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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 192 KB, 783x1200, GMXTOHubUAAJecv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74782195 No.74782195 [Reply] [Original]

baby time

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>74739105

>> No.74782636

This will bee a Nise thread

>> No.74782710

Miss me wife, simple as.

>> No.74782959

it's true that Shondo took a pregnancy hiatus?
not your child btw

>> No.74783029

I'm the child

>> No.74783094

She'd perform late term abortion on you.

>> No.74784061


>> No.74784701


>> No.74786480
File: 74 KB, 112x112, syadouBaby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my baby wife

>> No.74787333

While you get sad and worried about Shondo she's out there getting creampied daily by a random chad she met a month ago.

>> No.74787580

that random chad? me

>> No.74787825

did anything happened last week
is she back yet

>> No.74788026


>> No.74788085

She went on discord for a bit a few days ago. Likely to talk to Filian. That's it.

>> No.74788170

>bringing normie-tier brainworms into the thread
Pathetic. Be more creative you mongoloid. We are far passed what the average Keith would worry about.

>> No.74788466

I wouldn't lie about anything regarding my wife. I'm honest enough for the both of us

>> No.74789194

I'm not immune to brainworms, but compared to stuff you guys say that doesn't even make me flinch

>> No.74790647

If you're still feeling ill (hopefully not at this point) ginger beer is actually very helpful too. It'll hurt going down due to it being carbonated and that irritating the already tender lining of your oesophagus but it does help settle a bad stomach - particularly if it's upset more by lack of food.

>> No.74791416
File: 3.89 MB, 528x648, you know what we doin [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc5khx1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74792787
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In Barbie news, Inis collabed with Batman.

I wonder if Shondo would collab with Batgirl considering her "no male on stream" rule.

>> No.74792977

He does not get the pass + I'd win

>> No.74793256

she just promised herself to not say anything for a month right? we're going to hear from her on may 6th...right?

>> No.74793308
File: 145 KB, 954x1432, 1713753187862973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think her sense of humor is back and she'll post on May 1st to complete the joke.

>> No.74793397

that wouldn't be funny.

>> No.74793447

It kinda would but I doubt she'll do it now that it's been posted here so many times. (She'll now do it because I said she won't)

>> No.74793823

SyadouYay I think I might submit something to the card afterall

>> No.74794791
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's as shrimple as that

>> No.74795011

Are you married to fallenshadow because you love her, or are you in love with fallenshadow because you married her?

>> No.74795250

I got married to fallenshadow out of nowhere and i stuck around like a man, holding onto the promise i unknowingly made
After a while, i fell in love, but i treated the relationship seriously from the start

>> No.74795442

married because i love her, if i fell out of love and couldn't make it work again i'd leave on good terms. even if you want to love each other forever out of principle you defeat the purpose if staying around makes your life worse, and at that point if you love them you would want them to move on for the best

>> No.74796435

im still sweating bullets but my stomach is fine now

>> No.74797507

I hope she does a may 1st meme just to confirm she is not hospital. hospital is 7 weeks uk and 3 is to long

>> No.74797937

>hospital is 7 weeks uk and 3 is to long
The fuck are you talking about? If you're talking about her being sectioned it's one month or six months depending on which section she's being held on - and that's even assuming she will have been sectioned. You can spend time as an inpatient on an adult mental health unit without being sectioned.

>> No.74798236

no it is not average is 7 in severe crazy people

>> No.74798380

why would you go voluntary? spend the money on vacation if you want someone to take care of you

>> No.74798409
File: 1.13 MB, 1256x814, 115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

running maps while shondo does your trading like a hebrew slave (she loves it because she finds it agonizing)
shondo grinding
forcing shondo

>> No.74798731

Usually it's """"voluntary"""" because they give you the option and make it clear that if you don't they'll section you - they just don't want to have to deal with the effort of having to get all the different authorities to sign off on you being detained. Plus if you're a voluntary (or 'informal patient' as they usually call you) you're given slightly more freedom.

>> No.74799230

>schnidoo might be gone for the full 6
shut the fuck up
she is not section 3
she is funning witth filian surely

>> No.74799296

filian is a registered therapist and she is helping her get through this

>> No.74800153
File: 3.99 MB, 600x279, 1688065655109391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 1? May 6? either are fine for me. I just need a true announcement from her to know she's okay.

>> No.74803012


>> No.74803048

Why are we r/jujutsufolk ?

>> No.74803160

The Phil rrat is so bizarre until you remember the anti population skyrocketed after the collab

>> No.74803946

puxatawny phil?

>> No.74803963

who the fuck is phil

>> No.74803982

its filian i just wanted to groundhog post because i like bill murray

>> No.74804081

You are not me. Bill Murray is a good guy though, he once gave me family driving directions.

>> No.74804198

If she was still alive and did the interests bingo
How many shoggers would have a meltdown over not having any/enough interests overlapping with her?

>> No.74804200
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, very_important_announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to support the barbie girls during this shadow weekend!

>> No.74804295

being in their streams makes me remember what I lost
I hope they're all having a good day though

>> No.74804356

She did this already with her ideal guy. I didn't get a bingo, but it was the first time she ever replied to me on twitter :D

>> No.74804643
File: 114 KB, 905x964, chiggin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my silly wife.

>> No.74805076

I didn't notice her voice changing in real time but it's so evident when I go back to vods from when I first joined (a few months pre-subathon)
Was she actually replaced by a critter? Do I really love Shondo or have I been married to a floor shitter this whole time?

>> No.74805226

I'm starting to think I've waited too long to make my mind up about submitting something to the card or not
I do stuff like this too often

>> No.74805534

She always had phases with her voices. Her current pitch is actually similar to the lower pitch she had during the PNGtuber days. Albeit with way less mumbling and her British accent almost non-existent (until she says stuff like yogurt). In 2022 it was at it's highest pitched and every year since it's been lowering gradually. Probably because the higher pitch was hurting her voice due to streaming more.

>> No.74805550

Didn't submissions close already?

>> No.74805597

It did, last night at 5am bst

>> No.74805817
File: 2.87 MB, 2000x2000, .Shondo Feel Better Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking last minute submissions for Shondo's get well card before I finalize things later today. This is your last chance to get something in if you haven't done so already. Don't worry about the lack of space, if you submit something I can get it on the card

I'm putting together a simple card to show Shondo that, despite her struggles causing her to go on hiatus, she is still in our hearts and minds. Submissions still need to be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but they do not need to be as involved as the submissions people usually make for the birthday cards. They can be simple doodles, a short scrawled message telling her that you love her or to get well soon, anything you want to make that shows Shondo you're thinking about her and you're rooting for her. The only stipulation is that due to lore importance her neck and wrists must be covered by something, whether it be her usual ribbons or obscured by something else. And don't submit any huge paragraphs of text.

>> No.74805929

the gecko pic is cute af

>> No.74805962
File: 117 KB, 600x600, get better soon wifey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74806024


>> No.74806066


>> No.74806274

she was doing a loli voice for years (poorly) before she found something comfortable, current Shondo sounds like a more feminine version of her real voice
she used her real voice here for a second https://voca.ro/1g6JR4aQFoRa

>> No.74806343

I can see her not wanting to confirm she’s in a hospital because that severely narrows down where she could possibly be right now. If shadowmama was worried about somebody stalking them in a city of 2 million people, I don’t see them being okay with the handful of hospitals in Ingerlan’.

>> No.74806423

My headcanon is that she pitches her voice up on stream because i read somewhere a while ago girls tend to do that around guys they like

>> No.74806482

She said her voice is higher pitch on stream because that's what happens when she gets excited. You can hear it even more when something happens in game that startles her or she gets frustrated at or if she does something impressive

>> No.74806528

she has a higher pitched voice on stream cause she is getting excited from me shlopping her shunny

>> No.74806557

Both of these check out

>> No.74806582

That's the reason why her heartbeat is so high during ds1 stream zatus
She is excited to talk to us, her beloved husbands

>> No.74806655

all those cute guys? me

>> No.74806670

I made this post

>> No.74807235

Is this a hunter x hunter reference?

>> No.74807377
File: 1.55 MB, 640x360, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1ts1r0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like one

>> No.74807388

Yes it is, i thought it'd be a good idea to incorporate something relating to HxH

>> No.74807805

>there are voice truthers here
it really is anti general

>> No.74808575

>girls tend to do that around guys they like
Molested girls and boys do that subconsciously even after reaching adulthood so they can remain appealing to their molester, there's a reason why gay men talk that way.

>> No.74808713

>nervous around guys
ftfy, shondo

>> No.74808731

I really do pity people like you who look at the world like this. It must be really tough to think like this all the time

>> No.74808770

>It must be really tough to think like this all the time
Not really, the truth is the truth.

>> No.74808824

It’s funnier when you know he has a nuke implanted into his heart as a final fail-safe/fuck you if he loses

>> No.74809491

What does this mean

>> No.74809612

statistically speaking theres a +50% chance your whore mother cheated on your simp father lmao

>> No.74809707

Could you stop projecting for 1 second please?

>> No.74809759

stable families dont produce /here/ shoggers

>> No.74809858

Nah my family was great im just a loser

>> No.74809899

I have never been into vtubers and back then I couldn't understand how people could watch them. I even thought the whole thing was kinda cringe (even though I have followed japanese idols for years lol)
But then I saw a clip of shondo throwing kisses and suddenly I was in the shondopilled rabbithole on youtube.
It's been a long time since I laughed and smiled so much.
I hope she gets better and I can see her live on twitch.
Until then I will binge watch what's on youtube, I'm watching her first drunk stream right now.

>> No.74809955

i cant believe he is going to suicide bomb Vexpo after its revealed that he lost tomorrow

>> No.74809998

Well, vtubers are cringe and Shondo's cringe even for a vtuber. When she comes back it'll take me a stream or two to not feel embarrassed by watching her.

>> No.74810183

just divorce now

>> No.74810280

Why is that /shon/'s answer to every minor gripe someone has? She calls herself cringe all the time and she's right.

>> No.74810303

divorce stream is tomorrow silly

>> No.74810348

if you feel embarrassed just spending time with your wife just divorce, you don't love her

>> No.74810368

is shondo a paranoid schizo? shibe here wondering

>> No.74810388
File: 3.53 MB, 498x498, 1703880646991839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for brainwormsniggers to writhe in pain as Shondo says nothing.

>> No.74810412

yeah and nina is cucking you with her as we speak

>> No.74810419

no she just has depression

>> No.74810486

No, she has depression and bipolar disorder. The schizo thing started out as a meme and it turned into a way for Shondo to earn pity money from simps.

>> No.74810496

my wife on the twitch front page :)

>> No.74810522

Schizoaffective. A mixture of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia basically. She has talked about some paranoid delusions, but they were quite a long time ago.

>> No.74810531


>> No.74810587

>she has depression and bipolar disorder
An anti who doesn't even understand what bipolar disorder is, not a surprise.

>> No.74810598

>but they were quite a long time ago
watch streams

>> No.74810619

Would you guys forgive her if she comes back and tells us that she's been travelling with nina in Japan for the last month. apologizing for the switch up because she knew shoggers would have stalked them around Japan?

>> No.74810621

Sorry, I don't keep up with leftist buzzwords.

>> No.74810675

No. I'd drop her for making me and hundreds of other shoggas worry for selfish reasons.

>> No.74810680

why doesnt shondo just go to the gym bros

>> No.74810694


>> No.74810717
File: 78 KB, 973x819, 1713124134880419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got into her a similar way. Didn't really like vtubers yet shondopilled got recommended to me and I fell down the rabbit hole. Loved her ever since and i'm watching past vods to cope with her being gone.

>> No.74810750

No, I would make a big scene and unsubscribe. Weaponising her health would be simply unacceptable.

>> No.74810772

yeah i dont really care that much

>> No.74810802

>make a scene
I wouldn't, I'd unsubscribe and leave like a man.

>> No.74810818

not even the gym, why doesn't she just walk around her local area for a while every day and buy some dumbbells
and eat some fucking food got damn

>> No.74810907

This is one situation where making a scene would be warranted.

>> No.74810979

It would suck to know that she lied, but she always lies. I would rather her have been happy in japan than bed rotting and crying all day

>> No.74811121

Baffling response.

>> No.74811216

is all the posting about her being in japan meant to just create the picture in her head that she cant ever be misdirective or coy? weird posting desu

>> No.74811265

i think its more about her giving brainworms to shiggers here if she were lying

>> No.74811271

Lots of weird posts today, I wonder what's going on

>> No.74811291

>she cant ever be misdirective or coy?
weird way to say lying but ok

>> No.74811319
File: 386 KB, 1536x2048, 1714264949108802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't think she'd do that. Theres fibbing and then there's straight up emotional manipulation which if she lied about her mental health being so bad that she was forced to go on hiatus as an excuse to vacation in Japan than that's a career destroying move. How could you ever believe her again? any time she complains about her health you'd think she's just bullshitting you again for attention and pity.

>> No.74811500

Most mental illness is made up nonsense akin to the horoscope, just a way to describe someone with a personality normies don't like. Psychiatry is barely a science after over 200 years.

>> No.74811529
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love is what fills my heart
love is what fills my mind
i love fallenshadow
the cutest girl of all mankind

>> No.74811605

I don't know what I'd do honestly. I would have to think it over for a while. I love her truly but something like this would make me never trust her again

>> No.74811665

>would make me never trust her again
lmao why do you trust her rn? shes very shady

>> No.74811810

In that case she should just say she's taking time off and going on a vacation without further details.

>> No.74811844

her chaperone? me

>> No.74811898

the chaperone? you
the man she's fucking? me

>> No.74811934

i made both of these posts

>> No.74812151

maybe she was really in a bad mental state and nina came in and offered a vacation to get her out of her home and the bad mental state?
I don't know why I'm making excuses for a hypothetical scenario

>> No.74812176

I typed all of this out. I'm clinically insane.

>> No.74812334

can any derek give me an official rundown of husband rank stratified by country of residence

>> No.74812485
File: 2.56 MB, 476x498, babypat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still feel like in that scenario she would've posted something like "I decided to join Nina on her vacation to help improve my mental state" back on the 17th when Nina made the announcement. Instead it's nearly 2 weeks later and she's been completely silent since the 6th.

>> No.74812588

did you only make this post because the imitation posted one

>> No.74813169
File: 346 KB, 702x653, 1713560716263018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres an interesting brainworm to consider: maybe the reason she's been so silent this past month is because she's taking a whole bunch of new medications for her mental problems that are causing wildly inconsistent emotions and thoughts. To the point of if she did post it would make us worry even more because she would be way more unhinged.

>> No.74813252

not really a brainworm but also not believable because she would never see a better doctor

>> No.74813399

here's another brainworm: she doesn't care to update us because we are colourful twitch usernames to her not people

>> No.74813491

naur... she said she loves me too...

>> No.74813515

she loves the money

>> No.74813570

That's not a brainworm. That implies she has empathy towards her husbands.
Now this, this is a brainworm.

>> No.74813661

>That implies she has empathy
You understand her well, a woman who doesn't even have empathy for her brother can't possibly give a shit about some usernames.

>> No.74813910

haha she wouldnt divorce us tomorrow right?

>> No.74813930

its not a joke.. right? the anti-posts i mean. unless this is fun for some of you to pretend to be antis. in that case you need different hobbies shoggas.

>> No.74813984

Where did the "May 1st divorce stream" thing even come from?

>> No.74814000

>may 1st is actually tomorrow
>if this goes on for 4 more days, it’ll have a month without her
Mr. Shog…I don’t feel so good.

>> No.74814033

hope you shiggies got prenups

>> No.74814070

her twitter where she said she’ll divorce us on may 1st

>> No.74814099

Joke from this tweet thanks to notifications.

>> No.74814135


>> No.74814148

I think she should do it tomorrow just to spite you cunts. Sometimes divorce happens because 2 people couldn't make a situation work and can end things while still loving and caring for each other.
That'll be what I walk away with while the rest of you get exactly what you deserve.

>> No.74814152

joke? some of us believe she's a bad person until proven otherwise, except there's no way for her to prove it through the internet

>> No.74814211

i also want divorce to own the groomerz XD

>> No.74814233

Remember when she said shes trapped in this marriage because of the money? She cant divorce, shes the only one in the household that has enough income to support them

>> No.74814243
File: 31 KB, 360x360, 1714324671174016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People cope in different ways. It's obvious that this break has been terrible for most shoggas. Many of them turning on wifey the longer this goes on. They practically anticipate May 1st as an apocalyptic end to a relationship that has been turbulent for awhile now. They no longer think that this relationship can improve. They lost the faith in wifey returning stronger than ever. Makes me sad. Many Shoggas have turned into bitter antis scorned by the lack of attention and communication from her in what seems like her darkest hour.

>> No.74814311

>for better or worse
>worse happens
>oh teehee guess we need to divorce now

>> No.74814368

she's going to come back and everyone will pretend nothing happened like always

>> No.74814378

I would forgive her but I'd also call her a big whore

>> No.74814385

The "worse" was forced upon everyone and it certainly wasn't by her.

>> No.74814407

>Sometimes divorce happens because 2 people couldn't make a situation work
Bullshit. That's normie whore propaganda to justify their degeneracy, when two people get along they don't stop getting along randomly.

>> No.74814445

Unfortunately a common occurrence in the 21st century, but that isn't surprising in a godless western society to not take the sanctity of marriage seriously at all.

>> No.74814458

i hope she does divorce
that means she will be on the market

>> No.74814491

tomorrow is going to be a bad day. im going to spend the entire time spam refreshing twitter just in case my notifications dont work

>> No.74814494

idk shigga we dont know her life maybe shadowmama came up with a new dropshipping hair style business called drop snip or something and now shes a millionaire businesslady

>> No.74814513

>sanctity of marriage
Yeah, in this godless society evil women marry over 100k dudes. It's Sodom and Gomorrah all over again.

>> No.74814569

Can't stop thinking about Otis kneading my nuts

>> No.74814582

thats different and you know it

>> No.74814596


>> No.74814607

The 1st May begins in 5 hours, 35 minutes her time.

>> No.74814668

Because she didn't stop getting along with a lot of husbands randomly. She avoids the freaks in discord like a plague despite them having hitting the Follow button and feeling an obligation to call them husbands. This whole marriage has been a series of slowly not getting along with many of her depraved husbands.
I can confidently say I get along with her, but she needs to divorce the problems she's accumulated.

>> No.74814706

Im not going to lose sleep over it, if it happens it happens but I doubt it will. Reread her parting message, its full of love. She wants to come back stronger and she will

>> No.74814707


>> No.74814742

Coward do it yourself

>> No.74814750

she needs to make an official discord for real husbands
obviously i will be invited and the people i dislike wont be haha

>> No.74814752

4 hours not 5

>> No.74814807

>I can confidently say I get along with her
Are you a female vtuber? If not she doesn't get along with you.

>> No.74814810

This but unironically.

>> No.74814849
File: 3.05 MB, 480x480, 1710024383800016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I chose to believe that she will come back stronger than ever.

The new golden age of Shon will happen regardless if you antis want to stay for the ride or not. Got to keep the faith.

>> No.74814860

>she needs to make an official discord for real husbands
This, except I'm the only one invited and it's not discord, it's her house.

>> No.74814861

Sad projection thinking you need to be female to give you an edge.

>> No.74814913

She's going to come back gayer than ever.

>> No.74814920

>She avoids the freaks in discord like a plague despite them having hitting the Follow button and feeling an obligation to call them husbands.
They don't consider themselves husbands though. Most of them barely even watch clips - it's become colonised by a femboy grooming ring.

>> No.74814952

shondo please gay sex oli i beg you

>> No.74814984

more barbie collabs then? maybe new girls join the barbies? the more girls the better for our yuri loving wife!

>> No.74815004

That bad? Shit, I need to take back the stolen lands one of these days. I'll go there and post all day about wifey and not let anyone get a word in.

>> No.74815045

>the more girls the better for our yuri loving wife!
Not better for us, collabs are the fucking worst. For every decent collab there's 3-4 bad ones, just women screeching while Shondo shuts up. No thanks.

>> No.74815069
File: 125 KB, 480x538, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.74815150

Yes and part of the divorce involves cleaning out the filth that has congregated around her.

>> No.74815253

If you think she's this based gatekeeper you haven't been paying attention, the closest thing to gatekeeping she ever did was those alts and she regretted them. Why the fuck would she purge subscribers that give her money? Are you gonna make up for the lost revenue? Donate 1000 GBT right now.

>> No.74815278
File: 1.17 MB, 3336x4096, 1683276137082722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll share a sad reality for some of you since I know for a fact a large portion haven't been in relationships with young women before. Let alone mentally ill ones. Every time I've hit this point where my ex was wanting to "talk", the lead up was the exact same as this one.
You get an abundance of love like she tried to do in her last week but then complete silence like we're dealing with now.
It's a sad but familiar feeling because it didn't matter what the reasons were whether it be me getting cheated on or our needs simply not working out. It always had this same calm before the storm of no updates and then the "talk". Brace yourselves now.

>> No.74815289

The official Forest Cabin discord will be the final disaster that will put an end to the larp once and for all.

>> No.74815326

You are right and I hate myself for doubting her loyalty. While her “serious” may not be what I’d want, she is still serious enough to not up and leave me. I don’t deserve her trust if I can’t give her mine.

>> No.74815332

i will only supplement her lost income with a promise of exclusivity
a marriage if you will

>> No.74815411

Decent bait.
As I thought, you want her to give up thousands of pounds for your selfish plans to make things "better" (for you not her).

>> No.74815513

you think you're talking to me but you're not

>> No.74815518
File: 285 KB, 467x542, tick tock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anti post, threads aren't nearly as bad as they used to be

>> No.74815552

im not poor :)

>> No.74815557

he's been here since last Thursday, please understand

>> No.74815628

barbies are antiposting about their friends now...

>> No.74815636

Why did Otis stop posting at the exact same time as Shondo did? He didn't even give his client any words of support when she went on hiatus

>> No.74815678

nice softdoxx you fuck stick

>> No.74815719

FT literally got a job to assist the blowback of her lost income from her re-hauling her streams and redefining her relationship so she can get away from freaks.

>> No.74815757

antis out in full force today huh

>> No.74815768

No man buys that, you're either over 180 or you're short.

>> No.74815780


>> No.74815816

FT literally got a job because he's of working age and needs to buy his own clothes and vidya, and maybe move in with a gf eventually.

>> No.74815881

Who do you think has been consoling her this whole time?

>> No.74815891

>lists things he does with spare income after paying his share of living expenses
Wow no shit retard.

>> No.74815898
File: 373 KB, 682x622, 17011252474315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope shondo realizes all this doomposting is only trying to guilt trip her into coming back or breaking the silence, i hope even more that she doesn't give in to it

>> No.74815963


>> No.74816026

If he's as normie as Shondo makes him out to be he'll find some slag soon and move out next year.

>> No.74816068
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>> No.74816110

based, then she can have her own room

>> No.74816111
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>> No.74816114

how does this happen with every fucking discord server

>> No.74816170

xive and other mods encourage the faggot behavior

>> No.74816216

Discord is for fags

>> No.74816215

groom the groomers before they groom your groomer

>> No.74816233

You think that's what they're doing? Interesting. I'm just sharing my cynical Shondo related beliefs, stuff I could never say in her chat. When that first time chatter tried to ruin her whole career by asking if she has a bf I noticed how she hesitated, it wouldn't surprise me if everything is a lie but I don't care as long as I don't find out the truth. If lies convincingly I don't care if she cucks me.

>> No.74816293

Schrödinger's cuck

>> No.74816308


>> No.74816432

>I noticed how she hesitated
Same. A 'no' would've sufficed but she went out of her way to pander to her viewers, that's what made it sus.

>> No.74816493

buncha worm farming shoggers


>> No.74816609

>smugalana visits the offline chat multiple times a day
Damn, I didn't know she's a husband. One time she visited during her pre stream song thingy.

>> No.74816843

or maybe she just wanted to give the retard a good response? or maybe she knows shoggers are insecure about that exact question? there are a number of reasons besides having a secret bf that she could have hesitated, occam's razor. i'm not denying that it's possible she is lying, but if she has a bf this isn't any convincing evidence for it

>> No.74816930

her secret bf? me

>> No.74816999

>good response
It wasn't a good response though, she gave the textbook gfe answer "nyoooooo I love my chat >.< I could never have a bf!!!!!"

>> No.74817034
File: 192 KB, 1067x313, 1701523599157407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to guilt trip her
makes it even then

>> No.74817058

real anti hours

>> No.74817110

it's also a stupid question that she could have ignored entirely, it could still be any reason why

>> No.74817279

Yeah, the best thing would've been to ignore it and the second best thing would've been to say no I don't. Going above and beyond to deny it while not even using the word 'no' makes it sus.
>hey anon are you gay?
>"...........um, I have a female wife with vagina that I love very much..."
See why that's weird?

>> No.74817341

>two wrongs make a right
>thinks this is guilt tripping
the only reason this would make you guilty is if you were telling her things directly related to this and at that point you deserve to feel guilt. she's blaming herself here

>> No.74817443

nta a guild trip attempt doesn't have to make you feel guilty to be a guilt trip attempt, you can pitymaxx retardedly and have the opposite effect on your target

>> No.74817520

uuuuuuuuuu i want to hold her close

>> No.74817565

yes, she didn't say the perfect words in the perfect way, it's weird if you hyper analyze it and even then it could be any other reason. to be clear i thought it was weird too in the moment

>> No.74817574

occams razor is for retards
To say the simplest solution is the truth assumes you can determine what the simplest solution is. How can you know what the simplest solution is without already knowing the truth

>> No.74817655

Upvote. You win the Internet today sir

>> No.74817671

occam's razor isn't used as some precise standard, it's just a reminder

>> No.74817682
File: 515 KB, 400x300, 1713877971331323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 1st is a hoax right?

>> No.74817821
File: 169 KB, 323x469, 1712999245844464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will find out anon, she will stay quiet until July when she needs birthday presents and you won't even know that you've been divorced for a couple of months.

>> No.74817848

the truth is that she doesnt care about any of you
she cares about me though

>> No.74817919
File: 2.29 MB, 398x466, fungey town taco bell [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjp9tp1.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly syadouWiggly

>> No.74818014

Best post itt

>Captcha: P00PY

>> No.74818034

>you want her to give up thousands of pounds
He wants her to get rid of dewd?

>> No.74818062


>> No.74818086


>> No.74818116

good one

>> No.74818119

leave my shiggy alone

>> No.74818138
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>> No.74818167
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>> No.74818263
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>> No.74818313

spoiler that, my heart hurts

>> No.74818315
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>> No.74818395

do you honestly believe her?

>> No.74818446
File: 765 KB, 720x720, goodvibesonly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74818452

if you can't believe this it makes one wonder why you're here

>> No.74818491

What's with this "do you believe/trust her" posting as of late? Weren't reps to be done for "to see if you believe her" a few weeks ago? What's up with that?
Yes i trust and believe my little sister wife

>> No.74818549

I mean she's an entertainer, do you buy into WWE keyfabe too?

>> No.74818557

We're coming up on may 1st. this is a test of wills for the inevitable divorce.

>> No.74818583

shoggas believe and trust wife, antis don't

simple as

>> No.74818595

>i lost my british accent cause most of my audience is americans. youve had a bad influence on me
can’t believe oldfags actually got to talk to her. So much so that she started imitating them.
newfags (post-subathon)…its shover…we lost.

>> No.74818603

>inis going on break for a week now too
It's fucking over isn't it?

>> No.74818645 [DELETED] 
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>> No.74818706
File: 408 KB, 563x867, 1714318122701682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbies really falling apart without Shondo

Except Oli. She's flourishing.

>> No.74818716

Nah, newfags these days do reps to find her RTX. They view it as a challenge, she's a puzzle to be solved.

>> No.74818743

did she ever start liking Ferrero Rocher again after seeing that one with all the worms/mites in it?

you really didn’t expect the barbie off-colab orgy? how new?

>> No.74818746

Didn't she reach 10k+ viewers today? Good for her

>> No.74818750

>y-y-y-you're s-so jealous
keep clinging to the past while we run this shit at the present

>> No.74818767

honestly smart, they probably realized this is the best way to prevent it from becoming like the old server

>> No.74818795
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is her own worst anti, so yeah i can believe she wrote that
i want to protect her so she would never have to write something like that or feed back ever again

>> No.74818826

She did for a moment. I couldn't believe it. Then it immediately went down to like 6k so it's syadouSus

>> No.74818841

im a 2024 newfag, retard. maybe stop projecting and reading what isnt there?

>> No.74818857

good post

>> No.74818882

If they were competent then it'd be a functional space to discuss her and her streams; it's not a choice between what it's like now and what the old one was like.

>> No.74818939

then stop making us look bad, don't bring that up because it's kind of true, you're not going to be running with us at this rate

>> No.74818948

the only thing i worry about is that she doesn't remember me at all and my ribbon isn't good enough so when she comes back she will think i'm weird for still being around

>> No.74818953

>asking if she has a bf I noticed how she hesitated

>> No.74818981

>Do you believe a manic depressive having a manic depressive episode?

>> No.74818988

>i lost my british accent cause most of my audience is americans
you shoggers have to be such dumbasses to believe her, she was doing a cute lispy voice in her natural country bumpkin accent and then became embarrassed of being a UK redneck and tried to get rid of her accent entirely

>> No.74819027

yes, of course I do. I love her wholeheartedly. she's 100% earned my trust
I believe that's her real voice
I believe that's her real height when you adjust for her obviously not being a dwarf
I believe her living situation
I believe her health conditions
I'll pretend to believe the silly fibs she tells on stream because I know her bad memory causes her to believe some of them
I'll continue to believe that this will last forever, that this nightmare we're all living in will just be a tiny blip in the eternity of love and joy we'll experience with Her

>> No.74819059

What makes you think she's mentally ill besides being a woman? I haven't seen her medical record, all I have is her word.

>> No.74819074

I don't see why you'd think her saying she doesn't have a bf, but has a husband is weird
Perhaps she was right, cuck minded Americans after watching too many en vtubers

>> No.74819113

>disguising this rrat as spoonfeeding
good work shogga

>> No.74819126

>I'll continue to believe that this will last forever
It will don't worry

>> No.74819125

maybe understand a silly joke when it’s made?
I will be the one, true Husband who shall revive her beautiful, cute country bumpkin accent!

>> No.74819133

>hey anon are you gay?
>"...........um, I have a female wife with vagina that I love very much..."
This is why I think it's weird.

>> No.74819150

>Going above and beyond to deny it while not even using the word 'no'

Rewatch the clip, she literally starts her response with the word "no"

>> No.74819169 [DELETED] 

she could be a 40 year old therapist for all we know

>> No.74819197

That's not even the same question, your point started out on the wrong foot, so i won't allow it to cover any distance

>> No.74819239

she doesn't look 40, she barely looks 20. shit yourself brainworm sower

>> No.74819254 [DELETED] 

Dude just stop you ain't gonna fuck her dude. This month vacation is literally just her getting her back blown by Chad on a island or a yatch.

>> No.74819269

Her small hands would make my big penis look enormous

>> No.74819287

>40 year old with the brain of a zoomer
then she truly is mentally ill

>> No.74819323

What if she comes back and doesnt talk about the break at all? I think I would go crazy if she just gets back into streaming like nothing happened

>> No.74819339

Europoors constantly blame Americhads (her favored audience) for the cuckposting but it happens during their peak hours hmmm

>> No.74819349

Sorry for not giving you the perfect example, low IQ-kun.

>> No.74819352

clueless. Trust me, we would know if she went anywhere like that ;)

>> No.74819368

40 y/o virgin rrat is so hilarious I might start believing in it just for lulz

>> No.74819404

it isnt a rrat when you can actually listen to her voice from back then in archived videos

>> No.74819427

NTA but if you can't give a good analogy why try to argue using one lmao
/vt/ truly is filled with ESLchamas

>> No.74819441
File: 1.12 MB, 1536x2048, 1704195161076248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys get dumber with each passing day

>> No.74819462

>I will be the one, true Husband who shall revive her beautiful, cute country bumpkin accent!
no me
also it isnt really a weird accent or bumpkin at all

>> No.74819476

Strange that they always use US English spellings.

>> No.74819489

That wasn't an analogy, low IQ-kun Nr 2.

>> No.74819502

and she sounds amazing! I fucking love that accent and I once I get to cottage I will BONK it back into her!

>> No.74819531

It's all the american neets staying up late

>> No.74819538

lead exposure

>> No.74819591

Chad is kissing her and handholding as he cums inside right now while you are here defending her purity LOL.

>> No.74819601

that accent was bad and a im glad she got rid of the fake lisp

>> No.74819608

It's just a mix of groomers wanting to isolate her more by putting people off supporting her and genuine antis. There are a few decent threads and then suddenly one that becomes an absolute shitfest with clearly more than just one anti/groomer posting. Almost as though it's being organised somewhere.

>> No.74819664

She wouldn't do that, she wouldn't allow Chad to kiss her while getting cummed inside. Kisses are for everyone.

>> No.74819699

i dont see why everyone gets mad about groomers as if they arent just seething that she doesnt interact with them enough for them to groom her
99.9% of shoggerdom would try their luck

>> No.74819763

Hi, I’m Chad btw.

>> No.74819800

it's fucking hilarious this whole thing came from a reply to neppie, the girl whose has singlehandedly caused the most husband divorces

>> No.74819855

hey, if the old, busted, used-up model decides to break down, why shouldn’t i hope on the hot, new piece?

>> No.74819865 [DELETED] 

>speaking facts makes you an anti
LOL. She likely doesn't have an actual boyfriend or husband with that shit ass 4chan pandering personality but she for sure gets creampied by random Chads and maybe even Tyrones weekly.

>> No.74819871

shes also the current darling of many shoggers who didnt divorce but are just 'lurking her chat'

>> No.74819965

okay i get it now. the anti-posting being done is to delegitimize the real anti-posting by being as retarded as possible. interesting tactic but you're still retarded.

>> No.74819982

The thread is 70% shitposting tourists

>> No.74820012

>H is a decade older than me
i-i’m sorry oji-dono, i didn’t know. gomen.

>> No.74820108

hi groomer, you're correct except for one thing, people only get mad about certain groomers, grooming shondo isn't the problem, it's how you groom her

>> No.74820169

I groom her with love and kisses and by being devoted to her. I’m ngmi, am I?

>> No.74820176


>> No.74820207

sorry, just live tweeting the subathon :D

>> No.74820234

I found the ultimate solution to grooming; Shondo turns off the chat while streaming. Perfect, right? If she wants jokes to steal she can just DM Dewd and pay him.

>> No.74820262

Shonofags are more cucked than Eren

>> No.74820319

shondo should stop streaming tweeting and using discord to own the groomers

>> No.74820371

shondo should get better soon cause i hate her being in any kind of non-erotic pain!

>> No.74820399

groomers itt seething

>> No.74820524

Shitposting or not it eats away at my soul
Unironically why are people into cuckolding

>> No.74820539 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1125x1864, 1713200831033162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of Shondocucks

>> No.74820570

>P-sama got a shout out after florida
she really never got over him, huh…

>> No.74820650

The Shompy

>> No.74820660

>groomers seething so much they're posting random fleshies

>> No.74820755

>he didn’t know that shondo was logan paul
it’s the most basic of reps, shogga. i’m glad that nina finally pierced that womb though.

>> No.74820770

This is both so adorable and at the same time very erotic

>> No.74820783

because sharing a woman it's the best the bottom 90% of men can do these days, you might not like it but it is what it is
when it comes to dating you're either a Chad/rich important guy, a cuck or an incel. pick one

>> No.74821003

You are a fucking retard if you think this girl isn't getting turned into a canolli at least once a week. You are making yourself the cuck, nobody else is.

>> No.74821040

Bakers please use a non otis image for next thread

>> No.74821073

great! now i’m horny AND motivated to get jack’d for my wife

>> No.74821189

If you had to differentiate between shoggers and shoggas in art how would you do it. Totally unrelated to anything I'm doing to right now

>> No.74821216

ribbon cage

>> No.74821241

sharp lines = shogger

>> No.74821269

shoggers are incapable of making art, they can only make porn

>> No.74821324

You understand what I'm asking
You're retarded

>> No.74821344


>> No.74821390

shogga = me
shogger = everyone else

>> No.74821435

What does this mean

>> No.74821559

I wanna create some sorta piece with Jesus, his supporters and then the Romans. Everyone is (you) but the supporters are shoggas and the Romans killing jesus are shoggers. Jesus is obviously shondo.

>> No.74821595

yeah, but you didn’t have to bring it up :(

>liking shonbutt makes you gay

>> No.74821670

cringe and blasphemous, you belong on a cross

>> No.74821671

>>74821559 (me)
And then obviously for her return it's shondo leaving the cave.
Could have shondo seeing God which is just Otis

>> No.74821703

the last supper with fleece as judas betraying rrk

>> No.74821721

all shoggers are shoggas and all shoggas are shoggers

>> No.74821787

A lot of really cool images could be made. If it was done in the correct style.

>> No.74821840

Thank God you have no talent.

>> No.74821941

do it this sounds funny

>> No.74822033

My bad I had that in my clipboard for later use
Avoid over training

>> No.74822348

Ren makes more sense as Judas than Fleece.

>> No.74822428

Last thing I want is to be attracted by Jesus folks. I thought they'd find it a bit of fun.

>> No.74822505

Judas regretted it and killed himself because he didn't think he was worthy of God's forgiveness
Fleece fits better than ren imo

>> No.74822633

The workout people who keep saying she should work out think she should be doing

>> No.74822723

i doubt he regrets anything

>> No.74822786

luv me shonshon
luv me otis
luv me forest
‘ate shoggers
‘ate other groomers
‘ate divorcees
‘ate other husbands (not racist, just don’t like the competition)
simpl’ as

>> No.74822828

I hope this health hiatus isn't just an excuse to try and retvrn to 3view

>> No.74822845


>> No.74822904

>didn't quote the entire thing
I'm killing myself

>> No.74822918

Ren literally did that by taking on the Kuma alt though. He metaphorically killed himself.

>> No.74822990

Getting brainworm farmed isn't really betraying shondo though, fleece's tweets are closer to that at least

>> No.74823025

too many tourists visiting /shon/. i’m staying at me mother’s house over in /lig/ county until things settle back down.

>> No.74823059

I'm scared to go outside of /shon/, please don't leave me

>> No.74823292

last for sniffing shondo's unwashed snatch
