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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75868252 No.75868252 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous Thread: >>75722450
(Where we discussed new writers, accents,/ss/ and 22 people kicking a virtual ball)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.75868304
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Story anchor.
Bock 'em if you Cluck 'em.

>> No.75868348
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.75868356

Just passing by but that set is hot as fuck

>> No.75868496
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Story recap!
There were 5 stories posted last thread.

“Date Practice”
Tags: reader pov, polka, fluff, childhood friends

"The Masked Princess"
Tags: 3rd person pov, ayame, action

Tags: Kureiji Ollie, 2nd Person

Three golden minutes
Tags: Hakos Baelz, SFW, Family life

Smash Game
Tags: Shiori, Wedgie, ENF, (You)

>> No.75869109

i wanna sniff

>> No.75869982

White woman thread..

>> No.75870632

This bread... I recognize that fried smell anywhere.
It's the limited-edition Vienna-style KFP Schnitzel-pan from the famous fast-food chain, KFP!

>> No.75870930

Interesting writing discussion:
Something I’ve noticed is that people talk a lot about men writing women, and most of that comes from discussion of sexualization. Personally I think that part of it is a bit silly even if I get why people talk about it, but there’s another aspect to it that’s more interesting.

A sentiment I’ve seen a fair few women express is that they find women written by me to be, in almost every case, inaccurate to how women think or act. There’s something about the way men characterize women that’s just not right on some level.

I got thinking about it and I realized that, in my experience, it also goes the other way. Men written by women also tend to not add up to the men reading them. For example, if you’ve ever read a romance novel by a woman, you’ve probably thought to yourself that the male love interest seems weird and behaves illogically.

My theory is that because men and women think differently on a fundamental, biological level, when we try to approximate the thoughts and feelings of the opposite sex, we end up filling in blanks with how our own sex thinks. So for men, we’re writing women who, in effect, think and act more like men. Soft, pretty, effeminate men, but still me. And the same goes for men written by women. Even though the characters are male, their thoughts and feelings are still female and so they don’t make sense to actual men reading them.

Certain authors, though, seem to be able to circumvent this. For example, JK Rowling seems to have been able to capture the male thought process well enough with her characterization of Harry Potter. At the very least he didn’t seem “wrong” to me when I read the books.

I’m curious to know what people think of this concept as a whole, and also how authors might be able to avoid this pitfall—if it even is a pitfall, of course.

>> No.75871035

Forgot to anchor this last thread, gomen.

"Hospital Guest"
tags: reader 2nd person pov, vestia zeta

>> No.75871255

SFW or NSFW? That's basically a required tag.

>> No.75871326

>if it even is a pitfall, of course
As far as I see it, being "inaccurate" about how the opposite gender thinks and acts only becomes a problem if accuracy is what you want to accomplish with your story in the first place (and it's also what your audience wants).
Here in /wg/, where I assume most authors write their "ideal" versions of what a girl would be, most readers probably want to read about those "ideal" girls as well.
In fact, capturing how a woman really thinks and acts too accurately would be detrimental to a work (unless, again, that was what you were shooting for and that's what your audience is into).
In my opinion, that's part of why fiction in general is so alluring. People don't exactly want what's "real"; they just want something that feels "real enough."

>> No.75871439

SFW, incredibly new to thes0jh thread.

>> No.75871511

Nice captcha

>> No.75871818

Women writing men badly and viceversa comes from a lack of understanding of what makes a person+cultural values+mentality.

Rumiko Takahashi writes her woman like violent broads. That is not an exaggeration. They are not salad dressing for the guys and are not damsels in distress, but takahashi has the mentality that women are highly emotional to a fault. This is because she's an old granny that probably had to deal with catty housewives annoying her

If you peep the best "media" that sports good representations of both genres, you'll get that people who travel/read/meet a lot of people tend to write better characters because they understand people dont fit in a template. JK rowling gets how a boy works because she was a teacher and understood how kids work.

That is, if you care about writing in depth characters. Fiction is more lenient because you can write idealized versions of either sex and people will like it because its fantasy and not meant to be a character study/realistic.

Some of it is the anonymous edgyness, but part of the reason we can throw rape and ss and other stuff at the wall is precisely because the idealized and fetishized version is different from the reality. If you want something a bit more realistic then yeah, you have to make an effort to conceptualize this person rather than only picking what works

>> No.75872073

>all kids awake at 10PM
what the fuck, get those brats to bed!
Besides that, very cute snippet and well written, too. It really catches the dichotomy between the longing for silence and the love for one's family, while still highlighting that one can exist in spite of the other.
The only gripe I have with it is the lack of SEEEX. Seven is a lucky number. There are six children. Clearly there needs to be another child made and we (the reader) need to be present.

>> No.75872168

>he missed the omake where the seventh one is mentioned to be coming
Lebron james reportedly caught speedreading

>> No.75872569
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When it comes to writing women, I generally follow the Yamazaki school of thought. Real life experiences are useful for writing evil women though.

>> No.75872601

>writer skipped the best part
even worse

>> No.75872660

i dont get the women are evil thing because they are the only ones that never beat me or denigrated me for existing

>> No.75872757

jeez anon, you wanna talk about it?

>> No.75872834

sorry to hear that, Auntieanon. I'll buy you a beer, man to man, if it'll be your first positive interaction.

>> No.75872862

A. I think they said "writing evil women".
B. Agreed. All through my school life the girls were always on my side against the bullies save a few.

>> No.75872995
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Another big aspect is how they handle agency. When women write stories it feels like very few of their characters show any sort of agency, even the ones that are characterized as powerful or intelligent or influential, they're far more reactionary than proactive, with the plot often being a "Series of things that happen [to me]" rather than a "Series of things the protagonist does". It'll sometimes feel like everyone is a static actor waiting for their next line from the director instead of acting according to stage queues.

This could be sample bias from what I've read, but this lack of agency and a focus on how protagonists FEEL as they react to the stories designated agent (antagonist, plot device, whatever it may be) rather than ACTING themselves over the course of the story really bores me.

Even stories here that focus on a (lack) of agency for the reader character still give them some level of choice or decision that's relevant to major plot points or the setup for the scenario is a result of their conscious mistakes/choices.

Somewhat related, I love the (few) femdom stories that are a result of (You)r dumb decision or choices you made putting you in that scenario and we need more.

>> No.75873021

Men who manage to experience at least some male friendship but have 0 game tend to dislike women because they fail to satisfy their demands but don't want to blame themselves.

>> No.75873046

im being a by hyperbolic if im being sincere. Doing introspection always makes me realize every bad thing was orchestrated by men (bullies, coworkers,etc) while the girls stood up for me or believed in me.
Im going to the therapist, if that helps not sour the mood
Thanks but not him, just a random lurker
completely fair. Also glad to see another one here lol

>> No.75873058

Well that's because men and women are fundamentally different in both biological and sociological levels. Women are at constant war with their bodies, and they ache for a level of realization most men will probably never imagine. Men deal with their own issues, with the feeling of purpose, with their own societal expectations. The reason why some of the best authors are fags, dykes, and bisexuals is because they have that strange 'otherness' that allows them to understand the opposite gender to a certain degree. A tee-hee homo and a woman aren't that different mentally.
I think my favorite quote about this topic is from Margaret Artwood, an author I thoroughly clown on. "You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur."
These posts are correct as well.

Women are capable of the worst kinds of evil. If you haven't heard the sentence 'I never asked you to', you're a lucky one. This is specially true for mothers. The issues an absent father will give you are fixable. The issues of a narcissistic mother will drive you to insanity

>> No.75873236

I've been writing for a while, and an avid reader for even longer, and... yeah. All of this.

When it comes to men writing men or women writing women, it feels good because they're writing what they know; you may feel more comfortable puppeteering a male protagonist because you can push and pull different aspects of him that either contrast or echo traits that you, your friends, or your family have.Likewise for a woman - she can enrich a character by putting in things about herself that she likes, things about her mother that she doesn't like, things about her friends that make her feel happy or irritated, et cetera.

When it comes to men writing women, or women writing men, either one of two things tend to happen:
1. The writer gets psyched out about writing the opposite gender;
2. The writer takes a character, addresses the human bits first (personality, mentality, speech, mannerisms) as if they were writing their own gender, and then "flip" it.

1 usually leads to a writer making awkward characters that don't behave like real people do, or leaning heavily into fetish territory, where they take the chance to sculpt their perfect person. I.e., a man in this trap would create an ultra-hot, feminine beauty who is coy with him, but submissive when he wants her to be; a woman perhaps creates a man who is more weak-willed or receptive to her wants, and will not press for sex, such and so forth.

If you want good writing skills, aim for 2. Remember: you're writing people first, genders later. Don't be afraid to explore or subvert things in fiction - that's what fiction's for, after all. And there's nothing wrong with writing fetish material, as long as you acknowledge that you're writing fetish material.

Of course, don't make excuses that you can pull off shitty writing "because its just fan-fiction." You can get away with a lot more in fanfiction, but a good writer will know the rules in order to break them, not the other way around.

>> No.75873360

I feel like men and women are two tendencies on a spectrum with a lot of overlap.
The least manly man is closer to the average woman than the average man.

>> No.75874267

Alright enough actual discussion, I'd like to talk about my desire for a smelly femcel Cali

>> No.75874449

Does pissing off an oni count as a dumb decision that leads to a femdom situation?

>> No.75874694

Technically thats adapting an existing gender role commonly found in males and extrapolating it into a girl.

But agreed. Her internal narration should be about how much she hates the males until you talk to her and she becomes a blushing Maiden

>> No.75875135

Pissing off an oni sounds like a dumb decision in any circumstance

>> No.75875733

Ironically, when I stepped into my online friends phase aka dscord, its all males. According to my sis at least, befriending males is less drama.

>> No.75875824

Especially an oni who has TWO deadly swords.

>> No.75875827

I had like million fistfights with other guys when I was a kid but funnily enough I always became an ever better friend with them afterwards. My experiences with girls? They always tried to divide us and exclude the ones they didn't like, they despised me and acted like bitches towards me just because I wasn't cool enough for them. With guys there was a three-act structure, with girls there was just a never-ending stream of poison.

>> No.75875968

because men speak with their fists according to shonen manga at least

>> No.75876697

I fucking hate that reddit trope.
The times i came to blows with people was because because they were either literal hillibillied or meatheads.
You don't "talk with your fists", you talk with your words and use your fists on the cromagnons stupid enough to use them

>> No.75877050

I was specifically talking about the time I was a kid, the last time I had a physical fight with someone was in 7th grade.

>> No.75877429


>> No.75877569

Or geschlechtsverkehr, as Kiara would say.

>> No.75877594

I have no intention to read it but browsing the archive and seeing the title "Anon in Guantanamo" made me chuckle

>> No.75877960

I think it comes down to a skill issue. If you want to understand how the opposite gender thinks, you can ask them or look at their behavior.
I think the issue is that poor writers don't try to understand different perspectives

>> No.75879506

>blatantly horny and fetishistic op
>nuanced discussion regarding gender roles and the nature of understanding in the thread
never fails to amuse me

>> No.75879589

We can talk about fetishes if you’d like anon

>> No.75879723

im not witty enough to say anything else except i want to stick my face into the Austrian pit while Kiara yaps about some minor tax she is forced to pay.
and then her cunt

>> No.75881028

>Your GF Kiara yapping and complaining about the most retarded and minor inconveniences
>You can't take it anymore one day and whip out your dick. Hearing her call you "disgusting" and "insensitive" and then locking herself in her room seems the better alternative to you
>instead, silence
>"Uuuuuh... wow. This is like... sudden? You want me to...?"
>Huh? W-Well.... you won't say no if she's offering...
>The next day, same scenario. Might as well try again
>works like a charm.
>forward two weeks and it seems her complaining and yapping has become even more regular, louder, and about even less sensible topics
>she's also constantly looking at your groin as if looking out for a twitch
>mission failed successfully: you have conditioned Kiara into initiating sex by complaining

>> No.75881565

I find it surprising with how many fics about sweat and smell there are none of them also include feet
Seems like an obvious combo.

>> No.75882112

"Ah, Schiesse." Said Kiara as she donned a pencil and her reading glasses in front of a pile of papers. "Diese goddamn Hunde, they raised the tax on chicken breasts."

You heard Kiara tapping the papers on the table, clicking the pen to think, and meanwhile, all you could look at was that subtle fold of flesh that rested between her torso and her arm. That puffy mound of smooth goodness that made such obnoxiously delicious sounds when you slurped it. It's been a long day, you need some chicken.

Like a bothersome child you hug Kiara from behind, who without averting her gaze, lifts her arm, and you, pulled by the gravitational force of her armpit pussy, take a deep whiff of Kiara's scent. After a long day on the job, she smelled of sweat, industrial fryers, and perfume.

"Try not to move me too much, 'kay?" She murmured. "Himmel! A whole 0,0054%?!"

Kiara's arm draws around you, while your tongue leaves its shiny imprint on her lasered skin. You suck on her pits and pull, all while your friends-with-free-chicken-benefits keeps yapping about the new tax on ketchup and frozen fries imports.

The taste of her pits is sublime.

>> No.75882477

>tax on chicken, ketchup and fries
Sounds like a dystopian land

>> No.75883115


>> No.75883203

A dystopia disguised a snippet about pits

>> No.75883999

I posted it too close to the end of the thread but I would like general flow and sentence construction feedback on Smash Game. Even if you don't have the fetish, it would be nice.

>> No.75886049


>> No.75886082


>> No.75886921

Im afraid its true.
sex has returned

>> No.75887045

I feel you man. I'm in a similar position I have never had a woman treat me as anything other than a sexual being and I think it's why every story I have is either extremely degen sex or has sex scenes that go by stupidly fast. I'm not gay, but sex with women makes me deeply uncomfortable.

>> No.75887138

In writing, smelling a sweaty girl is usually a dominant male role, whereas licking toes is a more submissive thing. So they don't exactly fit into the same 5k word story.

>> No.75887153

>Aloe reforms

>> No.75887322

it's pretty solidly written, you do a good job writing the clothes and the plot set-up
only nitpick i have is, that it's smash im pretty sure you can call him Sonic instead of "blue hedgehog", just a little weird thing to write

>> No.75887473

If you go about it that way, sure. But you could also have a smelly Mori sit down and take off her steaming boots as she forces you to lick and sniff her sweaty feet. I mean, uh, sounds like a horrible experience haha

>> No.75887506


>> No.75887727


>> No.75887775

you know what?
*unstinks your chuuba*

>> No.75887797
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No sex on my watch!
Don't worry Anon, I will protect your virginity.

>> No.75887925

I've killed men for less

>> No.75888549
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last mistake you'll ever make

>> No.75888690
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This makes me think about a prompt where Ayame likens virginity to honour and is constantly cockblocking you in order to preserve that 'honour

>> No.75889643

I bet you'll make her take a shower next, you diabolical villian!

>> No.75890337

i want to put my penis in fubuki's vagina

>> No.75891138

I think there might be a fic about that...
There is one about fucking her in the ass, though

>> No.75891161

So the reverse of Our Cures?

>> No.75891834

i guess i wouldn't mind pushing it through her anus if it came to it

>> No.75891890

>Hosing down ina and chloe

>> No.75891902
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Ollie becomes a Conservative Party MP

>> No.75891992

This concept greatly amuses me

>> No.75892698
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The only bath Ina's getting is a tongue bath

>> No.75893796

This is just making me imagine rrat!Ayame by way of oni mentality (I.e that variation where she's naturally lax about having sex due to oni culture), "protecting your honor" because she's a dishonorable Oni who lost hers a long time ago.

>> No.75894151
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>> No.75894962

just out of curiosity... I think a few of the stories here used a fake message creator to generate screenshots of "SNS conversations" in their stories.
You guys think that's a good tool to use? What's the preferred way to stylise a convo in text?

>> No.75896267

>What's the preferred way to stylise a convo in text?
Whichever you like the best

>> No.75896288

Depends on what kind of feel you want out of the text messages.
Going the extra mile for them with a fake message creator is only really worth it if you're putting something substantial (even if it's just jokes) into those texts. By which I mean everything from screen name to fake pfp to add to the tone.
Meanwhile, doing some formatting tricks with colors, text styles and text alignment is better if you're making a lot of those text convos and they're there to act as a medium for conversation outside of characters physically being there.

>> No.75897176

Don't worry, I'll wash her.

>> No.75898302
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A White December: Chapter Two


tags: military, Sora, AZKi, Botan, Noel, Mio

I redid and reedited much of what the first draft originally was, so please do give me some critique on it. I'll stress again that I'm going for an on-duty/off-duty dynamic in which the characters will be far less chuuba like while being drill instructors than what they will be off-duty as will be show in this chapter. Please enjoy.

>> No.75898467

Guy who requested it here
I think it’s good! It’s fun, even if it isn’t the deepest story out there. I think you could probably do with a second pass to catch things like repeating the same word or thought in the same sentence and de clutter some awkward phrasing. I like the direction you took the idea though. The final part was a fun payoff and the joke at the end was funny
Good stuff overall, thank you for writing it!

>> No.75898514

It's ok anon, you really don't need to do that.

>> No.75898768

This, except she just washes your partners before you finally get intimate with them like >>75897176

>> No.75899329

Nta but kek this made my day

>> No.75899420

>"Yes, Minister" but Ollie

>> No.75899584

Ok what does Conservative Party mean in this context? I know these things differ by country. Is it right leaning?

>> No.75900280

not a brit but i believe torys are generally seen as conservative in the somewhat nationalist, anti-immigrant sense

>> No.75900355

NTA but it's a reference to the Tory Party as the "S" in story was cut off.

>> No.75900375
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>you're about to spend the first night with your hot and deliciously smelly date Chloe
>she enters, sobbing and immediately about to throw herself into your arms
>you wonder what's wrong for a second
>then you smell it...that disgusting fruity shampoo and bodywash smell
>"Anon, I'm...I'm so sorry! I didn't wash for a month just for you, but earlier today my home got invaded by this vicious demon...she forced me to bathe at swordpoint and cleaned me mercilessly!"
>You clench your first as you realize that your arch-nemesis, Ayame Nacleanri, has foiled your desire for stinky woman sex once agan

>> No.75900568

>”wash your coochie”

>> No.75900710

Can't Ayame just wash me and Chloe while we have sex...

>> No.75900757

I think it's pretty neat. There was one story I read on Ao3 where they used this with imbedded texts (and images) you could scroll up on to 'follow' the conversation. I think it's neat and gives it a good boost but not an absolute requirement, especially if texts are a minor part of the story.

>> No.75901130

So this is how Ayame keeps your honor (virginity) intact.

>> No.75903399
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>> No.75903521

Then jork your Marinits

>> No.75903706
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>> No.75904230
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I need that cuckfick to feature this sorry for hijacking your post

>> No.75906513

Sounds weirdly cute.

>> No.75907780


>> No.75909426


>> No.75909753
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I’m not writing today because I’m tired

>> No.75911457
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>> No.75911695
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Your aunt is constantly giving you hints that she's down to fuck but you just wanna fish

>> No.75911831

Anon, she's like 35 years old

>> No.75911967

yeah and its trout season.

>> No.75912422

God I just wanna manhandle those things

>> No.75912618

How about the opposite? (You) think your aunt is giving you hints that she's down to fuck, but all she wants to do is fish.

>> No.75912794

>Mary control your horny son, its trout season

>> No.75913481

God Mary is so fucking hot. I want her to give me a nursing hand job while she calls me her good little boy

>> No.75914570


Aren't oni physically unable to tell lies, though? She probably couldn't lie about virginity even if she wanted to.

>> No.75914813

God I want to cuck her so bad.

>> No.75915020

Well obviously rrat!Ayame foma de la guardiana de la virginidad would be very open about her lack of virginity, it's how she's so good at protecting yours.

>> No.75915117


>> No.75915188


Is that not right? I could have sworn I heard that somewhere before.

>> No.75916271

Never heard of this and Google turns up nothing.
And I think onis, traditionally protrayed as being barbarically evil, are actually lying cunts.

>> No.75916757
File: 558 KB, 820x832, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up in a random day and greeting your girlfriend Rebecca Croft. It is another normal day in england
Anon has fallen into a bizarro world and a strike team of chuubas must save him

>> No.75916818


Weird. That's on me, then, I guess.

>> No.75916889

You're thinking of touhou and confusing 2hu lore and actual mythology.

>> No.75917327

The Magical Girl prompt...

>> No.75917656

>Shion leaving her house
i dont think this video is accurate

>> No.75918235


Probably. At this point, I'm not sure what's actually real.

>> No.75918378

I want to become the magical hentai villain that progressively tries to rape and corrupt them until the final confrontation where they turn the tables on me and purify me. Then have an epilogue where they've fully flipped the dynamic and I'm getting trained by them sexually.

>> No.75922755
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>> No.75923998
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Working with Polka as a pair of farmhands with nowhere else to go

>> No.75924631
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This reminded me of Higurashi's TIPS section in the visual novels. I love it when stuff like newspaper/tabloid articles, police reports, extracts from journals and notebooks, news broadcasts etc. are inserted into the story. For me stuff like that makes the story feel bigger and more alive and adds a lot to the atmosphere.

>> No.75925342

That fennec... she sure is cute...

>> No.75925445
File: 1.32 MB, 795x1200, 165426546450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Temporarily escape the clutches of these vile magical girls
>Run away, go back to your old hideout
>Encounter the small time, hopelessly chuuni witch Mori
>Try and convince her to help you get your powers back
I think you can imagine what happens next...

>> No.75925807

Messy hair Nene is kind of sexy...

>> No.75926162

>Lending the scraps of your power to Mori to turn her into a (dark) magical girl!
>Training her up to counter the magical girls you've corrupted!
>Grooming her to be dependant on you so she doesn't turn against you!
>Surviving battle after battle with her as partners, slowly uncovering a path to try and get them off your back!
>Fighting the final battle with Mori!

>Trying to exit stage left by pretending you've exhausted your power.
>You slowly turn transparent, turning on the waterworks and stalling for time by saying sappy shit like "You're the best partner a mascot could ask for"
>Feeling confident you give a smile before dis-
"I'm going to save you partner!"
>Feel a tide of magical energy grab onto your soul.
>Oh no.
>Awaken in a powerless shota body.
>See Mori and the magical girls look at you with vicious smile on their face.
>Goddammit Mori.

>> No.75926675
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Sounds like a good end to me...

>> No.75928648

Is the guy who wrote our cures here?

>> No.75928701

Yeah, right here. What's up?

>> No.75928710

So would this be a wacky (sane) world where all of hololive are humans?
Or would this be like the opposite universe where Korone is a cat and Okayu is a dog?

>> No.75928749

I'm just wondering what other works you've written.

>> No.75928929

I wrote Paradise Lost, Winner Winner Chocolate Dinner, and I was consulted for Shrunken Troubles.

>> No.75929630

Very funny, Anon. I'm new, but not that new.

>> No.75929757
File: 1.25 MB, 884x1124, luiluiok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, no. I'm still for an author tab in the archive.

>> No.75929777

It's weird knowing that at least 2/3rds of the authors in that list are gone from /here/ now.

>> No.75931443

what a loss.

>> No.75932362

You should see if authors are even interested in sharing and verifying that information in the first place, otherwise it won't have a use.

>> No.75932586

You could potentially still keep it anonymous
Just have the stories themselves linked by a certain behind the scenes guid, then have “more by this author” as a link to filter results by that guid without disclosing the name.
Of course this invites fraud, but there’s not any way to avoid that in the first place as things are

>> No.75933155

What if the reason Ayame is protecting your virginity so seriously is because she wants you all to herself when she learns to become a proper lady?

>> No.75933286

*until she learns to become a proper lady.

>> No.75933662
File: 221 KB, 1792x2048, 8ba4d588a179ae5d2c305335ef8fb5e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because all of Hololive lusts after Anon's D and they seem like a pack of ravenous wolves to Ayame. She doesn't really understand what's going but the whole thing triggers her protective instinct. Whenever Anon tries to assure her that it's ok Ayame interrupts him with something like "Anon, your life is in danger. I will not abandon you, I will not let these foul beasts ravage you."

>> No.75933827

>mc gets a boner
>”ahh! The foul beasts have cast a wicked curse to turn you to stone!”
>”no wait it’s fine it’s supposed to—“
>”I will stop them before it’s too late!” *draws swords*

>> No.75933889

Its kind of cute that Ayame would protect anon's virginity so seriously even if it meant anon never got laid by a holo that lusts after him like a "ravenous beast". Like, I could just imagine anon hooking up with someone (ie: someone innocent like Towa) and Ayame would make it her mission (which is innocent in her eyes) to make sure that it either doesn't go wrong (which could end up in a breakup) or she makes sure you don't lose your virginity so easily (which defo ends in a breakup).

I wanted to say someone like Mio instead of Towa but I wouldn't know how that'd go because Ayame looks up to Mio does she not? I also wanted to use Aqua as well but did not because of "our cures" being fresh in my mind and the onion doesn't deserve to suffer.

This makes me think of that greentext where Miko thinks you've been cursed by a foul beast and she whacks your dick with a mochi hammer to "cleanse you".

>> No.75934324

>Of course this invites fraud, but there’s not any way to avoid that in the first place as things are
It's avoidable in the sense that authors can edit their stories with a common identifier.

>> No.75934618

Ok so now that I know someone else’s identifier I can put it in mine. Oops! Guess I wrote it.

>> No.75934854

*guess they wrote it
You know what I mean. You could easily attribute shit to someone’s name. It’s not much better than the honor system

>> No.75934977

honestly, easiest thing would probably be for the author himself to put a "also written by me" section at the end of every story that links to his other works.
Kinda like some already do when interlinking the chapters of series fics.

>> No.75936348

Your favorite story? I wrote that.
The story you jerk off to the most? Also me.
Your most hated story? Yeah, me.

>> No.75937545

This is unironically me in these threads

>> No.75938765

Not a problem when you use methods to timestamp the addition, like with Internet Archive.
I could already have snapshots of all my stories bearing a common identifier snapshotted during the same hour and noone else would know.

>> No.75938996

I always thought that if someone questioned whether or not an author wrote a certain piece in the thread, then the author themselves can just edit the document in real time and people can check the link in the archive to see "oh yeah looks like he is the author"
If the author hasn't been around for a long time though, that's another thing.

>> No.75939743

yeah actually "stealing" authorship isn't really possible when it comes down to it. but it never seems like a big topic.

>> No.75939986

>it never seems like a big topic
My take on why it's like that is because when given enough thought, there's surprisingly a good amount of options for authors to prove their ownership of a work anyway, even on an anonymous thread like ours
As an aside, AA probably has some kind of vetting process whenever someone requests their fics to be taken down. Otherwise, we would've already had cases of authors complaining why their story suddenly disappeared from the archive because some other anon pretended to be them

>> No.75940200

Typically people include an edit to the document when they request deletion.

>> No.75940321
File: 34 KB, 850x464, 1684411162835125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro you got the whole thread laughing.

>> No.75940717

Oh, well there we go. At least we have some sort of safeguard then.

>> No.75941040

Which story would (You) steal?
Hard mode: You have to write the next part of it.

>> No.75941697

Goldfeather. I'd go back and rewrite the first part, too.

>> No.75941782

Probably Holoturismo just so I can finally have a fourth chapter.
My scheme will definitely fall apart when I release that chapter though because there's no way in hell I'm capturing the same sense of thrill and adrenaline the original writer managed to put into the driving scenes.
My other choice would be Run. I NEED Ame to be fucked by Brother Watson in the Smol Ame costume while they're in the middle of HoloFes.

>> No.75941828

Alright but why stick with the original idea? I think there’s more potential in being a family friend / childhood friend of Reine and helping her cope and choose between the life of a virtual idol, corporate heiress, rug muncher, or straight family woman.

>> No.75942692

I guess it'd be more of an overhaul than a rewrite. I'd throw out the incest but keep the age difference while making the mc have a fairly happy life and on track to have a bright future ahead of him to drive the point home that she's unsure/unhappy with her own circumstances and go from there.

>> No.75943059

I hide subtle references to my other works inside of my fics and my posts, by which you can make out which are my fics and which are not.
Only those who've read the entirety of the archive and warosu TWICE will know who I am, the one and only REDACTEDAnon, author of THAT fic, and also THAT OTHER fic.

I am the Roberto Bolaño of vtuber fanfiction

>> No.75943199

Cover High, so I can hijack the finale and make Transfer Student rail Marine in front of Pekora right at the very end.

On an unrelated note, have there been any developments to the next parts of By That Sea and Lost and Found?

>> No.75943228

Fair, I think that’s a decent route for it as well.

>> No.75943339

>Lost and Found?
Yeah, there has actually.
The author can't stop banging Kiara.

>> No.75943400

First Summer Memories.

>> No.75943470

I have too much on my plate as it is. The last thing I need is another WIP.

>> No.75943525

Now which fic WOULDN’T you steal and why?

>> No.75943646

My own because it would be kind of weird.

>> No.75943690

Menhera Wrangler because

- I would change the ending
- I would change the second last chapter
- I would make the smut chapter with Fubuki tie into the main story instead of being a side-chapter.

>> No.75943752

Heartbreak Tokyo, because I suck at writing combat. And even if I was good at it I don't think I have the stomach for the kind of visceral violence that story requires

>> No.75943967

By That Sea Chapter 2 has been outlined. I also took some time to jot down chapter ideas and spent a decent amount of time ironing out the main plot. It's just the matter of finding the time to write it. Soon I hope, I'm a bit lost in the sauce for another WIP at the moment. I will probably write some non-By That Sea Marine here at some point as well.

>> No.75944066

My own because I already wrote it

>> No.75945096


>> No.75945154

It's only been 20 minutes. Is something happening in the catalogue?

>> No.75946034

Lost and found had some life signals a while ago and the author is always hovering around

>> No.75946180

Kronii, Kiara and Nerissa are all having a huge, though unrelated to each other, woman moment at the same time so catalog is all over it.

Kiara is arguing with her antis on twitter and Nerissa stepped in to defend her, adding fuel to the fire

Kronii just arbitrarily decided that the subway meme wasn't funny anymore and got into a huge argument with her viewers in the comments. She also ranted for like 3 minutes straight because a no name random in her chat said "nice booba"

As you can imagine, sisters are having an absolute field day right now

>> No.75946771

Yeah honestly wtf was the play there for Kronii lol

>> No.75946823

>huge woman moment
Oversell of the century. All three chuubas have moved on but dopamine addicted sea dogs continue making threads about it. Dumb bitch.

>> No.75947062

So, how about those magical girls?

>> No.75947184

>women moment
I dont get it, how is talking to someone a "women moment"
>Kiara didnt leak shit, people go you did it she goes "Do you even watch streams?" because she's always been blunt
>Nerissa comes in and clarifies going "no its okay guys, she didnt leak shit". You know, the ACTUAL "victim" of the thing being leaked
>Kronii made an entire stream about burying the subway thing YEARS ago. its never been funny.
Also the "they ranted for x minutes for Y reason" smells like bullshit hyperbole like "Watame cries every superchat reading"

>> No.75947746

I'm not saying they're wrong to be frustrated with it, but arguing with antis and publicly lambasting a gray name on chat is the worst way to defuse a situation.

The best approach is the Suisei Strategy. Mention it one time, if it's your fault apologize and if it's not say you didn't change your mind, then say you won't talk about it again after this. Getting into arguments with antis only makes everything go to shit, right or wrong. Unfortunate part of the internet but the only way to win is to not engage

>> No.75947883

Ooh, I’m drafting a magical girl Biboo short, maybe I can find a few inspiration from this. Don’t expect too much, it’s going to be my first contribution and it’ll take a while thanks.

>> No.75947929

Don't worry friend, improving is easy once you write regularly.

>> No.75948239

I'm betting this is the timeline where all Holos are ordinary Janes/whatever Jane Doe is in Japan and Indonesia

>> No.75948359

Author here, I'm listening. Its just one chapter in so, I can maybe correct course

>> No.75948424

Aside from my own, ALS and Knightly Collaboration.

>> No.75948935

wouldnt it be fucked if this was a nightmare dimension filled with the versions of themselves that sunk in to despair and that's why they are no longer them

>> No.75949163

>ALS and Knightly Collaboration.
Why those two, specifically?

>> No.75949352
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You've started dating a cute, but physically strong demon girl against your better judgment. Unfortunately, it turns out that onis take at least a decade of having a close relationship before they're willing to get intimate with their partner and consider being dumped before that time (and being cheated on, of course) a deathly insult to their honor.

>> No.75949567

HoloJourneys because there's no fucking way I could have HJAnon's work ethic.

>> No.75949746

This, but the hijinks that ensue force you to be intimate with her, causing dishonorable taboo to befall on Ayame's name and the pain of love to fester in her heart
>Get trapped with her in a cold cave, wrap yourselves with your clothes and touch your naked bodies to share bodyheat
>Ayame's immune system catches an oni cold and has to get pampared
>Treating her wounds leads to you touching her in forbidden places
>Ayame shares a drink of sake with you with her mouth
This all culminates with Ayame saying 'Fuck it, I love this nigga now' and raping you with enough consent.

>> No.75949812

I NEED to be sexually harassed by a magical girl abusing her power and fame to get away with it. Bonus points for it being a hag that's successfully tricked everyone but you into thinking she's still a high school girl and not a lonely 30 something office worker.

>> No.75949919

>Anon is a sentai theme hero
>he gets tasked with doing mundane shit because the magical hag can fly everywhere and defeat monsters
>light femdon, maybe some sex
>day ends with Anon rider drinking with the defeated monsters that complain because sentai laws hurt less

>> No.75949959
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Earlier today I was playing around for a moment with the concept of a 90's style extremely American localization of Hololive and its chuubas. And why not go balls deep and actually have it set in the 90's. Maybe Hololive on this timeline is a TV show which features holos playing the newest games, silly short cartoons and all kinds of chuuba stuff adapted into their 90's TV analogs. And also a graveyard slot show called Midnight Hololive where every night there's a different group of holos playing games and it has an SMS chat on screen.

>> No.75950107

ALS had it all: smut, plot and drama.
As for KC, it scratched my hetero itch and probably the only hetero fic there is on the archive. Open to being proven wrong though.

>> No.75950425

I'm still mad over the happy ending.
I mean I'm happy that anon and fubuki were happy but FUCK I wanted it to hurt more.

>> No.75950575

>SMS chat on screen.
Hit them with the fan letters/live calls

>> No.75950678
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wanna know what's another fucked Holo timeline? The Red Alert 3 timeline. You can easily write in there that in that timeline, Yagoo was called upon to help with recruitment. With no EN and ID formed, its just all JP and they all serve in various branches of the Imperial Armed Forces.

>> No.75951968

No dying

>> No.75951971
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>realize that I may be way over my head with my story's subject matter vis a vis my own ability to write about it competently
We'll do it live! FUCK IT!

>> No.75952365

Been there.
Write it out. You'll realize what you're doing wrong.
After all, I've written fantastic smut without ever touching a woman.

>> No.75952548

Shit, man. Yeah, I'll just head into it and hope for the best.
As long as it's somewhat legible by the end, I think I'll be alright.

>> No.75952587

It's only a problem if your target audience is a lot more familiar with it.

>> No.75952614

Write it anyway. We're not making high literature here. Accept that your first few stories aren't going to be very good, and look at them as stepping stones to someday write stories that are slightly better.

>> No.75952809

>We're not making high literature here.
Speak for yourself, fag.
My description of Fubuki's farthole will be studied by scholars for decades to come.

>> No.75954416

Many such cases

>> No.75955276

Don't die

>> No.75956009

where the fuck is everyone

>> No.75956158

playing dmc3

>> No.75956543

Can't get this 'dominant magical girls' idea out of my head

>> No.75956786
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If your chuuba was real and acquainted with (you), what would she like you for? Would you even able to click with each other, or would you be as incompatible as an ant nest and a high-voltage transformer?

Bonus points: avoid using variations of "my dick" and anything that implies "my amazing ability to have sex".

>> No.75956931

We're just back to normal. I'm more curious about why the last few threads were so active.

>> No.75956968

Wedgie guy started writing a lot and the motivation trickle down effect kicked in

>> No.75957524

You know, sometimes I wonder if Mio would be happy with someone like me. I have boring hobbies like writing and reading, I like building LEGO, I used to play guitar, but it's less about our hobbies and more about how our mentalities are parallel and yet similar.
A couple of years ago in that Minecraft stream where she went 'Hey, doesn't matter if I'm the best, I'll give it my best." regardless of her self-doubt, I fell for her. And it hurts me to know that that self-doubt has robbed her of her full potential.
I have that same mentality, except that I'm more of 'What if you fail?-Why would I?' type of person. I give it my all because there's nothing else to give. Mio's relaxed approach to her anxieties is a complete 180 to how I handle my own problems. She knows her shortcomings are there and does things anyways while I pretend they don't exist and then they come back and bite me in the ass.

She's something I'm missing, but am I something she's missing? I'm not sure.

But at least, I know she'd love my dick

>> No.75957649

>wedgieanon proves that he writes wedgies solely because he wants to, and decides to step down from his throne of wordsmithing to fuck his sister Kanata
>New writers join the fray
>Discussion regarding fics here and there
>Lots of new stories

>> No.75957784

You keep triying to turn him into a thread celebrity and its getting annoying.
He already got laughed off, no need to keep recycling the bit until its dry. If he comes back and acts like a shithead again then sure, fire away

>> No.75958103

The other anon asked why the threads had been so active. We can't exclude that shitshow from the facts.

>> No.75958539
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To answer my own question: nah, Suisei won't even consider me. She is her own shining star, independent, set on the future and pushing through with whatever talent she has and a ton of effort - the complete opposite of me. She has gone to the heights unimaginable, and will hopefully retire a very successful and fulfilled woman. I just want my escapism media at this point, man. It did trick me for a while that I needed to have actual friendships and, god forbid, love. l now understand that I am just a husk under all the random trivia, media preferences, opinions and whining I expel into the world and that's no basis for an actual meaningful connection. And being able to put in effort to begin with without feeling like you are about to keel over from a mixture of boredom and frustration is a talent in an of itself, with which I wasn't blessed.

>> No.75958945

Playing monopoly go and watching videos on YT.

>> No.75958957

Playing tekken

>> No.75958996

Inseminating my oshi so that I can describe it better in my fics.

>> No.75959097
File: 362 KB, 220x220, homelander-upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would she like you for?

>> No.75959710

At work I assume.

>> No.75959931

I like to think it something like The Boys where the magicsl girls are different shades of fucked up due to fame and corpo stuff and you a lowly manager and some indies try to bring down the corporation

>> No.75960327
File: 311 KB, 1536x2048, 4ecd2343ccec788ec46bf949c9277e2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an oshi anymore, but I feel like Aqua would respond well to my bantz and that I'd have the best chemistry with her. It's definitely not because I'm a dumbass!
I woke up from my delusions and realized that my "oshi" at this point is just a paper oshi, it's been million years since I actually kept up with her streams and stuff.

>> No.75960464
File: 2.82 MB, 610x640, nakiri-ayame-ayame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayame overhears some suit that works for a sponsor call her lazy
>Talk her down from decapitating him for impugning her honor as an oni

>> No.75960524
File: 172 KB, 1080x1280, F3Sl_pPaEAAdwFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can definitely see myself being good friends with suityan but anything more than that is a no-go.

>> No.75961167
File: 216 KB, 808x1085, subaru_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 1 of Shu-Ba-Oh! - Destined Rivals


The year is 2001. On the eve of Spring Break, a young lad named Anon can barely wait for school to end. However, when a new student named Subaru suddenly appears, Anon is dragged into the world of children's trading card games.
Tags: Subaru, SFW, Childhood friends, card game

>> No.75961185

Sorry I can't post about sniffing stinky Suisei pits at my work desk

>> No.75961469
File: 1.86 MB, 1117x1812, watersideojou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she'd at least be interested because I'm a weird foreigner that knows and likes her. But she's over 1500 years old, so she probably has seen too much for the novelty to be strong...

>> No.75961482

>Make a mistake and send Leopard Warrior as this week's villain again
>Hah fuck oh shit
>Making shit out of your ass,calling interns and using the comms to fix everything in record time as they all get to the scene
>Akshually its NEO Leopard Warrior, a clon created with the battle data of GAMERS. He was developed by Dr Wild-e and if he defeats Kemonos he can absorb their powers
>Save us Deathstars!
>They give a good showing and even job a little to sell this guy
>People absolutely love it. Powerscalers are over the moon and girls write fanfics about Neo Leopard Warrior X Beast Master
>And You.
>You have to answer for the wounded pride of two mega celebrities dealing with a reskin

>> No.75963026

marine would love me for my ability to provide her the ability to do whatever hobby or activity she wants, and spending the evening at home relaxing and giving each other's ancient bodies a much-needed tension relieving massage
she would also appreciate the barely constrained sexual desire i direct towards her plus the random motorboating and ass pinching throughout the day

>> No.75963513

Once I pinch her ass she'll want no more of your weak, unrefined technique.

>> No.75963522

That sounds like a lighthearted comedy that can pivot into sex at any time
>(You) are the one tasked with creating the monsters and sending them to the city so the girls can fight them every week
>You just want to write thinly veiled fetish fuel stuff because magical girls get you horny
>Due to egos, fuckups, sudden schedules and stuff you have to constantly improvise
>This week You created MIRROR MASTER because you wanted Lamycest...except Nene showed up because lamy is sick
>aaagh you fucking hate Nene! she's so strong and always blows right through your creations
>Send SOLAR MINOTAUR, some shmuck you made just to spite her because he's a tough cookie that can punch the shit out of her
>okay and maybe Ryona is hot
>Nene realizes she cant win in bruteforce alone, so she turns them against each other using reflections
>You accidentally Toriyama'd another kino shonen battle. Nene vs Labyrinth Duo is a mega hit
>Meanwhile you get visited (and corrected) by Lamy who caught wind of you triying to get her to make out with clones of herself in live television

>> No.75964197

>and corrected
This, but correction isn't sex. She literally splits your head open with a bottle while she yells at you, then pisses on you because you suck. With a sigh, Choco steps in and heals you with a Succubus Kiss.

>Cue the Towa is a villian that somehow ends up doing only good things, like trying to poisong the water supply but instead she makes it rich in vitamins that a bunch of people lack
>Kanata could give less of a shit about being a magical girl, and the safety of those around her is always in danger whenever she's summoned. The villians also fear her Judgement Grip
>Shiori, the Archiver, likes to trap monsters and chuubas in her book and write about them.
>Marine's is summoned when a woman is about to get raped, offering herself instead, but the men then become upstanding members of society, thus Marine never scores.

>> No.75964235

My dick and the out of this world sex we'd have

>> No.75964490
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I think Flare would like me, judging by her interactions with Polka and Noel. She seems to be hololive's resident menhera fixer. I think she'd also appreciate my eccentricities, though most people for some reason tend to as well.

>> No.75965459

I think Mumei and I would get along fine. Maybe we wouldn’t share every interest but that’s okay. I think it would just be nice to have someone to talk to who has interesting or fun things to say.

>> No.75966894

You should be. Just tell your boss it's of the utmost importance.

>> No.75968327

Sex with Fuwawa (not mococo, ew)

>> No.75969260

Realistically? No, we'd only stay as acquaintances (the only way I'm seeing myself even becoming remotely connected with her is if I somehow became her English teacher or worked for Cover somehow, and that's already of a stretch). Our lifestyles would just be so incompatible - she'll be busy with projects and streams, and I'd be busy with my own projects and hobbies (including writing). Unless there were a very special set of circumstances that combined into a "perfect storm" of sorts for us to get to know each other better (and be attracted to one another), not much will come out of it.
Also, even if we did somehow get together, I'd be a pretty terrible boyfriend with my tendency to go full hermit mode when it comes to shit I'm working on. She'd get mad at why I don't message her often and such.

>> No.75969327

*a bit of a stretch

>> No.75969470

My dad was the same way about work, and so am I. You need to find someone who understands how project workers and creative types think and who’s willing to deal with that

>> No.75969625

Stepping a bit away from horny for a moment. There's a couple of stories I can see with this general theme.
Aside from this >>75959931 "rebellion within the system" type, which will probably consist of equal parts dealing with the excesses and insanity of the magical chuubas, and trying to find and the right chuuba to spark the rebellion into high gear.
Then there's the schmuck watching that magical girls aren't all what he thought they'd be. Which would be the scenario where (You) are just some random admirer of mahou shoujos who get caught up in some random episode as a background character... Except you manage to get the attention of one of them, and now you're going to see the depths of a magical girl's lust whether you want to or not.
Finally, the hentai villain gets the tables turned on them scenario. (You) have a power list straight out of one of those waifu catalog fics (i.e some manner of overpowered ability combined with some hentai powers like having an orgasmic touch or being able to cook food that makes people cum and the ability to stamp out womb crests), and you've been making progress towards claiming the holowitches. Now everything was set up to claim them as your own... Except it doesn't go your way.
You may have marked Marine with your touch but that just made them fight harder, Chloe may have a womb tattoo now but she doesn't betray them, etc.
Now you're begging for your life thinking they're going to kill (exorcise) you. They have other plans.

>> No.75969839

Yeah, there's a precious few of those kind of people within the circles I'm in, and even fewer women. But they're there. I'll deal with it somehow... when I can actually be arsed to. Lmao.
Anyway, chuubas.

>> No.75971685
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I think we could definitely be friends. We would get along great as a pair of millennial otakus, not to mention Marine is a very affable person in general. I also tend to be the friend you vent to, and Marine often needs someone like that. Whether the relationship can turn into something more, I don't know. If there's one thing I've learned about romance, is that who you fall in love with, and who falls in love with you, is something you cannot predict or premeditate despite all the preferences and ideals in the world. I would like to say yes, of course, but we may be like oil and water.
I don't think there's anything particularly special or likable about me. But at the same time, Marine doesn't think there's anything particularly special or likable about her, so maybe in that sense, we are a perfect match. I could list all the things that make Marine wonderful, in this hypothetical. could she be able do the same for me? Only others can determine your true worth. I am by most metrics, average. I have nothing I can offer Marine that she can't get herself. The only thing I could offer her is my love, loyalty, and support. If she would be alright with that, then I'd never leave her side.

>> No.75972079

i think she might be appreciative that i'm a decent listener for people's problems
i'd be terrified of her though, really, someone like that talking to me? i would be suspicious

>> No.75973046

Very cute! I don't usually watch Subaru, but I think you have a good grasp on her infectiously happy, chuuni side.

>> No.75974139

You mustn't die!

>> No.75974241

My best guess would be based on the comparison of the experience with my best friend. He shares similar traits with my oshi or, at least, shares some of those that I think made me love my oshi also no, I don’t have feelings for him lol. So based on this, my oshi would possibly bring out the best of me. In fact I think we would get along pretty well. Unfortunately though she probably wouldn’t like me in the sense that I would hope, but it’s hard to even imagine how she would love anyone at all in that way.

Also I was going to answer the “what would she like you for” part but to be honestly I don’t even know what even my friends/family like me for. I have some guesses but they are not related to the question so I’ll skip writing them, I just wanted to let you know that you raised a pretty good question I’ll want to answer for myself.

>> No.75974376

Cute, you might want to do a thing I've seen in other ygo fanfics where you use hyperlinks to the yugioh wiki(yugipedia) so people not familiar with the cards can see the cards directly when they're mentioned. Pretty sure that might be a pain point that might make other readers bounce off of this.
Hope future chapters have good "choreography" for the duels. I realize this is more meant as a slice of life thing with old ygo cards ala that magic the gathering Manga but a card based ygo fic without some heart of the cards bullshit isn't right.
Other than that, this is a pretty good prologue, I'd absolutely read more of this.

>> No.75975243

how would you rate the chereography for this duel? does it flow well or does it genuinely feel like too much talking?

>> No.75975814

Never left btw. While I do agree I got too impulsive, nobody gonna drive me off anything.

>> No.75976084

It's a bit basic in terms of being an anime style duel. Though that's mostly because this is clearly meant to be a tutorial duel done by kids in a literal park.
Dialogue feels right for what it intends to do.

>> No.75976255

As someone with just a pasing knowledge of Yugioh i can tell yo that you should maybe tone YGO a bit because it turns into a solid chunk of "uuugh" halfway through
Not saying you shouldnt have duels in it, because that's the soul of the fic in of itself, but you can avoid going play by play in the future. The magic manga was already mentioned by another anon and that manages to make a kusogame like magic fun because it jumps you into the cool plays with enough context.

It might sound like im ragging on it, but i quite liked it. Captures that summer vibe greatly and the personality anon has is quite unique. Keep at it

>> No.75976704

Mori: she likes smaller men, can understand her long hours
Kiara: we're both yapsters and both of us like cats
Kronii: maybe be her confidence, can Subway together in peace
Ollie: we're both simps and both do holo fan work
Marine: we're both horni, being there to listen to her insecurities
Polka: being there to understand her menhera bursts
Chloe: we can get stinky together then uh...be confident for her I guess?

>> No.75977468

This hit different when I was writing it. Hope you enjoy if you're still around, Anon!

"A Wandering Pair"
Tags: reader pov, omaru polka, SFW

>> No.75977730

Now write about Polka running off to the circus and trying to convince you to come with.

>> No.75979731


>> No.75981253
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>> No.75981419

Ok we tried being nice.
Now we have to write the molestation fics

>> No.75981507
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on the plus side, I can make people laugh
on the minus side, I'm mentally a wreck
she'd either go full saviorfag or write me off as a lost cause

>> No.75982081

Shiori trauma dumping to you

>> No.75982372

But would she sit on your face?

>> No.75982715
File: 391 KB, 300x300, Bae Sway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. I love people with passion and end up gravitating towards them.
There is a reason every person ive ever been friends with is either really talented or in the spectrum...or both

>> No.75983175
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she would certainly scoff at the idea, but I wouldn't even feel deserving to stand in her presence. She is someone who is so radiant and cheery that it feels a waste for her to be near someone so menhera and mentally troubled as me.

That being said, she may very well taken it upon herself to brighten my day. Not fix me, but she is the type of person who would insist on making sure someone who's as down as I am feels happy. She's far to good for the world.

>> No.75983425
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god I hope so

>> No.75983535

Every good chuuba wants to sit on their fans' faces.

>> No.75983807
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yeah, definitely will change up the pacing
i probably should have made it chuuni but i also wanted to paint subaru as someone who really cares about the details, even if shes a young girl
definitely will try and reign it back a bit on the actual gameplay stuff. i'm glad you got the summer vibe, i tried to base it off of my experiences with the game as well

thank you for reading!

>> No.75983936
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a bit stuck. havent worked on it in a while, but the general outline of the chapter is done.
Just have to squeeze it out into the paper and avoid writing another oneshot

>> No.75984289

That was a cute little fic, thank you!

>> No.75984338

It's crazy to me how good some of you are at remembering plots and titles. The best I can usually do is vaguely describe a fic's sexiest part.

>> No.75984886

real recognize real

>> No.75986790
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You may not realize it, anon, but some of the cheeriest among us are those that hide an even deeper kind of darkness within themselves. So dark that the likes of you and me won't even realize it's there in the first place. That's what makes Sora so fucking hot in my eyes.

>> No.75986875
File: 795 KB, 1490x1300, schools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. I'm here to bring you a weird story that's also kind of a place to ramble about my weird fascination with Medieval philosophy.

"Medieval Synthesis"
Tags: Promise, School AU, Theology, Philosophy

This story contains a wedgie in it that is not the main focus, read at your own discretion.

>> No.75987429

Different kind of darkness, anon. Very different kind.

>> No.75988764
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>> No.75989545

>>This story contains a wedgie in it
Thanks for the warning.

>> No.75989824

It’s just for a joke but I know some people are sensitive about it

>> No.75990374

Tags exist for a reason, jackass.

>> No.75990543

It is not the main focus of the story or even close to it. If it were, I would tag it.

>> No.75990815

It's down to rereading, mostly.

>> No.75992043

Huh, good job on this, really enjoyed it as well. Really enjoyed the plot of the story and the struggle of having to explain a complex topic to those not really interested or knowledgeable on a topic. I'm interested in this continuing in the future Anon.

>> No.75992689

Imma try not be a snide asshole here but just inserting a wedgie out there with no rhyme or reason is just... distracting. Im fine ignoring it most of the time but when its clearly a realistic fic that tries its hardest to have its feet on the floor and you read about it, well it kills the mood.

Characterization is...novel. ITs AU so its not like it matters but it is funny seing Bae as not the constat rape target and Kronii to be assholish and not interested in dumb trivia.

I feel like this fic is at odds. The content is fine, but it has those wedgie fetish aspects that put it into the weird cartoon zone where logic is tenuous

>> No.75993175

Huh. That definitely wasn't the tone I was going for. I was aiming for a level of absurdism.

>> No.75993498

Its cute but i kinda wish it covered the meeting part. That's usually where characters work the best.
Still cute
I mean if you say that i think you approached the subject matter a bit too eagerly for it to be absurd.
It gives me the same vibes as scorigami. That one is impenetrable for someone that doesnt know what's referencing and as a result it comes off as weirdo babble.
This one is a bit too grounded to be absurd so for the outsider it just feels like you wanted to talk about the subject and everything else is kind of clipped on top of it

>> No.75994003
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>> No.75994223

Maybe. I just personally found the juxtaposition amusing. And the pun.

>> No.75994338

I also can't help feeling that the well got poisoned before anyone got to drink from it because of the guy who got mad about a small part of the subject matter. Maybe I'll remove it.

>> No.75995853
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>> No.75997674

That's a lot of delicious-looking oni meat

>> No.75998900

>all his EN oshi have hefty asses
Welp, its been nice knowing yall haha

>> No.75999256

A big ass is good. It gives you room to breathe through the crack and you want to feel the pelvis pressing down on your skull as little as possible, trust me.

>> No.76000497

I want to shove those tassel orbs up her butt.

>> No.76001550

They look a bit big but I guess Ayame already has stories with stuff going up her butt.

>> No.76002637

AAAA was great short fun

>> No.76004370

NTA but I would have to suggest cranking up the absurd levels by a lot. Leave the wedgie, it's harmless enough.

>> No.76006345

You can't die yet

>> No.76006411

Wait there's a fic about a football game ending with a unique score that's never happened before?

>> No.76006599

Out of curiosity, how would you suggest that be done?

>> No.76008023
File: 122 KB, 1280x907, 112238735_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexual intercourse with fubuki shiragami

>> No.76008093

I would for one, suggest, breaking up the big blocks of discussion about the topic with more shenanigans. I think that would also make the wedgie you did focus on feel like over-focused on.

>"“Some things slotted in right away because the details were similar enough that they could easily both be true. Other things were more difficult, like conflicting characterizations or contradictory lore details. But they settled this by deciding that each version showed a different side of the core canon. A character being portrayed as intense in one version of a scene while being sarcastic in the other meant that he hid his true intensity behind a facade of humor, for example. And so they combined the two versions of the series into one, as best they could, synthesizing the apparently contradictory knowledge into a single holistic understanding.”"

My eyes are glazing over reading this. I know this is the subject you're writing for and want to focus on, but damn, I only have the barest of ideas of what in the hell is being talked about and the rest of the writing around it isn't making me at least want to engage with it to learn more. Throw more of the mentioned "The amount of times the brunette professor had dished out a detention for all manner of poking, prodding, pinching, skirt flipping, hair pulling, and whatever other nastiness" into the whole thing instead of condensing it into a really weird section of its own.

>> No.76008334

Why am I brown?
Hold on, I just got called into my boss's office. I think I'm getting that promotion today!

>> No.76008573

Good point, thank you for the example. Wrote from there to the end first so it definitely feels the most fleshed out save for the very beginning. I will do some reworks and notify thread when I’m done.

>> No.76008611

Anon no! Think of the poor advertisers!

>> No.76008672

Is there a baker around?

>> No.76008929

