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File: 417 KB, 1000x528, free-diy-little-free-library-plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23285299 No.23285299 [Reply] [Original]

These are free, right? what's stopping me from just going around my local neighborhoods at night and dumping them into a trash bag?

>> No.23285317

the local one i have never has anything good in it so i went over at night to shit and smear it all over everything, the door, the handles, the windows, on the walls a little, and a little bit on each and every book

>> No.23285320

Honestly that would be helpful in getting rid of the garbage that people put in there.

>> No.23285324

You can build these yourself anywhere and it delivers books to you

>> No.23285332

The quality of the books, presumably.

>> No.23285357

Why would you? Why can't we have nice things? It's my dream to build one of these once I own a house.

>> No.23285394
File: 1.58 MB, 4204x4496, 1704582938640804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not being a nigger presumably

>> No.23285399

Shit. This.

>> No.23285466

It's a "free library"
I'll take what I want (which happens to be everything)

>> No.23285485

traded 11/22/63 for Mason & Dixon from one of these. honestly can't complain

>> No.23285517

The books in these are so worthless that's it's not even worth the effort vandalizing these things

>> No.23285522

one man's trash is another man's treasure

>> No.23285555

I dunno, not being worthless and evil, maybe? You're a nihilistic atheist leftoid seething asshole, aren't you.
Also, little free libraries tend to be in quiet neighborhoods where people are expected to behave themselves. If I saw you doing that, you'd meet the business end of my shotgun.

>> No.23285556

you can't be white

>> No.23285583

The only things you ever get in these things are shitty cookbooks and self-help books for women.

>> No.23285615

do you live in an apartment? ask your landlord if you can build one of these right now and place it outside your complex. would be very nice of you and im sure the people would appreciate it :)

>> No.23285685

people in apartments can't afford $300

>> No.23285750

Normally, yes. But once in a while you find a gem. I found a Goosebumps book worth about $200 in one once.

>> No.23285768

place a shirtless picture of yourself and your phone number in the ladies books and prepare to feast

>> No.23285807
File: 251 KB, 768x1280, why don't girls like me boo hoo hoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried that but it didn't work

>> No.23285861

>what's stopping me from just going around my local neighborhoods at night and dumping them into a trash bag?
Your white skin, but you don't seem to have that

>> No.23285874


>> No.23285890

You don't actually want everything though, because most of it is going to be crap that doesn't appeal to you.

>> No.23285905

Humans rob a free book store and then wonder why God floods the world

>> No.23285918

Sorry vengeful god had to get my read on

>> No.23285929

yeah but the point was that you can build it yourself, no? its not that difficult to build and decorate a box with shelves on a stand. you simply need wood, a hammer and some nails.

>> No.23285950
File: 1.26 MB, 4096x1761, little free library anti-circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a bunch of anti-circumcision books in these things to try to convince normies that genital mutilation is bad

>> No.23285958

Why is circumcision bad? I've been reading a bit about it lately but the people complaining about it sound like they're coping. "If I still had my foreskin I wouldn't be such a loser, this trauma ruined my life" sort of thing.

>> No.23285962

same except for female circumcision

>> No.23285967

just useless mutilation that a certain group of people has been trying to normalize for bogus reasons

>> No.23285971

Yeah let's just cut off part of your genitals because it's 'clean or looks better'.

Fucking lmao at you, you subsapient APE, you fucking cretin, you can literally be convinced 'hey yeah i should cut off parts of my body' you fucking CLOWN

>> No.23285973

the die-hard anti-circumcision guys always come across as spergs, especially that Clopper guy, that dude's a loon.

>> No.23286048

>what's stopping me from just going around my local neighborhoods at night and dumping them into a trash bag?
Not being a worthless nigger who exists to ruin everything good, just because it's there.

>> No.23286063

>hey yeah i should cut off parts of my body
That's what a ton of surgeries do, I don't see people complaining about that

>> No.23286077

lots of newborns getting their jaw shaved and knee replacements

>> No.23286084

Niggas don't read

>> No.23286125

based, thank you for doing the lords work

>> No.23286178

Newborns sometimes need surgeries, yes

>> No.23286744

I have seen a good book in these only once, it's always either shitty religious literature or some pulp fiction.

>> No.23286811

It's bad to cut a part of a babys body off for literally no reason whatsoever

>> No.23286851


>> No.23286854

This is one of those clear “we live in a society” tests. Like returning shopping carts.
Can you take all the “free” books and use them as toilet paper and then scream I THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE SO THAT MEANS I’M RIGHT TO DO AS I WANT? Yeah. Nobody can stop you. It’s the whole point about a social litmus test. Can you act like a person or are you a retarded chimp who will poop on the streets if someone doesn’t actively intervene?

>> No.23286865

Elective cosmetic surgery on toddlers is actually frowned upon if not outright illegal. Even suggesting something like routinely cutting off the ear lobes on kids who are born with loose ones because a 2000 year old book said it was what god commands would have you labeled a monster and actually doing it would have you prosecuted for abuse.
Apparently this logic doesn’t extend to penises because the hooknose tribe rituals are to be taken more seriously than ear mutilation tribe.

>> No.23286916

It's weird as fuck how dick mutilation on babies is seen as ok.

>> No.23287011

plus talent. that's the missing ingredient from a 4channer incel NEET shutin

>> No.23287091

Are these that common? I think I've only seen 1 or 2 of these and they just had cookbooks in them.

>> No.23287220
File: 320 KB, 1153x645, circumanicure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23287228

Remove all books.

Fill with durable KJV bibles.

Repeat until the neighborhood runs out of books.

>> No.23287230

>not knowing the difference between surgery to fix an actual diagnosed medical condition as opposed to routinely cutting off healthy body parts

>> No.23287231

But I'm assuming you returned it like a good citizen, right anon?

>> No.23287233

My city is RIDDLED with them

>> No.23287235
File: 266 KB, 691x893, circumcision permanently alters the brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circumcision could plausibly be a contributing factor to mental illness.

>> No.23287248

You sound like a nigger. These only work in a high-trust society, which you actively seek to undermine and exploit.

>> No.23287605

Would love to challenge that dude to an orange-peeling competition.

>> No.23287951

>what's stopping me from just going around my local neighborhoods at night and dumping them into a trash bag?
They're in white neighbourhoods, nigger, not in your ghetto

>> No.23288366

because its involuntarily removed from you as a baby without your consent. thats insane. i dont know how goy americans successfully convinced themselves that this is somehow normal. if you want to circumcise as an adult, then go ahead, but robbing a child of their foreskin is evil, in my opinion. we see female genital mutilation as sadistic and barbaric but not for male? why?

>> No.23288492

sure thing pajeet

>> No.23288552

Op is probably Chinese or Indian. That’s how they think. Coffee shops can’t leave out milk anymore because Chinese will steal it.

>> No.23288573

>it delivers books to you

>> No.23288575


>> No.23288653

>forcing people to read your book to adopt your opinions
it doesn't work
you'd have better results printing cards/flyers

>> No.23289529

>what's stopping me from just going around my local neighborhoods at night and dumping them into a trash bag?
The color of your skin, presumably.

>> No.23289621

America is a wild place

>> No.23289647

This the most non white thing to do

>> No.23289655
File: 392 KB, 1080x880, Screenshot_20240415_075641_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23289663


>> No.23289706
File: 2.90 MB, 1080x1080, u posted cringe again.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is circumcision bad?

americans never cease to amaze/horrify me

>> No.23289803

cool digits and all bit i still need to point out that you're literally fucking 70something and should shuffle off somewhere quiet and await your rapidly approaching final breath

>> No.23289813

I put my own self-published book inside one and the next week it was gone.

I hope someone read it andnot just chucked it into the trash

>> No.23289816

I knew it! I knew that sad self-publishers were doing this! I was right to remove those books

>> No.23289821
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, 1659721001234715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you act like a person or are you a retarded chimp who will poop on the streets if someone doesn’t actively intervene?

>> No.23289837

But sometimes they steal just for the sake of it. I knew a dude who stole hand powered lawn mower that he stored on his balcony because he lived in an apartment.

>> No.23289845

that's pretty cool. did you put a new one in? you could try registering it on something like bookcrossing and see where it went

>> No.23289886

maybe he didn't have the hands to power it with

>> No.23289898

My parents have apple trees and put a wheelbarrow full of apples by the side of the road with a sign saying please take. Someone dumped the apples and took the wheelbarrow

>> No.23289907


>> No.23289913

I mean, I've found some gems in these mini-library cabins:
> The structure of scientific revolutions (Kuhn)
> A History of Western Philosophy (Russell)
> The entire Lord of the Rings-trilogy
> Multiple fairy tale collections by the Grimm brothers and Anderson
> A brief history of time (Hawking)
And quite some other books as well.

Now we could have a whole argument as to whether or not the above books are truly good or not, but they're all better than the average Mills and Boon books which tend to fill up these cabinets.

>> No.23289917

That's sad. Last year I walked by a house which had a box of apples on the sidewalk and a similar note in it. An older lady was out in the yard and saw me looking at the box and while I'm not really an apple guy I thought the gesture was really kind so I grabbed an apple and waved at the lady saying "Thanks for the apple," and she smiled and said "You're welcome." When I got back to my neighborhood I threw the apple through my friend's open apartment window because he has a dog that will eat anything and get liquid shits from it. So it was a win-win-win situation for everybody. Kindness can be so easily missed in today's hectic world.

>> No.23289924

What's wrong with this?
The sign said Please Take

>> No.23289927


If it was empty i could understand the confusion. Maybe it should have said "please take apples"

>> No.23289928
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, lord_hoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people like this

>> No.23289934

>Maybe it should have said "please take apples"

100% Live and learn

>> No.23290134

Saving this to read latter, I was circumcised when I was 10 years old because I didn't know how to properly wash my dick

>> No.23290137

Okay this makes more sense. Thank you for being one of the few people to actually make a good point to my question.

>> No.23290294

>what's stopping me from just going around my local neighborhoods at night and dumping them into a trash bag?
Send a picture of the top of your hand

>> No.23290980

I had an extra copy of The Glass Bees and The Brothers Karamazov so I put them in one of these. I wouldn't even have know that there was one near me if not for a thread I saw on here.

>> No.23291048

>blah blah blah blah blah seething blah blah
your entire post is seethe, grandpa

>> No.23292122

these seem kinda corny honestly
it's like lets pretend to care for each other but lets also not have to meet or socialize

>> No.23292136

>Did you cut off the tip of the babies dick yet?
>Good, now pull out all his fingernails. Surely this wont affect him psychologically at all.

>> No.23292150

I found a bunch of lockdown-era conspiracy books in a rich old people neighborhood. I learned that you can and should publish prepper/conspiracy/end-times grift books to cash in.