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File: 120 KB, 640x856, aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23396339 No.23396339 [Reply] [Original]

>best greek philosopher
>name literally means "best of all"
who writes this shit?

>> No.23396343

Plato mogs

>> No.23396349

Nope, it's impossible to understand philosophy and history and then to read something like de interpretatione and not understand that Aristotle is a transcendent genius. plus cicero said Aristotle's dialogues were better than Plato so you only think plato mogs because you're a pleb who can only detect drama and Ari's dialogues don't survive.

>> No.23396354

this dood thought flies have four legs loool

>> No.23396363

>"what! did the man fron antiquity not have knowledge that was beyond his reach due to the technological limitations of his time!!?? what a hack!"

>> No.23396374

You can catch a fly and count the fucking legs. Hell, you can pick up a dead fly and count the legs. It's just lazy. And that is why >>23396349 PLATO MOGS

>> No.23396378
File: 276 KB, 1462x752, Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 9.35.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just lazy
how many of your beliefs do you check yourself?

>> No.23396384

I'm just never wrong.

>> No.23396388

so, zero

>> No.23396392

the greek miracle is called a miracle for a reason

>> No.23396394

"yeah, dude, just go ahead and chase insects like a retard (and be careful enough to kill them while leaving their bodies intact, or lucky enough to find an intact body laying somewhere) so your whole metaphysical system is seen as valid by stuck-up autists from ~2300 years in the future"

>> No.23396410

All of the ones I publish.

>> No.23396413

>listen up faggots
>if you study hard you can do this
>*snatches fly out of mid air*
you know damn well he would've done it

>> No.23396419

Russell was such a hack I still don't get why people take him seriously. He has actually aged much worse than Aristotle, even while being more than two thousand years younger.

>> No.23396432

Also, his hateboner for Aristotle and Aquinas was just ridiculous. And his 'flying teapot' argument is basically question begging--it presupposes a positivist concept of God that's pretty much impossible to proof because a 'positivist God' wouldn't even be God.

>> No.23396445

Youre right but his argument is still the rational one

>> No.23396463

Yeah, it's rational in the sense that a deceptive subterfuge is more convincing than an intelectually honest but weak argument. It's a smart move to make with people who don't think about their positivist premises that much.

>> No.23396477

No it is the rational answer because it involves evidence based thinking
>deceptive subterfuge is more convincing than an intelectually honest but weak argument
you are on the philosophy board, the best arguments to make wont be found here

>> No.23396498


>> No.23396767

Where is Russel's empirical evidence for the logical categories that he discusses? Not Everything uses the same kind of evidence. If he were consistent with his teapot argument it would discredit his entire project

>> No.23397132

Only because he is an idealistic cuck and also because of the rise of monotheism; which wholeheartedly adopted his ideas. Aristotle on the other hand is an analytical genius whose appreciation it took a little while to notice. I'd say both are equally important but that Plato's influences have done more harm than good. Chasing ideals is probably the most destructive human beings have ever been and we have only mitigated our own destruction through Aristotle's analysis, be it scientific or literary. Plato is the delusion while Aristotle brings us back to reality. Its funny that Plato only took from Socrates what we shouldn't do and extrapolated that to what he thinks we should do, while Aristotle hearkened back to Socrates by questioning whether Plato's prescriptions were any different from Socrates' warnings.

>> No.23397292

He probably thought the front legs were hands of some sort from how flies rub them and tenderize things with then a bit. Which is actually a very imaginative description of what flies do and their identity.

>> No.23397317

Greek philosophers didn't exist. They're a myth.

>> No.23397401

If you based your assessment of male and female anatomy on the amount of teeth on the average male and female at any given time, you'd also think that men are supposed to have more teeth than women. Because men generally have more of their teeth than women. Women tend to have worse dental hygiene thanks to quirks of their sex. So everybody "dunking" on Aristotle for "not making the right observations" is triply nigger-retarded because 1) the observations, at least at a surface level prove Aristotle right; 2) they never made their own observations to try to counter Aristotle (they just assumed it would all work out; and 3) they grossly underestimate the difficulty in understanding what the "form" of something is, especially in the light of evolutionary genetics (which Aristotle couldn't have possibly known back then).

Don't be a nigger-retard. Read your Aristotle and ascend above one of the greatest minds to have ever lived.

Also stop doing that stupid "durrr flies have 6 legs, not 4 legs and 2 arms" shit. It doesn't make you look intelligent at all. If that's the best you got, you're huffing nuclear copioid fumes.

>> No.23397760

Plato's name, Aristokles, also meant "best of all"