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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 190 KB, 441x435, 1708265586950046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75474748 No.75474748 [Reply] [Original]

New phase yab just dropped, expect brony shitposting falseflagging as nijikeks

>> No.75474931


>> No.75474959

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.75474966


>> No.75475005

speak fucking english

>> No.75475011 [DELETED] 

One of their livers got blacked on television

>> No.75475051

They brought a nigger on stream?

>> No.75475090


>> No.75475100

why do you nijisisters hate phase connect so much

>> No.75475146
File: 528 KB, 881x709, 1711197379448999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.75475169

They realized niji can no longer compete with holo, so phase is now their closest rival

>> No.75475170


>> No.75475217

phase's only rival is the cuckold category on pornhub

>> No.75475254

did Clara get Mococo pregnant again

>> No.75475253

Nice foreigner manipulation

>> No.75475415

phasecucks... not like this..

>> No.75475474


>> No.75475521


>> No.75475534

isnt this old news?

>> No.75475557

Why is this always happening to them...

>> No.75475617

Link now, I need a laugh

>> No.75475649

wake me up when there's real drama like one of them drinking a jagerbomb

>> No.75475675


>> No.75475715


>> No.75475831 [DELETED] 


>> No.75475863


>> No.75475928

The fuck is this

>> No.75475958
File: 550 KB, 773x793, jkterjter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sisters have to resort to bringing back a month old yab to divert attention from their precious company's fuckups

>> No.75475983
File: 536 KB, 1300x957, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how ever since nyfco went down phase shitposting has increased basically tenfold

>> No.75476002


>> No.75476003

Modern TV was a mistake. But how is this relevant?

>> No.75476007

listen to the voice

>> No.75476031

good, let the monkeys fight lmao, it's entertaining

>> No.75476065

Who the hell is this?

>> No.75476104


>> No.75476126

Nijisanji is fucking dead and buried already, I don't think the sisters can deflect their yabs anymore.

>> No.75476144

see >>75475169

>> No.75476208


>> No.75476261
File: 157 KB, 512x512, confused_mococo_whaet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hear it

>> No.75476317

I don't care enough about phase to know who this allegedly is

>> No.75476460


>> No.75476772
File: 2.01 MB, 1878x1051, cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijiniggers just gotta keep projecting the cuck onto others

>> No.75477071

Same that's why I'm confused

>> No.75477090

you're truly seething if you think these situations are remotely similar

>> No.75477286

They're not dead yet until Rosemi is freed from their clutches. TOTAL NIJISANJI DEATH

>> No.75477583


>> No.75477898

Isn't it Phase vs VShojo now

>> No.75480227

I don't think you can perform such acts on the tv

>> No.75481053
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 1692264250385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you at least try...?

>> No.75484672


>> No.75484738


>> No.75485167

Thread's been up for hours and I still have no idea what this blacked yab is supposed to be.

>> No.75485223

Don't let this distract you from the facts that teens ended up in the hospital because of Nijisanji

>> No.75485245
File: 720 KB, 881x709, mori_but_more_stacy_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.75485439

Is this real?

>> No.75485514 [DELETED] 

Who do you think have the closes audiances similarity than phase? It niji of course, the male audiance flock to phase and the female go to small corpo and holostar

>> No.75485564

Who do you think have the closest audiances similarity to phase? It's niji of course, the male audiances flock to phase and the female flock to small corpo and holostar

>> No.75485602

unironically yes

>> No.75485620

thats not new thats just a tuesday for pippa

>> No.75485659
File: 357 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah unlike nijisisters we dont bother punching down with the minor leagues

>> No.75485673


>> No.75485724
File: 1.54 MB, 1862x1080, 1000007306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably fake but the amount of (you)'s has me suspicious, who and source?
sounds really fucking funny if real

>> No.75485725


>> No.75485906

i saw the clip of lamy shitting on nijisanji lmao

>> No.75485946

lmao phasecuck defense force is here

>> No.75486108


>> No.75486322

People itt are saying it's nijis behind this thread, but the OP image is of Fuwawa, and Ruffians are doxfags that spam /pcg/. It's very likely that this is just a Ruffian and not an SEA being paid to spam 4chan.

>> No.75486353

>falsefaggots dont exist

>> No.75486395

You'd think someone who uses /pcg/ of all people would understand that shit. But he's probably one of them himself.

>> No.75486401

Thats business as usual in phase connect

>> No.75486415

falseflaggers don't care when the girl(and fanbase) they're using to avatar behind gets insulted, it was historically ruffians in the past who'd raid /pcg/.
Also, I didn't rule out that this is a paid shitter for Niji, just that it isn't set in stone.

>> No.75486465

Ruffians don't even know what the fuck a phase connect is.

>> No.75486500

sure, and they're not the worst fanbase under HoloEN, right?

>> No.75486519


>> No.75486581

bro the average fwmc faggot dont even know anyone in phaseconnect or what the fuck it is. why would they bother raiding your 3rd world general

>> No.75486624

Anon, the average hololive fan doesn't know who kizuna ai is, what's your point?

>> No.75486629
File: 284 KB, 1734x1244, 1713544824846342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
The ruffians have no reason to give a shit about anyone outside of advent.

>> No.75486703

qrd on Runie?

>> No.75486713

my point is they wouldnt raid a shithole especially if they dont even know the place exists

>> No.75486723

Ruffians are known raiders and shitstirrers in phase threads, generals and hate threads alike. Someone posting dox catboxes or farm links? fuwamoco avatar. They've been doing this since November, regularly.
You can say, "oh it's just a tiny minority" but there's at least 3 or 4 of them, and we both know that just 1 shitstirrer with a phase image wouldn't get that kind of consideration.

>> No.75486758

the usual for phase blacked
wont be surprised if fishman selling hot coffee is codename for papakatsu for black men

>> No.75486782

Oh, you're actually an idiot if you think them using an image of fuwamoco means they actually watch fuwamoco streams or even think positively of them.
The ruffians have been dealing with doxxfuckers for months. There's one extreme fucker who keeps using fuwamoco's tags and replying to every post they have with fuwamoco's dox shit.

>> No.75486786

i can google images of fuwamoco too anon and shitpost and I havent seen a single holostream since 2021

>> No.75486794

>likes their coffee black
huh, you're onto something here

>> No.75486820

they didn't just use fuwamoco images, they used baubau often and bragged about how great fuwamoco are often, comparing phase talents to them.

>> No.75486834
File: 521 KB, 996x996, 1697326841440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered the idea that instead of it being some big bad collective out to get whatever tribe you're in, it's just one single troll posting for shits and giggles?
I swear some of you anons take this board way too seriously.

>> No.75486839
File: 186 KB, 500x500, IMG_2329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ogey this rrat

>> No.75486854

like I said here >>75486723, there's about 3 to 4 of them

>> No.75486891

You know this... how? Everyone's anonymous and baubau's been raided constantly by shitstirrers because they know the ruffians get defensive about the dogs.
Seriously, go take a walk or something.
Pretty much. It's not really a tribalistic thing so much as a few trolls fucking over everybody for cheap laughs.

Except Quinn. Fuck Quinn.

>> No.75486912

we've know that since the last gen debuted, it's not new

>> No.75486917

Most intelligent phasetard lmao

>> No.75487002

>You know this... how?
months and months of raids
You can try to convince me that it's all falseflaggers trying to harm the good name of fuwamoco, but why do ruffians deserve the benefit of the doubt when it's clearly not given to any fanbase, like a phase girl's.
Clearly the majority of anons in this thread don't give them that, and continously attack them, so why is pointing out that Ruffians bring it into phase threads wrong, deserving to give them the benefit of the doubt?

>> No.75487007

What exactly is "the usual"? I want details anon.

>> No.75487046
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1697171384349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand by what I said
You're just letting some trolls get to your head and schizoing out about it. The best way to combat them is to just ignore them and report, all they want is attention via (you)'s.

>> No.75487072

your shitty general was being raided for months before fuwamoco existed just like you spent every day raiding /jidf/ and every thread related or not shilling pippa
end your life and make the world a better place

>> No.75487076
File: 86 KB, 850x798, a689d601c09091ee7f0a1c7a7167b419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nyfco down
>Nijinigs start falseflagging everyone

>> No.75487086

Isn’t this old news?

>> No.75487147

I'm aware that even speaking in this thread is retarded, giving them attention. It just annoys me when I see the hypocrisy of when I see shit about Ruffians being "wholesome 100% big chungus" when it's not at all the case.

>> No.75487163

The fact that /pcg/ fags still try to convince everyone their corpo is male free and unicorn friendly makes this so much funnier.

>> No.75487185

sorry but you are a naive retard

>> No.75487236

you dont understand phasefags are just sea ex-holofags who got burnt out by nobody in en1-2 streaming so their unicorn tendencies and strong copium denial still carries over

>> No.75487278

>so their unicorn tendencies and strong copium denial still carries over
Are you implying that holoen killed their unicorns compared to phase because of holostars?

>> No.75487290

they are jealous that phase collab'd with their ex-organs, so they wanna stir shit

>> No.75487297

keyword is blacked and it applies to most of the members time to use your head anon

>> No.75487299

How does that even work when their top girl is anti unicorn lol, even though she still pretends to be a virgin anyway

>> No.75487355

>he wants the rune down

>> No.75487357

im saying alot of phase migrants are /here/ posters coming from being a holofag and getting burnt out from the late myth council era when nobody streams but male collabs gallore

>> No.75487389

remember when all the mikefags said rushia was pure and the best GFE experience? same shit

>> No.75487423

how is that any different from niji?

>> No.75487432

That makes no sense because by that logic they should be burned out by phase cuckoldry too.

>> No.75487437


>> No.75487438

>Deleted by jannies
Holy shit so it was actually real? I thought it was just some meme by a shitposter...

>> No.75487456

Except she never took an actual public anti unicorn stance like Pippa. I’m talking about her words, not just actions.

>> No.75487478

not really because at least phase streams so they can at least take copium and deny everything around them and say “she streams all the time she has no time for a BF but me”

>> No.75487502

That's some retarded logic, they should hate phase, not love it

>> No.75487503

told you lmao “phase blacked coffee” is real

>> No.75487513

I’m pretty sure you’re just making things up but I don’t know why

>> No.75487538

mike did alot of things much worse than pippa tho but yea small differences aside same idea. why would pippa give up her paypigs on purpose

>> No.75487545

I want the receipts anon, I wanna know exactly what levels of blacked we're talking about here.

>> No.75487559
File: 83 KB, 450x400, 1626885096243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, I'm no unicorn, but that whole Lia thing was pretty fucked. It was like 20 fucking minutes long. If they were unicorns wouldn't they have fucked off after that?

>> No.75487573

these retards are sooo thirsty for content and panko cunny they will take in anything and besides whats the alternative? nijisanji? vshojo? a unicorn would not survive day one

>> No.75487587

do your reps im not taking a vacation for you dumbass

>> No.75487597

do phasecucks not know about pancuck either?
grim kek

>> No.75487606

Anon was just insulting phase for fun and didn't expect to fumble hard when asked to explain herself
>Phase fans are cucks because they were hololive unicorns who became disillusioned after male collabs

>> No.75487621
File: 17 KB, 176x176, family [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmzc5yh.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75487622

they do like with gura but they choose to ignore it because at least panko streams

>> No.75487645

NTA but qrd?

>> No.75487680

In this thread's specific case, one of the talents from phase connect's newest gen (gen 3) was a contestant on the TV show "Big Brother". They found out it washer based off voice similarities and face.
There was a yotube clip that showed the phase member on the show kissing and cuddling in bed with some black dude. Probably the worst example of a PL yab you could find outside of rushia.

>> No.75487681


>> No.75487722

wasn't that during some ASMR too?

>> No.75487736

holy fucking shit but not fucking surprised at all

>> No.75487751

$10000 asmr reward

>> No.75487773

I will now watch your whore

>> No.75487786

Jesas man, being a phase fan must be fucking hard.

>> No.75487900

So it's basically "they have similar voices". Okay.

>> No.75487931

Jesas holy shit, do you have the clip?

>> No.75487935

yeah, they legit did that as a massive donation goal and she interrupted it for...that.
the most woman moment of all time.

>> No.75487978

people have posted it but was quickly deleted

>> No.75488024

It must be hard being a phase fan.

>> No.75488117

fishman needs to appear in more streams kek

>> No.75488223

Didn't the community turn on one of the ruffians because he had a controversial message during the "Fuwamoco moves to Japan" saga; labeling him a phase shitstrirrer because dude had commented on a phase stream a long time ago. Never mind the "lil bro" attitude phase gets around /here/, it seems like the ruffians have a special kind of animosity against phase...for whatever reason. Maybe I am missing some important lore that would explain this.

>> No.75488740
File: 119 KB, 1000x1238, Machina-X-Flayon_pr-img_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji hates Flayon because he's sexier than Vox
>Phase hates Flayon because he's getting it with all their girls
>Nijisisters and Phasecucks are in a alliance to take down Machina Sex Flayon

>> No.75488799

That's more of a /vt/ thing because of BVTM, a fucker who loves to harass vtubers and then clip them out of context for his channel and twitter. He's the kind of fucker who ruined Enna's birthday card fan project for her mama by writing #Justice4Selen right next to her face so he could post it on twitter.

>> No.75488833

You expect me to feel bad for a subhuman like Enna? Go back

>> No.75488863

>Can you at least try...?
I think that "bigger fish" pic really mind broke them

>> No.75488901

No, because it was a shit move that framed dragoons. those kind of fuckers falseflagging as other "fans" to cause drama are why it's not surprising when a phase fan ends up being someone trying to cause holo/niji drama. Mostly Niji since holo just stays in the holobox and don't leave it even to bother the nijis.

>> No.75488964

Wasn't Airi, don't care.

>> No.75488976

It's only a yab if it's a big streamer or corpo, no one cares about "yabs" that happen to 2view girls in a 3view corpo.

>> No.75489082

You might have that wrong, whenever niji yabs, sister false flag as phase to shit on holo. Everyone with a brain know this, so roughly 0,1% of this boar maybe, thats why i tell you this right now.
So remember, there is no bad blood between phase and holo since there is no rivalry, only sisters.

>> No.75489117

Your biggest talent is a homobeggar and a depressed nousagi collaborator.

>> No.75489164

What the hell are those proportions?

>> No.75489205
File: 281 KB, 1453x2048, 1715245906694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont get to speak for an entire fanbase nigger, I hate these small corpos and the dox/drama obsessed fanbase who stain this hoard.

>> No.75489283

sisters proving my point

>> No.75489391

you're kinda retarded, they didn't "falseflag to shit on holo", they shit on phase. rightfully so as your BVTM shitfest cancer and kiwifarms doxxcunts that you associate with brought the worst tourists to this board

>> No.75489394

Bait yum yum.

>> No.75489503

phase beggars never needed any reason to falseflag and stir drama

>> No.75489659

>sister waiting every day for a phase yab
>finally somewhere, someway, something may happened
>surely not the sisters
Verification not required.

>> No.75489676

black company (boyfriends)

>> No.75489993

>all niji shitposting is made by phasefags and not the nyfco sisturds
The way nijisisturds constantly hide behind an insignificant corpo like phase is pathetic.

>> No.75490107

I mean if you remember the Sayu doxx situation....sisters are the biggest doxxcunts.

>> No.75490230

>Why does any same normal person hate number monkeys and thread shit posters so much?

>> No.75490240

>Uses an anonymous board to identify groups of people
People in the thread trying to pin blame on other people in an Anonymous Board is just hilariously retarded

>> No.75490281

...but its all whats left for the sisters, anon dont take that away too

>> No.75490608

>new phase yab
>posts an old month yab
What did they mean by this?

>> No.75490695

>phase yab
>yab? What kind of yab? Oh its a doxx yab you say...
>But how do these people even find these doxx?
>Surely there isn't a forum of sad retarded fucks who spend all day trying to devise their "doxx" and post /here/ for attention.
Ah I see what's happening here.

>> No.75490829

why are you calling out the kiwifarm phasecucks like this bro what did they do wrong
real sister energy

>> No.75490940

Baggy jacket

>> No.75490941

that kinda sounds like bullshit

>> No.75490991

The clip is literally just her and some dude with his arm around her. That's it.
This is all like 4 month old "news" anyway

>> No.75491125

But how sure are we that it is a phase girl?

>> No.75491222

It's a white girl with a similar voice that just so happens to be into anime and manga according to her bio. Past that I know nothing else to say it's her.

>> No.75491322

So just the voice and a general weeb interest?
No peculiar mannerisms or any other background stories/incidents that she may have shared that can be used as gotcha?

>> No.75491495

Not as far as I know, but I'm not deep enough in this particular rabbit hole to have poured over every single possible lead. But the voices truly are similar, not exactly a particularly unique voice though.

>> No.75491641

not again kek

>> No.75491748

Also apparently this girl is a forensic scientist which doesn't strike me as someone who would be lacking in employment.

>> No.75491754

>similar voice
its the exact same voice. delusional if you think otherwise. general weeb interest? more like was also in a now-defunct western idol group.

>> No.75491792

R**** has a day job you know...

>> No.75491903

And? Ina does too so did sana and some of the holo jp chuubas. What does having a day job has to do with anything? Are you trying to dissect things from a bum perspective? I don't get it.

>> No.75491964

what? what does having a day job have to do with lining up with being a forensic scientist? huh..idk

>> No.75492014

>People are afraid of a negative rizz gremlin
The absolute state of unicucks

>> No.75492276
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, Dating livers and fan harassment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We literally have confirmation that livers date each other

>> No.75492449

Well you have the first wave of NijiEN refugees that escaped Luxiem right as Alias was announced. Then the first wave of Holofans after months of a drought of content before Kobo revitalized it FOLLOWED by a second wave escaping Holostars. By that point Phase had already won the small corpo war so when they debuted their 3rd gen they got plenty of natural fans and now its going through a second Niji wave.
I guess you have a handful of OGs or people claiming to be but mostly really moved onto smaller corpos/chuubas.

>> No.75493001

It's literally the exact same voice. Regardless, it's a nothingburger. The context is that she was an actress on a tv show and one of the scenes involved herself sitting down next to a black guy and he had his arm on her shoulder.
It's really not much of a yab other than the guy being black, but they were just actors in a show and she was in the program for a single season. As far as anyone is concerned, she didn't have any other significant acting roles. Imo the Niji yabs with Millie hold hands with Kyo and introducing him to her parents is much more significant. I think this entire thread is just nijisisters is iketogniggers dredging up old drama from months ago

>> No.75493083

I think you mean new Hololive yab yesterday when there was a literal male voice on Kiara's stream yesterday when her "bestfriend's boyfriend" spoke in the background very loudly.

>> No.75493188

Whoops, i meant Enna, not millie. Sorry, I'm still half asleep this morning

>> No.75493238

>It's really not much of a yab other than the guy being black, but they were just actors in a show and she was in the program for a single season
It's big brother anon, that arm wasn't put there because of a script.

>> No.75493285

All reality TV shows are heavily scripted. Ask anyone who's ever worked in show biz

>> No.75493289

>she...she's not cucking me! she was fucked because it was all scripted!
the cope on phasecucks is something else huh?

>> No.75493346

nothing new. just an ntr company *yawn* phasecuck connect

>> No.75493446

cucking is not generally a past tense thing anon

>> No.75493600

>Month old yab

>> No.75493626

This scenario is actually preferable to all the roommates who have talked about their boyfriends in streams or on tweets.

>> No.75493641

Actually she said her relationship with the black dude was strictly platonic because she didn't want to cheat on her girlfriend.

>> No.75493649

Why would a forensic scientist who's making good money studying cadavers would suddenly become a phase talent? You're an schizophrenic nobody can hear this phase talent voice in that video but somehow your years of being a schizophrenic expertise on this shithole mango peeling site tells you she must be the same person despite not posting any proof or elaborating your pointless context.

>> No.75494128 [DELETED] 

dog fuckers are by far the worse third worlders. Its bizaare seeing random greynames in their chat talk about ramadan and shit.
all muslim contries need nukes

>> No.75494685


>> No.75494917


>> No.75495138

Only sisters use the term "livers", try a better bait next time

>> No.75495269

No proof of this. Just schizo ramble. If this happened 2ch would've been talking about it. Hell it would've been on Japan local news which would make it even easier for you to find proof of the obvious lied you're spewing.

>> No.75495341

Well, if they want their doxxsite back, they can just fucking ask

>> No.75496068

>teens ended up in the hospital

>> No.75497762
File: 184 KB, 2000x2000, 1688057225309493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so nijikeks are falseflagging as phase connect now that they realized they can't compete with holo

>> No.75498306


>> No.75498846

lmao, even

>> No.75498898

>Nijisisters and Phasecucks are in a alliance
i want the same thing you smoke

>> No.75499010

stating the obvious now

>> No.75499092

>Nijisisters and phasecucks are in a alliance
are you retarded

>> No.75499158

>reddit frog
great thread, miko thumbs

>> No.75499171

because there are SEA fujos in phase and people actually love them, reminds them that their problem is just that they're shitty people

>> No.75500572
File: 735 KB, 2972x1217, MillleGPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisisters and Phasecucks are in a alliance
*an alliance
Sisters can't stop outing themselves when falseflagging one way or another. Maybe you should follow your liver's example

>> No.75500956
File: 633 KB, 909x1031, 1715034956564836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homobeggar pointing fingers are niijggers
Sister, you're literally the same
Also, kys

>> No.75502595

who got blacked though?

>> No.75502766


>all small corpos
>one twink

>> No.75502800
File: 310 KB, 908x820, IMG_1682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that they tried the same shit with vshojo too before the selen incident

>> No.75502874

>Calling people homobeggar while his oshi is the queen of homobegging whether she was selen or doki.
NTA but you're kinda retarded for that one.you

>> No.75503036

Runie was on one of those big brother clones and was 'dating' the black dude on it.

>> No.75503681

So this is the difference between Niji's black company and Phase's BLACK company

>> No.75503813
File: 1.15 MB, 1378x1328, phasenigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You phasefags deserve the rope.

>> No.75503819

No. She was on THE Big Brother. Season 23.

>> No.75503923

Is farting repeatidly and loudly against the TOS ?

>> No.75503995

The government reprimanding them for the situation is news though. Niji really does kill Livers. Black company just doing their thing.

>> No.75504096

Why must foreigner manipulate images like this?

>> No.75504166

I can’t even imagine oshiing the kind of whore who would go on a reality tv show

that isn’t survivor.

>> No.75504226

what about scrapheap challenge? now there's a woman

>> No.75504347

>it would've been on Japan local news
>The Japanese government gave Nijisanji the side-eye

>> No.75504618

Numbermonkeys still seething that Phase has a 7view.

>> No.75504707
File: 25 KB, 783x391, 1711190913638496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75504717

>its real
western vtubers was an mistake

>> No.75505002

If the voice being identical isn't enough then she's a massive One Piece fan with Buggy being her favorite, just like Runie. Also Runie revealed on stream that she and Airi are the same age and the Big Brother girl's age matches up with Airi's dox.

>> No.75505101

Old yab so sisters are running on empty.
Also of course it's doxx variety. I am glad to see Phase has lost their past scummy title to the sisters. Congratulations! You have somehow sunken that low, did you jump off the yacht early to keep it more buoyant? It's impressive becoming the worst fanbase in vtubing.
>slow clap

>> No.75505811


>> No.75505856

>Blatant doxxing
Makes sense

>> No.75506405

Only the number obsessed sister fags feel threatened by Phase. It's also not a secret the FWMC doxxer is one of them. What we've done though, heh.

>> No.75506635

I love holo and phase since they cover pretty much all timezones together. I only see one group of people who would have a problem with either of them, guess who?

>> No.75507257

One of the members of their EN branch was on a reality tv show and hooked up with a black dude. On camera.
I personally don’t give a fuck but I’m sure Phaseniggers do.

Whatever else is said in here the only thing that you can really dunk on them for is Chikafuji Lia joining idol, perhaps in a move to deliberately spurn phasebeggars: https://shop.idol-company.com/collections/chikafuji-lisa
