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File: 113 KB, 673x371, Screen Shot 2017-02-01 at 7.23.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9049295 No.9049295 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen one of these in a minute,

ITT: post spicy goodreads reviews

>> No.9049316

It's rude to make fun of children.

>> No.9049534

I don't know about you but I'm happy Madeline McCann is dead

>> No.9050427


This one made me consider suicide.


>> No.9050582

I consider it to be a very accurate interpretation of both the novel and its fanbase, the information gained from this review was invaluable. 11/10

>> No.9050611
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Wow that was a pretty big thumbs up that man was giving. It makes me want to see just how awesome this "Colonel" character really is..

>> No.9051195
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>> No.9051205
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This one makes me cringe way too hard.

Because I'm Portuguese and every one in Portugal knows how poor Saramago was. He got his first pair of shoes by the time he was 12 years old.

>> No.9051210
File: 120 KB, 678x394, dasracis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't rate this epic fantasy book 5 stars because there's racism in an alternative universe, even though I loved it.

>> No.9051249

>rating Sanderson more than one star

Us nerds, man. Us nerds!

>> No.9051263
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Idk, some people are just disturbed by fictional representations of things they dislike IRL treated in a casual manner.

>> No.9051377
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>> No.9051621

also, racism is actually a really weird, controversial topic in fantasy because "there's no such thing as black elves"

Fantasy is a genre that's very problematic in general because, let's be real here, it's mostly written by embarrassing neckbeards.

>> No.9051629

School of Resentment having a day off I see.

>> No.9051644

I don't know what this means.
You don't have to be a liberal cuck to concede that some minorities don't have a lot to choose from.

>> No.9051726
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>> No.9051773

This reads like something the slightly retarded girl I meet at the bus stop every few days would write. She's naive but kind

>> No.9051906
File: 204 KB, 787x776, fucking goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9051910

May 31
>Next year, I think I'll challenge myself to reading one story/poem from it per month
what the fuck?

>> No.9051930



>> No.9051939

The basic bitch poetry starter pack:
>Edgar Allan Poe
>Robert Frost
>Sylvia Plath
>Allen Ginsberg

>> No.9052017


Haha fucking plebs right?

I like Plath and Frost

>> No.9052049
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>> No.9052052

>that last sentence
what a slut

>> No.9052070

This one really isn't that bad, assuming it's written by someone under 13. She just read a book that was meant for her and she liked it. I'm sure I would have written reviews like this had this existed when I was a kid

>> No.9052071
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The pun got me though.

>> No.9052081
File: 52 KB, 635x433, tfw taste in beats lit scares away qts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9052086


>tfw archaeological findings suggest that upwards to 70% of early history humans met violent ends at the hands of others and Hobbes was factually right despite only using the state of nature as a thought experiment

>> No.9052089

Charissa BTFOing Christfags left right and centre.

>> No.9052093

What book? Now I'm curious

>> No.9052100

Yeah I actually read On Aggression or some other book about about just how fucking violent hunter-gatherer societies were before diving into Leviathan. The dictionary like first 100 pages kinda annoyed me though.

>> No.9052101
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>> No.9052104
File: 14 KB, 278x248, The_Millennium_Collection_-_The_Best_of_Steely_Dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naked Lunch scares away the qt weeb girls.

>> No.9052108

>a woman parroting Nietzsche
oh the ironing

>> No.9052110


Sweet and innocent tbqh OP. I have no ill will to people who genuinely like things, regardless of what those things are. It's when they hate things for mindnumbingly stupid reasons that they're scum.

>> No.9052112

Not familiair with Nietzsche; what did he say that she said?

>> No.9052114

He would have been knee deep if only he'd said Ginsberg.

>> No.9052129

That's cause you're patrician anon

>> No.9052137
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this is her

>> No.9052164

You do realize we're the nerds, right? Fantasy genreshit is mainstream now. We're the musty geeks pouring over aged classics and turning up our noses as popular culture.