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/lit/ - Literature

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7932264 No.7932264 [Reply] [Original]

So who wrote the plays

>> No.7932270

Gillie Da Kid

>> No.7932538

Not many people know this but William Shakespeare was a black man. His name was William Shekabembe.

>> No.7932549

No but he published the plays of an unnamed black woman because racism and sexism

>> No.7932565

Prove it.
Take a poop on the ground and turn it into a play.

>> No.7932571


Tell me about the Bard, why does he wear the mask?

>> No.7932587


>> No.7932590

Shakespeare's plays were written by a committee of English professors at Oxford in the late nineteenth century. The study of "English" had recently been invented as a cheap way to increase revenue. Mostly it was targeted at restless women, who these professors believed weren't cut out for real areas of study. All well and good, except they needed to come up with material to teach. So they invented a man named William Shakespeare, said he lived at such and such a time but there was scarce information about him, very mysterious, and they packed his plays with ambiguities that they would then clear up in class. And that's today's history lesson.

>> No.7932630
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>> No.7932679

torquato tasso

>> No.7932688


>> No.7932699

>implying that autist could be remotely capable of writing even Shakespeare's worst play

>> No.7933323
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> In the last 20 or so years political correctness has sought to demote the Bard not by pointing out some rather obvious flaws in some of his bad work, but by rather broadbrushedly diminishing the whole of his corpus- the great & the good with the bad- under the rubric that his excellence was a plot to foist bourgeois WASP values on the unsuspecting, & apparently illiterate, masses.

>Bourgeois WASP values...
Who would believe this? Even if you knew nothing about the man's personal life, how could any reader of average intelligence miss the fact that Shakespeare was, at least nominally, a "Papyst"? This fact was still admissible in the late 17th Century, but given a different gloss in the 18th.

And the notion of being bourgeois... Yes, but what does it mean to be bourgeois if your grandchildren all starve to death during the English Civil War?

>> No.7933327

lil wayne

>> No.7933328

You need to be fairly patrician to tell this is a 6/10 bait thread. Still fails.

>> No.7933334

William Shakespeare was actually a trans-fat humpback whale called W'w'k-ee-e'mhibe Aa-a-i T'chkespeare-chucker but the white male patriarchy doesn't want you to know it.

>> No.7933337


>> No.7933344

What is Shakespeare's worst play?

>> No.7933353
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Wouldn't it be more interesting to discuss Shakespeare as the antagonist that the Roundheads actually saw him as being, rather than pretending that he had a close kinship with the Glorious Revolution?

He's a far more interesting author if you see him as a product of his own time.

Henry IV begins with a dissolute Protestant martyr egging on the prince to rob from Catholic pilgrims. The Bard named his own daughters Suzanna and Judith... You know what kind of musket-toting, Queen Mary-loving, Catholic fanboy you'd have to be to do any of these things?

>> No.7933366

Is that what happened to his daughters' children? I just knew that he has no living descendents.

>> No.7933386
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I believe that Judith's children by a man named Quiney go unaccounted for... And Suzanna had no children.

Apparently the Shakespeare-Quiney family were unable to collect a certain amount of money in Shakespeare's will, which was set up for them, if their marriage went well for three years. It's possible that they were paid off with something else instead, which would mean that Shakespeare's descendants were still living...

I thought I read also that some of Shakespeare's supporters, like the Salusbury family, end up living in Nova Scotia, Canada later on.

>> No.7933395

Ah, Susanna Hall-Shakespeare had one child, amusingly named Elizabeth, who ends up dying without children.... Judith is far harder to track, because she married someone who wasn't quite as well off.


>> No.7933417

Oswald acted alone

>> No.7934562


>> No.7934626

Reminder that this guy unironically believes he's better than Shakespeare and that him and his wife are the greatest literary figures in all human history.

>> No.7934630

A Midsummer's Night Dream

>> No.7934632


There's this thing that people do that when they look back through history, they think that everyone who came before them were literal retards. That's why none of them can believe Shakespeare didn't have royal or extremely wealthy blood. They believe that the "average" person through time has been literally retarded up until like, World War 1.

>> No.7934636

Why do so many people say this? King John was significantly less impressive.

>> No.7934638


James Joyce? Walt Whitman?

>> No.7934642

You are a pleb.

>> No.7934651

Very true, anon. People look at those who lived from 1000-1500 as dumb because they had a different belief system and way of life, when in reality, the average person who had access to any books at all during that time period was much smarter than the average joe today.

>> No.7934652

Correct. Too bad Nora and whoever the hell Wrs. Whitman is have been repressed forever.

>> No.7934655

He's dismissed Pynchon, Joyce, Harold Bloom as a critic, DFW. He thinks Slaughterhouse-five and Vonnegut are the greatest work and writer of the 20th century. Him and his wife are THE greatest by virtue of having the most great poems. He also claims to have written the most poems and to have written the longest non-gimmick novel.

>> No.7934658


>the average person who had access to any books at all during that time period was much smarter than the average joe today.

I wouldn't necessarily go that far, but I do believe that Shakespeare was a special type of genius that came from a relatively middle class background. It might have been exaggerated a bit, for effect, but he certainly wasn't a nobleman in disguise.

>> No.7934665


>> No.7934672


Ha, who is this? How have I missed him?

As far as I'm aware, only two writers in the English language of any renown to have actually had the balls to suggest, within their work, that they were better than Shakespeare, are Joyce and Whitman.

>> No.7934674
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>> No.7934715
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>> No.7934721



/lit/ still manages to somehow find some crazy old bastard that probably has some sort of disability and makes fun of him. Never change /lit/.

He deserves it, though.

>> No.7934772


>> No.7934789

So he's the Alex Kierkegaard of lit crit?

>> No.7934974

I'm glad that /lit/ now has its own Dan Schneider meme.

>> No.7934976

two gentlemen of verona

>> No.7935002


Let me guess...you don't like the misogyny?

>> No.7935008

That's exactly what he is, except he's not an insane neo-fascist (Schneider has pretty generic American liberal politics), and he tends to place art above philosophy (philosophy for him is just ideas, while art is ideas in motion) whereas with icy it's the other way around, and they seem to have fundamental differences on what makes great art in the first place. On a superficial level, he's probably more similar to /mu/ meme Piero Scaruffi (random guy on the internet who's been running a poorly-designed website for ~15 years where he posts controversial opinions on popular works of art), who he interviews in this video (which is also his most viewed video solely because Scaruffi linked it on his site lol): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16gT0lnSoew

>> No.7935009


>> No.7935017

The Merry Wives of Windsor, easily

>> No.7935034


Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613, at age 49, where he died three years later.

>> No.7935056

if i didnt like the misogyny i wouldve said taming of the shrew

which also sint' great but whatever

two gentlemen is just bad cause it's an amateur work and it really shows. bad pacing, no good lines, super disjointed in general

>> No.7935067


>no good lines

“That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man, if with his tongue he cannot win a woman.”


>> No.7935075

very mediocre shakespeare in the grand scheme of things. it's good for a chuckle but it is a far cry from the transcendence of his later comedies like twelfth night or tempest

just face it verona is not a good play.

this is also an acceptable answer actually. along with winter's tale though i think winter's tale has more redeeming qualities

>> No.7935088


>just face it verona is not a good play.

Just fucking with you, man.

>> No.7935105

"Mrs. Whitman" was a guy.

>> No.7935140

Bait the hook well; this fish will bite.

>> No.7935149

Timon of Athens, no doubt

>> No.7935169

Worst thing about him is that he thinks The Prisoner is the best TV show ever.

>> No.7935183

Who the fuck is this guy

>> No.7935184 [DELETED] 

If it was just a good setup, I could have ignored it, but the visual image made it worthwhile. I hope you pictured a 19th Century Mrs. Doubtfire. If so, you passed the test. Good day.

>> No.7935209

Some nobody. A meme.

>> No.7935249


>> No.7935306

Everyone who says this is full of shit

AMND is good fun

>> No.7935316

no one actually says that besides people who havent read more than like 5 plays

>> No.7936694

Dan Schneider thinks it sucks

>> No.7936699

stop trying to meme this

>> No.7936709

We're going to turn Dan Schneider into the new Nabokov

>> No.7937162
File: 131 KB, 520x707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can actually understand why people say that if they're very political, but not if they just like to laugh....

I think that that play is closer to Paul Haggis's CRASH than it is to our modern idea of light comedy. Shakespeare's engaged in a dialogue on Queen Elizabeth and religion, and race, and political decision making, and it comes off now as just being a farce. Few people even see it as containing politics at all!

I really dislike Paul Haggis's original projects, but he could adapt A Midsummer Night's Dream very, very well...

>> No.7937169

>Search for 'Lucy Negro"
>No results

/lit/, I am disappoint. Obviously the famed Elizabethan London sex worker did it.

>> No.7938873

He's more like Scaruffi if Scaruffi produced 100 rock albums and said he was the greatest rock artist ever because he made the most 9/10's.

>> No.7938900
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>> No.7938910

That Leviathan line tho

>> No.7939113

She died from poverty in 1700. Don't forget that.

>> No.7939126


Oh, I see you enjoy my work.

>> No.7939138

Because many people are plebs who only read the 6 or 7 better known plays and think they can make a judgment.

>> No.7939146

A black lesbian.

>> No.7939159

Blame fantasy and sci fi novels where every farm boy who does great things ends up being a prince.

Except Princess Bride, of course. Wesley just worked hard.

>> No.7939174

Are you referring to the picture or the linked post?

>> No.7939219


The post. That picture is a joke. My post is not.

>> No.7939232


>> No.7939244

I could imagine him having a sex scandal a la Jared or a la Epstein just by seeing his face

>> No.7939255

Jesus... People over a certain age should not use the internet.