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/lit/ - Literature

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6007843 No.6007843 [Reply] [Original]

What other hobbies do you have besides reading?

>> No.6007847

I like to skateboard.

>> No.6007853

Music and notaphily

>> No.6007856

>implying reading is a hobby and not an interest.

This is how stupid this board is.

>> No.6007861

>making a big deal about the minor difference between hobby and interest

This is how stupid this board is.

>> No.6007865


two winning posts, great work

look out winning post number three coming through

>> No.6007868

Playing guitar, smoking weed, watching movies and tv shows, writing

>> No.6007871

>this angry on being shown that they're wrong

Scoot your cooch

>> No.6007873

>being this generic.

not gonna make it

>> No.6007879


>angry on

Angry at.

Way to be wrong.

>> No.6007883


I don't really do anything other than smoke weed and read, honestly

>> No.6007884

Music festivals

Hard drugs

The beach/the woods with friends

Playing darts too drunk to play darts


Defending jam music

>> No.6007892

I cultivate my various paranoias, philias and neuroses.

I also take long solitary walks.

>> No.6007915

Chess, Magic, Writing, Marijuana, Psychedelia, Philosophy, Frugality

>> No.6007923
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>lift heavy weights up into the air and put them back down.
>play the piano
>study philosophy
>Listen music
>watch movies

tfw crippling depression and it's getting really hard to do any of these things.

I haven't played the piano for 2 weeks now.

>> No.6007924

hobby ~ an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

looks like you are the only stupid one here. 10/10 for having me reply to you you big stupid head.

>> No.6007927

I like cutting plants to the ground and seeing if they survive.

>> No.6007928


>> No.6007933

Lifting, climbing, bikes, picking up girls on the street (because fuck night clubs)

I do other things but those 4 are up there atm.

>> No.6007941


drinking tea and coffee
drinking beer and liquor
smoking weed
taking stimulants
taking benzos
taking psychedelic drugs
listening to music of all kinds

Basically the things that someone under 25 likes.

>> No.6007942


>> No.6007946
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Besides reading, I spend most of my time on tea, fountain pens, opera, homebrewing and board games.

Also dabble in target shooting and mushroom foraging, but those are more like monthly.

>> No.6007954
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billiards every couple weeks
drawing (intermittently)
lifting ( a new hobby)
collecting: first editions, pens, watches (all on the inexpensive side of the "hobby" if you call buying shit every once in a while a hobby)

I have depression so mostly I just browse the internet, do my school crap and lift - it's all I feel like doing. I have to force myself to read and the person I play billiards with can't play everyday.

>> No.6007962

Another pen person--what kinds of pens do you collect? Not everything has to be the expensive stuff anyway.

>> No.6007963

Writing, building models, writing music, developing video games, have long military history discussions with mates or random people, collect coins and other old shit, drink to much scotch and use to many commas.

>> No.6007975

I hang out in the same Abandoned building most nights with a guy who won't even tell me his second name.

We have a ping-pong table set up in there, sometimes we play chess.

We like to smoke weed and talk about electrical engineering, dungeons and dragons and anarchist utopianism.

>> No.6007990

When are we gonna get married, Raven?

>> No.6007991

Fellow climber, Nice!

>> No.6007996
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I'm already married, silly anon.

>> No.6008014

His is a mere thimble of water when compared to the ocean of passionate love I have for you.

>> No.6008029


GF of 5 years passed away almost 2 years ago. Still can't cope with it.

Everything I do feels like a cover up for my sorrows. I've seen multiple psychologists and the like but to no avail.

All the people I converse with are nothing more than other humans to me, I have no affinity towards them. I only have one really good friend I've known for years but we barely see each other.

Life just feels empty breh.

>> No.6008032

Do watching TV/movies and listening to music count as hobbies? I don't usually mention them when these questions come up, because they seem more like the kind of things that everyone does, rather than some kind of notable interest.

>> No.6008043

i dont even see humans as humans anymore
i dont even speak to them anymore

>> No.6008056

Man, I'm really sorry, and this might just be a dick thing to say that you can fully ignore, but get it together.
I'm 18, and 3 years ago my mom died. I lost my mom at 15 years old. She was the person I loved most in this entire world, and I'm even tearing up just writing about this even though I am fully at peace with her death.

I know it hurts, and I know it sucks, and I dropped out of school and got my GED because I couldn't get up in the mornings anymore. Shit fucking BLOWS, okay?

But you can't let it ruin your life or your happiness because that is not what your girlfriend wants and that is not a healthy mentality to keep with you at all. Life is not empty just because somebody you loved with all of your heart is gone now.

I don't even really know what to say to you, though, because I don't think your only problem is the fact that your long-term girlfriend died. Emotionally healthy and stable people can keep being emotionally healthy and stable even when stuff like that happens, so perhaps you need to reevaluate your past and the things you've gone through and why you're reacting this way, instead of just focusing on the fact that she died and that's why you're sad.

I'm sorry man, I've been in your exact same situation and I know it will never stop hurting. But sometimes you just have to live with that pain tucked in somewhere else, without letting it interfere with who you are.

>> No.6008070

holy shit this is not reddit. no one cares

>> No.6008077

I play the drums in like four bands.
I play guitar in two out of those four bands, and sing/scream in all of them, although drumming is my main position.
Also I do musical theatre
And video games

>> No.6008082

Yeah, I don't get it. What's this got to do with David Foster Wallace. Did the executor of his estate die or something?

>> No.6008088

My only other hobby is Jesus. Well, hobby wouldn't be the right word. I guess you could say he is my co-pilot.

>> No.6008091

Who's the top and who's the bottom?

>> No.6008092

Dota, Warhammer and Warmachine, used to watch anime, shitposting.

>> No.6008095


To imply Jesus could ever be a bottom is blasphemous. Of course he's the top. It's passionate, but merciful, and then he fills my anus with the Holy Spirit.

>> No.6008100

>Putting yourself above Jesus
Perish the thought, anon! Jesus wants me for a pincushion! Protip: He wants you for a pincushion too. Are you game?

>> No.6008102

>having any other interests

top pleb

>> No.6008104

>another thread below this one with over 100 replies that goes into great detail about fucking tea

>> No.6008120

>implying tea isn't the patrician's beverage of choice

>> No.6008513

Would hang out with/10

>> No.6008695
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Writing, snowboarding, hiking (more along the lines of purposely getting lost in the woods), swimming, playing/writing music, chess and photography

>> No.6008706

>too drunk to play darts.
Liar. A dart can be thrown backwards and still hit point first.

>> No.6008721

Shitposting does not excuse shitposting.

>> No.6008801

Sometimes all at the same time

>> No.6008912

Football and lifting. I feel like that's an unusual combo.

>> No.6008933
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I really like to fold origami. It's an efficient waste of time and it puts smiles on people's faces. Sometimes I just build a ton of simple models and walk around town at night sticking them under people's wipers.

Here's a butterfly I just made from a page out of a bible I was reading.

>> No.6008951

1. Shitposting
2. Feeling sad
3. Listening to music
4. Contributing a little more to the story I've been gradually adding to in my head about me and my qt crush and our imaginary relationship

>> No.6008972

didn't realize there were so many plebs on this board
>smoking weed
seriously? what are you guys, fifteen?

My other hobbies?
>thrift shop/used-book store crawling

>> No.6008987

Late reply, hope you're still around to see this.

Thanks for your kind words and also for taking the time type all this. But the things you're saying ("get it together", not about your mother) are the same things everyone has been telling me.

And you're right, there probably are other things that are interfering with my mental health. I feel that I just have to live with this empty feeling untill I find something that'll make me happy again.

Thanks again, it feels reassuring to know there are other people that have felt the same kind of pain and made peace with it.

Sorry /lit/, this isn't my personal diary. Let's get back to recommending people to start with the Greeks.

>> No.6009039

Listening to music, watching films/anime, doing jigsaw puzzles, getting drunk/doing harder drugs, fucking around on the internet. Playing sports (particularly soccer and basketball) can be fun as well, but I don't do them often enough.

>> No.6009047

let's see
working out
music (learning the banjo at the moment)
learning french
occasional vidya game or movies
and of course plenty of shitposting

That's about it; keep saying I'll get into writing, but I've been really lazy about it. Also looking to get into homebrewing sometime soon

>> No.6009052

>What other hobbies do you have besides reading?

Music, I play in a black metal band. Needless to say I am quite nihilistic.

>> No.6009057

Powerlifting, baking bread, drugs.

Trying to start practicing the banjo consistently, again. I'm looking to busk in the spring.

>> No.6009068

You smoked weed when you were 15? The hell were you thinking?

I'm 23, started with spacecake when I was 19, smoked my first joint at 22, and now I just hang out with friends, smoke a bit, play stupid word games, talk about literature and watch shitty movies. It's pretty fun, and I don't see what's so bad about it.

Play guitar, write stuff from time to time, shitty poems, incomprehensible raps, I make louzy beats, play football, run, and play low quality games due to my terrible computer.

>> No.6009085

m8 i had stopped smoking weed by the time i was 15. getting into drugs at 19 is like learning to skateboard in your 70's.

>> No.6009091

I didn't even start drinking until I was 20.

>> No.6009101

Weed is a drug used almost entirely by young people and teens. I've met ONE person over the age of 26 that smoked weed, and that was my grandfather. He died at 52 and 420blazed it up until the day he had a heart attack when we were playing go-fish.

Time to move on to opiates, the adult's drug.

>> No.6009104

You're acting as if it's some kind of thing to boast about, you're a very strange person from what I can tell. Why would you want to smoke weed before you're 15?

On a sidenote, I started skateboarding when I was 12.

>> No.6009116


>get wisdom teeth removed
>get 30 Norco
>only need two for actual pain

I enjoyed being recreationally cozy for quite a while after that.

>> No.6009121

Not him, but not everyone are Americlaps. I smoked weed the first time when I was 14, and I probably got drunk the first time when I was 13.

I'm 26 now, and I've tried most drugs synthesized by mankind.

>> No.6009123

i can only assume you live in bumfuck, alabama and were raised in some sort of christian sect.

>Why would you want to smoke weed before you're 15?
because it gets you high, you feel cool, more people hang out with you and its super fun.

i'm not boasting it just seems weird. i wasn't some kind of teenage tearaway, kids smoke weed.

>> No.6009142

Highly populated suburb, actually. I just had virtually no friends until I was 20.

>> No.6009175

>Not him, but not everyone are Americlaps.
Neither am I. I'm Dutch, so over here it's perfectly fine to buy and smoke weed. I can walk into a coffee shop and nobody bats an eye. Maybe that's why I wasn't interested when I was younger, because only wannabe cool kids smoked weed when it was still illegal for them.

>kids smoke weed.
Certain types of kids do, but definitely not a majority, at least not when I was growing up, which was only 10-5 years ago.

I guess because it's legal nobody really cares, I definitely never heard of anyone worthy of friendship wanting to hang out with someone solely because they smoked weed.

>> No.6009187

Not a single person I knew as a teenager did. Only idiots and scumbags did it when I was at school.

>> No.6009198

>Maybe that's why I wasn't interested when I was younger, because only wannabe cool kids smoked weed when it was still illegal for them.

This sounds reasonable. Most kids did it purely because it was illegal in my country, myself included probably.

But today, I barely do any drugs, apart from the occasional joint and whiskey(I love whiskey).

>> No.6009199

My only real hobbies are literature and boxing. Travelling/backpacking too, if that counts. Mostly my life just consists of working, training and reading during the week and getting shit-faced on the weekends, occasionally breaking the monotony by going abroad.

>> No.6009228

Watching plays/musicals
Going to museums
And very rarely I shoot guns

>> No.6009242

I'm a cinephile. I watched ~150 movies last year and I'm going to try to watch 300 movies this year. Of the movies I saw this year, Tabu: A Story of the South Seas and Woman in the Dunes were probably the most interesting.

Although I browse /lit/ more than /v/ and I read more than play video games, I want to become a game designer. I'm currently working on an RPG. I'm pretty good at all the skills for game development: I can program, 3d model and animate, and I'm good at art; I've won a few art awards.

I also like to cook and I'm learning Japanese.

Also like tarot cards and poker, and play Magic the Gathering nearly every day.

I suck at anything musical (tried learning guitar and saxophone, plus also joined choir, but I failed pretty hard) or athletic-related, but I'm good at soccer and placed in the top ten in a few cross country meets.

>> No.6009247

Cinema (theory, filmmaking, watching, etc etc - basically everything)
Wallowing in misery
Self-loathing is pretty enjoyable too
Engaging in psychologically sadistic behaviour with girls

>> No.6009254

Forgot to add: shitposting
That's probably my most time-consuming 'hobby'

>> No.6009257

>worthy of friendship
we're talking about teenagers here.

my group of friends were all nerds/losers and we smoked weed. i guess that makes us 'scumbags' though lol.

on-topic; i like /tg/, running, making music.

>> No.6009260

what happened when you turned 20?

>> No.6009271

Ran into an old friend and he invited me to hang out with his social circle. We got along really well, and now I have an active social life.

>> No.6009282

Eh, we all had our attempts at fitting in.
It's funny, because practically all of my friends smoked, and two of my best friends over the years ended up calling me, saying how they went to parties and tried coke and xtc (mind you, we were like 14-15 at the time) saying how they regretted it so much and how I managed to not do any of that shit. I guess runescape is a hell of a drug.

>> No.6009303

chess, writing, clubbing, fencing, going to demonstrations, consuming drugs, taking long midwinter night walks, etc.

>> No.6009328

Nothing wrong with a little coke if you can afford it.
Ectasy is a beast of a drug, though. Few of my friends got depressed after taking it because life sucked complete ass sober when compared to being on it.
Don't ever have sex on ecstasy. Nothing will make you happy ever again.

>> No.6009330
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>> No.6009337

Also, trying to define next week's albums, if anyone wants to help

>> No.6009343


niggas on the moon

>> No.6009345

Already heard it

>> No.6009347

good end

huh, coke and ecstasy aren't really that kind of drug tbh. coke is just a waste of money unless you're rich.

everyone should at least try ecstasy imo it's something else completely. really feels transformative the first few times you do it.

>> No.6009362

Clube da Esquina. Milton Nascimento is great

>> No.6009370

I generally can't even maintain an erection on MDMA, let alone cum. And during the comedown my dick suffers serious shrinkage. It's embarrassing if I'm with a girl at the time.

>> No.6009374

Why is there a bomb on one of the best albums of 2012?

>> No.6009377

I stopped in the middle and went to listen to the vastly superior Flockavelli
It's not final, though

>> No.6009387

Power lifting

I would like to take up writing some day

>> No.6009395

a disc from 'unjust malaise'
an LP from andy stott (not his first one though)
mobb deep - the infamous
sonic youth - washing machine