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/lit/ - Literature

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23331953 No.23331953 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about propaganda?

>> No.23331962

Bernays, Lippmann, Dewey

>> No.23331980

This is such a retarded point. The issue with TikTok is the nonstop antisemitism tolerated by China. This thread has zero to do with literature and is just a bullshit /pol/ thread

>> No.23331982

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.23331989

Not seeing the issue there hombre.

>> No.23332014

burts shoulder

>> No.23332016

Sorry but Israel will stop killing kids.

>> No.23332042

Clear bait

>> No.23332073
File: 459 KB, 1228x865, magamutt_trump_putin_xi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being cucks to the CCP to own the libs

>> No.23332080

libtards are a bigger threat to the west than xi or putin could ever dream of being

>> No.23332088

Chomsky has some bangers on this subject

>> No.23332140

Ellul - Propaganda

>> No.23332145

Stonetoss is a chink?

>> No.23332232

Right hand side of Bert's jacket

>> No.23332236

German Ideology

>> No.23332293

American people want to be controlled, it's very self-evident. They all disguise it behind the constant screeching of freedom and "patriotism" yet they are as much slaves to their overlords
as sub-saharan Africans are to theirs. You won't find shit like this in most of Europe because no one cares. And no one is powerful enough to look away from the majority's opinion. Only American politicians with their dictatorship-esque powers could do so. All while they constantly suppress and at the same time support, the fall of the West, and the rise of the fags, trannies, and niggers. Look through the USA and all you can see is constant shoplifting, rallies for pride, constant corruption, and the degeneracy of every class. It's disgusting, to say the least. I hope Texans succeed, but that itself is a pipe dream for people already in too deep into what is essentially the slavery of the mind.

>> No.23332380

Does he? What does he talk about, advertising and the army?
>Look over here! Burger king is trying to make you want burgers! This is so insidious! Look at the subtle tricks they use. Now go get your boosters and fight antisemitism.

>> No.23332382

Hans just fyi I reported your post the the authorities and they will soon be inside your house so make sure you hide your butter knives and browser history fast.

>> No.23332893
File: 88 KB, 338x425, banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23332899

>thinking internet is more free than mass media

>> No.23332905

I hate republicans so much it's unreal and I'm a republican.

>> No.23332917

The future's looking red and brown. Centrists BTFO

>> No.23333015
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Yeah not the Chinese with their commie bullshit lmao

>> No.23333035


>> No.23333056

>these three people are bad and you're very afraid of them...
Will libtards ever realize their worldview is largely based around the maintenance of various boogeymen, those that threaten the hegemony of their prefered elite, for the sake of a forever war that can never be resolved? There's so much projection and weird parasocial ingroup pseudo-belonging that, when looked at soberly, is destined never to pay out. There's only the baseless conviction that they're on the right side of history merely because they contrive the outgroup they've constructed, paradoxically for the sake of comfort, is on the wrong side; a negative enemy they can confront in childish mock battles so as to save themselves from confronting demons where they truely feast, within themselves.

>> No.23333194

>da jooooooos!!!11

Bravo. Way to prove his point

>> No.23333228

Kvetch harder kike

>> No.23333229

Un fucking ironically kill yourself Jew
Hitler should've culled your disgusting species

>> No.23333234
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>> No.23333279

the only thing chomsky should bang is his head against a wall

>> No.23333334


>> No.23333357
File: 352 KB, 800x1015, Jewwy Jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.23333462

This but unironically. Jews are the only group of people in America you're allowed to hate. There's university professors, journalists, politicians and influencers outright calling for the end of Israel, the only country that Jews have. Every other race has their own countries but antisemites literally believe Jews should not have their own. It makes literally 0 sense. Why are Jews the only group of people who are not allowed to have their own country?

The problem with Tik Tok is that it's the most popular social media platform for young people, and they blatantly allow this irrational antisemitic propaganda to infect the minds of children. If you were educated you'd know there's a reason why propagandists always target children. Tik Tok is teaching millions of children that Jews are inherently evil and don't deserve their own country, and that Jews need to lay down and let other people take over their country because Jews are inherently evil and guilty of historic wrongdoings.

>> No.23333481

Yeah they should do this place next

>> No.23333489

Yeah that’s my issue as well. I strongly support free speech but disinformation specifically grafted and targeted at children is not free speech, it is indoctrination

>> No.23333510

Thanks. It was well hidden this time.

>> No.23333867

>hello 4channers! Tiktok is antisemitic which you like, right? now please start endorsing tiktok!
Lmao nice try cryptokike

>> No.23334354

>The screenshot of the post wasn't satire
Amazing. What where they thinking when they posted this?

>> No.23334675

Neither are white, thoughever regardless

>> No.23334915

true but not relevant