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6755143 No.6755143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do the Christian Marxists of lit think about this?

>> No.6755153

Can you keep it on fucking /pol/

Holy shit, this has less to do with literature than le meme toad

>> No.6755166

Basically my feelings. I try not to Christpost on social media other than the Chans, though.
Many of my friends are insufferable about both religion and LGBT movements.

>> No.6755169

>believing in the bible
>when there is no proof of its existence

>> No.6755170

How is the most popular world view politically incorrect?

What bizzaro definition have you contorted about in your head that lets you say such an asinine thing?

>> No.6755171

Fuck off and take all of the christposters with you.


>> No.6755177

Christians are so obnoxious with their passive-aggressive bullshit about claiming to love everyone. They use the concepts of humbleness modesty to elevate themselves above who they see as unsaved sinners, like their pity is a gift. If pride is a deadly sin, not a single Christian I know is going to heaven.

>> No.6755185

Christianity is politically correct, being a homophobe is not, just like stoning people who work on sundays is not - despite both being biblical. Cherrypicking is literally essential to exist as a christian in modern society.

>> No.6755193

>stoning people who work on sundays

That's explicitly not Christian, though.

>> No.6755195

Why do Christians even hate homosexuality?

Let's see what Jesus Christ himself said about the gays... oh wait, there seems to be something missing here...

A lot of stuff about love forgiveness and tolerance tho

>> No.6755206

Exodus 31:14

Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.

>> No.6755209

they didn't advocate homophobia.

Homophobia means negative feelings, intentions, prejudices towards homosexuals.

Christians believe in an immortal soul and are trying to save homos. This is literally the highest possible love in Christianity.

Actually not giving a fuck what happens to homosexuals would be homophobia under Christianity.

Stop being such an emotional child and make a reasoned position.

>> No.6755226

Matthew 12: 1-8

>> No.6755242

Their genocidal toddler God said it was bad.

>> No.6755253

>Homophobia means negative feelings, intentions, prejudices towards homosexuals.

Like the murder of homosexuals advocated in Leviticus.

>Christians believe in an immortal soul and are trying to save homos. This is literally the highest possible love in Christianity.

A stalker kidnapping his victim can be seen as love to certain kinds of people. Love is not inherently good, the fact that Christians only support a specific kind of heterosexual love shows they don't really believe in this either.

>Stop being such an emotional child and make a reasoned position.

Christian love and humbleness right here, folks. Insulting people on the internet is exactly what Jesus preached about.

>> No.6755254

that explains his death

>> No.6755270

Christianity is contradictory, who woulda thunk it?

Matthew 5:18

>For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

>> No.6755282

>le leviticus
>I have them now I'm smart.
>what is new testament

>> No.6755285

This >>6755185 sodomite enabler isn't me.

I hate most gays myself, but this has nothing to do with literature

>> No.6755293

Not in the New American Bible, it doesn't.
>At that time Jesus was going through a field of grain on the sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick the heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath." Hr said to them, "Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry, how he went into the house of God and ate the bread of offering, which neither he nor his companions but only the priests could lawfully eat? Or have you not read in the law that on Tue sabbath the priests serving in the temple violate the sabbath and are innocent? I say to you, something greater than the temple is here. If you knew what this meant, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned these innocent men. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
Seems pretty clear to me: work on the Sabbath if you must, and don't condemn those who must work on the sabbath just because the law says you should.

>> No.6755294

Fairly sure that "The Bible" exists

>> No.6755310

then prove it, faggot

>> No.6755311

i love you anon

>> No.6755333
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I'm not even christian retard. I can insult you all I want.

Levit is old testament, if you have a problem with it go advocate for jews to be considered homophobes, Christians are off the hook form old test.

A stalker might consider himself morally right or acting with love, but a stalker is a single person and not the largest group of people who believe one ideology.

The original question was about "political correctness", and so the argument follows that Christians in the majority cant be politically incorrect, while one random fuckjob can.

NICELA reasoning you reddit tier fedora'd fuck

>> No.6755341

about some chain mail you received from your grandmother?

>> No.6755358

don't generalize Christians. Its not even something you can identify as, its more of an action of how you life your life.

>> No.6755360

>what is new testament
>Christians are off the hook form old test.

Where does Jesus ever say this? I've only seen him say the opposite.

>> No.6755369

pro:tip Christianity is an interpretation of the bible that changes over time. The bible isn't taken literally because words stem from humans while Christians follow the word of god

>> No.6755374


I agree that I was over-generalizing them, but the whole "Christianity isn't a religion, man, it's like, a personal relationship with Jesus" is a relatively new, special snowflake protestant invention. The Christians who say it never want their churches to lose tax exempt religious status.

>> No.6755381

Being this unlogical.
Must be a Christian thing.

>> No.6755387

>pro:tip Christianity is an interpretation of the bible that changes over time. The bible isn't taken literally because words stem from humans while Christians follow the word of god

Except we only ever hear "the word of god" through human authors and preachers, or an introspection that can be indistinguishable from ecstatic delusion to anyone else.

>> No.6755395

Why did the Islam thread get deleted but this and every other Christian thread remain active when they have nothing to do with literature?

>> No.6755402

There should be a philosophy/religion board. Sure, it'd suck, but it'd at least divert the flow.

>> No.6755431

yes, then we take from that and interpret it by aligning ourselves with the path God has made for us

>> No.6755449

are you taking the piss?

>the word of god is an interpretation of an interpretation of a hallucination

how can anyone take xtians seriously

>> No.6755460

>yes, then we take from that
From external, human sources you very well know could be corrupted or simply lying.

>interpret it by aligning ourselves with the path God has made for us

So, you take what you've heard/read from other biased humans and filter it by sifting such beliefs through your own biased human mind and introspection? Makes about as much sense as cleaning a filthy table with a filthy cloth and muddy water.

>> No.6755461

I understand Jesus' quotes to be referring to the ritual law: don't eat shell-fish, ect. Leviticus seems to be understood like the Talmud; It's application is open to interpretation and can be relaxed by Rabbis, or God himself.

>> No.6755535

I' ve been lately think on this. Like pic related, who the fuck cares if it is called marriage.
>Do not support homosexuality
>I still love you

What the fuck, like "Ey, i dont like your homoways, amend yourself!". This in 2015

>> No.6755565

>I understand
Religions arent about what you personally understand. It is about what an immutable entity understands. One that is in every century at the same time

>> No.6755571

Okay, so it can be relaxed now, but where do we draw the line? Can we relax the laws on murder? Petty theft? Clothing with two kinds of fabric? This is what I mean by cherrypicking being essential to modern Christian life, to the extent that homophobic christians probably would have the same mentality if they were atheists. It also kinda undermines the idea of God as the alpha and omega, the only legitimate source of morality etc. Make of that what you will.

>> No.6755576

This is my experience, and it's typical of the Christposting fag on /lit/.

>> No.6755580

When Jesus said throw the money changers out of the temple he was literally saying "Throw all the Jew shit out of your life"

You are the temple, and the money changers are Jewish ideology.

>> No.6755586

He was very literally saying "throw all this non-Jewish shit out of your life." Are you a /pol/io by chance?

>> No.6755596

>craaaawwwllinnng iiiinnn mmmyyy skiiiiinnnnn

>> No.6755598

no I'm just really board

>> No.6755605

it requires faith in God, if you believe in him he will set you on the right path. It obviously sounds like that to someone who isn't Christian but you should at least try to see where we stand.


>> No.6755610

I feel that. It's getting serious to the extent you literally cannot talk about other religions without butthurt Catholics ruining it.

>> No.6755615

But they kept the old testament

>> No.6755636

He was a Jew himself and he favorably cited many of the previous Jewish prophets, saying he wanted to fulfill Jewish law, not overhaul it. You /pol/acks do so many mental gymnastics to justify following an Israeli religion because you're aware of how ridiculous following a native European belief would seem in modern times.

My country isn't majority Christian. There's nothing edgy or contrarian about it.

>> No.6755640

What religions are is the majority opinion of imams, priests and rabbis. Texts do not self-interpret.

This is line between the ritual law and divine law. The bible, and really all religious texts, are full of requirements (such as building a fence around your balconies) that couldn't be construed as being part divine law (but are still more or less good ideas). I wouldn't say this this is a novel thing either, as the distinction is in the Bible itself and appears to have been recognised from the dark ages to this point in time.

>> No.6755657

>You're a filthy subhuman piece of shit who deserves to be killed and tortured forever, but if you share in my self-degradation and grovel for forgiveness at my ideological father's feet, I will begrudgingly accept you. Except I'll always kinda consider you a fag deep down.
>I'm doing this because I love you. No homo. Now excuse me while I talk about how much my life centers around my love for a single man and how I cling to every word he said and hang pictures of him up in my house.

>> No.6755663

>This is line between the ritual law and divine law. The bible, and really all religious texts, are full of requirements (such as building a fence around your balconies) that couldn't be construed as being part divine law (but are still more or less good ideas). I wouldn't say this this is a novel thing either, as the distinction is in the Bible itself and appears to have been recognised from the dark ages to this point in time.

Where is the distinction in the Bible?

>> No.6755693

>I'm from a shit tier country, take me seriously

yea, na.

>> No.6755706
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> Read the ban on homosexuality in Leviticus
> mfw gays will never be allowed to live in the promise land because they commit the abominations of the Canaanites

>> No.6755749

Acts 15: 5-11

>> No.6755787

>yea, na

Oh, a fellow countryman. If you think this country is Chrisitan, you're deluding yourself

>> No.6755798


>> No.6755952

"I'm a Christian. I publicly and financially support the bullshit that's preaching and sustaining hate towards you
But since I say I don't agree with some of the shit my religion spouts, I'm okay. I can revise away the entire Old Testament, ignore Creationism, and not even be aware of 90% of the weirdest shit in my supposed faith's holy guidebook. I don't have to feel bad, or give up my fuzzy blanket. When I say I'm a Christian, I just mean I like carols and some of the nicer things Jesus said. The rest of it's bullshit, but you know, I don't want to be an atheist! Let's be friends!"
I don't want your "love." We're not "friends." Fuck right off and take your fairy tales to the dust of time, you deluded assholes. The war doesn't stop just because you smile.

>> No.6755968

>these stupid generalizations
Glad im not religious tbh, there's nothing more annoying than insults from a fedora

>> No.6755974

>humbleness modesty
nice hendiadys

>> No.6755977

Fucking cringe
This is why the fedora meme is still going strong, there are just too many of these euphorists

>> No.6755978

I'm not a Marxist, but that is consistent with scripture.

I'll avoid a homo that has committed sodomy, though, because I can't enable that behavior.
Why are you projecting, proud sinner?
We 'hate' sodomy.
You do realize it has multiple, independent authors, correct?

>> No.6755996

Don't project your morality onto God you dip.

>> No.6756007

I missed a conjunction. Sue me.

>> No.6756014


>> No.6756016

>You do realize it has multiple, independent authors, correct?

Yes. Why is that? I'll believe the next two billion year old religion that falls to earth on giant titanium tablets over something written by fifty or sixty kikes over hundreds of years on stone tablets.

>> No.6756017

I'll take a fedora over OP any day.

>> No.6756026

Heathens believe this.

>> No.6756039

Seriously, how can anyone read Leviticus and not laugh til they wet their pants? How is it possible for a 21st-century educated human to be stupid enough to think, "Yeah, these guys, they knew their shit. The secrets of the universe are obviously in here! I think my wall has leprosy: better get the priest in here to bless it!"

>> No.6756044

Yeah man if only kierkegaard and tolstoy were as enlightened as you

>> No.6756052

There are smart people on both sides of the argument. This doesn't change the fact that the Old Testament is fucking retarded in parts and Christians see it as a sort of shameful stain on their religion. Also,

>Implying intellectuals can't be intellectually dishonest

>> No.6756055

Yes, it's a shame they were born before 1830. If you think they'd be Christian if they were young men today, I disagree. There's a reason why churches and parents have to do their brainwashing before age seven to make it really stick.

>> No.6756079
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> mfw I am unclean and accidentally come into contact with something that is holy