lil' man?

>> No.23122081

You literally cannot read, how could you ever understand Nietzsche when you can't even understand a simple reply making fun of you? You dug your grave, now bury yourself in it.

>> No.23122083
File: 45 KB, 268x268, 54325890234958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behind that translator you still come across as retarded.
>You dug your grave, now bury yourself in it.
lmao, you sound like a fucking cartoon

>> No.23122085


>> No.23122087

Batman won, ESL. Now bury your dreams of english competency. Consider this mercy.

>> No.23122090

>Rajeesh lecturing about “english [sic] competency”

>> No.23122091

That was me, you retard.
You are not german, so you can't actually read nietzsche in its original language.
You retard.

>> No.23122093
File: 66 KB, 818x602, Definition of COMPETENCY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously think competency isn't a word? Go to whoever gave you english lessons and demand your money back

>> No.23122096
File: 1.51 MB, 464x266, Londo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posts are riddled with rhetorical sleight of hand tricks common on 4chan, why do you think you have the high ground here? You're pathetic, your replies ring hollow with all the posturing you do, yet you can't allude the simple fact you will NEVER understand Nietzsche, and that you will NEVER read him in German.

>> No.23122098

>hahahaha im so much smarter than you because i am an english monolingual.
Like i said, at the beginning, KILL YOURSELF.

>> No.23122099
File: 164 KB, 300x300, fuck u nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider this mercy is a quote from the Batman vs Superman movie you fucktarded autist, riffing off the fact I responded to a Zod shitpost

>> No.23122100

Holy shit you genuinely are retarded. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.23122102

Again, not the point of the post. Learn to read, retard. And when you do, learn German. Then read Nietzsche.

>> No.23122103

nobody puts "english" in caps on a chinese basket forum, and only an esl would even think of that. So tell me, where'd you pay for lessons? and where's the hand post?

>> No.23122105

Learn German and stop being retarded you imbecile.

>> No.23122108

>doesn’t know how [sic] works in a sentence
>thought [sic] was attached to competency
Based retard

>> No.23122111

>nobody puts "english" in caps on a chinese basket forum
Damn, this is simply pathetic cope. Is this really the best cope you can come up with, lil’ guy?

>> No.23122112
File: 192 KB, 200x150, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad as FUCK turd world ESL nietzscheans chimping out
dance monkeys

>> No.23122114

You are genuinely pathetic.

>> No.23122115
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 432849023940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoiding posting hands this hard
Nietzsche bros.... I thought we were white.

>> No.23122116

>muh ESL!
Are Americans this proud of not knowing any other language, besides English? Lol.

>> No.23122151

>His "I sniff my own farts" writing style is unbearable.

>> No.23122152

read his reply to this >>23121998, he doesn't understand Nietzsche.

>> No.23122157

>retard ESL newfaggot doesn't realize there's 9 posters in this thread
I'm not OP retard, and you haven't read carlyle or stirner if it meant your life

>> No.23122160
File: 136 KB, 200x150, 663d786b-0954-4d7d-a65e-ba19b794bb55_200_10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23122162

You haven't read them either.
And if, you did, then you didn't get them, as demonstrated by your lack of understanding of nietzsche's writings.

>> No.23122165
File: 110 KB, 750x742, 423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, your stunning presentation of facts and quotations from these trio of philosophers has changed everything I THOUGHT I knew.
Thank you, esl imbecile.

>> No.23122168

Monolingual retard.

>> No.23122169

>with real gothic/germanic emo overtones.
This alone shows you do not get Nietzsche, why do you persist in thy folly?

>> No.23122171
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 3242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy making barely sentient "people" like you who ironically place much self-worth in their supposed intellectualism (while maintaining an IQ of 110, tops) flap around like Gumby while searching for elusive subjects called quotations and citations

>> No.23122173

Self-evident claims require no such thing, just read The Birth of Tragedy for starters and show me the supposed > with real gothic/germanic emo overtones.. I double dare thee, anon.

>> No.23122181

>yet another post with no quotations
kek. there's no way you're this stupid. I refuse to believe it.

>> No.23122183

>I enjoy making barely sentient "people" like you who ironically place much self-worth in their supposed intellectualism
Are you describing yourself, here???

>> No.23122188

>no you!
valiant effort, ESL. you've discovered what offended six year olds say across the world

>> No.23122191

You're the one that replied to my post using no quotations, after I provided TSZ as an example of why OP's statement simply isn't true. You only deal in ad homs, strawmans and posture with this armchair psychology of yours, yet have no real arguments to make and are here simply to fight online. If you care to prove otherwise, cite examples, give me Nietzsche's passages that prove " with real gothic/germanic emo overtones" is true.

>> No.23122192

It's you that made the claim, genius.
You are the one with the burden of proof not anyone else.
You are the one that should get the quotes, not anyone else.
You are too retarded that you don't even understand that.

>> No.23122198

Why are Pedro and Pajeet shitting up my thread so hard?

>> No.23122200

>His first book is why he's not a gothic emo!
Are you seriously retarded or do you think that telling me to look in a book where Nietzsche was at his lightest conceptually is intellectually good faith? Rat. If you had half a brain you'd recognize that The Gay Science or Twilight of the Idols as darker works.

>> No.23122202

So you have, no quotations,no arguments, no proof.
You just made a claim about nietzsche and you didn't even show where in nietzsche's writings was what you were saying.
You are retarded.

>> No.23122204

Bro, you can barely type in English. I can hardly expect for you to READ and quote English.

>> No.23122207

I was talking about literally any Nietzsche passage of your choosing, but again you retort with insults and post no quotations of your own, showing you're a charlatan.

>> No.23122212

I just said, you are the one that should get the quote, not me, retard.
Ironically you can't even read english well, or you would have understood what i meant.

>> No.23122213

>just read The Birth of Tragedy for starters and show me the supposed
Dishonest rat. And I like how you're unaware of Twilight / Antichrist as darker nietzschean works

>> No.23122215

>still hasn't quoted passages
>continues the namecalling game

>> No.23122218
File: 7 KB, 213x237, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even admit Twilight of the Idols or Antichrist are darker Nietzschean works compared to Birth of Tragedy
obstinate, dishonest, bad faith, and retarded is no way to go through life, son

>> No.23122221

I find his anti-Christianity and his Grecophilia pathetic. Those two things run throughout his “philosophy” and so much of it tastes sour to me, but I otherwise like some of the things that he wrote.

>> No.23122224

So you have nothing, all you do is act in a petty and pedantic manner. Of course such types do not understand Nietzsche.

>> No.23122227

His "anti-christianity" is great though.
He cut, in the right spot of the problems he saw and wrote,with that.

>> No.23122229

>darker nietzschean
Why do you write as if your entire online identity is spent watching retarded eceleb jewtube videos

>> No.23122230
File: 33 KB, 550x545, s-l1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this straight: are you saying that Twilight of the Idols and Antichrist are NOT darker than the Birth of Tragedy? Or have you simply not read them?

>> No.23122232

That was never what the conversation was about, you were asked to quote examples, yet you provided none and resorted to goalpost moving and playing gotcha with me. It's obvious you have no arguments, and I've said before, you're only here to have fights online with internet strangers.

>> No.23122234

You still haven't proven your original claim about nietzsche.
No quotes, no proof, no anything.
You are a dishonest actor.

>> No.23122240
File: 4 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the concession on that Twilight of the Idols and Antichrist are dark and emotional works, as was Nietzsche. GG ez pz, no re

>> No.23122250

You moved the goalpost, to get that point.
But you didn't even prove your original claim.
You just wanted a point, and you got it even if you had to act dishonest.

>> No.23122258
File: 57 KB, 1200x630, friedrichnietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was not "Mr Happy Sunshine" lmao. who the fuck is posting here now?

>> No.23123098

>this dude thinks he isn't the definition of a weakling

>> No.23123187

Im not though.
What are you even doing here?
The thread already ended.
It's over.
Sorry you missed it.
But you can go home now.

>> No.23123326
File: 26 KB, 500x415, crocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Nietzsche alone!