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/lit/ - Literature

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5049098 No.5049098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5049106

>dat font


>> No.5049179
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>And her paws

Here we go.

>> No.5049372 [DELETED] 

furry fanfic

>> No.5049508

What's the difference between this and, say, shit like twilight?

>> No.5049520

Twilight made money.

>> No.5049544

pretty much the only difference

>> No.5049550

A better comparison would be 50 Shades of Grey since that shit was literally Twilight fapfiction for tumblr landwhales before it got published.

>> No.5049552

I don't think this has been published, it has squiggly lines in it

>> No.5049556

Better than what you could write.

>> No.5049600

Why even be post this milquetoast, plebbit-tier retardation?Just because someone has to step up to the plate and be that guy?

Anyway I like My Immortal. I would buy it if it was a book.

>> No.5049638

I have as low an opinion of /lit/ as you do, but I really don't think anyone here would write a three-page paragraph

>> No.5049648
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>not writing your entire 180,000 word epic fantasy novel in one humongous paragraph

>> No.5051583


>> No.5051598
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>and somehow she knew

>> No.5052519

sounds way too furry for my taste

>> No.5052830

Could be okay with some editing.

>> No.5052851

>One wrong move here... meant certain death.
>She couldnt afford that.


>> No.5052874

Man. During the day, this place is a wasteland of bad ideas and poor writing.

I guess all the smart people are at work.

>> No.5052879

>willingly becoming a wage slave

>> No.5052889

Not OP, but - despite not expecting much from 4chan ever because why the hell would you - I feel fairly confident that at least 50% of the people on this entire site could legitimately write something better than that. Now, that's not exactly saying a lot because the passage linked in the OP is uncommonly dreadful, but whatever.

>> No.5052964

So I learned today that you can self publish on amazon. How does it work?

>> No.5053015

You're met with a simple screen with an upload button and a button reading "Self-Publish!"

You upload your novel and when you hit "Self-Publish!", the first three pages of your story is posted onto /lit/ with the greentext ">Self-publishing" beside it. It is not added to the store, you do not get any money, and if your name isn't in the first three pages you receive no credit for your work.

>> No.5053168

There's quite a bit of difference:
>it's in 3rd person, Twilight is in 1st
>Twilight can't go three pages without dialog
>the main character seems somewhat competent
>it's an action scene, which Twilight doesnt have
>the tone isnt bored and passive, it's melodramatic and corny
>description of actual settings, while awful, are at least present

The only similarity this has to Twilight is that it's awful, but it's a very different brand of awful

>> No.5053177

>actually having read twilight


>> No.5053209

I read it long before it became a "phenonema," back when the internet had nary a bad word to say about it.

It didnt become trendy to hate it until the movie came out.

>> No.5053273

Proust can

>> No.5053288

>trendy to hate
>implying that people hate it because it's popular
We hate it because it's shit, guy.

>> No.5053339

If it was just shit we wouldn't care.
Hating something you haven't read <- why?

>> No.5053361
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D-Do you actually like Twilight, Anon?
You sound awfully defensive. . .

>> No.5053691

Dude what?

>> No.5053801

That's not what I was saying, but thank you for completely misreading my post and putting words in my mouth.

No. What I was saying was that as somebody who remembers being all alone and not having anyone to discuss the awfulness of Twilight with, to seeing the flood of anti-Twilight rhetoric after the movie premier, it was pretty clear to me that a lot of people were just jumping on the bandwagon. Most people cant even articulate why the books are bad without automatically jumping to "vampires dont sparkle!" or "lol vampire cesarian section!"

I mean, if you hate Twilight, great, so do I. But if you hate it and cant state why you're just as bad as the tards who love it and cant explain why.

>> No.5053811

great strawman kid

>> No.5054466

Alright, I get it. You make a valid point and I was putting words into your mouth. Muh apologies, Anon.

>> No.5054909

Can anybody that isn't a faggot actually this question?

>> No.5054917


>> No.5054949

Joyce did, faggot.

>> No.5055015

Joyce did much more than that. And he did it without punctuation, too.

>> No.5055114

not with that attitude

>> No.5055147


So did Heller. Check our Something Happened. Dude had multi-page parenthetical ffs.

>> No.5055383


That's why my attitude was that way

>> No.5055993

Well, it IS fucking Proust.