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8455200 No.8455200 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the inevitability of death, /lit/?
Hard mode: no spiritual beliefs, purely materialistic worldview.

>> No.8455209

From a purely materialist standpoint there's literally nothing I have to deal with

>> No.8455211
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Generally with this kind of attitude.

>> No.8455255

>Hard mode: no spiritual beliefs, purely materialistic worldview.

But then I'd be giving a dishonest answer.

>> No.8455256
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>purely materialistic worldview.

>> No.8455269
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existential judgment

>> No.8455271

>purely materialistic worldview.
just end it now pls

>> No.8455283

Alas I am unable to care, and is not just death, I am unable to process the meaning of things to come, anyone else? I mean I know something is coming, I seem to understand but I don't actually grasp it, I do not react to it.
Maybe I am too self absorbed, I value the ego so much I cannot fathom the idea of unexistance.

>> No.8455290


>how to be generous


>how not

doesnt matter. i dont think about death all the time. camus helped, i guess, when i was younger.

>> No.8455291

by ignoring it or distracting myself from it. just like everyone else. how the fuck you think?

>> No.8455296

Well it's inevitable, so whether or not I deal with it completely irrelevant isn't it?

>> No.8455298

>purely materialistic worldview
its easy: just kys

>> No.8455302

My starting point is that it's beyond my control, and I prefer being happy to being depressed, so worrying about it achieves literally nothing. Whenever I start worrying about death I think "I wasn't feeling this way a minute ago, even though I was just as mortal a minute ago. Nothing has actually changed to suddenly make death a lot worse, I can tell from this experience it's totally possible to not be worried about death."

I also turn it around into a motivation. I imagine I'm on my deathbed and think, would I be more scared and remoseful in that moment if I had spent the current portion of my life a) worrying about death, ir b) doing something worthwhile? I'd be more comfortable with death at that moment knowing I'd spent my time wisely.

>> No.8455714

I think it's nice. It means nothing can be that bad cus in 70 years or whatever you'll just die and then that'll be it. Life's just a thing you do for a bit

>> No.8455719

>How do you deal with the inevitability of death
from a materialistic standpoint i would work my ass off to forget about death

>> No.8455724

You need to read the Stoics OP

>> No.8455751

That box guy had some cool stuff to say on the subject.

Someone said they were going to throw his body to wild animals when he died and he said that's fine as long as you give me a stick to fight them off with, then those guys said that he wouldn't be conscious so he couldn't do shit. Then he was all like, "yeah and I also won't be able to give a shit what happens to my body."

>> No.8455752

Phaedo &c.

>> No.8456959

the past is a memory and the future is an idea, the only thing death takes from you is the present moment.Old or young, rich or poor, soon you will be forgotten to the world, along with everyone you have ever known. Your achievements and failures washed away on the shores of time. . So why worry about time that has past and time that is not yet yours, the only thing you have is this moment and if you are living your life the way you want , you have nothing to regret and nothing more to want, because you are living in the shadow of death.

>> No.8456974

How do you deal with the inevitability of hardships? They're bound to happen, but you can't really plan for them and there's not much of a point in giving a fuck ahead of time.

The only thing you can do is plan somewhat accordingly, i.e. try to enjoy your life and then just discard it/don't think about it (and I'm not saying to force not thinking about it, it generally just isn't something I think about since I've already though about it from most angles and it's not really productive).

>> No.8457085
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I deal with it by not giving a shit. I should be scared of finally getting some rest? I've had some good times.

>> No.8457093

I've learned not to worry too much or be upset by inevitabilities of life because worrying about them will do no good. I just try to live a good, healthy, and enjoyable life, which of course is harder than it sounds but it is far from impossible.

>> No.8457094

I imagine that we will have developed immortality before I die.

And then I stop thinking about death.

I don't want to die, and I will spend my life as if I will not die, because otherwise I would die. And I do not want to die.

>> No.8457108

Thomas Nagel's essay on death is good for this.

>> No.8457167
