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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16149500 No.16149500 [Reply] [Original]

Another beautiful day without using sin, cos or tan.

>> No.16149501

Math departments in shambles

>> No.16149521

cook story bro, now give me my big mac and fries to go

>> No.16149524

>cook story bro
You're the one who should be serving me my big mac and fries to go

>> No.16149534


>> No.16149608

>beautiful day
>not using sin cos tan

Don’t you hecking fucking schmucking love trigonometry anon?

>> No.16149636

Based non-sinner

>> No.16149637

Another OP, another fag, another comment.

>> No.16149739

I'm proud of you, Anon. It's never easy to be a recovering mathfag.
1+n day at a time is the way to go.

>> No.16150598

would love a beautifully tanned sinful cosplayer on my dick rn

>> No.16150613

can confirm, sinless day today

>> No.16150617

You know what else I don't use either? All the useless minute details we had to memorize in history classes that were super specific to our country, most of the chemistry I learned in junior high, most of the literature I learned, all of the shitty songs we had to memorize as kids, all the grammar rules I learned for English and our native language (no one cares, people just talk and words come out without thinking about grammar), all the gardening, electronics, aviation we were taught for notning. I basically wasted 12 years of my life caged among apes who wear clothes.

>> No.16151114

Another extraordinary pleasant day not using Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

>> No.16151155

>Another beautiful day without using sin, cos or tan.
Why are you here?

>> No.16151186

Summer break just started.

>> No.16151331

anon realizes school is daycare so both mom and dad can go work for globohomo inc instead of just dad

>> No.16151633

kek, is this a norman thread? I can't tell anymore.

>> No.16151661
File: 36 KB, 665x640, unitcircle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong you little retard. Every time you look at a meme, image, video, or hear audio, your cellphone is doing calculations involving discrete versions of trigonometric functions like cos to decode the data. Stop using social media if you want to presume of not using trigonometric functions.

>> No.16151662

Simply put, brainlets use those.
>BTW, I thought I should mention it, I'm black.

>> No.16151666


>> No.16152820

they are the basis of graphics programming lol, retarded frogposter

>> No.16152859

I'd rather use sin, cos and tan every day than ever having to touch a "complex number".

>> No.16152876

They take less than a minute to fully understand so I'm not sure why anyone would seethe over them.

>> No.16152920
File: 18 KB, 474x307, 1000004718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would've learned all that scientific calculator shit for her

>> No.16152938

>I sin for she