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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 176 KB, 954x299, CantBeatTheCock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49967922 No.49967922 [Reply] [Original]

Cock >>>> Faggot homo

>> No.49968048
File: 160 KB, 301x299, 1624445917927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon.
You just found out, that the one thing that can save holoEN at this point is unironically cocks.
Hence, more Tempus is on the way.

>> No.49968157

Neck yourself

>> No.49968345

Clickbait whore

>> No.49968365

Specifically girls with cocks. This is what Omega meant all along.

>> No.49968374

you know it's a novelty thing when the character creation video that was 2 hours long unironically had more viewers then the actual game that was 4 and a half hours

>> No.49968530

>a fuckking pussy
My cock >>>> Homo

>> No.49969150

Jesus Christ fuck this shit.
The way success is not good content, not consistency, not hard work, not talent but clickbait sex and porn

>> No.49969393

Post again when bae is jousting with the boys this Sunday

>> No.49970055
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>> No.49970794

homosisters... we got too cocky....

>> No.49971122

Lmao Saplings at /#/ are SEETHING >>49964718
This shit is fucking hilarious

>> No.49972023

Fauna. I kneel.

>> No.49973255

Sister... >>49970055

>> No.49976923


>> No.49977122

Tempus can't even save themselves from 3view hell.

>> No.49977404

When some of them are fighting to keep 500CCV, they have other wories than saving themselves from the 3view hell. The 2view hell is comming closer and closer by the day.

>> No.49977485

Hello, I'm the anon who only comes by when you fags are seething to laugh at you.
Have a bad day! I love Fauna.

>> No.49977489

if they were fighting to keep CCV, they wouldn't be playing shitty games, seems to me they're having fun on their own terms and don't particularly care

>> No.49977602

>I love Fauna
Way to our yourself you actual kek.

>> No.49977648

What did I out?

>> No.49977738

yeah, and you still couldn't get rid of them which means your numbers are practically useless. What say you?

>> No.49977737

your NTR fetish

>> No.49978052

That's the same excuse StarsJP used and now they're under a milestone treatment for getting custom merch. It's not like they all need to be as big as someone like Pekora but it is a waste of time for someone to be accepted in an agency as big as HoloPro and be happy with less than 500 viewers when you're the only EN streamer (sometimes the only streamer from the entire company) live.

I hope you like having standard merch for your precious boys in the future. With their current sub growth it'll take the blue faggot over a year to reach 300k, with the rest having a much bleaker prediction.

>> No.49978614

But can they save others?

>> No.49978728

>featherweight vs super heavyweight
If that picture had a follow up you'd probably see a red mist in the general area occupied by Roberu.

>> No.49979326

>muh numbers
>muh standardized merch
merch is merch boy, I'm not a picky motherfucker.. your numbers are useless here. You'll never be rid of them and never will. They're here to stay whether you like it or not so you can kiss my ass bitch.

>> No.49979423

Given how shit their numbers are, they probably won't be around for long LOL

>> No.49979499

>merch is merch boy, I'm not a picky motherfucker
Spoken like a true nijifag. I'm sure your boys will love to wait for years before they can put their ideas for merch into practice.

>> No.49979565

if you account for every CCV on any homo's channel they're all borderline 3views except Vesper.
Yet for some reason, Cover is still gaining money... I don't know man, is there a reason why you need to get so heated over a bunch of irrelevant homos? Let them stay irrelevant because they're more popular /here/ than on twitter and youtube combined
>how are they popular /here/
can't view threads without seeing at least one thread about them negative or positive

>> No.49979743

2 more weeks right anon?
>like homos? youre a nijinig!
oh yeah how original, what're you gonna call me next i wonder?

>> No.49979801

It’s so obvious how most tempisstroons are nijisister refugees XD

>> No.49979983

They can't help but lash out when people insult Nijisanji or expose them for what they are. Fucking subhuman cockroaches

>> No.49980100

>Yet for some reason, Cover is still gaining money
Because Cover only has Holostars, right? I don't give a fuck about them and won't waste my time trying to make Cover close the branch, but I won't lose the opportunity to call them failures whenever I can after they were one of the most shilled groups incoming "shillox" spam in all of HoloPro and got a new gen in record time for a foreign branch while HoloEN is fucking withering without new blood.

The nijinigs are the ones who are fine with whatever garbage Anycolor throws at them just because it has the face of their oshi plastered on it so I'm not sorry for treating you like one.

>> No.49980202
File: 733 KB, 694x696, beaniescool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standard merch
Oh no that standard beanie!
What ever will we dooooo?!
Sorry anon, StarsEN aren't subject to standard merch.

>> No.49980340

I did say in the future. Since Cover is putting custom merch behind sub milestones I think you should be concerned with your clonw faggot not even having 150k yet. If he doesn't find a way to boost his growth he'll only reach 200k in around a year with his current sub growth, with no guarantees that this prediction will remain the same for this entire duration.

>> No.49980626

>Return buff
>Minecraft buff
>mogged by cock fighting
Faufau... no...

>> No.49980662

can't beat the cock

>> No.49980708
File: 76 KB, 750x768, BF87D6FD-2A8C-4BF5-BDE1-E4AC2D77BE95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, why aren’t you cutting for Bettel yet? He really needs your support, his custom merch is at stake!

>> No.49980940
File: 376 KB, 482x600, FEMALE SUBSIDIZED MALE STREAMERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49981186

>wasting all resource and money on trash like homo
Cover can just pumping out JPgen 7 and 8 or even EN3 and EN4 if they just fold the whole homotrash project

>> No.49981338

Homostars can't stop taking Ls because their existence is an L.
Facts on male vtubers
1. Male vtubers are always one of three things. Either they're a faggot, a trannie, or a grifting sex pest. No self respecting man would don an anime avatar. Any man worth something to a woman wouldn't be afraid of showing his face. It's only low quality males who use vtuber avatars to compensate for their appearance
2. All male vtubers are groomers. Whether it be unsuspecting teens or indies in need of more exposure, male vtubers love taking advantage of the weak because they are weak and effeminate themselves
3. All male vtubers have mental diseases ranging from being a tranny to supporting woke media to having a massive superiority complex. All of them believe they made it to where they are of their own merit and hate being reminded of all those who helped them reach their goals
Now that you know the qualities of male vtubers, make the right choice. Leave reports on their stream. Get others to mass report their VODs. Use pointed language and post in their comment sections how they are groomers and failures and disgrace as men
Together, we can stop the epidemic before it spreads. We must preserve the future and dignity of Hololive from grooming faggots only interested in making a quick buck and sleeping with their fans and coworkers

>> No.49981362

I'm not sure if people asking for Tempus 3 are homobeggars or accelerationists
But I agree with the second group, HoloEN has to be pressured with incoming failure or they will never admit to being wrong and start course correcting

>> No.49981446

yet they still exist, so what now? What're you gonna do? Bitch about it? Do something pussy. Do something right now and I will kneel.

>> No.49981471

>bae ended stream with over 300k with no comeback buff
Doesn't look good

>> No.49981574

>Now that you know the qualities of male vtubers, make the right choice. Leave reports on their stream. Get others to mass report their VODs. Use pointed language and post in their comment sections how they are groomers and failures and disgrace as men
Have you told your therapist about this? This sounds really severe.

>> No.49981611

how much of that pot you've been smoking to make a thread about this?

>> No.49981640

He’s more mentally sane than you, sister. Go finger yourself to some BL fan fiction on wattpad.

>> No.49981671

>Go finger yourself to some BL fan fiction
Thank you very much sir, I will.

>> No.49981695

>Together, we can stop the epidemic before it spreads.
And how do you suggest we do that?

>> No.49981786

you're already done? pass me that BL fan fiction man.. you gotta share my homie

>> No.49981843

>Together, we can stop the epidemic before it spreads.
Yet none of you are doing any of this.
All you do is shitpost and whine on /vt/ creating the same old "muh popular demand" or "hehe look at their ccv haha" threads.
They're old dude, it's not even an insult, all you're doing is reminding people that don't want the reminder that they exist.
You could be shitting up their chats, their channels, harassing them, sending threats, mean comments, etc.
Nope, you don't do that, no one /here/ does that, all bark and no bite.

>> No.49981875

you basically wrote the wholesome version of >>49981446

>> No.49981940
File: 94 KB, 249x307, imaginemyshock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the truth though.
No one /here/ is willing to do anything other than repeat the same threads that are practically shill threads disguised as "seethe"

>> No.49982904

I'm doing my part. I spread the Altare tranny video around every thread and anti Discord I could find, the same one that received so much backlash that the faggot had to take a week off to sort out his feefees. You don't take out a chimera in one stroke. You cut it a thousand times, each wound inflicting more and more mental anguish. As long as you are persistent enough, you can grind anyone's ambition and passion into dust. I plan on continuing my work to make them feel unwelcome so that they will self graduate. Had I the power to instantly graduate them all, I would. But change takes time.

>> No.49983652

So true, that why their CCV is rising thank to all those anti thread. Ho wait. It's plumbering. Something must be wrong somewhere.

>> No.49983757

>implying its impossible to make a shill thread that failed
Fuck off shill. The sooner you "antis" actually do something worth talking about, the better.

>> No.49983832


>> No.49984003

I don't think Cover cares about CCV. They care about the number of subs.
And in Holostars' cases. Their milestone requirements are more lenient compared to the girls.

>> No.49984069

>10 years later

>> No.49984129

>From an anonymous source on a Haitian coconut farm factory farm

>> No.49984234

Yes, and Tempus' subs aren't looking hot either. And they need to reach milestones to get custom merch, which is something the girls often get twice a year.

>> No.49984268

Bettel's fucking army wives and beating your oshi in super chats, any antis he has are just jealous that they’re not him and never will be. End thread. Goodnight everybody!

>> No.49984304

That's not an issue for Tempus since they're already beating StarsJP in supas, memberships and subcounts.

>> No.49984428
File: 212 KB, 377x320, 16374205-0572-4864-9F37-42D4CBFFE41C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean… they were, but they’re steadily declining and eventually they’ll be on the same level, axel has had multiple streams where he gets like 300 viewers,

>> No.49984507

Damn, you really just threw JP under the bus like that...?
Didn't realize how cold the sisters were, but it makes sense. Unity isn't a concept they can understand because their brains are wired completely differently from a man's. Where a man sees companionship, a woman/faggot sees competition. Men are altruistic, and women/faggot exploit them by clambering about how they're always victims.
Oh yeah, fun fact, no one cares if you were SA'd. Boohoo, you got a bit of action. Stop dwelling in the past and grow up, holding a grudge is a petty look and frankly reeks of a sheltered lifestyle

>> No.49984604

Outside of a few extra whales they aren't doing much better in the sc department and only have an frankly weird memgift rate that sometimes goes above the peak ccv of their streams. As for subcounts Tempus 1 got to 200k faster than any Holostars but they already slowed down to the StarsJP average growth, with Tempus 2 growing much slower than them. Some of them are actually losing to their JP senpai in sub growth.

>> No.49984641

>NijiEN hate NijiJP
>HomoEn hate HomoJP
really makes you think

>> No.49984807

Why would EOP ex-Nijisisters care about the JPStars? Matter of fact bring up the fact that Tempus never/barely bother reaching out to the JP guys while being so quick to jump at the opportunity to collab with the girls whenever they ask for 'legit criticism' you have about them and they'll shut that shit down real quick with no real answers.

>> No.49984871

CCV is irrelevant if there's going to be one or two people gifting memberships at random. In fact CCV isn't relative to their overall popularity, it's a showcase of how many people watch the content involved.
Compared to the Zelda stream. He got 1.6k people to watch him get drunk on karaoke and despite the fact that the requirement to spin the wheel was a Pink Supa, there were a lot of people wanting to see a drunk person to laugh.
If you're trying to twist my way of answering why Tempus is still getting custom merch compared to why StarsJP is getting streamlined then we have nothing to discuss. Besides. I don't watch any JP Vtubers and would much rather watch clips because of English subs. L
That's an interesting analysis. I guess Gamma got a sub boost alongside Roberu, Astel and Rio for joining VCR.

>> No.49984913

>Tempus never/barely bother reaching out to the JP guys while being so quick to jump at the opportunity to collab with the girls whenever they ask for 'legit criticism' you have about them and they'll shut that shit down real quick with no real answers.
Well you obviously don't watch any Tempus if this is your opinion. Did you not see the Holostars RUST? Oh wait. You didn't.

>> No.49984924


>> No.49984925

its over homosisters :( a single girl is destroying us out there

>> No.49984996

>Stream with an actual pay fanbase vs stream full of 3rd world poorfag and tourist.
Yea, i would choose content that pay for rent.

>> No.49985024

Yagoo unfortunately disagrees. Besides what would new gens of girls accomplish? If anything that's Niji behavior to ask for new gens when you've got girls that are irreplaceable.

>> No.49985088

>Using RUST where it's crowded with everyone and their mom and using the literal crumbs of stumbling onto eachother on their way as an example
LOL. Sure sis sure. I'm sure if this entire Rust arc didn't happen they were about to whip up collabs with the JP guys real quick anyways

>> No.49985107

Holy fucking retard, are all sisters this stupid?

>> No.49985145

KEK based

>> No.49985162

What did the 8 faggots accomplished? A handful of whales and an audience that got bored of them after a couple of months? Also ironic how you're saying wanting a long overdue gen is Niji behaviour when Tempus 2 came out 5 and a half months after Tempus 1, the fastest out of all foreign HoloPro branches and the shortest waiting time of a new gen since 2020. I guess the sister are truly former nijifags, huh? What, daddy Vox didn't give you enough attention so you resorted to the bargain bin choice because his chat was less crowded?

>> No.49985166

>Cover is still gaining money
Based on cover financial report, they spend at least 120k(this may vary) for individual talent management, meaning they need to pulled their weight to justify their branch performance. So they better make more money or you will see the occasional now regular dipping into their rm content.

>> No.49985186

Real quick? No. Interbranch collabs aren't done in a day and 6/8 of the homos don't speak Japanese.
Collabs with JP guys? Yeah. The proof is already in the RUST server. They jumped in pretty quickly because it's the only opportunity they have.

>> No.49985253

Yes first year merch will be custom. I know you retarded sis but everyone can see the outrage from a mile a wyas if theirs first years would be a standardised merch. Also he their best performer, if he get starjp treatment, they gonna get a lot backlash from their fanbase.

>> No.49985307

And that's where I know you are indeed a retarded Nijisister who doesn't know a thing about Hololive. Not gonna respond to you any further. Waste of my fucking time with you braindead whores.

>> No.49985322

Using "sister" and not counter arguing my point doesn't help your case.
It added subs and viewers who want to watch males but with the blue dorito. Don't get me wrong I do think vanguard debuted too early but this was from little bitches who couldn't handle mixed collabs so they were given four guys to Collab with each other instead. Bitching went back to "EN3 doko" and just like that they were ignored. Now they're greenlighting ID4.
Bringing up Cocks Acoomer to someone who isn't accustomed with anything AnyKuro says much more about (You) as
a nijinigger than it says about me given how you live bringing him up at every opportunity that talks only about Holo viewership.

>> No.49985380

How's this shit not age restricted?

>> No.49985392

>I don't care about Homos but...
The only way to put them into irrelevancy is not giving a fuck about them. Add them to your filters and move on
>but I want to shitpost about them
Then you are giving them attention, therefore relevance. Stupid unikeks and CGDCTfaggots not doing things correctly

>> No.49985414

>Altrannie getting hate from both kobo sis and indo homobeggar
No need to thx us for spreading awareness.

>> No.49985421

Or just you know, as I've said before, do something actually impactful like shit on their channels instead of reminding everyone that they exist.
But nope, antis have gotten too soft.

>> No.49985426

>Destroyed because I know more about Holostars
>Resort to calling me a nijinigger despite no mention about their members in my post whatsoever.
Owned. Lol.

>> No.49985459

I don't see any of it so you're lying.

>> No.49985483

>but this was from little bitches who couldn't handle mixed collabs
Kek, you really believe in this? You're such a Tempus fan but completely missed how the twink and the clown were hired with the first gen and were put on the bench because Cover wanted a second group fast. It has nothing to do with people being against the mixed collabs, this is just a cope you faggots like to use after Tempoop obliterated the branch's already small audience.

>> No.49985520

I don't need to help my case at all. I could do nothing and I'd still be winning. The homo faggots have done nothing but recline since they debuted. Most of the Hololive fanbase is already on my side and agrees they were a massive mistake.
Honestly you should be grateful. I could easily make a catalog post that would make life a living hell for one of your faggots. Because I know something about a friend of his that he probably wouldn't want being spread around. I'll be generous this time, but if you talk back to me disrespectfully again, I can't be held accountable for a certain faggot getting anti'd into kingdom come.

>> No.49985545

You mean like just happen yesterday and not a year ago, tell me how many did they collab with starjp prior to rust that just happen this week.

>> No.49985673

None obviously. Hence why RUST is the only opportunity they have.
I suppose you're not gonna count VCR Rust anyway because it doesn't fit your narrative. That was three weeks ago. Most StarsJP collabs with Tempus always involve Axel in some way because he's the only one who can understand them.
Oh I guess there's that Telephone Relay from three months ago but you're not gonna count that because you didn't watch any Holostars content.

>> No.49985679

? tons of hologirls dont speak fluent japanese and most if not some of them still manage to set up collabs with their jp senpais and interact with them a lot on and off stream
dont watch the faggots either jp or en ones so dont know if things are different when it comes to them but as far as i know even fucking kobo beats them at the amount of collabs with the stars

>> No.49985687
File: 431 KB, 1080x1091, 1684802927029693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was discuss yesterday but since his ccv are low i guess you didn watch him either.

>> No.49985718

KEK called out that sister. Nice.

>> No.49985724

rust is the only opportunity they have? what fucking cope is this?

>> No.49985748

CCV isn't a measure of the person. It's the content. They'll only truly recline if they lose subscribers or memberships.
>Empty threat about ruining a homo's life because he knows a friend of a friend
Do it then. If I don't see anything then I was right about this board having no balls.

>> No.49985768

Is it not? They could have debuted all six at anytime but they didn't. They only started debuting them when people started bitching about Kronii's stance on mixed collabs.

>> No.49985770

Even starfan fed up with begging.

>> No.49985786

See you in a few minutes!

>> No.49985790

holy shit what an ungrateful fucking faggot. maybe dont choose to leech on a holo so early into your career where you barely cultivated any fanbase that watch you solely just to watch you then? fucking retard

>> No.49985797

This man got beat up by Axel in school and has carried his grudge into adulthood as a mentally stunted manchild

>> No.49985829

Because they would keep those 2 in the bench forever until they got another 2 to complete the gen, right? Sister are you perhaps blonde or just mentally retarded?

>> No.49985832

>Somehow standing against Holobegging is anti-troon behavior
>It's from an indog
Wow. Real convincing material. Surely Kobo and the indos will hate Altroon now that this specific Indo is saying to not bring up unrelated people in chat.

>> No.49985922

you go sister! keep flexing your cool alpha boyfriend who peaked at highschool! next next you should tell them about how ALL the girls can barely keep it in their pants when they see him on the streets! these veetee incels are just jealous and seetheing lolol

>> No.49985926

You expect any nonspeaker from EN to show up and Collab with anyone that mostly speaks JP? Only time they'd do that is if they got a translator on board and did a group collab like Minecraft and Gartic.

>> No.49985963

yes? thats how it always been with hololive. they're mostly multilinguals who make an effort.

>> No.49986006

Stop, she's already dead!

>> No.49986040

Do you really believe that "they were 6" bullshit? Nah they got four new guys the moment Tempus came out. It's why they shilled the applications

>> No.49986052


>> No.49986079

Yeah but they're not spammed all the time are they? They usually collab with each other for the most part and only reach out if the other party has time.

>> No.49986095

And that would be infinitely worse since they just decided to ACCELERATE a new gen instantly after debuting the first one.

>> No.49986124

It's not a coincidence to say this only happened after the Kronii fallout.

>> No.49986219

>Most of the Hololive fanbase is on your side
/here/ sure but what about outside of /here/?

>> No.49986241

meaning the homos dont even bother reaching out to their senpais most of of the time and only when 'the opportunity comes' when they got no choice but to see each other a lot in a multiplayer server would they even think of interacting with them. noted. dont even bother trying to convince me that 3viewmpus are somehow even busier than the holos

>> No.49986245

>The homo faggots have done nothing but recline since they debuted.
lets be real is it really a win if they still exist? they dont really care bro, do something about it you fucking pussy, you're all bark and no bite

>> No.49986265

what a miserable existence then.

>> No.49986293

That would only make sense if an EN3 debuted shortly after the new faggots, but it's been 4 and a half months since then and there's no sight of a new HoloEN gen. The scenario you're proposing is that Cover instantly went back to hiring more homos after the first 4 without any intention of debuting a new gen of girls anytime soon and sped up the process because of some frankly small controversy surrounding collabs between the faggots and HoloEN while still not putting any effort into looking for the next HoloEN gen. If that doesn't make Cover look insanely incompetent then I don't know what will, but honestly every single angle you take to analyze the complete waste of time 2022 was for the EN side makes them look incompetent.

>> No.49986295

I would imagine they have to be what with their anniversary coming up. Only one who's reaching out are Axel and Hakka. Everyone else is too autistic and only join when the senpais reach out which is always Astel and Aruran.

>> No.49986303

>Honestly you should be grateful. I could easily make a catalog post that would make life a living hell for one of your faggots.
you're acting like a hardass yet here you are. Make a catalog post then. Go on.

>> No.49986333

miserable for you, unfortunately they don't care what happens /here/

>> No.49986340

I'm telling you it's to prevent frequent mixed collabs. If they debuted EN 3 and Tempus only has 1 gen. Would you prefer that all of a sudden the new girls would hang out with the boys after their two month collab ban? No one would even know if they're thirsty for cock or not because they don't exist. There hasn't been any credible leaks either.

>> No.49986356

>20 minutes later, no delivery
All, bite, no, bark.
Won't, even, do, anything, outside, of, here, like, shitting, on, their, chats, comments, channels.

>> No.49986362
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>> No.49986413

>too ewtistik
yep. more cope. face it. even your beloved faggots dont fucking care about their own senpais and dont think they're worth their time because of their status and know the only way they'll ever see the light of day is by leeching on the girls only

>> No.49986422

It's a similar strategy Twittards use too.

>> No.49986423

go back to school charlie, stop cutting classes

>> No.49986448

great stuff sister. you still gonna camp on this thread and the next for how many more hours?

>> No.49986455

did you get that out of your ass too clipwatcher?

>> No.49986471

unironically watch streams

>> No.49986477

refer to this.. i'm sure this will help you >>49986362

>> No.49986508

you're saying someone who wrote this kind of shit >>49985797 is neither a sister nor a faggot? holy do i lose hope in this world

>> No.49986513

By the time Tempus 2 debuted mixed collabs were barely happening for 2 and a half months already. And again this entire story makes Cover look completely retarded if they only rushed Tempus 2 because of the "controversy" surrounding the collabs but still didn't take notice of how much HoloEN desperately needs a new gen to the point even the girls are complaining about it.

>> No.49986541

i see you're lacking a few chromosomes there. Maybe consider consulting a neurosurgeon

>> No.49986543

>Cope cope cope
>When it's actually true
As if I'd expect anything from a person who only watches the girls to talk like they know about watching the guy branch.
You missed the part where two of each Stars branch are interested in talking with each other but you deliberately ignored that just to reinforce your false narrative.

>> No.49986569

why do kobo has way more collabs with the stars than their own cohomos? lets see you're about to deflect this one too by saying "not their fault shes a whore"? no shit. still not a real answer

>> No.49986588
File: 464 KB, 1051x1170, 1670990311136417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you truly, honest to God, believe that drivvel was written by someone that isn't trying to make you hate them?
If i wrote the exact same thing about literally anybody, let's say IryS, are you going to try and tell me that I was completely serious and I wasn't just trying to get you to hate her, or her fans? Really?

>> No.49986609

>they hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.49986617

Then it's a milestone problem. If one of the Council gets a million then there's an EN3.

>> No.49986627

again you saying this shit is not helping your argument that 'sisters are all boogeymans' bullshit

>> No.49986670

I don't watch much Kobo so how the hell should I know? At least Fuma and Hakka learned a new language.

>> No.49986721

with the amount of unironic retarded tempissisters using the same tactic over and over in these threads? not really. thats literally how they speak most of the times. you can keep trying to gaslight people all you want though, archives and their favorite chatsite's still up and going

>> No.49986744

The only one using the same tactics here are (You) guys.

>> No.49986748

yeah see. end of discussion

>> No.49986747

let me think... you ever thought about thr possibility that most of them are shy motherfuckers?

>> No.49986826

not too shy to leech on the girls so early into their careers though! so they're only shy when it comes to fellow guys? oh my sis, so they really are faggots! cant blame the normal men to not want to see that on their screen!

>> No.49986871

You shouldn't try to argue with retards like that. All they want are (You)s.

>> No.49986887

Are we still doing this? So they deb uted 8 faggots just because they wanted even if it was 100% guaranteed they would end up as shitters while punishing HoloEN with no new blood for the foreseeable future when they struggle getting all 10 members together because they're scattered around at least 5 to 6 different timezones? Wow, why even have the open auditions then if they're not going to pay attention to any form going to HoloEN for at least 9 months considering the sub growth of Mumei, who's currently the one most likely to reach 1 million subs first? Is Cover just malicious and wants to waste the time of all the girls dedicating themselves to have a chance to be in the next HoloEN gen while shoving in their faces that they only care about 3view male failures?

>> No.49986897

This "leeching" you're talking about doesn't exist. Someone offers to have fun with you they'll take it.

>> No.49986916

>would new gens of girls accomplish?
more like
>would new gens of homos accomplish and not destroy hololive?

>> No.49986953

Congratulations then.
They got what they wanted, which is for (you) to hate them more. Though that was never really an issue for (you) to begin with anyway.
Pat on the back for this anon right here.

>> No.49986977

awww yet not one of them want to offer fun to their fellow flop faggots :(

>> No.49987029
File: 103 KB, 476x528, you just cant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49987030

New gen of girls
>Actively eat up the audience of the other girls (Literally witnessed when one girl streams, another girl's views go down)
>All stream in the same timezone, again (Unless they FINALLY get a European timezone)
>Temporarily get those that are done with hololive to check them out, then leave, again
New gen of guys prior to Tempus existing
>Explore brand new market that Hololive doesn't have a foot in (Done)
>Bring in their own set of viewers (which has already been proven since boys numbers don't go down when girls stream)
>Bring in their own income (proven)

>> No.49987031
File: 132 KB, 374x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49987035

They do. But you don't watch Holostars RUST. Do continue to timeloop though.

>> No.49987065

i dont care, you guys fight it out with each other about whats real and whats not. i already knew

>> No.49987092

>I don't like my old toys I want new ones

>> No.49987122

i know nothing about the faggots, you know nothing about hololive not even about the fact that even the shit eater puts on way more effort at interacting with the stars, seem fair to me that both our arguments have some flaws

>> No.49987153

New gen of guys prior to and after Tempus existing
>failed to compete to luxieum (basically a door stop )
>Bring in their own income (who cares if your market share sucks, just shut up and hold the door)

>> No.49987208

Oh wow, what a great way to make not debuting a new HoloEN after almost 2 years since the last one look bad while justifying dropping 8 faggots in less than 6 months look like a great decision. You're clearly not heavily biased and definitely won't create another excuse if Cover is retarded enough to drop another gen of 3view shitters who will spread the already thin audience even harder.

>> No.49987226

>failed to compete to luxieum
Where does this argument even come from? There's literal proof on the archives that everyone /here/ expected them to fail and the argument only pivoted later when it turns out they didn't fail.
There's literal vods of the talents saying that they expected to be 2views. Anything more than 2view is a win for them.

>> No.49987274

Yeah. Might as well just leave it at that.

>> No.49987295

>There's literal vods of the talents saying that they expected to be 2views
So now it's the talents? You faggots used to say management expected them to be 2views but since that doesn't make a speck of sense considering how hard Cover shilled them compared to almost all Hololive gen you changed your tune to make it sound less retarded, huh?

>> No.49987309

Didn't you hear? EN3 shares the same lore as the homos because the writers for their lore are actually better than the Council BS.

>> No.49987331

They've been saying it way back when. I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.49987361

>used to say management expected them to be 2views
Anon-chama, if someone tells you that, and they can't post proof, then it's wrong.
>now it's the talents
I at the very least can prove the talents themselves said it, don't shove other retards drivel in my face.

>> No.49987367

>not rock bottom = success
holy cope. Can't even accept that your homos are just a place holder to keep cover's foot in the fujo market

>> No.49987394


>> No.49987420

I have not seen a single Holostar willing to fuck each other so I don't know about the fujo market. Yume market sure

>> No.49987470

>applies random strawmen that doesn't relate to the statement Imade
>declare self winner

>> No.49987475

You mean Omega? The one who isn't working on Cover anymore? Because he was also involved with Tempus considering how he posted the first pages of their pre-debut comic.

I'm sure they were. It's not like I can go to the archive right now and look for all the times retards pushed the rrat that management expected them to fail without ever posting any proof.

Then prove it, because you're the very first faggot to bring this up without attaching it to their management. In any way this does sounds infinitely more believable tho it's irrelevant at the end of the day because expectations pre-debut are often wrong, and even if for the homos it ended up being better than what they thought early on after less than a year they dropped to pretty much the same level as their JP senpai.

>> No.49987488

>EN Doomposter deflection thread

>> No.49987496

And they're not even good at the fujoing thing damn! Do they even do it at all? I can at least respect them if they just went all out with it and make bank out of femcels

>> No.49987576

>You mean Omega
Well he didn't show up to shill Tempus 2 so I'm guessing they have different writers and they're trying to include that lore for the new girls.

>> No.49987604

No you wouldn't.

>> No.49987605

>and they're trying to include that lore for the new girls
Source: your ass?

>> No.49987619

kek someone was so mad that they spent time writing all this
>see point 4
kek someone was so mad that they spent time writing all this and got mad at it themselves

>> No.49987629

Even better. My cock.

>> No.49987669

so...you all are just going to ignore an entire paragraphs of argument if said argument have those words in it? is this what we're doing now? as the holy twatter cheat sheet say? damn thats a nice cop out. watch out sis! cop without 'e' and sis without 'ter' cant dismiss me now! fucking retarded. hillarious how the ones who mostly use those one worders like just those words with no further argument as a comeback are mostly just you females though.

>> No.49987720

Hahah yep you got me

>> No.49987723

Says the person who's been samefagging and doing these exact responses in these threads.

>> No.49987785

>Then prove it
>Even the most optimistic being less than a 10th of what actually happened
>When Altare was already in the 1k range, a 10th implies 100 or less.
Dunno why I'm bothering other than "I have proof of my claims" since you already deemed it irrelevant, but here you go, go nuts.

>> No.49987798

'samefag' another /vt/ buzzword! dismissing you now. whoever made that cheat sheet should update that shit
unironically you and all those people i mentioned applies to point 4 though

>> No.49987854

If said paragraph had actual substance to it, no I wouldn't ignore it, but literally the entire thing was
>holy cope. Can't even accept that your homos are just a place holder to keep cover's foot in the fujo market
Like, what is there to argue? Pointless drivel? Nah, I'm good, get redirected to the cheat sheet.
Write an actual paragraph to debate or direct me to one to debate.

>> No.49987862

Newfag nigger doesn't know samefag is a thing in these boards. Kill yourself.
>185 posts
>44 IPs

>> No.49987902

.......seriously? okay sheldon off to off meself now!

>> No.49990363


>> No.49990447

now look at the VOD views.

>> No.49990959

so what of it? the fuck is that gonna do? you'll be getting more homos regardless

>> No.49994194

muh samefagg

>> No.49994541

>so mindbroken you write a full-length novel
I'm starting to feel bad for schizos

>> No.49994778

Armchair Market Strategist EOP gathering, the thread
