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23293153 No.23293153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23293161

No but being terminally online seems to. That or they fall the other direction and become a racist incel. In general spending too much time and getting too much of your validation on the internet seems to detach people from reality

Read a book, it's a good thing to do. Then maybe chat to a real human about it instead of watching and making "video essays" on YouTube.

Working a normal job full of normal people in a normal office helps alleviate online insanity too

>> No.23293166

>Working a normal job full of normal people in a normal office helps alleviate online insanity too
No, you just turn your racist, sexist tranny hating brain off for a eight hours.

>> No.23293173

he doesn't read, but then, there's a good chance he's not a real troon either and just does it for the attention / political cred

>> No.23293199
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>> No.23293214

He trooned out because he raped another tranny YouTuber and didn't want to get criticized
Not even joking

>> No.23293219

Stoicism really breaks down when you realize Meditations was written buy a guy who was the richest most powerful person in the world and was constantly high on opium. It's the classical equivalent of the millions of "Self help" and finance blogs telling you to just take a year off of work and travel or to live within your means while they make millions a year.

>> No.23293222

Was going to say, based on shit like the Bishop Berkeley video, he doesn't seem like he reads more than wiki summaries.

>> No.23293223

Even breathing causes transgenderism so maybe you should kill yourself

>> No.23293225

What, is Epictetus just chopped liver? Meditations isn't the only work on Stoicism.

>> No.23293227

See, that argument falls short when you realize that Epictetus, another great Stoic was a slave.
Anyways, it's a bit more than that. If you've the time, maybe read Epictetus and Seneca, and not listen to trannies on YouTube, nor listening/reading anything from Ryan Holiday.

>> No.23293235

Nothing says stoicism more than cutting off your dick and balls and generally trying to make yourself look as much of a woman as possible even though you don't even remotely pass for one.

>> No.23293245

>contact with the reality makes you less racist and homophobic

>> No.23293256

>Working a normal job full of normal people in a normal office helps alleviate online insanity too
>go give the best years of your life over to unscrupulous executives who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire

>> No.23293311

Meditations is nothing more than a guy writing down his thoughts while on the toilet taking a shit, it was never in any way meant to teach anyone apart from to remind himself, yet foolish people on the internet seem to make it to be some Stoic bible, it isn't and never was such a thing, and it is a terrible place to try and learn Stoic theory.

The fact that people go to some guys random thoughts instead of the Discourses of Epictetus tells us much about modern education, people don't want to study anything what actually takes effort, philosophy isn't meant to be easy to take in, but people would rather go to the Gregory Hayes version of the meditations because it was so simply written that a toddler could read it, they want a ''quick fix''

>> No.23293333

holy cr*p! ive never seen this before. never reading another book again in my life

>> No.23293343

I unironically think that accomplishing goals in a career and spending time outside in the world really helps alleviate sectarian nensense. All this "hurr durr muh culture war" stuff only matters to people on Twitter and the Chans

People who talk about "throwing their life away for a soul crushing job" are either NEETS, or they're trapped in a cycle of shitty food service jobs, and that really is soul crushing

Most people I interact with on a daily basis are just regular people trying to live their lives and accomplish their goals. It's only online where people REEEE over transgender and race issues

Even the HR departments are starting to quietly distance themselves from DEI

Anyway, long story short, spend less time locked in your room on the computer. Otherwise you'll end up chopping your dick off or going the way of the Supreme gentleman

>> No.23293362
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Thanks yeah I'll get a job moving money for BlackRock. What careers really help with is shrinking your world to your bank account and family, which is how most people stay sane, but the manufacturing plants dumping PFAs into my local water supply are probably just thinking of their family too. It's not staving off collapse, just reducing the observed impact. At least that's something.

>> No.23293439

Not really I’ve been “terminally online” since 1993 and I hate trannies.

>> No.23293442

Nothing wrong with being racist or sexist, kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.23293511
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>> No.23293782

Might be connection
I always thought every gay guy loved Jane Austen
But maybe Jane Austen turned them gay instead

>> No.23293787

I love Jane Austen, can confirm

>> No.23293789

If l had my way every single video on Youtube would be deleted.
I am not reading anything in this thread.
Feel free to reply to me, I may or may not read your response.

>> No.23293914

Reading allows you to better understand yourself, so if better understanding leads you to become a gay trans people, yeah, that can be the outcome of it for you, but in a more general sense, need I point out how stupid this post is, even as a lame shitpost that has been overdone on /lit/ at this point?

>> No.23293953 [DELETED] 

>Not even joking.


>> No.23293963

>Working a normal job full of normal people in a normal office helps alleviate online insanity too
Top tier bait.

>> No.23293977

no being shit on by/in culture/"academia"/government/laws for several decades makes a small % of mentally ill men desperate for some kind of social affirmation. they see how women get privileged treatment by the same group that shit all over them while calling then equals so they decide i'll just be a women.

>> No.23293983
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>maybe chat to a real human

>> No.23293991

Why are threads lately just demoralization attempts? Did a new influx of feds and trannies from the CIA just enter?

>> No.23294039

This book fucking sucked and should not be a basis of any political/economic theory. It was comprised almost entirely of speculative fan fiction and had barely any sources. Most of the "evidence" he presents are random comments on his blog posts. I can't believe he was an academic. If you had any amount of university education you'd recognise this book for what it is: a complete sham.

>> No.23294053

>t. tranny with a bullshit job

>> No.23294078

I'm going to send this to the mean troons who made fun of me for being hyped about meditations.

Yeah i know it's pseud or whatever. I found it fun and insightful, so why shouldn't i be excited about it?

>> No.23294083

really ?

>> No.23294090

It's not about being terminally online, it's about being in an echo chamber

The thing is, humans are fundamentally not rational creatures, and by default, we all have certain emotional blind spots. Certain parts of the truth that are uncomfortable to us and we will keep looking the other way or rejecting these truths if they are not shoved in our face sooner or later

Criticism is necessary to correct your errors in thinking and acting, to see the bigger picture

But if you exist in a politically charged echo chamber, where arguments against the consensus are always removed or shunned regardless of logic, you can never get meaningfully criticized, you only hear what you want to hear and become more and more extremely entrenched in your preconceptions and more and more detached from reality

The real corrosive effect of the internet on the psyche, is that it tends to create echo chambers. Because it's much easier to censor people who are trying to tell an uncomfortable truth on the internet than IRL

>> No.23294095

Yeah it's an open secret.
YouTuber contrapoints was raped by him and then trooned out immediately afterwards and started imitating her content

>> No.23294102

what's the evidence for this ?

>> No.23294103

Every big name on Youtube is a fucking mentally ill freak. And people get their opinion from those and kiss the ground they step on. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.23294111

Contrapoints indirectly confirmed it In a deleted tweet
Sad innit

>> No.23294155

having a job is so awesome. Seriously, life is so much better when you work, do your own thing, and make money doing it.

>> No.23294158
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No. Too much time in the goon cave seems to be what causes it.

>> No.23294177

I want to work but the only jobs in my area are illegal below min wage piece of shit menial positions lol.
I'd rather neet/rope

>> No.23294178

>Philosopher Tube
He who calls themself a philosopher is no true philosopher.

>> No.23294204

So why is contrapoints not making more of this do you think?

>> No.23294226

they refuse to

>> No.23294232

Shut the fuck up nigger. You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about, stop misleading people with lies.

>> No.23294269

No one knows, probably because at this point it'll be a he said she said type deal and she probably just wants to just keep quiet and get simpbucks from patreon

>> No.23294273

Hating trannies proves the same point, you're just swinging in the other direction
God forbid people expect you to be a functioning member of society in the most basic sense
Mostly true, but being terminally online often leads to an echo chamber and just generally exaggerated views of how the work works
I'm a lot happier, I thought "career" was some kind of bullshit life waste. But making enough money to be comfortable and also having lots of PTO gives you SO MUCH freedom
Probably bait. There's no lie about people getting fulfillment from being successful. Its not rocket science... unless your career is as a rocket scientist

>> No.23294275

>life is so much better when you work
Not necessarily, sometimes being unemployed can be a happier and less stress free existence, while some jobs bring the opposite.

If you believe money can buy happiness then sure, but most wise people know money doesn't buy happiness and that there is plenty of miserable millionaires

If i have a job, then i will be happy isn't really a deductively valid proposition. You could easily say If i have a job, then i will be unhappy. requiring external things to have certain emotional states is a dangerous game, as external things by their nature are unreliable and subject to change, your own will isn't.

>> No.23294417

Definitely this

>enter random discord server
>10 members
>7 are trans
>5 are "autistic"

Maybe you should finish reading the comment before replying

>> No.23294595

It actually doesn’t

>> No.23294598

It doesn’t prove anything but sure

>> No.23294601

Nah I’m cool. I’m not even supposed to be here.

>> No.23294689
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>economic theory
Let me stop you right there. It's anthropology bozo.

>> No.23294724

contra literally said that isnt what happened lol

>> No.23294727

Also it's no secret the service economy is basically a welfare state for midwits. You're paid more for doing work that requires a degree of abstract thinking and rationalization because those are the kinds of people who procreate a steady supply of healthy, normal consumers. Rote labor is often more important but we can't pay retards too much because they've got more mutant genes.

>> No.23294747

And we should believe him because...?

>> No.23294760

saged. I couldn't even read what you wrote because I'm a cisgender man

>> No.23294766

Hey philosophytube

>> No.23294778

I used to feel pity for troons, seeing them as mere victims of a sick society who pushes them to troon-out just to virtue signal. But now, I've understood that troons are utterly evil people who want to drag the world into a state of chaos in which they'd be able to wallow into all their most depraved fantasies.

>> No.23294807
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>Surround yourself with LGBTs
>You will gradually become a gay troon

Why is this hard for people to understand? If you surround yourself any group that has a strong central worldview and enjoy the people who espouse it, you will gradually embrace it entirely simply to fit in. This is why people get better, recant or renounce their positions once removed from the environment that mandated it.

Ivory tower types get the rope.

>> No.23294815

Does this mean if you spend enough time on 4chan...?

>> No.23294820

You become an incel
Abandon all hope, ye who enter.

>> No.23294824
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>I unironically think that accomplishing goals in a career and spending time outside in the world really helps alleviate sectarian nensense.
If working in fintech is any indication, upper middle class programmers and managers are the most narrow-minded, sectarian political agents in America. All of them are either MSNBC NPCs or ben shapiro listeners. My crustpunk anarchist art hoe side chick may have an untenable political philosophy, but at least she's read a few opposing thinkers. The average corporate midlife crisis guy hasn't touched a book since he graduated college.

>> No.23294838
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Online is not the same in real life, but yes. It can happen for specific behaviors. The discord grooming moderator is not a myth. However, 4chan lacks the personal connection that is needed.

>> No.23294846

I'm not saying you can be groomed into being an incel but if you consume incel rhetoric all day and barely interact with opposing rhetoric then you'll eventually believe it wether you have a personal connection or not

>t. Was retarded enough to let 4chan make me fall for incels shit despite getting a gf before

>> No.23294869

Raping Internet commies must be one of the easier endeavors ever.

>> No.23294882
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I said specific behaviors. Hating women/society/modernity is easy to take on without a personal connection to a group, further Inceldom is not a central worldview, despite some people making it their own. Inceldom is a (somewhat reasonable reaction) to a broken society by broken/failed people. Troondom is not a reaction, Troondom is as much an ideology as anything that has ever been. Accordingly, when one is within an ideology, they must conform to or be rejected from the group. Participation in the group is paramount for the troon, participation for the incel is incidental.

>> No.23294892

One characteristic of cults is that they deny being a cult.

>> No.23294893
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I really do enjoy bullying them.

>> No.23294904

you are the right wing analog for a transexual and you don’t even know it

>> No.23294914
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Your direction brained worldview is meaningless.

>> No.23294917

Chuds and trannies are just two sides of the same coin of cringe

>> No.23294922

Hitler was a honosexual with gender dysphoria who commited suicide and was in the payroll of Jewish brokers from Wall Street.