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3046891 No.3046891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God bless the posh residents of Notting Hill and their willingness to dump good books like these into charity stores. Pic related.

ITT: recent purchases general

>> No.3046895

fingerprints detected. we now know where you live.

>> No.3048706
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Recent library-check outs okay too?

Telegram by Putu Wijaya
The Feverhead by Wolfgang Bauer
Visits of Love by Alfred Jarry
The Head of vitrus Bering by Konrad Bayer
The Castle of Communion by Bernard Noel
The Skewed Tales of H.C. Artmann
Tubutsch by Albert Ehrenstein
Obstacles by Reinhard Lettau
Selected Prose of Aleksei Remizov
My Tired Father by Gellu Naum (for rereading)

>> No.3048707

woah, that hyphen misplaced itself

>> No.3048714

What ones of them were written before 1950

>> No.3048727

Just the Jarry, Remizov and Ehrenstein.

>> No.3048741
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My latest buys.

>> No.3048745

Didn't Dostoevsky rip the shit out of What is to be Done in Demons?

>> No.3048753

I think I read in an introduction to Demons that D's novel was a reply to What is to be Done? and that Dosty, Cherny and Turgy where all writing novels in response to one another's work for a while.

>> No.3048758

That's fucking awesome.

>> No.3048766

From the library:
Poems - J.H. Prynne
Hunger/Sult - Knut Hamsun (both versions for Norwegian class)

Holzfaellen - Thomas Bernhard (for German class)

>> No.3048788

found Sylvia Plath's Winter Trees, first edition U.S. for a quarter here in PA. I don't know what I'm going to do with it

>> No.3050287
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I made another thread but was redirected here. Anyway, I bought this from my library for $10. Pics incoming.

>> No.3050291
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I recently read White Noise by Don DeLillo so I was pretty excited to find a copy of Underworld. Has anyone read either of them? Are they similar?

The Hemingway book there is For Whom the Bell Tolls, I haven't read it before so I picked it up, plus this one has a nice cover.

>> No.3050295

That's a pretty neat TBK cover.

>> No.3050297
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A friend recommended American Pastoral, but he prefaced it by warning that he enjoys old white male authors.

>> No.3050304

Why is the library selling those books? I just don't get it. My library do have this sale going on, but it's mostly pulp, outdated non-fiction and children's books. Why would a library get rid of Paradise Lost?

Mildly jealous.

>> No.3050305
File: 174 KB, 1254x939, IMG_0481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really took interest in the fantasy genre, but I saw The Hobbit and figured what the hell, might be a fun read.

The Ellis book is Less Than Zero and Bottom left is Steppenwolf.

>> No.3050307
File: 43 KB, 328x437, Danny Wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks solid.

I love Narcissus and Goldmund. I'm guessing you're not new to Hesse.
Emerson's cool.
Woolf is wonderful.
I've still yet to read any Roth myself. [I've been meaning to.]
I know nothing about that book by Murakami, but some of his other books are nice (as I'm sure you know because I doubt that's your first book by him).

>> No.3050308


And now you show me The Aenid, a cool cover of The Hobbit and God tier cover Gatsby. WTF?

10$ well spent, mister.

>> No.3050313

I'm diggin' Oblivion, Franny and Zooey, Marquez Woolf, Auster, and Celine. Christopher Moore can be funny (I've only read Moore). I don't recognize the other stuff. Looks good though. Dive in, and have fun!

>> No.3050317

Indeed Hesse is awesome.
I had an English teacher in high school that loved transcendentalism and shit so I picked it up, he was a really great teacher.
I wish I had read Woolf sooner, recently finished Mrs. Dalloway (thought I would hate it), but it was amazing.
This is actually my introduction to Murakami.

>> No.3050320
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>Ayn Rand
Please don't kill me. I actually haven't read any of her work.

>> No.3050326


anthem is actually a pretty good book about not losing your individuality

it'll speak to your cultural context

>> No.3050329
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And finally I was able to squeeze these into the sides of my bag (it later ripped due to this ;_;7).

>> No.3050332

>saw a couple with a car full of old hardbacks
>they took them into the charity shop
I'm just going to camp outside that place.

>> No.3050350
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I usually talk shit about these threads, but I seriously have nothing better to do

>> No.3050356


Why only Inferno? The Divine Comedy gets so beautiful in the last Cantos of Paradiso.

>> No.3050397
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pleb checking in.

>> No.3050407

What in the fuck?
Why is your library selling books?
Why is your library selling good books?

>> No.3050408

You did good, really good. Read The Story of Philosophy first, it gives an entertaining cursory glance of just about every other book you purchased. The author's bias comes across rather strongly, but it's a fun read

>> No.3050411

Probably because they already have decent hardcover versions of the same books. And people have donated additional ones which they don't need.

>> No.3050424

>hasn't read all those books already

>> No.3050437

They didn't have the others, someone probably took them before me :(

Not sure but the money goes straight to the library so seems like a win win. It may be they're overstocked because they had a lot of boxes full of books to fill the tables up once they were cleared.

>> No.3050596

can you elaborate mroe on this?

very interested

>> No.3050597


i would also want to know ABOUT THE CONNECTIONS

>> No.3051831
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, recent purchases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3051846


Love me some Zweig. Really need to read The Tunnel too.

Saw a nice set of GGM works in a 2nd hand store a couple of days ago. Was tempted but went with a couple of Fuentes books instead (Terra Nostra and Distant Relations).

>> No.3051850

where can I get a copy of Great Gatsby like that?

>> No.3052449

Went to a book sale and got these all for 5 bucks.

Hollywood by Gore Vidal
Limbo of the Lost by John Wallace Spencer
The Purgatorio by Dante translated by John Ciardi
The System of Dantes Hell by LeRoi Jones
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Hugo Winners Vol. 1 and 2 edited by Isaac Asimov
True Magick by Amber K
End of Days novelization by Frank Lauria (lol had to get that)
Dark Tower IV Wizard and Glass by Stephen King (still need 3 5 and 6)

Selection wasn't as good as last year. Last year I got an amazing haul.

>> No.3052454

the Asimov and Dante is easily worth more than five units of whatever currency you use, so that's good, but the rest is kinda meh to me. What did you get last year?

Also, care to take a pic and supply the thread with some more book porn?

>> No.3052528

OP, have you tried the book and comic exchange shop in Notting Hill?

>> No.3052541

I would but I can't PC doesn't recognize my phone and I'm not about to mess with that.

Last year I got first editions of 2001 A Space Odyssey and 2010 for a dollar (US dollars) each. Also got first editions of Jurassic Park and The Lost World. Lots more that I don't really remember. Got so many books It's hard to remember when I got them. Just remember the ones listed above.

>> No.3052873

Picked up a 1961 hardback Ulysses and Vonnegut's Fates Worse Than Death in Bookcycle (pay-what-you-like charity bookshop) recently. Also grabbed a new copy of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? just because it was £3 in my local shop.

>> No.3052926

The Power and the Glory
Brighton Rock
Solaris (already read it, just wanted a hard copy)

I've been looking for The Power and the Glory and Solaris forever (like a year) and I've never been able to find either at any of the used book stores in my city, and suddenly they just both show up at the same time. Also, it was only $7.50 for all three.